165 research outputs found

    The clustering of H β\beta + [O III] and [O II] emitters since z \tilde 5: dependencies with line luminosity and stellar mass

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    We investigate the clustering properties of ∼7000 H β + [O III] and [O II] narrowband-selected emitters at z ∼ 0.8–4.7 from the High-z Emission Line Survey. We find clustering lengths, r0, of 1.5–4.0 h−1 Mpc and minimum dark matter halo masses of 1010.7–12.1 M⊙ for our z = 0.8–3.2 H β + [O III] emitters and r0 ∼ 2.0–8.3 h−1 Mpc and halo masses of 1011.5–12.6 M⊙ for our z = 1.5–4.7 [O II] emitters. We find r0 to strongly increase both with increasing line luminosity and redshift. By taking into account the evolution of the characteristic line luminosity, L⋆(z), and using our model predictions of halo mass given r0, we find a strong, redshift-independent increasing trend between L/L⋆(z) and minimum halo mass. The faintest H β + [O III] emitters are found to reside in 109.5 M⊙ haloes and the brightest emitters in 1013.0 M⊙ haloes. For [O II] emitters, the faintest emitters are found in 1010.5 M⊙ haloes and the brightest emitters in 1012.6 M⊙ haloes. A redshift-independent stellar mass dependency is also observed where the halo mass increases from 1011 to 1012.5 M⊙ for stellar masses of 108.5 to 1011.5 M⊙, respectively. We investigate the interdependencies of these trends by repeating our analysis in a Lline−Mstar grid space for our most populated samples (H β + [O III] z = 0.84 and [O II] z = 1.47) and find that the line luminosity dependency is stronger than the stellar mass dependency on halo mass. For L > L⋆ emitters at all epochs, we find a relatively flat trend with halo masses of 1012.5–13 M⊙, which may be due to quenching mechanisms in massive haloes that is consistent with a transitional halo mass predicted by models

    Evolutionary history of the Karoo bush rat, Myotomys unisulcatus (Rodentia: Muridae): disconcordance between morphology and genetics

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    Morphological characters have historically been used as the basis for mammalian taxonomic designations and, in a geographic context, subspecies descriptions. Geographic genetic structuring of a species, however, often reflects a contrasting classification for sampled populations. To investigate morphological and genetic congruence, geometric morphometrics and phylogeographic mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses of a South African plainsdwelling species, Myotomys unisulcatus, the Karoo bush rat, was performed across its range. A Bayesian population structure analysis identified two closely-related distinct genetic assemblages: the first contains populations from both the eastern, southern, and western parts of the species range (coastal lowland group), and the second comprises individuals from the Little Karoo (central interior group). Areas of sharp elevation (the Great Escarpment), coupled to vegetational differences, appeared to be the main factor limiting gene flow between these two groups. Geometric morphometric analyses on the ventral and dorsal views of the crania of M. unisulcatus failed to support the genetic groupings. Instead environmental factors in the respective biomes appeared to play a more important role in shaping the crania of both genders. The contrasting patterns obtained between morphology and genetics in M. unisulcatus is probably indicative of phenotypic plasticity throughout the range of the species, and it is hypothesized that regional environmental factors play a prominent role in explaining geographic morphological variation within the species

    A 10 deg^2 Lyman α survey at z=8.8 with spectroscopic follow-up: strong constraints on the luminosity function and implications for other surveys

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    Candidate galaxies at redshifts of z ∼ 10 are now being found in extremely deep surveys, probing very small areas. As a consequence, candidates are very faint, making spectroscopic confirmation practically impossible. In order to overcome such limitations, we have undertaken the CF-HiZELS survey, which is a large-area, medium-depth near-infrared narrow-band survey targeted at z = 8.8 Lyman α (Lyα) emitters (LAEs) and covering 10 deg2 in part of the SSA22 field with the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). We surveyed a comoving volume of 4.7 × 106 Mpc3 to a Lyα luminosity limit of 6.3 × 1043 erg s−1. We look for Lyα candidates by applying the following criteria: (i) clear emission-line source, (ii) no optical detections (ugriz from CFHTLS), (iii) no visible detection in the optical stack (ugriz > 27), (iv) visually checked reliable NBJ and J detections and (v) J − K ≤ 0. We compute photometric redshifts and remove a significant amount of dusty lower redshift line-emitters at z ∼ 1.4 or 2.2. A total of 13 Lyα candidates were found, of which two are marked as strong candidates, but the majority have very weak constraints on their spectral energy distributions. Using follow-up observations with SINFONI/VLT, we are able to exclude the most robust candidates as LAEs. We put a strong constraint on the Lyα luminosity function at z ∼ 9 and make realistic predictions for ongoing and future surveys. Our results show that surveys for the highest redshift LAEs are susceptible of multiple contaminations and that spectroscopic follow-up is absolutely necessary

    The Cystic Fibrosis-Like Airway Surface Layer Is not a Significant Barrier for Delivery of Eluforsen to Airway Epithelial Cells

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    Background: Eluforsen (previously known as QR-010) is a 33-mer antisense oligonucleotide under development for oral inhalation in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with the delta F508 mutation. Previous work has shown that eluforsen restores CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) function in vitro and in vivo. To be effective, eluforsen has first to reach its primary target, the lung epithelial cells. Therefore, it has to diffuse through the CF airway surface layer (ASL), which in CF is characterized by the presence of thick and viscous mucus, impaired mucociliary clearance, and persistent infections. The goal of this study was to assess delivery of eluforsen through CF-like ASL. Methods and Results: First, air-liquid interface studies with cultured primary airway epithelial cells revealed that eluforsen rapidly diffuses through CF-like mucus at clinically relevant doses when nebulized once or repeatedly, over a range of testing doses. Furthermore, eluforsen concentrations remained stable in CF patient sputum for at least 48 hours, and eluforsen remained intact in the presence of various inhaled CF medications for at least 24 hours. When testing biodistribution of eluforsen after orotracheal administration in vivo, no differences in lung, liver, trachea, and kidney eluforsen concentration were observed between mice with a CF-like lung phenotype (ENaC-overexpressing mice) and control wild-Type (WT) littermates. Also, eluforsen was visualized in the airway epithelial cell layer of CF-like muco-obstructed mice and WT littermates. Finally, studies of eluforsen uptake and binding to bacteria prevalent in CF lungs, and diffusion through bacterial biofilms showed that eluforsen was stable and not absorbed by, or bound to bacteria. In addition, eluforsen was found to be able to penetrate Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Conclusions: The thickened and concentrated CF ASL does not constitute a significant barrier for delivery of eluforsen, and feasibility of oral inhalation of eluforsen is supported by these data

    Equivalent widths of Lyman α\alpha emitters in MUSE-Wide and MUSE-Deep

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    The aim of this study is to better understand the connection between the Lyman α\alpha rest-frame equivalent width (EW0_0) and spectral properties as well as ultraviolet (UV) continuum morphology by obtaining reliable EW0_0 histograms for a statistical sample of galaxies and by assessing the fraction of objects with large equivalent widths. We used integral field spectroscopy from MUSE combined with broad-band data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) to measure EW0_0. We analysed the emission lines of 19201920 Lyman α\alpha emitters (LAEs) detected in the full MUSE-Wide (one hour exposure time) and MUSE-Deep (ten hour exposure time) surveys and found UV continuum counterparts in archival HST data. We fitted the UV continuum photometric images using the Galfit software to gain morphological information on the rest-UV emission and fitted the spectra obtained from MUSE to determine the double peak fraction, asymmetry, full-width at half maximum, and flux of the Lyman α\alpha line. The two surveys show different histograms of Lyman α\alpha EW0_0. In MUSE-Wide, 20%20\% of objects have EW0>240_0 > 240 \r{A}, while this fraction is only 11%11\% in MUSE-Deep and ≈16%\approx 16\% for the full sample. This includes objects without HST continuum counterparts (one-third of our sample), for which we give lower limits for EW0_0. The object with the highest securely measured EW0_0 has EW0=589±193_0=589 \pm 193 \r{A} (the highest lower limit being EW0=4464_0=4464 \r{A}). We investigate the connection between EW0_0 and Lyman α\alpha spectral or UV continuum morphological properties. The survey depth has to be taken into account when studying EW0_0 distributions. We find that in general, high EW0_0 objects can have a wide range of spectral and UV morphological properties, which might reflect that the underlying causes for high EW0_0 values are equally varied. (abridged)Comment: 28 pages, 21 + 1 figures, 7 + 1 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    ALMA reveals metals yet no dust within multiple components in CR7

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    We present spectroscopic follow-up observations of CR7 with ALMA, targeted at constraining the infrared (IR) continuum and [CII]158μm_{158 \mu \rm m} line-emission at high spatial resolution matched to the HST/WFC3 imaging. CR7 is a luminous Lyα\alpha emitting galaxy at z=6.6z=6.6 that consists of three separated UV-continuum components. Our observations reveal several well-separated components of [CII] emission. The two most luminous components in [CII] coincide with the brightest UV components (A and B), blue-shifted by ≈150\approx 150 km s−1^{-1} with respect to the peak of Lyα\alpha emission. Other [CII] components are observed close to UV clumps B and C and are blue-shifted by ≈300\approx300 and ≈80\approx80 km s−1^{-1} with respect to the systemic redshift. We do not detect FIR continuum emission due to dust with a 3σ\sigma limiting luminosity LIR(Td=35 K)CR7sclumpshavemetallicitiesof_{\rm IR} (T_d = 35 \rm \, K) CR7s clumps have metallicities of 0.1\rm Z/Z_{\odot}0.2$. The observed ISM structure of CR7 indicates that we are likely witnessing the build up of a central galaxy in the early Universe through complex accretion of satellites

    Faint end of the <i>z</i> ∼ 3–7 luminosity function of Lyman-alpha emitters behind lensing clusters observed with MUSE

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    Contact. This paper presents the results obtained with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the ESO Very Large Telescope on the faint end of the Lyman-alpha luminosity function (LF) based on deep observations of four lensing clusters. The goal of our project is to set strong constraints on the relative contribution of the Lyman-alpha emitter (LAE) population to cosmic reionization. Aims. The precise aim of the present study is to further constrain the abundance of LAEs by taking advantage of the magnification provided by lensing clusters to build a blindly selected sample of galaxies which is less biased than current blank field samples in redshift and luminosity. By construction, this sample of LAEs is complementary to those built from deep blank fields, whether observed by MUSE or by other facilities, and makes it possible to determine the shape of the LF at fainter levels, as well as its evolution with redshift. Methods. We selected a sample of 156 LAEs with redshifts between 2.9 ≤ z ≤ 6.7 and magnification-corrected luminosities in the range 39 ≲ log LLyα [erg s−1] ≲43. To properly take into account the individual differences in detection conditions between the LAEs when computing the LF, including lensing configurations, and spatial and spectral morphologies, the non-parametric 1/Vmax method was adopted. The price to pay to benefit from magnification is a reduction of the effective volume of the survey, together with a more complex analysis procedure to properly determine the effective volume Vmax for each galaxy. In this paper we present a complete procedure for the determination of the LF based on IFU detections in lensing clusters. This procedure, including some new methods for masking, effective volume integration and (individual) completeness determinations, has been fully automated when possible, and it can be easily generalized to the analysis of IFU observations in blank fields. Results. As a result of this analysis, the Lyman-alpha LF has been obtained in four different redshift bins: 2.9 &lt;  z &lt;  6, 7, 2.9 &lt;  z &lt;  4.0, 4.0 &lt;  z &lt;  5.0, and 5.0 &lt;  z &lt;  6.7 with constraints down to log LLyα = 40.5. From our data only, no significant evolution of LF mean slope can be found. When performing a Schechter analysis also including data from the literature to complete the present sample towards the brightest luminosities, a steep faint end slope was measured varying from α = −1.69−0.08+0.08 to α = −1.87−0.12+0.12 between the lowest and the highest redshift bins. Conclusions. The contribution of the LAE population to the star formation rate density at z ∼ 6 is ≲50% depending on the luminosity limit considered, which is of the same order as the Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) contribution. The evolution of the LAE contribution with redshift depends on the assumed escape fraction of Lyman-alpha photons, and appears to slightly increase with increasing redshift when this fraction is conservatively set to one. Depending on the intersection between the LAE/LBG populations, the contribution of the observed galaxies to the ionizing flux may suffice to keep the universe ionized at z ∼ 6.</jats:p
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