1,705 research outputs found

    Lexical Simplification System to Improve Web Accessibility

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    People with intellectual, language and learning disabilities face accessibility barriers when reading texts with complex words. Following accessibility guidelines, complex words can be identified, and easy synonyms and definitions can be provided for them as reading aids. To offer support to these reading aids, a lexical simplification system for Spanish has been developed and is presented in this article. The system covers the complex word identification (CWI) task and offers replacement candidates with the substitute generation and selection (SG/SS) task. These tasks have followed machine learning techniques and contextual embeddings using Easy Reading and Plain Language resources, such as dictionaries and corpora. Additionally, due to the polysemy present in the language, the system provides definitions for complex words, which are disambiguated by a rule-based method supported by a state-of-the-art embedding resource. This system is integrated into a web system that provides an easy way to improve the readability and comprehension of Spanish texts. The results obtained are satisfactory; in the CWI task, better results were obtained than with other systems that used the same dataset. The SG/SS task results are comparable to similar works in the English language and provide a solid starting point to improve this task for the Spanish language. Finally, the results of the disambiguation process evaluation were good when evaluated by a linguistic expert. These findings represent an additional advancement in the lexical simplification of texts in Spanish and in a generic domain using easy-to-read resources, among others, to provide systematic support to compliance with accessibility guidelinesThis work was supported in part by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors under Grant EPUC3M17, in part by the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation), and in part by the Accessible Technologies Award-INDRA Technologies and the Fundación Universia (www.tecnologiasaccesibles.com

    Measurement of the Teamwork and Networking Competencies in Innovative Contexts

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    [EN] The aim of our research is to develop a questionnaire that allows a valid and reliable self-assessment of two soft competencies: Teamwork (TW) and Networking (NW), for professionals at organizations or job applicants. In this paper, focus will be set on the filtering of a bank of possible items, and the confirmation that the items finally selected: a) Represent one or several conceptual dimensions within TW or NW b) Show an agreement between independent evaluators to analyze the overlap between items and dimensions: in our case, to be able to classify the items into their adequate dimension c) Check that the set of items selected in agreement among evaluators represents all the sub-dimensions of the construct to be assessed We will use the bank of TW and NW items identified by previous research (itemsA) (Lukes & Stephan, 2017, Pérez Peñalver et al., 2018), which was classified and carried out within the European Project FINCODA (itemsB) (Marin-Garcia, 2018). With itemsA and B, we will try to sort out items into their corresponding categories. To identify the items with the best content validity, we will use the raw agreement and Content Validity Ratio (CVR) measures (Lawshe, 1975, Tristan-Lopez, 2008), the intercoder agreement measures (Marin-Garcia et al., 2008a; Marin -Garcia et al., 2016b) and Krippendorff's Alpha (Friese, 2018; Krippendorff, 2018; Krippendorff et al., 2016).Marín García, JA.; Martínez Villaescusa, MI.; Aznar Más, L. (2020). Measurement of the Teamwork and Networking Competencies in Innovative Contexts. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/156434OC

    Biomarkers in ocular chronic graft versus host disease: tear cytokine- and chemokine-based predictive model.

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To develop a tear molecule level-based predictive model based on a panel of tear cytokines and their correlation with clinical features in ocular chronic graft versus host disease (cGVHD). Methods: Twenty-two ocular cGVHD patients and 21 healthy subjects were evaluated in a controlled environmental research laboratory (CERLab). Clinical parameters were recorded, and tears were collected. Levels of 15 molecules (epidermal growth factor [EGF], IL receptor antagonist [IL-1Ra], IL-1β, IL-2, IL-6, IL-8/CXCL8, IL-10, IL-12p70, IL-17A, interferon inducible protein [IP]-10/CXCL10, IFN-γ, VEGF, TNF-α, eotaxin 1, and regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted [RANTES]) were measured by multiplex-bead assay and correlated with clinical parameters. Logistic regression was used to develop a predictive model. Leave-one-out cross-validation was applied. Classification capacity was evaluated in a cohort of individuals with dry eye (DE) of other etiologies different from GVHD. Results: Epidermal growth factor and IP-10/CXCL10 levels were significantly decreased in ocular cGVHD, positively correlating with tear production and stability and negatively correlating with symptoms, hyperemia, and vital staining. Interleukin-1Ra, IL-8/CXCL8, and IL-10 were significantly increased in ocular cGVHD, and the first two correlated positively with symptoms, hyperemia, and ocular surface integrity while negatively correlating with tear production and stability. Predictive models were generated, and the best panel was based on IL-8/CXCL8 and IP-10/CXCL10 tear levels along with age and sex, with an area under the receiving operating curve of 0.9004, sensitivity of 86.36%, and specificity of 95.24%. Conclusions: A predictive model based on tear levels of IL-8/CXCL8 and IP-10/CXCL10 resulted in optimal sensitivity and specificity. These results add further knowledge to the search for potential biomarkers in this devastating ocular inflammatory disease.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Madrid, Spain, SAF-2010 15631 (AES)

    ¿Se puede aprender una nueva forma de crear y usar contenidos educativos en la universidad?

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    La implantación de nuevos modelos pedagógicos en los sistemas de gestión del aprendizaje es actualmente una necesidad de la comunidad educativa. Por ello, la División de Informática Industrial ha desarrollado una metodología de construcción de contenidos formativos y una metodología de docencia de cursos elearning, basándose en la mayor implicación y autonomía del alumno y en el nuevo papel del profesorado definido en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La metodología de construcción establece unas pautas de diseño pedagógico, funcional y gráfico, que permiten la creación de cursos con contenidos digitales dinámicos, breves e interactivos. La metodología de docencia facilita al profesorado la organización y mejora de la asignatura y la orientación de los estudiantes. Ambas constituyen una ayuda para la mejora del proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje aprovechando las nuevas tecnologías. Como aplicación, se han creado dos cursos siguiendo el formato SCORM en la plataforma AulaWeb. Uno de ellos está orientado a la formación de docentes que quieren aprender a emplear una plataforma de tele-educación y el otro corresponde a una asignatura universitaria de libre elección

    Automatización de la codificación del patrón modelo vista controlador (MVC) en proyectos orientados a la Web

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    Se generó una herramienta en el lenguaje java para la automatización de la programación del patrón mvc a partir de esquemas de bases de datos implementados en mysql. Como resultado se obtiene el código en java, lo cual reduce el tiempo de programación y al mismo tiempo se garantiza la consistencia del patrón. Con el uso de esta herramienta podremos agregar nuevas funcionalidades al proyecto sin la necesidad de reescribir este complemento

    El fenómeno migratorio y las respuestas que provocan. La perspectiva intercultural

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    The recent happened events, both in some Spanish localities and in the periphery of some big French cities, reveal the weakness of the bases and the confusion reigning in Europe on the treatment of the sociocultural diversity. The multitude of involved aspects -from the work up to the housing, passing through the education and the equality of opportunities of the different social components- they allow to estimate that, though the education (formal and social) for the improvement of the intercultural and intergroup relations it’s a necessary condition, it isn’t suffi cient to assure the advances towards an intercultural society, democratic, with unity and forged on the foundations of the plurality and the diversity. In this article, it is tried to emphasize some of the underlying elements to the contradictions that make diffi cult such walking.Los recientes acontecimientos sucedidos, tanto en algunas localidades españolas como en la periferia de algunas grandes ciudades francesas, ponen de manifiesto la debilidad de las bases y la confusión reinantes en Europa sobre el tratamiento de la diversidad sociocultural. La multitud de aspectos involucrados –desde el trabajo hasta la vivienda, pasando por la educación y la igualdad de oportunidades de los distintos componentes sociales- permiten apreciar que, si bien la educación (escolar y social) para la mejora de las relaciones interculturales e intergrupales es una condición necesaria, no lo es suficiente para asegurar los avances hacia una sociedad intercultural, democrática, cohesionada y fraguada sobre los cimientos de la pluralidad y la diversidad. En este artículo, se pretende destacar algunos de los elementos subyacentes a las contradicciones que dificultan tal andadura

    Emotional intelligence vs. general intelligence: Aspects to consider in teaching

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    The main objective of this study was to analyze the way in which emotional competencies (EI) in students are linked to general intelligence (IQ), and how the crossing of the two measurements determines their academic performance. To conduct this research, two tests were applied. First, the TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) assessment was administered and, secondly, the R scale of the PMA Test (Primary Mental Abilities). The sample consisted of 58 university students between 18 and 51 years old, of which 76% are women and 24% are men. The results show that there is no direct relationship between emotional intelligence and general intelligence. However, it is important to consider the size of the sample, since it presents limitations when interpreting the results. Nonetheless, an interesting finding is the interaction discovered between a performance indicator, such as the selectivity score, and the overall EI score. These results are in line with those found by Schutte et al. (1998). This result is even more significant, if possible, when realizing the selectivity score showed a negative correlation (inverse relationship) with the score on the PMA- R (Reasoning) test.--------------------Inteligencia emocional vs. inteligencia general: Aspectos a considerar en la docenciaResumenLa presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo analizar el modo en el que las competencias emocionales (IE) de los estudiantes se vinculan con su inteligencia general (IQ) y cómo del cruce de ambas medidas determinan su rendimiento académico. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se suministraron dos cuestionarios a estudiantes de la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Concretamente, los estudiantes cumplimentaron el cuestionario TEIQue (Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire) para la medición de la Inteligencia emocional y la escala R del Test PMA (Primary Mental Abilities) para la valoración del factor de razonamiento. La muestra está compuesta por 58 alumnos universitarios con edades comprendidas entre 18 y 51 años, de los cuales el 76% son mujeres y el 24% son hombres. Los resultados de esta investigación, aunque no han permitido establecer una vinculación clara entre Inteligencia Emocional e Inteligencia General, han permitido vislumbrar algunas tendencias que relacionan las sub-escalas del cuestionario TEIQue con el factor razonamiento de los estudiantes. A través de esta relación, se han podido establecer perfiles y, a partir de ellos, se han identificado las metodologías docentes más adecuadas para mejorar los resultados académicos de los estudiantes.DOI: 10.18870/hlrc.v4i1.199PDF document contains both the original in Spanish and an English translation

    Compreender crianças com inibição emocional: Uma abordagem com múltiplos informadores do contexto educacional e familiar

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    Behavioral inhibition (BI) is a temperament trait characterized by extreme fear in the face of novelty. BI has been associated with the development of mental disorders. However, there is a lack of research examining the socioemotional and behavioral characteristics of behaviorally inhibited children both in family and school settings. For a more comprehensive and in-depth overview of children’s behavior in each of these contexts, this study has collected data from both parents (mother and father – family setting) and from teachers (educational environment). The sample consisted of 109 children aged between four and six years old. Multi-informant approach was used: all fathers, mothers and teachers completed both the Preschool Behavioral Inhibition Scales, the Child Behavior Checklist for parents and teachers, and the Behavior Assessment System for Children and Adolescents. Our findings revealed that children classified as BI exhibit less socioemotional and behavioral adjustments than their uninhibited peers both in family and school contexts. Further, the shyness variable seemed to be strongly associated with behavioral inhibition, regardless of informant and context.A inibição comportamental (IC) é um traço de temperamento caracterizado por medo extremo face a situações novas. A IC tem sido associada ao desenvolvimento de perturbações mentais. No entanto, é escassa a investigação que examina as características socio-emocionais e comportamentais de crianças com inibição comportamental em contextos educacionais e familiares. Para uma visão global mais compreensiva e aprofundada do comportamento da criança em cada um destes contextos, este estudo recolheu dados com os pais (mãe e pai – contexto familiar) e com os professores (contexto educacional). A amostra foi constituída por 109 crianças, entre os quatro e os seis anos de idade. Foi utilizada uma abordagem com múltiplos informadores: todos os pais, mães e professores completaram as Escalas de Inibição Comportamental para o Pré-Escolar, o Questionário de Comportamento da Criança para pais e professores (CBCL e TRF), e o Sistema de Avaliação do Comportamento para Crianças e Adolescentes (BASC). Os resultados revelaram que crianças consideradas com IC apresentavam níveis mais baixos de ajustamento socio-emocional e comportamental comparativamente a crianças não inibidas, tanto no contexto familiar como no contexto educacional. Adicionalmente, a variável de timidez pareceu ser a que mais fortemente se associou à inibição comportamental, independentemente do informador e do contexto


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    En este artículo se presenta el segundo prototipo desarrollado como resultado del proyecto denominado ”Virtualización de la Academia de Informática del Instituto Tecnológico de Chilpancingo, un caso de estudio para orientar la virtualización en el SNEST”, y para cuyo desarrollo se aplicó una de las metodologías recomendadas y estandarizadas por diversos investigadores y desarrolladores de software y de sistemas de información, denominada “Ciclo de vida del desarrollo de sistemas”, de cuya aplicación se determinó necesario la creación de la interfaz de usuario utilizando el software generador de diseños Web denominado Artisteer, así como la implementación de su funcionalidad mediante la inserción de código HTML y PHP, en los archivos de código de programación de las plantillas generadas por el diseñador Web

    Estilo de crianza disfuncional y resiliencia en los adolescentes de una institución educativa nacional de la provincia Constitucional del Callao 2020

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    La presente investigación se realizó con el objetivo de determinar la relación entre estilos de crianza disfuncional y resiliencia de los adolescentes de una institución educativa del callao 2020. El tipo de investigación empleado fue el no experimental con un diseño correlacional, transversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por adolescentes cuyas edades varían entre los 13 y 17 años, la población estuvo conformada por 72 alumnos. Los instrumentos de medición utilizados fueron la Escala de Estilos Parentales Disfuncionales, adaptada por Matalinares, Raymundo y Baca (2014), así como la Escala de Resiliencia de Wagnild y Young, adaptada por Castilla, Coronel, Bonilla, Mendoza y Barboza (2016). Según los resultados obtenidos no existe relación significativa e inversa entre resiliencia y Estilos de crianza disfuncional en los adolescentes de una institución educativa del Callao, según los valores alcanzados (r=-0.114 y sig.=0.339), siendo así que la hipótesis general queda rechazada