302 research outputs found

    Estrategias institucionales de orientación al ingreso en la escuela de parteras de la Universidad de la República, Uruguay

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    Este trabajo procura dar cuenta de las principales estrategias institucionales adoptadas a partir de los resultados obtenidos en el relevamiento realizado en el año 2017, mediante el Formulario de estudiantes de ingreso a la Escuela de Parteras (EP) de Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Tuvo como objetivo principal conocer el perfil del estudiante que ingresa a la EP y mejorar la calidad de las políticas institucionales de apoyo al ingreso. Fue de carácter obligatorio para la generación 2017, y su protocolo elaborado en forma conjunta entre la Unidad de Apoyo a la Enseñanza y el equipo de Dirección de la EP. En este trabajo se presenta el perfil socio educativo del estudiante de la EP de la generación 2017, siendo la metodología utilizada la aplicación de una encuesta. Los datos a presentar comprenden edad, ocupación, lugar de procedencia y residencia actual, formación previa, existencia de materias pendientes de Enseñanza Media, postulación a becas y nivel educativo alcanzado en la familia de origen. Respecto a la elección de carrera y apoyos al ingreso, se consulta a los estudiantes respecto al principal motivo de la elección y la forma de acceso a la información sobre la carrera al momento de inscribirse. Como dato significativo, se encuentra que la mitad de los estudiantes afirma que se encuentra interesado en contar con un apoyo al ingreso por parte de la institución, siendo los más mencionados aquellos vinculados a la adaptación e inserción en la vida universitaria y a la ciudad de Montevideo, así como información sobre la EP y la carrera que se encuentran cursando. A partir de estos datos, se instrumentaron estrategias institucionales de apoyo y orientación al ingreso que se dividen en dos grandes líneas. Por un lado, la instrumentación de Espacios de Consulta y Orientación para estudiantes que solicitan reorientación vocacional y apoyo en la preparación de una materia previa de Enseñanza Media. Por otro lado, el desarrollo de Talleres de Orientación al Ingreso, siendo los principales temas abordados: Universidad (estructura y recursos), EP (información sobre la carrera, funcionamiento, cogobierno), actividades para estudiantes del interior del país. Se entiende que la aplicación de esta Encuesta permitió caracterizar el perfil socioeducativo del estudiante que ingresa a la EP y desarrollar estrategias de apoyo y orientación al ingreso directamente vinculadas y ajustadas a sus intereses e inquietudes

    Transcriptomics of Haemophilus (Glässerella) parasuis serovar 5 subjected to culture conditions partially mimetic to natural infection for the search of new vaccine antigens

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    11 p.Haemophilus (Glässerella) parasuis is the etiological agent of Glässer’s disease in pigs. Control of this disorder has been traditionally based on bacterins. The search for alternative vaccines has focused mainly on the study of outer membrane proteins. This study investigates the transcriptome of H. (G.) parasuis serovar 5 subjected to in vitro conditions mimicking to those existing during an infection (high temperature and iron-restriction), with the aim of detecting the overexpression of genes coding proteins exposed on bacterial surface, which could represent good targets as vaccine candidates. The transcriptomic approach identified 13 upregulated genes coding surface proteins: TbpA, TbpB, HxuA, HxuB, HxuC, FhuA, FimD, TolC, an autotransporter, a protein with immunoglobulin folding domains, another large protein with a tetratricopeptide repeat and two small proteins that did not contain any known domains. Of these, the first six genes coded proteins being related to iron extraction. Six of the proteins have already been tested as vaccine antigens in murine and/or porcine infection models and showed protection against H. (G.) parasuis. However, the remaining seven have not yet been tested and, consequently, they could become useful as putative antigens in the prevention of Glässer’s disease. Anyway, the expression of this seven novel vaccine candidates should be shown in other serovars different from serovar 5.S

    Structural parameters and blue stragglers in Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters

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    We present BV photometry of four Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy globular clusters: Arp 2, NGC 5634, Palomar 12, and Terzan 8, obtained with the Danish telescope at ESO-La Silla. We measure the structural parameters of the clusters using a King profile fitting, obtaining the first reliable measurements of the tidal radius of Arp 2 and Terzan 8. These two clusters are remarkably extended and with low concentrations; with a concentration of only c = 0.41 +/- 0.02, Terzan 8 is less concentrated than any cluster in our Galaxy. Blue stragglers are identified in the four clusters, and their spatial distribution is compared to those of horizontal branch and red giant branch stars. The blue straggler properties do not provide evidence of mass segregation in Terzan 8, while Arp 2 probably shares the same status, although with less confidence. In the case of NGC 5634 and Palomar 12, blue stragglers are significantly less populous, and their analysis suggests that the two clusters have probably undergone mass segregation.Comment: 11 pages - 10 figures - MNRAS accepted || v2: minor changes to match published versio

    A Search for Faint Resolved Galaxies Beyond the Milky Way in DES Year 6: A New Faint, Diffuse Dwarf Satellite of NGC 55

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    We report results from a systematic wide-area search for faint dwarf galaxies at heliocentric distances from 0.3 to 2 Mpc using the full 6 yr of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Unlike previous searches over the DES data, this search specifically targeted a field population of faint galaxies located beyond the Milky Way virial radius. We derive our detection efficiency for faint, resolved dwarf galaxies in the Local Volume with a set of synthetic galaxies and expect our search to be complete to M V ∼ (−7, −10) mag for galaxies at D = (0.3, 2.0) Mpc. We find no new field dwarfs in the DES footprint, but we report the discovery of one high-significance candidate dwarf galaxy at a distance of 2.2−0.12+0.05Mpc , a potential satellite of the Local Volume galaxy NGC 55, separated by 47′ (physical separation as small as 30 kpc). We estimate this dwarf galaxy to have an absolute V-band magnitude of −8.0−0.3+0.5mag and an azimuthally averaged physical half-light radius of 2.2−0.4+0.5kpc , making this one of the lowest surface brightness galaxies ever found with μ=32.3magarcsec−2 . This is the largest, most diffuse galaxy known at this luminosity, suggesting possible tidal interactions with its host

    The DECam Local Volume Exploration Survey Data Release 2

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    We present the second public data release (DR2) from the DECam Local Volume Exploration survey (DELVE). DELVE DR2 combines new DECam observations with archival DECam data from the Dark Energy Survey, the DECam Legacy Survey, and other DECam community programs. DELVE DR2 consists of similar to 160,000 exposures that cover >21,000 deg(2) of the high-Galactic-latitude ( divide b divide > 10 degrees) sky in four broadband optical/near-infrared filters (g, r, i, z). DELVE DR2 provides point-source and automatic aperture photometry for similar to 2.5 billion astronomical sources with a median 5 sigma point-source depth of g = 24.3, r = 23.9, i = 23.5, and z = 22.8 mag. A region of similar to 17,000 deg(2) has been imaged in all four filters, providing four-band photometric measurements for similar to 618 million astronomical sources. DELVE DR2 covers more than 4 times the area of the previous DELVE data release and contains roughly 5 times as many astronomical objects. DELVE DR2 is publicly available via the NOIRLab Astro Data Lab science platform

    Limit on Supernova Emission in the Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst, GRB 221009A

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    We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of the extraordinary gamma-ray burst (GRB) 221009A in search of an associated supernova. Some past GRBs have shown bumps in the optical light curve that coincide with the emergence of supernova spectral features, but we do not detect any significant light-curve features in GRB 221009A, nor do we detect any clear sign of supernova spectral features. Using two well-studied GRB-associated supernovae (SN 2013dx, M r , max = − 19.54 ; SN 2016jca, M r , max = − 19.04 ) at a similar redshift as GRB 221009A (z = 0.151), we modeled how the emergence of a supernova would affect the light curve. If we assume the GRB afterglow to decay at the same rate as the X-ray data, the combination of afterglow and a supernova component is fainter than the observed GRB brightness. For the case where we assume the best-fit power law to the optical data as the GRB afterglow component, a supernova contribution should have created a clear bump in the light curve, assuming only extinction from the Milky Way. If we assume a higher extinction of E(B − V) = 1.74 mag (as has been suggested elsewhere), the supernova contribution would have been hard to detect, with a limit on the associated supernova of M r , max ≈ − 19.54. We do not observe any clear supernova features in our spectra, which were taken around the time of expected maximum light. The lack of a bright supernova associated with GRB 221009A may indicate that the energy from the explosion is mostly concentrated in the jet, leaving a lower energy budget available for the supernova

    A922 Sequential measurement of 1 hour creatinine clearance (1-CRCL) in critically ill patients at risk of acute kidney injury (AKI)

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