1,628 research outputs found

    Factores que intervienen en la selección de talentos, del equipo de softbol femenil del estado de Nuevo León.

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    Democracy, fundamental rights and public finance: a constitutionalist criticism of the Steuerle-Roeper Index

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    The article proposes to critically discuss the concept of fiscal democracy as operationalized by the means of the Steuerle-Roeper Index. It is assumed that the contemporary sociohistorical context comprises a scenario of crisis or decline of democracies, largely explained by the fiscal difficulties faced by the States. The Fiscal Democracy Index is discussed as a promising scientific contribution for the attribution of empirical tangibility to such a reality. However, a difficulty is identified concerning the non-consideration of fundamental rights as condition for the possibility of democratic politics. Finally, an example from the Brazilian constitutional system is presented in order to illustrate the article´s theoretical argument.

    Application of machine learning techniques to optical communication systems and networks

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    This TFM reviews the application of machine learning techniques in optical communication systems and networks. In addition, it studies and compares the characteristics of various machine learning methods, such as: support vector machines, logistic regression, decision trees and random forests, to predict the quality of transmission when using optical circuits in wavelength routed optical communication networks. The models developed in this TFM offer better performance than previous proposals, mainly in terms of computing time, making possible its use in online mode even in highly dynamic networks, in addition to being simpler.El presente TFM realiza una revisión de la aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje automático en los sistemas y redes de comunicaciones ópticas. Además, estudia y compara las características de diversos métodos de aprendizaje automático, tales como: máquinas de vectores soporte, regresión logística, árboles de decisión y bosques aleatorios, para predecir la calidad de la transmisión al emplear circuitos ópticos en redes de comunicaciones ópticas con encaminamiento por longitud de onda. Los modelos desarrollados en el TFM obtienen mejores prestaciones que propuestas anteriores, fundamentalmente en términos de tiempo de cálculo, posibilitando su utilización en modo on-line incluso en redes altamente dinámicas, amén de ser más sencillos.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaMáster en Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicacione

    The Solow residual as a black box : attempts at integrating business cycle and growth theories

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    The intersection between growth and business cycle theory remains a controversial subject in economics. The question posed by this article is, What role did Robert Solow’s “Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function” (1957) play in recent attempts to integrate business cycle and growth theory? We argue that the “Solow residual” was a resource given to multiple uses, at times rhetorical and symbolic, at times instrumental for theory development, at others a social artifact. On the history of models that bring growth and fluctuation into a single frame, we have focused on the uses and meanings of a particularly prominent object: the Solow residual. The significance of Solow’s 1957 work arose from having stabilized a method and result, the residual as reproducible object, a black box. This object was shown to traffic liberally across doctrinal divides in economics. Once on offer, the black box had a life of its own. Its relation to the original context and to the intentions and beliefs of its originator was severed. So while Denison used the residual in ways that were surely faithful to Solow, the new classicals employed it in ways that seemed counter to Solow’s outlook. While the residual had always remained a problematic result in growth accounting, its borrowing by real business cycle theorists sought to establish it as a definitive representation of technology. Furthermore, in these models it was a short-run and stochastic technology, a novel and surprising interpretationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    On the onset of synchronization of Kuramoto oscillators in scale-free networks

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    Despite the great attention devoted to the study of phase oscillators on complex networks in the last two decades, it remains unclear whether scale-free networks exhibit a nonzero critical coupling strength for the onset of synchronization in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we systematically compare predictions from the heterogeneous degree mean-field (HMF) and the quenched mean-field (QMF) approaches to extensive numerical simulations on large networks. We provide compelling evidence that the critical coupling vanishes as the number of oscillators increases for scale-free networks characterized by a power-law degree distribution with an exponent 2<γ32 < \gamma \leq 3, in line with what has been observed for other dynamical processes in such networks. For γ>3\gamma > 3, we show that the critical coupling remains finite, in agreement with HMF calculations and highlight phenomenological differences between critical properties of phase oscillators and epidemic models on scale-free networks. Finally, we also discuss at length a key choice when studying synchronization phenomena in complex networks, namely, how to normalize the coupling between oscillators

    La Reforma procesal penal de Guatemala : del sistema inquisitivo (juicio escrito) al sistema acusatorio (juicio oral) : informe resumido /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaLa República de Guatemala, experimentó en el último decenio del siglo veinte, el acontecimiento más importarte de su historia jurídica procesal penal, abandonando el modelo inquisitivo (juicio escrito) y adoptando el sistema acusatorio (juicio oral). La consolidación del Nuevo Sistema, es fundamental para la democracia dentro de un Estado Constitucional de derecho, razón que motivó escribir esta tesis que contiene un análisis de la reforma y una propuesta para la consolidación de la misma, en virtud de que sí bien es cierto ésta principió hace trece años, la implementación que debe garantizar un adecuado funcionamiento del modelo se está realizando actualmente y de él depende el éxito o el fracaso de la reforma. Quienes hemos sido promotores del cambio, debemos demostrar que la correcta aplicación del sistema acusatorio, garantiza que el proceso penal sea el único instrumento constitucional para juzgar la culpabilidad o inocencia del procesado, que debe ser el objetivo de la justicia penal y que inspiró presente trabajo.The Republic of Guatemala has experienced the most important fact of its legal background, in the last decade of the 20th century. It started with a reform in the criminal justice system, which radically changed, the administration of justice, abandoning at the same time, the inquisitorial model (written trial) an adopting the accusatory system (oral trial). The reform of the criminal justice system of Guatemala, formally started the first of July of 1994, with the going into effect of the new law for the reform of the criminal justice system, which in fact is not over yet. This open the door for the reform of the criminal justice system in Latin America, which has to be seen in the global context, as the result of political and economical facts that have changed the sequence of human history, as have disappearance of the Berlin Wall, the end of the Cold War, the democratization of all countries of the area, the ever changing technological advances of the new society of knowledge and international globalization, that brought new criminal forms and social conflicts, which demand a rapid and transparent application of criminal justice, taking into consideration that it is fundamental in the construction of a democratic country, in the constitutional state of law. This is the central motivational factor of this doctoral thesis; basically contains an analysis of the criminal justice reform in Guatemala and a proposal that allows consolidation of this reform; considering the fact that the reform began twenty years ago, the real process that can guarantee an accurate implementation of the model, is currently in place, and everything else depends on the success or failure of the reform. This investigation is structured in six chapters; the first one explains the criminal justice reform in Guatemala and the second, the criminal justice reform in Latin America; the third one refers to the constitutional principles and guarantees of the criminal justice reform in Guatemala; the fourth, considers the main principles of the accusatory system; the fifth concerns the phases of the criminal justice reform in Guatemala and the sixth addresses the proposal for the implementation of the model, which is now been in progress, and the last chapter presents a conclusion, bibliography and a glossary. It is up to those of us, who in one way or another contribute, with the change, to demonstrate that the right application of the accusatory system in Guatemala, guaranties that the reform of criminal justice is the constitutional instrument to prove the guilt or innocence of the accused, and this should be primary objective of the criminal law. It is also the inspiration for this dissertation

    Defect Analysis and Detection of Cutting Regions in CFRP Machining Using AWJM

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    The use of composite materials with a polymeric matrix, concretely carbon fiber reinforced polymer, is undergoing further development owing to the maturity reached by the forming processes and their excellent relationship in terms of specific properties. This means that they can be implemented more easily in di erent industrial sectors at a lower cost. However, when the components manufactured demand high dimensional and geometric requirements, they must be subjected to machining processes that cause damage to the material. As a result, alternative methods to conventional machining are increasingly being proposed. In this article, the abrasive waterjet machining process is proposed because of its advantages in terms of high production rates, absence of thermal damage and respect for the environment. In this way, it was possible to select parameters (stand-o distance, traverse feed rate, and abrasive mass flow rate) that minimize the characteristic defects of the process such as taper angle or the identification of di erent surface quality regions in order to eliminate striations caused by jet deviation. For this purpose, taper angle and roughness evaluations were carried out in three di erent zones: initial or jet inlet, intermediate, and final or jet outlet. In this way, it was possible to characterize di erent cutting regions with scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) and to distinguish the statistical significance of the parameters and their e ects on the cut through an analysis of variance (ANOVA). This analysis has made it possible to distinguish the optimal parameters for the process

    New records of Orchids from Morocco

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    The exploration of the Rif Valley (Morocco) during 2010 revealed the presence of some new taxa and records from Morocco. The new taxa are: Orchis langei subsp. magrebensis and Ophrys neglecta var. riphaea. Ophrys neglecta var. neglecta and Ophrys numida have been detected for the first time in Morocco