2,735 research outputs found

    Oscilações magneto-térmicas no alumínio a 1,2 Kelvin

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    Orientador: Não informadoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb WataghinResumo: Neste trabalho medimos o comportamento oscilatório da temperatura em um cristal de aluminio, quando isolado adiabáticamente e sujeito a um campo magnético externo. Esse efeito foi por nós utilizado para comprovar a estrutura eletrônica do metal. Essas medidas foram feitas a 1,2 Kelvin, e a direção do campo magnético com o eixo ( 1,0,0 ) do cristal foi variada de maneira a poder comparar, através dos periodos das oscilações, os resultados de nossas experiências com as previsões teóricas. Os dados experimentais foram analizados num computador usando um programa de transformada de Fourier. As frequências assim obtidas estão concordes com o modêlo teórico e os resultados experimentais de outros trabalhosAbstract: In this work, we measured the oscillatory behavior of the temperature in a single cristal of aluminiumt when termically isolated and subject to a external magnetic field. This effect was used to analyse the, electronic struture of the metal. These measurements was made at 1,2 Kelvin, and the angle of the magnetic field with the axis ( 1,0,0 ) of the cristal was varied of manner to check, through of oscillations' periods, our experimental data with the theoretical previsions. The experimental data was anallzated in a computer using a program of Fourier transform. The frequencies thus obtained are in accordance with the theoretical model and the experimental data of other authors using the de Haas - Van Alphen effectMestradoFísicaMestre em Físic

    Optical fiber sensing using quantum dots

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    Recent advances in the application of semiconductor nanocrystals, or quantum dots, as biochemical sensors are reviewed. Quantum dots have unique optical properties that make them promising alternatives to traditional dyes in many luminescence based bioanalytical techniques. An overview of the more relevant progresses in the application of quantum dots as biochemical probes is addressed. Special focus will be given to configurations where the sensing dots are incorporated in solid membranes and immobilized in optical fibers or planar waveguide platforms

    Visibilidade da enfermagem nas midias impressa e online

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    OBJECTIVE: to describe the coverage of news concerning the nursing profession in the Portuguese media: informative sites on the Internet and in print media. METHOD: a total of 1,271 health news items were collected in September and October of 2011 (956 online news items and 325 news items originating from the press review of the Portuguese Order of Nurses). Statistical analysis was used to characterize the variables. RESULTS: nurses were the sources of information in 6.6% of cases, suggesting limited media exposure. The health news collected is characterized by a production based on limited information sources, that is, male and official sources, on information disseminated by news agencies focused on economic and political issues in the health field. CONCLUSION: the presence of nurses in the news concerning nursing health is reduced. We suggest that nurses develop public communication skills to disseminate the importance of their profession in society and their relationship with the media.OBJETIVO: describir la cobertura noticiosa de la profesión de enfermería en los medios de comunicación portugueses: a) sitios informativos de la Internet e b) prensa escrita. MÉTODOS: fueron recolectadas 1.271 noticias de salud en los meses de Septiembre y Octubre de 2011 (956 noticias online y 325 provenientes de reseñas del periódico de la Orden de los Enfermeros Portugueses); recurrió al análisis estadístico para caracterizar las variables definidas. RESULTADOS: los enfermeros se constituyeron en fuentes de información en 6,6% de los casos, lo que sugiere una baja visibilidad mediática. Las noticias de salud recolectadas se caracterizan por una producción noticiosa basada en fuentes de información poco variadas, oficiales y de género masculino; esta información es divulgada por agencias noticiosas y se enfocan en cuestiones económicas y políticas de la salud. CONCLUSIÓN: la presencia de los enfermeros en las noticias de salud es reducida. Se sugiere que éstos desarrollen competencias de comunicación pública, que objetive la divulgación de la importancia de la profesión para la sociedad y la relación con los medios de comunicación.OBJETIVO: descrever a cobertura noticiosa da profissão de enfermagem nas mídias portuguesas - sítios informativos da Internet e imprensa escrita. MÉTODOS: foram colhidas 1.271 notícias de saúde nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2011 (956 notícias online e 325 provenientes da resenha de imprensa da Ordem dos Enfermeiros Portugueses) e recorreu-se à análise estatística para caracterizar as variáveis definidas. RESULTADOS: os enfermeiros constituíram-se como fontes de informação em 6,6% dos casos, o que sugere baixa visibilidade mediática. As notícias de saúde colhidas são caracterizadas por produção noticiosa baseada em fontes de informação pouco variadas, oficiais e de gênero masculino, em informação divulgada por agências noticiosas e focada em questões econômicas e políticas da saúde. CONCLUSãO: a presença dos enfermeiros nas notícias de saúde é reduzida. Sugere-se que esses desenvolvam competências de comunicação pública, que visem a divulgação da importância da profissão para a sociedade e a relação com as mídias

    Glycosaminoglycan distribution in the rat uterine cervix during the estrous cycle

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the amount of glycosaminoglycans in the uterine cervix during each phase of the rat estrous cycle. DESIGN: Based on vaginal smears, forty female, regularly cycling rats were divided into four groups (n = 10 for each group): GI - proestrous, GII - estrous, GIII - metaestrous and GIV - diestrous. Animals were sacrificed at each phase of the cycle, and the cervix was immediately removed and submitted to biochemical extraction and determination of sulfated glycosaminoglycans and hyaluronic acid. The results were analyzed by ANOVA followed by the Bonferroni post-hoc test. RESULTS: The uterine cervix had the highest amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans and dermatan sulfate during the estrous phase (8.90 ± 0.55 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001; and 8.86 ± 0.57 mg/g of cetonic extract, p<0.001). In addition, there was more heparan sulfate at the cervix during the proestrous phase (0.185 ± 0.03 mg/g of cetonic extract) than during any other phase (p<0.001). There were no significant changes in the concentration of hyaluronic acid in the uterine cervix during the estrous cycle. CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the amount of total sulfated glycosaminoglycans may be influenced by hormonal fluctuations related to the estrous cycle, with dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate being the glycosaminoglycans most sensitive to hormonal change.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departmento de Morfologia e GenéticaUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Obstetrícia e GinecologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Department of PharmacologyEscola Paulista de Medicina Department of GynecologyUNIFESP, Departmento de Morfologia e GenéticaEscola Paulista de Medicina Department of GynecologySciEL

    Chromosomal, epigenetic and microRNA-mediated inactivation of LRP1B, a modulator of the extracellular environment of thyroid cancer cells

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    The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP1B), encoding an endocytic LDL-family receptor, is among the 10 most significantly deleted genes across 3312 human cancer specimens. However, currently the apparently crucial role of this lipoprotein receptor in carcinogenesis is not clear. Here we show that LRP1B inactivation (by chromosomal, epigenetic and microRNA (miR)-mediated mechanisms) results in changes to the tumor environment that confer cancer cells an increased growth and invasive capacity. LRP1B displays frequent DNA copy number loss and CpG island methylation, resulting in mRNA underexpression. By using CpG island reporters methylated in vitro, we found that DNA methylation disrupts a functional binding site for the histone-acetyltransferase p300 located at intron 1. We identified and validated an miR targeting LRP1B (miR-548a-5p), which is overexpressed in cancer cell lines as a result of 8q22 DNA gains. Restoration of LRP1B impaired in vitro and in vivo tumor growth, inhibited cell invasion and led to a reduction of matrix metalloproteinase 2 in the extracellular medium. We emphasized the role of an endocytic receptor acting as a tumor suppressor by modulating the extracellular environment composition in a way that constrains the invasive behavior of the cancer cells

    Thermal studies on protein isolates of white lupin seeds (Lupinus albus)

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    This study used TG, DSC, and SDS-PAGE techniques to study protein isolates (PIs) in the powder form obtained from lupin seeds flour Lupinus albus. Different methods of preparing PIs were tested, resulting in final products that were different only in relation to the yield and protein content. The results of the protein analysis by SDS-PAGE showed that the same protein fractions were present in the lupin seeds and in the obtained PIs. This result shows that the process of extraction was not damaging to the composition of the original protein. On the other hand, the results of the thermal analysis (DSC and TG-DTG curves) obtained for the different PIs, led to the detection of changes in the protein conformation through the Delta H values, which in general decreased with increasing values of pH and ionic strength in the experimental conditions of extraction.Predilecta Foods (Sao Lourenco do Turvo, SP, Brazil)CAPES Foundation (Brazil

    Effectiveness and long-term retention of anti-tumour necrosis factor treatment in juvenile and adult patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: data from Reuma.pt

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    Methods. We prospectively collected patient and disease characteristics from patients with JIA who started biological therapy. Adverse events were collected during the follow-up period. Predictors of response at 1 year and drug retention rates were assessed at 4 years of treatment for the first biologic agent.Results. A total of 812 JIA patients [65% females, mean age at JIA onset 6.9 years (s.d. 4.7)], 227 received biologic therapy; 205 patients (90.3%) were treated with an anti-TNF as the first biologic. All the parameters used to evaluate disease activity, namely number of active joints, ESR and Childhood HAQ/HAQ, decreased significantly at 6 months and 1 year of treatment. The mean reduction in Juvenile Disease Activity Score 10 (JADAS10) after 1 year of treatment was 10.4 (s.d. 7.4). According to the definition of improvement using the JADAS10 score, 83.3% respond to biologic therapy after 1 year. Fourteen patients discontinued biologic therapies due to adverse events. Retention rates were 92.9% at 1 year, 85.5% at 2 years, 78.4% at 3 years and 68.1% at 4 years of treatment. Among all JIA subtypes, only concomitant therapy with corticosteroids was found to be univariately associated with withdrawal of biologic treatment (P = 0.016).Conclusion. Biologic therapies seem effective and safe in patients with JIA. In addition, the retention rates for the first biologic agent are high throughout 4 years

    Comparative structural response of two steel bridges constructed 100 years apart

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    This paper presents a comparative numerical analysis of the structural behaviour and seismic performance of two existing steel bridges, the Infiernillo II Bridge and the Pinhao Bridge, one located in Mexico and the other in Portugal. The two bridges have similar general geometrical characteristics, but were constructed 100 years apart. Three-dimensional structural models of both bridges are developed and analysed for various load cases and several seismic conditions. The results of the comparative analysis between the two bridges are presented in terms of natural frequencies and corresponding vibration modes, maximum stresses in the structural elements and maximum displacements. The study is aimed at determining the influence of a 1 century period in material properties, transverse sections and expected behaviour of two quite similar bridges. In addition, the influence of the bearing conditions in the global response of the Pinhao Bridge was evaluated

    5Growth: An end-to-end service platform for automated deployment and management of vertical services over 5G networks

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    This article introduces the key innovations of the 5Growth service platform to empower vertical industries with an AI-driven automated 5G end-to-end slicing solution that allows industries to achieve their service requirements. Specifically, we present multiple vertical pilots (Industry 4.0, transportation, and energy), identify the key 5G requirements to enable them, and analyze existing technical and functional gaps as compared to current solutions. Based on the identified gaps, we propose a set of innovations to address them with: (i) support of 3GPP-based RAN slices by introducing a RAN slicing model and providing automated RAN orchestration and control; (ii) an AI-driven closed-loop for automated service management with service level agreement assurance; and (iii) multi-domain solutions to expand service offerings by aggregating services and resources from different provider domains and also enable the integration of private 5G networks with public networks.This work has been partially supported by EC H2020 5GPPP 5Growth project (Grant 856709)

    A logística inversa dos óleos de gorduras residuais na produção de um biodiesel sustentável: uma revisão

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    Biodiesel está se tornando rapidamente uma alternativa popular frente aos combustíveis fósseis, pelo fato de ser renovável e gerar menores emissões de gases tóxicos. A cadeia de produção do biodiesel envolve muitos processos, dentre eles allguns são complexos exigindo uma melhor gestão e necessidade de otimização. Isto inclui a melhoria da cadeia de abastecimento para atingir um processo sustentável e de menor custo atrelado. Sendo assim, é necessário esforços para manter o biodiesel na matriz energética do país, entre estes, a contribuição de pesquisadores. O óleo de gordura residual surge como alternativa interessante para a produção de biodiesel, pelo fato de não fazer parte da cadeia alimentar, por seu baixo custo e porque sua transformação em energia é considerada como uma técnica eficaz para a gestão de resíduos, já que seu descarte nas redes de esgoto ocasiona problemas ambientais. O principal obstáculo que enfrenta atualmente na sua utilização como fonte de matéria prima é o gargalo existente na sua coleta. Neste artigo é apresentado o panorama da coleta do OGR, no qual serve como suporte para a produção de um biodiesel mais sustentável na utilização de um resíduo como matéria-prima. Ressaltando a necessidade da conscientização pública sobre a coleta do OGR e seus benefícios na produção do biodiesel