40 research outputs found

    Carta del ambiente y su dinámica para el Gran Mendoza : quinta sección : 1981

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    Fil: Cabezas, Ana Matilde

    Efectos de la experiencia web en la intención de compra en línea por millennials en sitios web de retailers minoristas

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    Propósito - El actual contexto evidencia un incremento en la atracción hacia las compras en línea en sitios web de retailers minoristas. Asimismo, se evidencia un cambio en el comportamiento de los usuarios millennials y los factores que afectan su intención de compra. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el efecto de los factores de la EW (usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética) en la intención de compra en línea de los usuarios en sitios web retail, específicamente en la categoría ropa, en Lima Metropolitana. Los descubrimientos del estudio ayudarían a los retailers minoristas en el diseño de sitios web más efectivos. Diseño / metodología /enfoque - De 486 cuestionarios distribuidos a jóvenes millennials en Lima Metropolitana, se obtuvieron 400 respuestas efectivas. Asimismo, se empleó un muestreo no probabilístico con una técnica de muestreo por conveniencia. La data recolectada fue procesada mediante SPSS. Se utilizó el Alfa de Cronbach para comprobar la fiabilidad de las escalas. Un análisis factorial exploratorio fue ejecutado para la reducción de datos que permitió explorar las variables en estudio. Finalmente, se realizó una regresión lineal múltiple para determinar la estructura de relación entre las variables. Hallazgos - Los resultados muestran que la usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética son los factores de la EW que afectan positivamente y significativamente la intención de compra en línea en usuarios millennials en Lima Metropolitana. Se propusieron 4 hipótesis las cuales fueron aceptadas en su totalidad. Originalidad / valor - La presente investigación comparte información relevante acerca de los efectos de los factores de la EW en la intención de compra en línea. Además, amplía el conocimiento respecto a la importancia del diseño de sitios web efectivos integrando los factores más relevantes como usabilidad, interactividad, confianza y estética para mejorar la experiencia del usuario en línea.Purpose - The current context shows an increase in the attraction to online purchases on retail websites. Hence, there is a change in the behavior of millennial users and the factors that seek their purchase intention. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the effect of EW factors (usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics) on the online purchase intention of users on retail websites, specifically in the clothing category, in Lima Metropolitan. The study's findings would aid retail retailers in designing more effective websites. Design / methodology /approach - From 486 questionnaires distributed to millennials in Lima Metropolitana, 400 effective responses were obtained. Likewise, non-probability sampling was used with a convenience sampling technique. The collected data was processed using SPSS. Cronbach's Alpha was used to check the reliability of the scales. An exploratory factor analysis was performed for data reduction that allowed exploring the variables under study. Finally, a multiple linear regression was performed to determine the relationship structure between the variables. Findings - The results show that usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics are the WE factors that positively and significantly affect online purchase intention in millennial users in Lima Metropolitana. 4 hypotheses were proposed which were fully accepted. Originality / value - This research shares relevant information about the effects of Web Experience factors on online purchase intention. In addition, it expands the knowledge regarding the importance of effective website design by integrating the most relevant factors such as usability, interactivity, trust and aesthetics to improve the online user experience.TesisP

    Association of Neuropathic Pain Symptoms with Sensitization Related Symptomatology in Women with Fibromyalgia

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    We aimed to analyze potential correlations between S-LANSS and PainDETECT with proxies for pain sensitization, e.g., the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) and pressure pain hyperalgesia (construct validity), pain-related or psychological variables (concurrent validity) in women with fibromyalgia (FMS). One-hundred-and-twenty-six females with FMS completed demographic, pain-related variables, psychological, and sensitization outcomes as well as the S-LANSS and the PainDETECT questionnaires. S-LANSS was positively associated with BMI (r = 0.206), pain intensity (r = 0.206 to 0.298) and CSI score (r = 0.336) and negatively associated with all PPTs (r = −0.180 to −0.336). PainDETECT was negatively associated with age (r = −0.272) and all PPTs (r = −0.226 to −0.378) and positively correlated with pain intensity (r = 0.258 to 0.439), CSI (r = 0.538), anxiety (r = 0.246) and depression (r = 0.258). 51.4% of the S-LANSS was explained by PainDETECT (45.3%), posterior iliac PPT (0.2%) and mastoid PPT (5.9%), whereas the 56.4% of PainDETECT was explained by S-LANSS (43.4%), CSI (10.4%), and pain intensity (2.6%). This study found good convergent association between S-LANSS and PainDETECT in women with FMS. Additionally, S-LANSS was associated with PPTs whereas PainDETECT was associated with pain intensity and CSI, suggesting that both questionnaires assess different spectrums of the neuropathic and pain sensitization components of a condition and hence provide synergistic information

    Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de enfermería comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas.

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    Informe / Memoria final del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa IE33 “Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de Enfermería Comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas” correspondiente a la Convocatoria de Innovación Educativa Universitaria del Proyecto Europa de la Universidad de Cádiz (para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior), desarrollado durante el curso académico 2008-2009 en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de esta Universidad. Se describe el proceso seguido, los mecanismos de evaluación desarrollados así como los resultados obtenidos. Igualmente se anexan los diferentes documentos generados tanto originalmente como tras su evaluación y modificación.El presente documento muestra el Informe / Memoria final del Proyecto de Innovación Educativa IE33 “Organización por competencias de las prácticas clínicas de Enfermería Comunitaria: Guía docente de prácticas” correspondiente a la Convocatoria de Innovación Educativa Universitaria del Proyecto Europa de la Universidad de Cádiz (para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior), desarrollado durante el curso académico 2008-2009 en la Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería y Fisioterapia de esta Universidad. Los objetivos del proyecto han sido: - Introducir las competencias en la organización, desarrollo y evaluación de las prácticas de la asignatura Enfermería Comunitaria. - Elaborar una guía de prácticas (que facilite al alumno saber qué aprender y comprobar qué ha conseguido). - Elaborar unos instrumentos que faciliten la “medición” de los resultados del aprendizaje / grado de consecución de las competencias pretendidas. - Determinar las “Necesidades no cubiertas en el desempeño” y las “Áreas de mejora” consecuentes (modelo PUNs y DENs de Richard Eve). El proceso de implantación del proyecto así como los documentos y metodología seguida han sido evaluados utilizándose metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa. Entre los aspectos positivos destacamos el elevado nivel de satisfacción conseguido, la dinamicidad que conlleva, el elevado nivel de participación del alumnado, que supone una adaptación al EEES, la determinación de necesidades formativas, la evaluación formativa, y que aporta al alumnado y al profesorado información necesaria para actuar de forma correctiva sobre el sistema enseñanza/aprendizaje, tanto sobre el proceso educativo como sobre los recursos ( personales, académicos y asistenciales). Se ha conseguido introducir las competencias en la organización, desarrollo y evaluación de las prácticas de la asignatura, elaborar documentación que supone una guía de prácticas -que facilita al alumno saber qué aprender, en qué contexto, cómo hacerlo y comprobar qué ha conseguido-, y disponer de instrumentos que facilitan la “medición” de los resultados de aprendizaje / grado de consecución de las competencias pretendidas. Al incluirse y adaptarse el modelo PUNs y DENs de R. Eve se han conseguido importantes resultados en aspectos como la evaluación formativa / auto-evaluación del alumnado. En el presente informe aparece descrito el proceso seguido, los mecanismos de evaluación desarrollados así como los resultados obtenidos. Igualmente se anexan los diferentes documentos generados tanto originalmente como tras su evaluación y modificación.Universidad de Cádiz. Vicerrectorado de Tecnologías de la Información e Innovación Docente. Escuela de Enfermería y Fisioterapia. Departamento de Enfermería y Fisioterapia.144 página

    Use of limited proteolysis and mutagenesis to identify folding domains and sequence motifs critical for wax ester synthase/acyl coenzyme A:Diacylglycerol acyltransferase activity

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    Triacylglycerols and wax esters are synthesized as energy storage molecules by some proteobacteria and actinobacteria under stress. The enzyme responsible for neutral lipid accumulation is the bifunctional wax ester synthase/acyl-coenzyme A (CoA): diacylglycerol acyltransferase (WS/DGAT). Structural modeling of WS/DGAT suggests that it can adopt an acyl-CoA-dependent acyltransferase fold with the N-terminal and C-terminal domains connected by a helical linker, an architecture demonstrated experimentally by limited proteolysis. Moreover, we found that both domains form an active complex when coexpressed as independent polypeptides. The structural prediction and sequence alignment of different WS/DGAT proteins indicated catalytically important motifs in the enzyme. Their role was probed by measuring the activities of a series of alanine scanning mutants. Our study underscores the structural understanding of this protein family and paves the way for their modification to improve the production of neutral lipids

    The Nutrition in Early Life and Asthma (NELA) birth cohortstudy: Rationale, design, and methods

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. © 2021 The Authors. Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.Background: Primary prevention strategies for asthma are lacking. Its inception probably starts in utero and/or during the early postnatal period as the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) paradigm suggests. Objectives: The main objective of Nutrition in Early Life and Asthma (NELA) cohort study is to unravel whether the following factors contribute causally to the developmental origins of asthma: (1) maternal obesity/adiposity and foetal growth; (2) maternal and child nutrition; (3) outdoor air pollution; (4) endocrine disruptors; and (5) maternal psychological stress. Maternal and offspring biological samples are used to assess changes in offspring microbiome, immune system, epigenome and volatilome as potential mechanisms influencing disease susceptibility. Population: Randomly selected pregnant women from three health areas of Murcia, a south-eastern Mediterranean region of Spain, who fulfilled the inclusion criteria were invited to participate at the time of the follow-up visit for routine foetal anatomy scan at 19–22 weeks of gestation, at the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Unit of the “Virgen de la Arrixaca” University Clinical Hospital over a 36-month period, from March 2015 to April 2018. Design: Prospective, population-based, maternal-child, birth cohort study. Methods: Questionnaires on exposures and outcome variables were administered to mothers at 20–24 gestation week; 32–36 gestation week; and delivery. Children wer

    Heterologous expression of a thermophilic diacylglycerol acyltransferase triggers triglyceride accumulation in Escherichia coli

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    Triglycerides (TAGs), the major storage molecules of metabolic energy and source of fatty acids, are produced as single cell oil by some oleogenic microorganisms. However, these microorganisms require strict culture conditions, show low carbon source flexibilities, lack efficient genetic modification tools and in some cases pose safety concerns. TAGs have essential applications such as behaving as a source for added-value fatty acids or giving rise to the production of biodiesel. Hence, new alternative methods are urgently required for obtaining these oils. In this work we describe TAG accumulation in the industrially appropriate microorganism Escherichia coli expressing the heterologous enzyme tDGAT, a wax ester synthase/triacylglycerol:acylCoA acyltranferase (WS/DGAT). With this purpose, we introduce a codon-optimized gene from the thermophilic actinomycete Thermomonospora curvata coding for a WS/DGAT into different E. coli strains, describe the metabolic effects associated to the expression of this protein and evaluate neutral lipid accumulation. We observe a direct relation between the expression of this WS/DGAT and TAG production within a wide range of culture conditions. More than 30% TAGs were detected within the bacterial neutral lipids in 90 minutes after induction. TAGs were observed to be associated with the hydrophobic enzyme while forming round intracytoplasmic bodies, which could represent a bottleneck for lipid accumulation in E. coli. We detected an increase of almost 3- fold in the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) occurring in the recombinant strains. These MUFA were predominant in the accumulated TAGs achieving 46% of the TAG fatty acids. These results set the basis for further research on the achievement of a suitable method towards the sustainable production of these neutral lipids

    HTLV-1 infection in solid organ transplant donors and recipients in Spain

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    HTLV-1 infection is a neglected disease, despite infecting 10-15 million people worldwide and severe illnesses develop in 10% of carriers lifelong. Acknowledging a greater risk for developing HTLV-1 associated illnesses due to immunosuppression, screening is being widely considered in the transplantation setting. Herein, we report the experience with universal HTLV testing of donors and recipients of solid organ transplants in a survey conducted in Spain. All hospitals belonging to the Spanish HTLV network were invited to participate in the study. Briefly, HTLV antibody screening was performed retrospectively in all specimens collected from solid organ donors and recipients attended since the year 2008. A total of 5751 individuals were tested for HTLV antibodies at 8 sites. Donors represented 2312 (42.2%), of whom 17 (0.3%) were living kidney donors. The remaining 3439 (59.8%) were recipients. Spaniards represented nearly 80%. Overall, 9 individuals (0.16%) were initially reactive for HTLV antibodies. Six were donors and 3 were recipients. Using confirmatory tests, HTLV-1 could be confirmed in only two donors, one Spaniard and another from Colombia. Both kidneys of the Spaniard were inadvertently transplanted. Subacute myelopathy developed within 1 year in one recipient. The second recipient seroconverted for HTLV-1 but the kidney had to be removed soon due to rejection. Immunosuppression was stopped and 3 years later the patient remains in dialysis but otherwise asymptomatic. The rate of HTLV-1 is low but not negligible in donors/recipients of solid organ transplants in Spain. Universal HTLV screening should be recommended in all donor and recipients of solid organ transplantation in Spain. Evidence is overwhelming for very high virus transmission and increased risk along with the rapid development of subacute myelopathy

    Innovaciones y mejoras en el proyecto tutoría entre compañeros. Curso 2015-2016

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    Memoria ID-0137. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2015-2016

    Estudio morfológico de los tirocitos de ratón en cultivos bidimensionales y tridimiensionales

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    En este trabajo se describe el desarrollo de la disección de tiroides de ratón y cerdo, su disociación enzimática y mecánica para la obtención de folículos y células aisladas, junto con el cultivo celular primario tanto de folículos cerrados y abiertos y de células aisladas. Se obtuvieron cultivos de folículos cerrados que conservan su morfología, presentando un aspecto similar al que presentan estos in vivo. Adicionalmente se describen los cultivos de células aisladas obtenidos sobre soportes de plástico, vidrio y gel de colágeno. Se determinó la morfología de estos cultivos en microscopio invertido y el análisis de las imágenes obtenidas