282 research outputs found

    Text Similarity. Estudio de la similaridad entre conceptos médicos

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    Castellano: El presente Trabajo Final de Grado expone los procesos realizados para, primero obtener en un formato csv la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE-10) -emitida por la OMS- contenida en un fichero pdf plano, generando un “diccionario” (en castellano) de las enfermedades y sus códigos CIE asociados contenidos en dicho fichero pdf. Por otro lado, el presente trabajo también se plantea como objetivo fundamental implementar una aplicación que sea capaz de asignar a un término de uso regular (normalmente un término no estándar) un código dentro de la clasificación CIE-10. Para llevar a cabo la asignación, primero, se identifica el termino estándar que muestre mayor similitud respecto del no-estándar de entrada, y luego se devolverá el código CIE del término estándar identificado como mejor candidato o candidatos con mayor similitud. La similitud-semejanza se calcula mediante la aplicación de distintas técnicas de similitud de textos, entre el término no-estándar y todos los estándar pertenecientes al “diccionario”. Asimismo, y finalmente, este proyecto también pretende medir la bonanza de las distintas alternativas propuestas para seleccionar la más adecuada dependiendo de la explotación posterior.Euskera: Gradu Amaierako Lan honek, lehen bidez, OMS igorritako “Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE-10)” ‘csv formatuan izan ahal izateko prozedurak aurkezten ditu. Modu horretan, pdf dokumentu bat erabiliko da sailkapen honen informazioa lortzeko. Dokumentuan aurkitzen diren gaixotasun guztien izena, informazioa eta kodigoak berreskuratuko dira, gaztelania “hiztegia” sortuz. “Hiztegia” sortu ondoren, termino ez-estandarrei CIE-10-eko kodigo bat esartzeko aplikazioa implementatzen da. Egokipen hau aurrera eraman dadin, lehenbiziz, termino estandar eta ez-estandarraren arteko parekotasuna kalkulatu egiten da, eta parekotasun handiago aurkezten duen estandar terminoaren CIE kodigoa erantsi egiten da. Azkenik, proiektu honek proposatutako alternatiben arteko emaitzak neurtu nahi ditu, ustiapenaren arabera egokienak hautatzeko.Inglés: The current dissertation exposes the processes that have been carried out in order to, first, obtain The International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) broadcast by WHO (World Health Organization) in csv format which is included in a plain pdf text document generating a (Spanish Dictionary) about the illnesses and their CIE codes which are also included in the mentioned pdf file. After this vital step (obtaining the "dictionary"data), the current work also considers as a fundamental objective to implement an application capable of assigning to regular use term (usually a non-standard term) a code within the ICD-10 classification. To carry out the assignment, first, the standard term that shows more similarity with respect to the non standard input, is identified and then the CIE code of the standard term identified as best candidate or candidates with greater similarity will be returned. The similarity-measure is calculated by applying different text similarity techniques, between the non-standard string and all the standards belonging to the “Dictionary”. Finally, this project also aims to measure the bonanza of the different proposed alternatives in order to select the most appropriate depending on the subsequent exploitation

    Detectability of low energy X-ray spectral components in type 1 AGN

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    In this paper we examine the percentage of type 1 AGN which require the inclusion of a soft excess component and/or significant cold absorption in the modelling of their X-ray spectra obtained by XMM-Newton. We do this by simulating spectra which mimic typical spectral shapes in order to find the maximum detectability expected at different count levels. We then apply a correction to the observed percentages found for the Scott et al. (2011) sample of 761 sources. We estimate the true percentage of AGN with a soft excess component to be 75+/-23%, suggesting that soft excesses are ubiquitous in the X-ray spectra of type 1 AGN. By carrying out joint fits on groups of low count spectra in narrow z bins in which additional spectral components were not originally detected, we show that the soft excess feature is recovered with a mean temperature kT and blackbody to power-law normalisation ratio consistent with those of components detected in individual high count spectra. Cold absorption with nH values broadly consistent with those reported in individual spectra are also recovered. We suggest such intrinsic cold absorption is found in a minimum of ~5% of type 1 AGN and may be present in up to ~10%.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    From Declarative Set Constraint Models to “Good” SAT Instances

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    On the one hand, Constraint Satisfaction Problems allow one to declaratively model problems. On the other hand, propositional satisfiability problem (SAT) solvers can handle huge SAT instances. We thus present a technique to declaratively model set constraint problems, to reduce them, and to encode them into ”good” SAT instances. We illustrate our technique on the well-known nqueens problem. Our technique is simpler, more expressive, and less error-prone than direct hand modeling. The SAT instances that we automatically generate are rather small w.r.t. hand-written instances

    The XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey (XWAS): the X-ray spectrum of type-1 AGN

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    We discuss the broad band X-ray properties of one of the largest samples of X-ray selected type-1 AGN to date (487 objects in total), drawn from the XMM-Newton Wide Angle Survey. The objects cover 2-10 keV luminosities from ~10^{42}-10^{45} erg s^{-1} and are detected up to redshift ~4. We constrain the overall properties of the broad band continuum, soft excess and X-ray absorption, along with their dependence on the X-ray luminosity and redshift and we discuss the implications for models of AGN emission. We constrained the mean spectral index of the broad band X-ray continuum to =1.96+-0.02 with intrinsic dispersion sigma=0.27_{-0.02}^{+0.01}. The continuum becomes harder at faint fluxes and at higher redshifts and luminosities. The dependence of Gamma with flux is likely due to undetected absorption rather than to spectral variation. We found a strong dependence of the detection efficiency of objects on the spectral shape which can have a strong impact on the measured mean continuum shapes of sources at different redshifts and luminosities. We detected excess absorption in ~3% of our objects, with column densities ~a few x10^{22} cm^{-2}. The apparent mismatch between the optical classification and X-ray properties of these objects is a challenge for the standard AGN unification model. We found that the fraction of objects with detected soft excess is ~36%. Using a thermal model, we constrained the soft excess mean temperature and intrinsic dispersion to ~100 eV and sigma~34 eV. The origin of the soft excess as thermal emission from the accretion disk or Compton scattered disk emission is ruled out on the basis of the temperatures detected and the lack of correlation of the measured temperature with the X-ray luminosity (abridged).Comment: 13 pages, 24 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    High-frequency spinal cord stimulation as rescue therapy for chronic pain patients with failure of conventional spinal cord stimulation

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    El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia de los dispositivos de alta frecuencia (HF10) de 10 kHz como tratamiento en pacientes con fracaso de la terapia convencional de estimulación medular (EME) para el dolor crónico sin necesidad de cambiar el hardware medular. Métodos. En este estudio prospectivo del mundo real, se incluyeron pacientes con dolor neuropático tratados con EME tónica convencional en los que la terapia había fracasado, ya fuera durante la fase de prueba o tras un periodo óptimo. Resultados. Once de los 18 (61%) pacientes incluidos en el estudio fueron rescatados con éxito con HF10-SCS. De ellos, 5 de 12 (45%) estaban en fase de prueba y 6 de 6 (100%) tenían implantes que funcionaban previamente. Se obtuvo una mejora significativa del dolor lumbar y de las extremidades (p = 0,003 y p = 0,0001, respectivamente). El éxito del tratamiento se asoció significativamente con el sexo (p = 0,037), el peso (p = 0,014), el índice de masa corporal (IMC) (p = 0,007) y el tiempo de rescate (p = 0,015). Una prueba de regresión lineal confirmó una asociación significativa entre el fracaso del tratamiento y el IMC y el sexo (p = 0,004). Conclusiones. Nuestros resultados sugieren que el rescate analgésico con SCS-HF10 es una opción terapéutica eficaz para los pacientes que no responden a la SCS convencional, aunque la obesidad podría ser un factor limitante del éxito del tratamiento. No obstante, se necesitan estudios más exhaustivos para corroborar nuestros hallazgos.This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of 10-kHz high-frequency (HF10) devices as a rescue treatment in patients with failure of conventional spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy for chronic pain without the need to change the spinal hardware. Methods. In this real-world prospective study, patients with neuropathic pain treated with conventional tonic SCS in whom the therapy had failed, either during the trial phase or after a period of optimal. Results. Eleven of the 18 (61%) patients included in the study were successfully rescued with HF10-SCS. Of them, 5 out of 12 (45%) were in the trial phase and 6 out of 6 (100%) had previously functioning implants. A significant improvement in low-back and limb pain was obtained (p = .003 and p = .0001, respectively). Treatment success was significantly associated with gender (p = .037), weight (p = .014), body mass index (BMI) (p = .007) and time of rescue (p = .015). A linear regression test confirmed a significant association between treatment failure and BMI and gender (p = .004). Conclusions.Our results suggest that analgesic rescue with HF10-SCS is an effective therapeutic option for nonresponders to conventional SCS, although obesity might be a limiting factor for treatment success. Nevertheless, more comprehensive studies are needed to corroborate our findings

    La Gobernanza en la Pesca: de Lo Ecológico a Lo Ético, de Lo Local A Lo Global

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    Partimos de la necesidad de realizar, desde una perspectiva crítica, una reflexión acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la aplicación del concepto de la gobernanza como paradigma de gestión en la pesca, a un nivel global. Partiendo de la situación de crisis, ecológica e institucional, que afronta en la actualidad la pesca, se exponen los diferentes sentidos aplicables al término gobernanza en el ámbito marítimo para, a continuación, realizar un recorrido político-institucional que muestra que el ámbito oceánico ha sido pionero en desarrollar un enfoque próximo a este modelo. Queremos subrayar las claves de un debate político y ético acerca de las diferentes dimensiones implicadas en la realidad pesquera, discutiendo los aspectos más prácticos, políticos, de este debate, en un contexto caracterizado por el debilitamiento del Estado a favor de la mercantilización como proceso institucional dominante.Today is necessary a reflection upon the opportunities and challenges of the application at global level of the governance paradigm to fisheries, in a global frame where both ecological and institutional crises demand a holistic approach. First, it is explained the different meanings of ‘governance’ concept, addressing the institutional and political process of governance pattern in ocean issues. On the other hand, it is showed the political and ethical dimensions of the debate, emphasizing key concerns such as participation, democracy, social justice and cultural recognition –understood as a whole, within a context characterised by reducing the State to its minimum expression and by encouraging its replacement by new actors, such as the market and other social agencies.Partimos de la necesidad de realizar, desde una perspectiva crítica, una reflexión acerca de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la aplicación del concepto de la gobernanza como paradigma de gestión en la pesca, a un nivel global. Partiendo de la situación de crisis, ecológica e institucional, que afronta en la actualidad la pesca, se exponen los diferentes sentidos aplicables al término gobernanza en el ámbito marítimo para, a continuación, realizar un recorrido político-institucional que muestra que el ámbito oceánico ha sido pionero en desarrollar un enfoque próximo a este modelo. Queremos subrayar las claves de un debate político y ético acerca de las diferentes dimensiones implicadas en la realidad pesquera, discutiendo los aspectos más prácticos, políticos, de este debate, en un contexto caracterizado por el debilitamiento del Estado a favor de la mercantilización como proceso institucional dominante

    Towards a Sustainable Future through Renewable Energies at Secondary School: An Educational Proposal

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    [EN]A compilation of innovative educational activities to work on concepts related to the production of electrical energy is presented. To approach the real-life secondary education curriculum, they are grouped to be performed during a week denominated Renewable Energy Week: an educational proposal aimed to promote the respect for the environment through the insight on Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and renewable energy sources. The students would build and perform low-cost experiments so as to deeply understand the essence of energetic transformations, as well as electricity generation. Learning by discovery, collaborative learning and experimentation, are the methodological pillars that characterize Renewable Energy Week, since they have been proven to be efficient methodologies to promote students’ learning. Innovative techniques for pupils evaluation are employed, including a rubric, Socrative application and a set of sheets regarding experiments. Through this educational proposal, the students are expected to achieve a deep understanding of some key concepts related to electricity and awaken their interest in scientific subjects, making them conscious of the transition to sustainable development that our planet urgently requires. At the same time, this project offers to teachers a series of experiments and innovative activities to work on the SDG in Physics, Chemistry and Technology subjects.University of Salamanca through Innovation and teaching improvement project ID 2019/16