2,070 research outputs found

    Los manuales de escritura de los Siglos de Oro: problemas bibliográficos

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    En este artículo se plantean algunos de los problemas bibliográficos que afectan de manera especial a los manuales de escritura de los siglos XVI y XVII. En ocasiones la propia estructura y características formales de estas obras, así como su diverso contenido y destinatarios, han sido la causa de una transmisión desigual de este tipo de obras, que han llegado a nosotros en un número escaso y en ejemplares incompletos o retocados. La compleja vida editorial de estos manuales comienza en la propia imprenta. Al estar constituidos por una parte textual y otra gráfica bien diferenciadas, es muy habitual la existencia de ejemplares diferentes dentro de una misma edición; diferentes estados que varían en el número de láminas o en el tratamiento de un tema incorporado tardíamente a la obra. En estas páginas hemos querido ilustrar algunos de esos desajustes: son sólo unos pocos ejemplos representativos y, por supuesto, incompletos.This article poses some of the bibliographic problems that affected sixteenth and seventeenth century writing manuals. The structural and formal characteristics of these works, as well as their diverse content and readers, have often contributed to their uneven transmission; copies are scarce and reach us in incomplete or altered form. The complex editorial life of these manuals starts in the printshop itself. Since these books contain distinct textual and graphic components, different variants of the same edition often exist; the number and condition of the prints vary, as does the treatment of subjects incorporated later into the work. In the following pages we illustrate some of these inconsistencies, in the form of a few, representative examples that are, of course, incomplete.Publicad

    Cultura emblemática en las comedias pastoriles de Lope de Vega

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    Un emblema es un producto gráfico, retórico y simbólico, y aunque su nacimiento se produjo en las páginas de un libro el mecanismo que da lugar a su invención se puede practicar en otros «soportes» y en otros géneros, entre ellos el dramático. El emblema llega al texto teatral no solo a partir de uno ya creado sino sobre todo mediante un proceso de intertextualidad en el que intervienen libros de emblemas y fuentes que también lo son para la emblemática: fábulas, mitología, tratados naturalistas, pinturas, etc. En este trabajo analizamos la presencia de la cultura emblemática en las primeras comedias pastoriles de Lope de Vega

    Semblanza de Víctor Infantes (Madrid, 26 enero 1950 ? Torrelodones, 1 diciembre 2016)

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    Fue en diciembre de 2009 cuando vio la luz el primer número de la revista IMAGO. El proyecto, liderado por el presidente de la SEE, Rafael García Mahíques, contó con los consejos y sugerencias de Víctor Infantes, quien ya acudió a la reunión anual de la SEE de 2008, celebrada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, con el borrador de un número 0 que finalmente se transformó en el número 1 de la publicación. Su compromiso con esta revista quedó reforzado con la publicación de dos trabajos en la primera y segunda entrega, y en su abierta disponibilidad para acudir a cualquier llamada. La respuesta del director de la revista ante el fallecimiento del colaborador y amigo Víctor Infantes fue también inmediata, y hoy queda reflejada en este número 9 de IMAGO dedicado a su memoria

    Prevalencia de Leishmaniosis cutánea en la población del cantón Las Maderas, municipio y departamento de La Unión. julio 2016

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    La Leishmaniosis cutánea es una enfermedad que produce lesiones únicas o múltiples en la piel caracterizadas por ser redondas, indoloras, de color rosado con halo blanco, bordes definidos, elevadas; esta enfermedad es desatendida, el diagnóstico requiere conocimiento, habilidad, experiencia y tiempo para desarrollar la técnica. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la prevalencia de Leishmaniosis cutánea en la población del Cantón Las Maderas, municipio y departamento de La Unión. Metodología el estudio fue descriptivo, prospectivo, transversal, de campo y de laboratorio, la población estuvo constituida por 81 personas de las cuales 18 presentaron lesiones características a Leishmaniosis cutánea. Se utilizó una guía de observación como técnica de campo; se realizaron frotis del raspado de la lesión para la búsqueda del parásito en su forma amastigota intra o extracelular, luego se aplicó 0.1 ml de suspensión de promastigotes fenolizados (Leishmanina) en la cara anterior del antebrazo de cada una de las personas. Resultados: según las pruebas de laboratorio y su respectivo control de calidad realizado en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia, Sección de Chagas- Leishmania-Malaria, de las 18 personas atendidas, el 44.44%(8) presentaron en los frotis la forma amastigota de Leishmania sp. de estos un 27.77 (5) presentaron positividad a la Leishmanina. Del total de la población a la que se le aplicó la Intradermorreacción de Montenegro un 50%(9) presentó positividad. Conclusión: La prevalencia de Leishmaniosis cutánea en la población del cantón Las Maderas municipio y departamento de La Unión fue de 9.87%. (8 casos positivos de las 81 personas que fueron parte de la población)

    Laccase-Mediator Pretreatment of Wheat Straw Degrades Lignin and Improves Saccharification

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    14 páginas.-- 4 figuras.-- 4 tablas.-- 49 referenciasThe authors thank Dr. Angulo for performing the NMR analyses that were acquired on a Bruker AVANCE III 500-MHz instrument from the NMR facilities of the General Research Services of the University of Seville (SGI CITIUS)gricultural by-products such as wheat straw are attractive feedstocks for the production of second-generation bioethanol due to their high abundance. However, the presence of lignin in these lignocellulosic materials hinders the enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose. The purposes of this work are to study the ability of a laccase-mediator system to remove lignin improving saccharification, as a pretreatment of wheat straw, and to analyze the chemical modifications produced in the remaining lignin moiety. Up to 48 % lignin removal from ground wheat straw was attained by pretreatment with Pycnoporus cinnabarinus laccase and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) as mediator, followed by alkaline peroxide extraction. The lignin removal directly correlated with increases (∼60 %) in glucose yields after enzymatic saccharification. The pretreatment using laccase alone (without mediator) removed up to 18 % of lignin from wheat straw. Substantial lignin removal (37 %) was also produced when the enzyme-mediator pretreatment was not combined with the alkaline peroxide extraction. Two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D NMR) analysis of the whole pretreated wheat straw material swollen in dimethylsulfoxide-d6 revealed modifications of the lignin polymer, including the lower number of aliphatic side chains involved in main β-O-4′ and β-5′ inter-unit linkages per aromatic lignin unit. Simultaneously, the removal of p-hydroxyphenyl, guaiacyl, and syringyl lignin units and of p-coumaric and ferulic acids, as well as a moderate decrease of tricin units, was observed without a substantial change in the wood polysaccharide signals. Especially noteworthy was the formation of Cα-oxidized lignin units during the enzymatic treatment.This study was funded by the INDOX EU-project (KBBE-2013-7-613549); the LIGNOCELL, LIGNIN, NOESIS, and BIORENZYMERY Spanish MICINN (co-financed by FEDER funds) projects (AGL2011-25379, CTQ2014-60764-JIN, BIO2014-56388 R and AGL2014-53730-R); and the CSIC (201440E097) Project. A.P. thanks the Spanish MINECO for a FPI fellowship. A. Lomascolo and E. Record from INRA (Marseille, France) are acknowledged for the P. cinnabarinus laccase, and H. Lund and M. Tovborg from Novozymes (Bagsvaerd, Denmark) for Celluclast 1.5L and Novozyme 188.Peer reviewe

    Modelling the thermal effects on structural components of composite slabs under fire conditions

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    This paper presents a finite-element-based computational model to evaluate the thermal behaviour of composite slabs with a steel deck submitted to standard fire exposure. This computational model is used to estimate the temperatures in the slab components that contribute to the fire resistance according to the load-bearing criterion defined in the standards. The numerical results are validated with experimental results, and a parametric study of the effect of the thickness of the concrete on the temperatures of the slab components is presented. Composite slabs with normal or lightweight concrete and different steel deck geometries (trapezoidal and re-entrant) were considered in the simulations. In addition, the numerical temperatures are compared with those obtained using the simplified method provided by the standards. The results of the simulations show that the temperatures predicted by the simplified method led, in most cases, to an unsafe design of the composite slab. Based on the numerical results, a new analytical method, alternative to the simplified method, is defined in order to accurately determine the temperatures at the slab components and, thus, the bending resistance of the composite slabs under fire conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wavelet-like efficient analysis of two dimensional arbitrarily shaped radomes using a surface formulation

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    Radomes are usually made of lossy dielectric materials, and their accurate analysis is often cumbersome because of their typical large electrical size and geometrical complexity. In real reflector antenna structures, there are always complex interactions between the radome, the reflector surfaces and the directional feeds, which are typically neglected for the sake of simplicity. In this paper we will consider all such interactions in a very accurate way, thus requiring a high number of unknowns for the numerical solution of the problem. To overcome such drawback, an integral equation formulation based on the Equivalence Principle in combination with the wavelet transform has been employed, obtaining finally a robust and accurate CAD tool for the rigorous analysis of arbitrarily shaped radomes containing continuous and discrete electromagnetic sources. It will be shown that the use of wavelet-like bases substantially improves the numerical efficiency and memory requirements of the original integral equation method. For verification purposes, the results obtained with the new technique are successfully compared with examples taken from the literature. Complex antenna structures are then discussed in order to prove the usefulness of the new method.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Spanish Government, under the Research Projects Ref. TEC2004/04313-C02-01 and TEC2004/04313-C02-02

    Phosphorylcholine-Based Contact Lenses for Sustained Release of Resveratrol: Design, Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Performances, and In Vivo Behavior

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    Design of advanced contact lenses (CLs) demands materials that are safe and comfortable for the wearers and that preserve the normal eye microbiota, avoiding chronic inflammation and biofilm development. This work aimed to combine the natural antibiofouling phosphorylcholine and the antioxidant and prebiotic resveratrol as integral components of CLs that may have the additional performance of preventing oxidative-stress related eye diseases. Different from previous uses of 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine (MPC) as coating, we explored the feasibility of adding MPC at high proportions as a comonomer of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA)-based hydrogels while still allowing for the loading of the hydrophobic resveratrol. Homogeneous distribution of MPC along the hydrogel depth (confirmed by Raman spectroscopy) notably increased solvent uptake and the proportion of free water while it decreased Young’s modulus. Relevantly, MPC did not hinder the uptake of resveratrol by CLs (>10 mg/g), which indeed showed network/water partition coefficients of >100. Protocols for CLs sterilization and loading of resveratrol under aseptic conditions were implemented, and the effects of tear proteins on resveratrol release rate were investigated. CLs sustained resveratrol release for more than 24 h in vitro, and sorption of albumin onto the hydrogel, although attenuated by MPC, slowed down the release. The combination of MPC and resveratrol reduced P. aeruginosa and S. aureus growth as tested in a novel hydrogel disk-agar interface biofilm growth setup. The developed CLs showed excellent anti-inflammatory properties and biocompatibility in in ovo and rabbit tests and provided higher and more prolonged levels of resveratrol in tear fluid, which favored resveratrol biodistribution in anterior and posterior eye segments compared to eye drops. Correlations between the release profiles of resveratrol in vitro and in vivo were assessed. Relevantly, the CLs preserved the antioxidant properties of resveratrol during the entire 8 h of wearing. In sum, CLs prepared with high proportion in MPC may help address safety and comfort requirements while having drug releasing capabilitiesThe authors are grateful to Mabel Loza and Cristina Val García, from BioFarma Research Group (USC GI-1685), for their help in the UPLC experiment, and to Luis Díaz-Gómez for advice in the anti-inflammatory tests. M.V.-L. acknowledges Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria) for a predoctoral research fellowship [Grant ED481A-2019/120]. A.F.P.-d.-M. is an ESR of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Grant Agreement 813440 (ORBITAL-Ocular Research by Integrated Training and Learning)S