7,401 research outputs found

    Estadística en física de partícules: El seu paper en el descobriment del bosó de Higgs

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    L’estadística ha representat un paper d’enorme importància en el desenvolupament de la física de partícules, pionera de l’anomenada «gran ciència». La seua aplicació ha evolucionat al compàs dels progressos tecnològics, que han permès passar de registrar uns pocs centenars de «successos» a registrar-ne milers de milions. Aquest article discuteix sobre com s’ha resolt el problema de la manipulació d’aquestes quantitats massives de dades i com s’han utilitzat les principals eines estadístiques des dels anys 1990 per a cercar senyals cada vegada més petits ocults entre un soroll de fons cada vegada major. Molts experiments en la història de la física de partícules podrien il·lustrar el paper que ha exercit l’estadística, però pocs ho poden fer amb un descobriment, fruit d’un esforç tecnològic i col·lectiu colossals, de tanta repercussió científica com el del bosó de Higgs


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    Putnam and contemporary fictionalism

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    Putnam rejects having argued in the terms of the argument known in the literature as “the Quine-Putnam indispensability argument”. He considers that mathematics contribution to physics does not have to be interpreted in platonist terms but in his favorite modal variety (Putnam 1975; Putnam 2012). The purpose of this paper is to consider Putnam’s acknowledged argument and philosophical position against contemporary so called in the literature ‘fictionalist’ views about applied mathematics. The conclusion will be that the account of the applicability of mathematics that stems from Putnam‘s acknowledged argument can be assimilated to so-called ‘fictionalist’ views about applied mathematics

    La Cerdanya, de la vida pagesa a la massificació

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    Dues vides, un objectiu

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    Entre el centre i la perifèria científica : Santiago Ramón y Cajal i el catalanisme mèdic

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    A lecture originally, this article explores how some representatives of the medical catalanism approached to the figure of Nobel Prize Santiago Ramón y Cajal (1852-1934). As the symbol of Spanish science at the time, he powerfully influenced the Catalan scientific milieu provoking profound feelings of admiration and also wishes of emulation. The main sources of this article are obituaries and other commemorative discourses and papers issued in Barcelona after Cajal's deat

    Normativity and its vindications: the case of logic

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    Physical laws are irresistible. Logical rules are not. That is why logic is said to be normative. Given a system of logic we have a Norma, a standard of correctness. The problem is that we need another Norma to establish when the standard of correctness is to be applied. Subsequently we start by clarifying the senses in which the term "logic" and the term "normativity" are being used. Then we explore two different epistemologies for logic to see the sort of defence of the normativity of logic they allow for; if any. The analysis concentrates on the case of classical logic. In particular the issue will be appraised from the perspective put forward by the epistemology based on the methodology of wide reflective equilibrium and the scientific one underlying the view of logic as model

    Acerca del derecho de la protección de la salud en relación a los avances en biomedicina desde la perspectiva del derecho español

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    El presente estudio trata de del derecho a la protección de la salud desde una perspectiva general y particularmente desde la perspectiva del Derecho español, haciendo hincapié en las cuestiones suscitadas por los avances biomédicos. El autor mantiene que la construcción civil de los bienes y derechos inherentes a la persona apoyada en el principio de la dignidad humana permite flexibilizar y completar la doctrina de los derechos fundamentales y se muestra hoy como el mejor instrumento jurídico para la protección de la salud humana en los nuevos escenarios que plantea la biomedicina.This study looks at the right to health protection from a general perspective and particularly from the specific perspective of Spanish law, with a focus on the questions raised by the advances in Biomedicine. The author claims that the civil construction of the person's inherent rights, supported by the principle of human dignity, allows for a flexible approach that can complete the doctrine of fundamental rights. This approach currently appears as the best juridical instrument for the protection of human health in the context of the new scenarios in Biomedicine