609 research outputs found

    Análisis descriptivo de los elementos gráficos de los grabados utilizados en la Imprenta Tipográfica Comercial en los años 1923-1980.

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    Los grabados tienen mucho recorrido histórico. Se presentaron, en la mayoría de los continentes del mundo, como las primeras manifestaciones humanas en cuevas, paredes y rocas. Posteriormente, estuvieron presentes, con la invención del papel. Así, surgieron los grabados en madera, técnica conocida como xilografía. De hecho, según Dreyfus y Richaudeau (1990) es “el más antiguo y extendido de los procedimientos de impresión en relieve” (p.686). En efecto, los grabados facilitaron la reproducción de imágenes. Anterior a ello, todo se ilustraba o escribía manualmente. Con la invención de la imprenta, en el siglo XV, los grabados y los tipos móviles compartieron la prensa tipográfica para transmitir y comunicar visualmente información, a partir del impreso. En 1923, se abrieron las puertas de la imprenta Tipografía Comercial, un taller tipográfico y centro editorial, que produjo impresos para la época gloriosa de la ciudad de Santa Ana. Los grabados utilizados en la imprenta durante el periodo de 1923-1980, fueron objeto de estudio para esta investigación. Se recolectaron, limpiaron, clasificaron por temática, y se analizó descriptivamente la muestra para descubrir el significado, las influencias artísticas, la procedencia y tecnicismos de los grabados. Contribuyendo, en efecto, con la historia de las artes gráficas; pero, sobre todo, ser el pionero de los estudios sobre los grabados utilizados para la impresión tipográfica en El SalvadorMonografía presentada para optar al título de Licenciatura en Diseño Gráfic

    Supported Biofilms on Carbon–Oxide Composites for Nitrate Reduction in Agricultural Waste Water

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    Escherichia coli colonies were grown on different supports for the removal of nitrates from water. A carbon material and different commercial metal oxides, such as SiO2 , TiO2 and Al2O3 , and their corresponding carbon–metal oxide composites were studied. The physicochemical properties were analyzed by different techniques and the results were correlated with their performance in the denitrification process. Developed biofilms effectively adhere to the supports and always reach the complete reduction of nitrates to gaseous products. Nevertheless, faster processes occur when the biofilm is supported on mesoporous and non-acid materials (carbon and silica).Spanish Project ref. RTI 2018-099224-B100 funded by ERDF/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities—State Research Agency (Spain

    New Uses of Haloarchaeal Species in Bioremediation Processes

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    The extreme conditions under which haloarchaea survive make them good bioremediation agents in water treatment processes and in saline and hypersaline environments contaminated with toxic compounds such as nitrate, nitrite and ammonia, chlorine compounds such as perchlorate and chlorate, heavy metals, and aromatic compounds. New advances in the understanding of haloarchaea metabolism, biochemistry, and molecular biology suggest that general biochemical pathways related to nitrogen (Nitrogen cycle), metals (iron, mercury), hydrocarbons, or phenols can be used for bioremediation proposals

    Covering functors without groups

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    Coverings in the representation theory of algebras were introduced for the Auslander-Reiten quiver of a representation finite algebra by Riedtmann and later for finite dimensional algebras by Bongartz and Gabriel, R. Martinez-Villa and de la Pe\~na. The best understood class covering functors is that of Galois covering functors F: A -> B determined by the action of a group of automorphisms of A. In this work we introduce the balanced covering functors which include the Galois class and for which classical Galois covering-type results still hold. For instance, if F:A -> B is a balanced covering functor, where A and B are linear categories over an algebraically closed field, and B is tame, then A is tame.Comment: Some improvements have been made; in particular, the proof of Theorem 2 has been restructured and clarifie

    Choroidal thickness assessment in keratoconus patients treated with cross-linking compared to healthy population.

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    Purpose: To analyze the choroidal thickness between patients with keratoconus undergoing cross-linking treatment and a healthy population, as well as to determine the factors that influence choroidal thickness. Methods: This was an observational, analytical, case–control study that was conducted from February 2021 to June 2021. Choroidal thickness was measured at different locations, including the subfoveal, nasal (1000 μm), temporal (1000 μm), superior (1000 μm) and inferior (1000 μm) locations using a Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography with enhanced depth imaging, which allowed us to obtain horizontal and vertical B-scans centered on the fovea. Results: This study included 21 patients with keratoconus (mean age, 21.86 ± 5.28 years) and 28 healthy patients (mean age, 24.21 ± 4.71 years). Choroidal thickness was significantly greater in patients with keratoconus than in healthy patients in each of the following measured locations: subfoveal (P < 0.001); nasal (1000 μm) (P < 0.001), temporal (1000 μm) (P < 0.001), superior (1000 μm) (P < 0.001) and inferior (1000 μm) (P < 0.001) locations. Variables such as age (ρ = − 0.09; P = 0.50) and refraction (ρ = 0.14; P = 0.34) were not found to be associated with choroidal thickness. In a stepwise multiple linear regression, the group was the single variable correlated with choroidal thickness (β = 0.88; P < 0.001). Conclusion: Choroidal thickness is thicker in keratoconus patients treated with cross-linking than in the healthy population. This finding could be associated with inflammatory choroidal mechanisms in keratoconus patients, but more studies are needed. Age and refractive error do not seem to influence choroidal thickness. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V

    Demand for Library and Information Science professionals in Spain: Analysis of the names of job offers and tasks and skills involved

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    El objetivo de este estudio es profundizar en las causas de la disminución en la demanda de formación especializada en Información y Documentación a pesar del papel cada vez más destacado que posee la información y la documentación en el mercado laboral. Se recopiló una muestra de ofertas de trabajo públicas y privadas anunciadas durante 2012 y 2013 a nivel estatal, analizando la formación exigida y las tareas o competencias profesionales asociadas a las denominaciones más demandadas. Se concluye que la formación en Biblioteconomía y Documentación es demandada cuando el puesto de trabajo está vinculado al tratamiento y gestión de documentos, mientras que nuestras titulaciones no se consideran apropiadas cuando el trabajo está relacionado con la gestión de información y con las tecnologías, ámbito laboral cada vez más relevante para nuestros egresados.The aim of this study is to examine the causes of the decline in demand for specialized training in Library and Information Science despite the increasingly role of information and documentation in the labor market. A sample of public and private job offers announced during 2012 and 2013 at the state level were collected, analyzing the academic training, tasks and skills associated with the most frequent denominations. It is concluded that academic training in Library and Information Science is required when the job is linked to the treatment and management of documents, while our degrees are not considered appropriate when the work is related to information management and technology, these last jobs being more important for our graduates now and in the future

    Survey of oncohematological pharmaceutical care situation in Spain

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    Survey; Pharmaceutical care; Pharmaceutical servicesEncuesta; Atención farmacéutica; Servicios farmacéuticosEnquesta; Atenció farmacèutica; Serveis farmacèuticsObjective: To learn about the baseline of Oncohematological Pharmacy Units in Spanish hospitals in order to identify areas for improvement. Method: A survey in line with the objectives set in GEDEFO 2020 Strategic Plan of Pharmaceutical Care for oncohematological patients was designed. The survey was hosted on GEDEFO’s website during March and April 2017. Activity data for 2016 was collected. Results: A total of 95 hospitals responded to the survey. Out of which, 76% had an integrated information system of pharmacotherapeutic process management, where a variability in technological and organizational processes were found. The oncohematological pharmacist led the implementation of the principles of medicine, based on evidence and results obtained in routine clinical practice. It was shown that 88% of hospitals had standardized protocols. As for safety practices, in 83% of hospitals, oncohematological pharmacists actively participated in the development and maintenance of risk management program, implemented to prevent errors. Preparation was centralized in 89% of hospitals. Variability was observed in pharmaceutical care depending on where the patient was attended. In 92% of hospitals, pharmacists served as reference for Oncohematology, although with different levels of training. Major deficiencies were observed in training programs and teaching. Of all oncohematological pharmacists, 53% had been a researcher over the past three years. Conclusions: These results mark the starting point for Spanish Oncohematological Pharmacy Units to develop strategies for improving the quality of pharmaceutical care offered to oncohematological patients and led by GEDEFO, heads of service, and oncohematological patients themselves.Objetivo: Conocer la situación basal de las unidades de farmacia oncohematológica de los hospitales españoles para detectar ámbitos de mejora. Método: Se diseñó una encuesta acorde con los objetivos establecidos en el Plan Estratégico de Atención Farmacéutica al paciente oncohematológico del Grupo de Farmacia Oncológica de la Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria (GEDEFO 2020). La encuesta se alojó en la página web de GEDEFO durante marzo y abril de 2017. Se recogieron datos de actividad del año 2016. Resultados: Respondieron la encuesta 95 hospitales. Un 76% disponían de un sistema de información integral de gestión del proceso farmacoterapéutico, encontrándose variabilidad en los procesos tecnológicos y organizativos. El farmacéutico oncohematológico lideraba la aplicación de los principios de medicina basada en la evidencia y de los resultados obtenidos en la práctica clínica habitual, y se comprobó que un 88% de los hospitales contaba con protocolos estandarizados. En cuanto a prácticas de seguridad, en un 83% de los hospitales el Farmacéutico oncohematológico participaba activamente en el desarrollo y mantenimiento del programa de gestión de riesgos aplicado a la prevención de errores. La preparación estaba centralizada en un 89% de los hospitales. Se observó variabilidad en la atención farmacéutica en función de dónde se atendía al paciente. En el 92% de los hospitales existía Farmacéutico de referencia para oncohematología, aunque con distintos niveles de capacitación. Las mayores deficiencias se observaron en los programas de formación y docencia. Un 53% de los farmacéuticos oncohematológicos había sido investigador en los últimos tres años. Conclusiones: Estos resultados marcan el punto de partida de las unidades de farmacia oncohematológicas españolas para el desarrollo de estrategias de mejora de la calidad de la atención farmacéutica ofrecida a los pacientes oncohematológicos liderado por GEDEFO, jefes de Servicio y los propios farmacéuticos oncohematológicos.For the design tool of SEFH's website, where survey data were collected, it has been sponsored by Novartis, not expecting any external financing for the analysis of results nor the publication of the manuscript

    A Partially Protective Vaccine for Fasciola hepatica Induced Degeneration of Adult Flukes Associated to a Severe Granulomatous Reaction in Sheep

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    Fasciolosis is an important economic disease of livestock. There is a global interest in the development of protective vaccines since current anthelmintic therapy is no longer sustainable. A better knowledge of the host-parasite interaction is needed for the design of effective vaccines. The present study evaluates the microscopical hepatic lesions in sheep immunized with a partially protective vaccine (VAC1), a non-protective vaccine (VAC2), and an infected control group (IC). The nature of granulomatous inflammation associated with degeneration of adult flukes found in the VAC1 group was characterized by immunohistochemistry. Hepatic lesions (fibrous perihepatitis, chronic tracts, bile duct hyperplasia, infiltration of eosinophils and lymphocytes and plasma cells) were significantly less severe in the VAC1 group than in the IC group. Dead adult flukes within bile ducts were observed only in the VAC1 group and were surrounded by a severe granulomatous inflammation composed by macrophages and multinucleate giant cells with a high expression of lysozyme, CD163 and S100 markers, and a low expression of CD68. Numerous CD3+ T lymphocytes and scarce infiltrate of FoxP3+ Treg and CD208+ dendritic cells were present. This is the first report describing degenerated flukes associated to a severe granulomatous inflammation in bile ducts in a F. hepatica vaccine trial

    Revisión del sistema de evaluación en la asignatura Bioquímica de Grado en Enfermería

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    En este trabajo se presenta un análisis de los diferentes sistemas de evaluación utilizados en la asignatura de Bioquímica durante los tres primeros años de implantación del Grado en Enfermería. Para ello, se revisa el uso de las distintas herramientas empleadas en los tres cursos académicos, se analizan las ventajas e inconvenientes de cada una de ellas estableciendo un paralelismo con los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos. Finalmente, se determina qué sistema de evaluación, dentro del marco de EEES, refleja mejor el conocimiento y aptitudes adquiridas por el alumnado en esta asignatura. Este trabajo ha sido abordado a través del proyecto “Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria”, organizado por el Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, con el fin de mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza y la adaptación de la asignatura Bioquímica a los nuevos planes de estudio

    Contractile responses of human thyroid arteries to vasopressin

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    Aims: In the present study we investigated the intervention of nitric oxide and prostacyclin in the responses to vasopressin of isolated thyroid arteries obtained from multi-organ donors. Main methods: Paired artery rings from glandular branches of the superior thyroid artery, one normal and the other deendothelised, were mounted in organ baths for isometric recording of tension. Concentration-response curves to vasopressin were determined in the absence and in the presence of either the vasopressin V1 receptor antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP (10−8 M), the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-Larginine (L-NMMA, 10−4 M), or the inhibitor of prostaglandins indomethacin (10−6 M). Key findings: In artery rings under resting tension, vasopressin produced concentration-dependent, endotheliumindependent contractions. The vasopressin V1 receptor antagonist d(CH2)5Tyr(Me)AVP (10−8 M) displaced the control curve to vasopressin 19-fold to the right in a parallelmanner. The contractile response to vasopressinwas unaffected by L-NMMA or by indomethacin. Significance: Vasopressin causes constriction of human thyroid arteries by stimulation of V1 vasopressin receptors located on smooth muscle cells. These effects are not linked to the presence of an intact endothelium or to the release of nitric oxide or prostaglandins. The constriction of thyroid arteries may be particularly relevant in certain pathophysiological circumstances in which vasopressin is released in amounts that could interfere with the blood supply to the thyroid gland