161 research outputs found

    Asynchroner CMOS–Bildsensor mit erweitertem Dynamikbereich und Unterdrückung zeitlich redundanter Daten: Asynchroner CMOS–Bildsensor mit erweitertem Dynamikbereich und Unterdrückung zeitlich redundanter Daten

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Entwurf eines asynchron arbeitenden, zeitbasierten CMOS–Bildsensors mit erhöhtem Dynamikbereich und Unterdrückung zeitlich redundanter Daten. Aufgrund immer kleinerer Strukturgrößen in modernen Prozessen zur Fertigung von Halbleitern und einer gleichzeitig physikalisch bedingt immer geringeren Skalierbarkeit konventioneller Bildsensoren wird es zunehmend möglich und praktikabel, Signalverarbeitungsansätze auf Pixelebene zu implementieren. Unter Berücksichtigung dieser Entwicklungen befasst sich die folgende Arbeit mit dem Entwurf eines neuartigen CMOS–Bildsensors mit nahezu vollständiger Unterdrückung zeitlich redundanter Daten auf Pixelebene. Jedes photosensitive Element in der Matrix arbeitet dabei vollkommen autonom. Es detektiert selbständig Änderungen in der Bestrahlung und gibt den Absolutwert nur beim Auftreten einer solchen Änderung mittels asynchroner Signalisierung nach außen. Darüber hinaus zeichnet sich der entwickelte Bildaufnehmer durch einen, gegenüber herkömmlichen Bildsensoren, deutlich erhöhten Dynamikbereich und eine niedrige Energieaufnahme aus, wodurch das Prinzip besonders für die Verwendung in Systemen für den mobilen Einsatz oder zur Durchführung von Überwachungsaufgaben geeignet ist. Die Realisierbarkeit des Konzepts wurde durch die erfolgreiche Implementierung eines entsprechenden Bildaufnehmers in einem Standard–CMOS–Prozess nachgewiesen. Durch die Größe des Designs von 304 x 240 Bildelementen, die den Umfang üblicher Prototypen-Realisierungen deutlich übersteigt, konnte speziell die Anwendbarkeit im Bereich größerer Sensorfelder gezeigt werden. Der Schaltkreis wurde erfolgreich getestet, wobei sowohl das Gesamtsystem als auch einzelne Schaltungsteile messtechnisch analysiert worden sind. Die nachgewiesene Bildqualität deckt sich dabei in guter Näherung mit den theoretischen Vorbetrachtungen

    First stages of the InP(1 0 0) surfaces nitridation studied by AES, EELS and EPES

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    The nitrides of group III metals: AlN, GaN and InN are very important materials due to their applications for short wavelength opto-electronics (light-emitting diodes and laser diodes). It is essential for the realization of such novel devices to grow high-quality nitride single crystals. In this paper, we report the first stages of the InP(1 0 0) surfaces nitridation in order to grow high-quality nitride films. Indeed, the nitridation process is an important step in the growth of nitrides [J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 17 (1999) 2194; Phys. Status Solidi A 176 (1999) 595]. Previous works [Synth. Met. 90 (1997) 2233; Appl. Phys. Lett. 63 (1993) 1957] have shown that in situ Ar+ ions bombardment is useful on the one hand to clean the surface, and on the other hand to create droplets of metallic indium in well-controlled quantity. Then the indium metallic enrichment of the surface, monitoring by elastic peak electron spectroscopy (EPES) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) allows to prepare the III-V semiconductors surfaces to the nitridation step. The nitridated process has been performed with a high voltage plasma discharge cell and has been studied using quantitative Auger electron spectroscopy, elastic peak electron spectroscopy and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), in order to optimize the conditions of InN layers formation

    Auger electronic spectroscopy and electrical characterisation of InP(100) surfaces passivated by N2 plasma

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    International audienceAuger electron spectroscopy (AES) was used to investigate the processes taking place during the initial stages of InP(100) surfaces nitridation. This AES study combined with electrical measurements (intensity-potential) shows that the processes greatly differ depending on the nitridation angles. Results show that with grazing angle for nitrogen flow, the nitridation process is more efficient. Results obtained with AES spectra are coherent with electrical measurements : Hg/InN/InP(100) Schottky diodes present better electrical characteristics in the case of a grazing flow. That means, the adsorption of nitrogen on the surface is more important for this configuration

    On the interaction of Mg with the (111) and (110) surfaces of ceria

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    The catalytic activity of cerium dioxide can be modified by deposition of alkaline earth oxide layers or nanoparticles or by substitutional doping of metal cations at the Ce site in ceria. In order to understand the effect of Mg oxide deposition and doping, a combination of experiment and first principles simulations is a powerful tool. In this paper, we examine the interaction of Mg with the ceria (111) surface using both angle resolved X-ray (ARXPS) and resonant (RPES) photoelectron spectroscopy measurements and density functional theory (DFT) corrected for on-site Coulomb interactions (DFT + U). With DFT + U, we also examine the interaction of Mg with the ceria (110) surface. The experiments show that upon deposition of Mg, Ce ions are reduced to Ce3+, while Mg is oxidised. When Mg is incorporated into ceria, no reduced Ce3+ ions are found and oxygen vacancies are present. The DFT + U simulations show that each Mg that is introduced leads to formation of two reduced Ce3+ ions. When Mg is incorporated at a Ce site in the (111) surface, one oxygen vacancy is formed for each Mg to compensate the different valencies, so that all Ce ions are oxidised. The behaviour of Mg upon interaction with the (110) surface is the same as with the (111) surface. The combined results provide a basis for deeper insights into the catalytic behaviour of ceria-based mixed oxide catalysts

    TiO2 nanotubes film/FTO glass interface: Thermal treatment effects

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    Pure Ti films deposited by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering on FTO glass were anodized to fabricate TiO2 nanotubes (NTs) arrays. The TiO2 NTs/FTO samples were sintered at 450, 550 and 630°C, in ambient air. The thermal treatment did not influence the crystal phase composition, preserving in all cases the anatase single phase. As expected, the crystalline anatase quality improved with the annealing temperature. Nevertheless, slight differences in nanotubular morphology, such as the appearance of grains inside the walls, were observed in the case of the sample sintered at 630°C. Chemical analysis by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy of annealed samples revealed the presence of Sn inside TiO2 NTs, due to diffusion of Sn from the substrate to TiO2. For the substrate was used FTO glass whose top layer consists of SnO2 doped with F. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry and Time-of-Flight Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis were carried out to study the elemental depth profile of the films. It was found that the temperature of sintering controls the Sn diffusion inside TiO2 film. Sn atoms diffuse towards the TiO2 NTs surface for the samples annealed at 450 and 550°C. The diffusion is however hindered in the case of the heat treatment at 630°C. Besides, the Ti diffusion into the SnO2 underlayer was observed, together with the formation of TiO2/SnO2 interfaces. One then expected but not a great difference in absorption between samples, since all contained anatase phase, as confirmed by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. A higher amount of Sn was however detected for the sample annealed at 550°C, which accounts for a slight red absorption shift. The importance of controlling the annealing parameters of the anodized TiO2/FTO structures was highlighted through the formation of TiO2-SnO2 interfaces and the Sn insertion from FTO, which can play an essential role in increasing the photoperformances of TiO2 NTs/FTO based structures of photovoltaic cells

    Adsorption and reaction of CO on (Pd–)Al2O3 and (Pd–)ZrO2: vibrational spectroscopy of carbonate formation

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    γ-Alumina is widely used as an oxide support in catalysis, and palladium nanoparticles supported by alumina represent one of the most frequently used dispersed metals. The surface sites of the catalysts are often probed via FTIR spectroscopy upon CO adsorption, which may result in the formation of surface carbonate species. We have examined this process in detail utilizing FTIR to monitor carbonate formation on γ-alumina and zirconia upon exposure to isotopically labelled and unlabelled CO and CO2. The same was carried out for well-defined Pd nanoparticles supported on Al2O3 or ZrO2. A water gas shift reaction of CO with surface hydroxyls was detected, which requires surface defect sites and adjacent OH groups. Furthermore, we have studied the effect of Cl synthesis residues, leading to strongly reduced carbonate formation and changes in the OH region (isolated OH groups were partly replaced or were even absent). To corroborate this finding, samples were deliberately poisoned with Cl to an extent comparable to that of synthesis residues, as confirmed by Auger electron spectroscopy. For catalysts prepared from Cl-containing precursors a new CO band at 2164 cm−1 was observed in the carbonyl region, which was ascribed to Pd interacting with Cl. Finally, the FTIR measurements were complemented by quantification of the amount of carbonates formed via chemisorption, which provides a tool to determine the concentration of reactive defect sites on the alumina surface

    Sensor Artificial Intelligence and its Application to Space Systems - A White Paper

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    A white paper resulting from the 1st Workshop on Sensor AI, April 2020; organized by DLR and the ECDF.Information and communication technologies have accompanied our everyday life for years. A steadily increasing number of computers, cameras, mobile devices, etc. generate more and more data, but at the same time we realize that the data can only partially be analyzed with classical approaches. The research and development of methods based on artificial intelligence (AI) made enormous progress in the area of interpretability of data in recent years. With growing experience, both, the potential and limitations of these new technologies are increasingly better understood. Typically, AI approaches start with the data from which information and directions for action are derived. However, the circumstances under which such data are collected and how they change over time are rarely considered. A closer look at the sensors and their physical properties within AI approaches will lead to more robust and widely applicable algorithms. This holistic approach which considers entire signal chains from the origin to a data product, "Sensor AI", is a highly relevant topic with great potential. It will play a decisive role in autonomous driving as well as in areas of automated production, predictive maintenance or space research. The goal of this white paper is to establish "Sensor AI" as a dedicated research topic. We want to exchange knowledge on the current state-of-the-art on Sensor AI, to identify synergies among research groups and thus boost the collaboration in this key technology for science and industry

    Nitridation of InP(1 0 0) surface studied by synchrotron radiation

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    The nitridation of InP(1 0 0) surfaces has been studied using synchrotron radiation photoemission. The samples were chemically cleaned and then ion bombarded, which cleaned the surface and also induced the formation of metallic indium droplets. The nitridation with a Glow Discharge Cell (GDS) produced indium nitride by reaction with these indium clusters. We used the In 4d and P 2p core levels to monitor the chemical state of the surface and the coverage of the species present. We observed the creation of In-N and P-N bonds while the In-In metallic bonds decrease which confirm the reaction between indium clusters and nitrogen species. A theoretical model based on stacked layers allows us to assert that almost two monolayers of indium nitride are produced. The effect of annealing on the nitridated layers at 450 ^\circC has also been analysed. It appears that this system is stable up to this temperature, well above the congruent evaporation temperature (370 ^\circC) of clean InP(1 0 0): no increase of metallic indium bonds due to decomposition of the substrate is detected as shown in previous works [L. Bideux, Y. Ould-Metidji, B. Gruzza, V. Matolin, Surf. Interface Anal. 34 (2002) 712] studying the InP(1 0 0) surfaces

    Hierarchically Porous Gd3+-Doped CeO2 Nanostructures for the Remarkable Enhancement of Optical and Magnetic Properties

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    Rare earth ion-doped CeO2 has attracted more and more attention because of its special electrical, optical, magnetic, or catalytic properties. In this paper, a facile electrochemical deposition route was reported for the direct growth of the porous Gd-doped CeO2. The formation process of Gd-doped CeO2 composites was investigated. The obtained deposits were characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD, and XPS. The porous Gd3+- doped CeO2 (10 at% Gd) displays a typical type I adsorption isotherm and yields a large specific surface area of 135 m2/g. As Gd3+ ions were doped into CeO2 lattice, the absorption spectrum of Gd3+-doped CeO2 nanocrystals exhibited a red shift compared with porous CeO2 nanocrystals and bulk CeO2, and the luminescence of Gd3+-doped CeO2 deposits was remarkably enhanced due to the presence of more oxygen vacancies. In addition, the strong magnetic properties of Gd-doped CeO2 (10 at% Gd) were observed, which may be caused by Gd3+ ions or more oxygen defects in deposits. In addition, the catalytic activity of porous Gd-doped CeO2 toward CO oxidation was studied

    Integrated Management of European Cherry Fruit Fly Rhagoletis cerasi (L.): Situation in Switzerland and Europe

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    Abstract: The European cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi (L.) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a highly destructive pest. The low tolerance for damaged fruit requires preventive insecticide treatments for a marketable crop. The phase-out of old insecticides threatens cherry production throughout the European Union (EU). Consequently, new management techniques and tools are needed. With the increasing number of dwarf tree orchards covered against rain to avoid fruit splitting, crop netting has become a viable, cost-effective method of cherry fruit fly control. Recently, a biocontrol method using the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has been developed for organic agriculture. However, for most situations, there is still a lack of efficient and environmentally sound insecticides to control this pest. This review summarizes the literature from over one hundred years of research on R. cerasi with focus on the biology and history of cherry fruit fly control as well as on antagonists and potential biocontrol organisms. We will present the situation of cherry fruit fly regulation in different European countries, give recommendations for cherry fruit fly control, show gaps in knowledge and identify future research opportunities