306 research outputs found

    Nomography: A renewed pedagogical tool to sciences and engineering high-education studies

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    Nomography is defined as a branch of mathematics in which methods of graphical representation of functional dependencies are studied. The resulting graphs are called nomograms, alignment charts, or abacs. Along the past century, this science branch experienced extensive development and use in many contexts to support scientists and engineers with accurate and fast calculations of complex formulas to a practical precision. However, nomography declined by the end of the twentieth century with the development and popularisation of more capable and powerful personal computers and handheld calculators. Despite this context, nomography remains attractive due to its potential for rapid and accurate graphical calculations contributing to a better understanding of complex formulas. Thus, this work defines the alignment charts and their capabilities to justify their importance as graphical tools in sciences and engineering studies. Also, PyNomo software is introduced to build vector-based and scalable nomograms. Then, this work emphasizes the importance of including nomography as a valuable and renewed computational tool, in conjunction with PyNomo software, in an academic context. In line with that, several nomograms, which have been obtained with PyNomo software, are examined to grasp the true importance of this science branch and its capabilities in an educational context.The authors would like to thank Dr John Douglas and the other anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments on aspects of this study which were useful in revising this article

    PyNomo software dataset for sciences and engineering nomogram construction

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    This article examines different python-based codes to be run under PyNomo nomographer software to represent alignment charts or nomograms for formulas commonly used in sciences and engineering studies. PyNomo nomographer supports nine basic types of nomograms based on the format of the mathematical equation. The examined PyNomo codes cover the construction of the following types of nomogram: type 1, type 2, type 7, type 8, type 9, and type 10. Each PyNomo script includes some background and the underlying mathematics for the nomogram construction and how to implement each code into PyNomo software. Potential users can use these PyNomo codes, as template scripts, to customize and construct their own nomograms for a variety of technical applications. That is especially true since a considerable number of science and engineering equations fall into one of these covered nomogram types depending on the equation form involved.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: Please declare any financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests here

    Tabaquismo en la consulta de enfermería de atención primaria

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    La Sociedad Científica Española de Enfermería –SCELE, ha realizado en la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad de Alicante, los días 9 y 10 de Junio de 2016, el VIII Congreso Nacional SCELE, bajo el lema: "LIDERAZGO DE ENFERMERÍA EN LA GESTIÓN DE CUIDADOS EN LA CRONICIDAD". Se ofrece el acceso a los Resúmenes de las Comunicaciones Científicas Orales y Posters presentadas y defendidas en el trascurso del mencionado Congreso, en sus distintas categorías: estudios de investigación, proyectos de investigación y casos de cuidados

    Ejercicios resueltos de plantas de tratamiento de recursos minerales

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    Siguiendo el mismo estilo que el anterior libro titulado “Ejercicios resueltos de Tecnología Mineralúrgica”, editado por la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (España) y publicado en 2015, este libro lo componen unos 71 problemas tipo totalmente resueltos abordando las diferentes unidades de proceso que habitualmente se encuentran en la mayor parte de las plantas de tratamiento de recursos minerales: machacadoras de mandíbulas, giratorias, conos, molinos, cribas, clasificadores hidráulicos, hidrociclones, flotación, etc. Estos ejercicios resueltos ayudan a dimensionar y seleccionar adecuadamente estas unidades de tratamiento siguiendo criterios internacionalmente establecidos. Por lo que lo convierten en un libro de consulta idóneo para aquellos profesionales o especialistas relacionados con los procesos de minerales o de plantas de áridos. Además, los problemas tipo que aquí se abordan son similares a los tratados durante las clases de resolución de problemas y casos prácticos que se imparten de la asignatura de Plantas de Tratamiento de Recursos Minerales del Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, UPCT (España). De esta forma, el libro es apropiado para todos aquellos estudiantes de grado o cursos de máster relacionados con la industria mineral o de los áridos donde se presenta la necesidad de resolver problemas de plantas de tratamiento mineral relacionados con la selección y dimensionado de diferentes equipos de trituración y procesamiento de minerales

    Aplicación de diferentes técnicas no destructivas de prospección geofísica a problemas relacionados con contaminación ambiental producidas por diferentes actividades antrópicas en la Región de Murcia

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    [SPA] En la Región de Murcia, diferentes actividades antrópicas a lo largo del tiempo han ido modificando enormemente el paisaje, causando incluso, en ocasiones, riesgos medioambientales muy importantes. Así, por un lado, una actividad minera metálica que ha operado por más de 2500 años, ya acabada, ha originado una gran cantidad de residuos y superficies inestables que pueden ser foco de contaminación directa o difusa afectando a los suelos, las aguas y muy especialmente al hombre. Igualmente, otra actividad económica muy importante existente en Murcia es la ganadería del porcino generadora de residuos que por su propia naturaleza son fuentes de contaminación. En esta Tesis Doctoral se determinan las posibilidades de aplicación de algunas técnicas geofísicas como es la tomografía eléctrica 2D y la tomografía eléctrica 3D para conseguir información útil que pueda cubicar el volumen de estos estériles mineros y caracterizar regiones de los depósitos mineros donde existen altas concentraciones de metales pesados (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd) y sulfatos, o bien, zonas caracterizadas por una variación de pH; todo ello corroborado con los análisis geoquímicos. También se aborda en esta Tesis Doctoral un estudio de la evolución temporal de los efectos a partir de las balsas de purines con ambas técnicas geofísicas con el fin de: desarrollar y calibrar una metodología de trabajo para este tipo de estructuras de almacenamiento, evaluar si la tomografía eléctrica es capaz de revelar posibles filtraciones de purín en el subsuelo, determinando la profundidad a la que llegaría. Los resultados son cotejados por los sondeos mecánicos realizados y los análisis geoquímicos.[ENG]In the Murcia Province, there are 85 mining silt ponds resulting from the treatment and exploitation of the metallic sulphur. These silt ponds are the potential focus of environmental pollution. In this work, on the one hand, studies two mining silt ponds. These have allowed the characterization of different horizons, combining the results obtained through geochemical analysis with data derived fro electric tomography 2D/3D technique. Also, the data show that the electric tomography 2D and 3D is a effective technique to cube the volume of these mining silt ponds and to visualize these areas that show high concentration of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd) and sulphates; this fact has been corroborated with the physical-chemical analysis. On the other hand, this work studies the temporal evolution of the effects from the slurry ponds on the soil with geophysical techniques specifically 2D and 3D electrical tomography. Use of these non-destructive geophysical technique intends to fulfill the following objectives: To develop and fine tune a work methodology, unpublished until now, to approach this type of storage structures; to evaluate if 2D and 3D electrical tomography is capable of revealing possible leakage of contamination in the subsoil through the seasonal monitoring of the slurry-soil interaction; if this evaluation is positive, to what depth will these techniques be suitable for detecting the presence of slurry in subsoil with a greater reliability?.Universidad Politécnica de CartagenaPrograma de doctorado en Tecnologías Industriale

    An integrative model for media literacy and digital competence in Primary Education

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    Tras un amplio estudio acercadela formación sobre y con los medios en el marco regulatorio español vigente, se estima oportuno incorporar un modelo integrador, TPACK, para facilitar el desarrollo de actividades para la mejora de la alfabetización mediática con los medios en la Educación Primaria. Para llevar a cabo este trabajo, se optó por un método bajo un enfoque exploratorio y concluyente con metodología cuasi-experimental, realizándose cuestionarios pretest y postest, tras la implementación de los campos de conocimiento que se incluyen en las matrices trabajadas y que dan lugar al desarrollo de actividades de competencia digital, en función del contexto o ecosistema educativo digital, de entre los reconocidos por la UNESCO. Los resultados sobre la valoración didáctica y pedagógica de los profesores, acerca de la confección de los materiales didácticos digitales resultantes, concluyó en la conveniencia y validez de dichas matrices tanto a nivel disciplinar, pedagógico, como en el aprovechamiento tecnológico.After an extensive study on media training in the current Spanish regulatory framework, it is considered appropriate to incorporate an integrative model, TPACK, to facilitate the development of activities for the improvement of media literacy in Primary Education. To carry out this research, a quasi-experimental methodology was chosen and an exploratory and conclusive approach adopted Pre-test and post-test questionnaires were administered after the implementation of the fields of knowledge included in the matrices. These help develop activities to improve students’ digital competence in the different digital education ecosystems recognized by UNESCO. The results regarding teachers’ assessment of the digital teaching materials created point to the validity and suitability of the matrices used, both at the pedagogical and the technological level

    Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and geochemical analysis dataset to delimit subsurface affected areas by livestock pig slurry ponds

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    The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) technique was employed with the support of geochemical analyses to delimit the affected surface area by slurry pig ponds. Data were taken in three selected slurry ponds located in Fuente Álamo municipality, Murcia region (SE Spain), to obtain electrical resistivity value-based 2D sections and 3D blocks. All ERT-based survey data were obtained in September 2020 using a SuperSting R8 resistivity meter from Advanced Geosciences Inc. and using the dipole-dipole array consisting of a total of twenty-eight electrodes. The soil samples were taken from drilling core sampling by boreholes at each slurry pond, and physical-chemical analyses of soil samples were obtained using standard laboratory testing methods. Electrical resistivity values and physical-chemical analysis data obtained from soil samples were contrasted, whose comparison showed a correlation between profiles-based electrical resistivity, laboratory-based electrical conductivity (EC) data, and nitrate (N-NO3-) content from soil samples. The statistical analysis was run by SPSS Statistics v.23 software (IBM, Neconductivity York, NY, USA) to establish the non-parametric Spearman correlation. The dataset establishes a reliable methodology and provides insight and information to delimit the affected subsurface area by pig slurry. Data contained within this publication are presented concurrently with Capa-Camacho et al. 2022 [1].This work was supported by the research grant 21583/FPI/21. Fundación Séneca. Región de Murcia (Spain), and the Sustainable Use, Management, and Reclamation of Soil and Water research group

    La seda valenciana: turismo de patrimonio

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    La Comunitat Valenciana cuenta con sólidos elementos patrimoniales relacionados con la seda. Patrimonio inmaterial como las fiestas de las Fallas, patrimonio material como la Lonja de la Seda, ambas reconocidas por la UNESCO como Patrimonio Mundial, e infinidad de otros patrimonios materiales o inmateriales de alto valor se reparten a lo largo del territorio. La combinación de todos estos elementos podría permitir la definición y diseño de un producto turístico de alto valor. En los últimos años, el turismo de Patrimonio Mundial Inmaterial se está consolidando como un segmento de marca específico dentro del turismo patrimonial cuyas características es preciso analizar y valorar para poder desarrollar un producto que cubra e incluso exceda las expectativas de este tipo de turista. Este trabajo describe esta realidad y analiza la situación en que se encuentra la Comunidad Valenciana como referente en patrimonio integral y vivo de la seda

    Photograph Based Evaluation of Consumer Expectation on Healthiness, Fullness, and Acceptance of Sandwiches as Convenience Food

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    [EN] Sandwiches are the most common "casual-food" consumed by all age groups in Spain. Due to the importance of visual appearance to promote unplanned or impulse buying, foodservice and hospitality companies focus on improving the visual impression of their food menus to create an expectation that satisfies both sensory and hedonic consumer experiences. To provide a list of attributes about the visual appearance of sandwiches, 25 students were recruited from a university and were invited to participate in two nominal group technique (NGT) sessions. To understand whether a sandwiches' appearance can influence the expectation of consumers, 259 participants completed an online survey specially designed from the results of the NGT sessions. Data were analyzed using conjoint, internal preference mapping and cluster analysis; the interaction effect by gender was also studied. The conjoint results indicate that visual perception about the filling (vegetal or pork based) plays the most key role overall in consumer expectation. When consumers choose vegetables as the filling, the consumers' perceived sandwiches as healthier, but the pork filling was perceived as more attractive and satiating. Interaction effect by gender was observed in filling when females perceived pork filling as less healthy than vegetable. By acceptance, consumers were segmented into three groups. The first cluster (n = 80) selected the pork filling. The smaller group (cluster 3, n = 36) prioritized the vegetal filling, and the most numerous cluster 2 (n = 140) liked sandwiches with multigrain bread. These results may help companies to build tailor-made marketing strategies to satisfy consumer segments.García-Segovia, P.; Pagán Moreno, MJ.; Tárrega, A.; Martínez-Monzó, J. (2021). Photograph Based Evaluation of Consumer Expectation on Healthiness, Fullness, and Acceptance of Sandwiches as Convenience Food. Foods. 10(5):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods10051102S11410