3,623 research outputs found

    The altarpiece of the Chapel of the Magdalena in the Royal Collegiate Church of San Isidoro de Leon: promotion and patronage of the ruler Francisco Diaz de Quiñones

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    Los testamentarios del regidor leonés Francisco Díaz de Quiñones (†1613) establecen que por disposición testamentaria “se hiciese un retablo de talla y pintura para la capilla donde está enterrado en el claustro del Señor Sant Isidro el Real desta ciudad”. El presente testimonio documental constituye el punto de partida de una investigación en la que se reconstruye la labor de promoción y mecenazgo llevada a cabo en una de las capillas de la panda este del claustro isidoriano por parte de una de las familias nobiliarias más señeras de la ciudad de León durante la Edad Moderna.The testamentaries of the regent Francisco Díaz de Quiñones († 1613) establish that by testamentary provision “an altarpiece of carving and painting for the chapel where it is buried in the cloister of Lord Sant Isidro the Real of this city was made”. The present documentary testimony constitutes the starting point of an investigation in which the work of promotion and patronage is reconstructed in one of the chapels of the eastern panda of the Isidorian cloister by one of the most noble families in the city of León during the Modern Age

    La unidad terminológica: de la uniformidad a la variación

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    From the point of view of applied linguistics, terminology is a discipline subject to discourse variation. It is conceived of as a functional language subsystem characterized by designating specialized concepts. The so called "variety principle" confronts the traditional premises set by Wüster. The object was terminological standardization based on the idea of uniform terminological units regarding time, space and social environment. This clear-cut situation is threaten by the complexity of the linguistic reality. The proposal described here takes root on the terminological unit diversity repecting the aforementioned aspects. There has been a move from an unitary world view towards a vision characterized by multidisciplinarity. Consequently, the units used to express specialized knowledge will show a diversity which must be studied through linguistic modelsDesde la perspectiva de la lingüística aplicada, la terminología es una disciplina que se ve afectada por el fenómeno de la variación discursiva; sería un subsistema funcional de la lengua caracterizado por la especialización temática. El denominado "principio de la variación" viene a poner en tela de juicio los preceptos sostenidos por la teoría clásica wüsteriana. Éstos perseguían la normalización terminológica partiendo de una concepción uniforme de la unidad terminológica desde el punto de vista temporal, espacial y social. La simplicidad mantenida por este modelo es confrontada por la complejidad de la realidad lingüística. La propuesta que se presenta parte de la variación de la unidad terminológica en los tres aspectos mencionados; pasando de una visión unitaria y uniforme del mundo a una visión multidisciplinar que necesariamente implica variedad en las unidades de pensamiento especializado, fenómeno que deberá ser estudiado a partir de modelos lingüístico

    The publication of press releases as journalistic information. Comparative study of two Spanish newspapers

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    La distinción de lo que constituye un “evento noticiable” puede dar lugar a muchas interpretaciones. En este mundo de accesibilidad telemática, que es una consecuencia de la globalización, los eventos y los sucesos de todo tipo se pueden clasificar como noticias simplemente vistiéndolos como noticias. De acuerdo con los manuales de estilo y comunicación, la noticia tiene características propias: relevancia, interés social y proximidad, entre otras. Los comunicados de prensa se han perfeccionado como resultado de las agencias de relaciones públicas cada vez más sofisticadas, y con ellas la línea delgada entre la información y la publicidad ahora está borrosa. En este artículo, comparamos comunicados de prensa emitidos por empresas públicas y privadas con breves publicados en las secciones de economía de los periódicos. Como se verá, muchos de ellos coinciden y tienen algunas similitudes. La muestra utiliza breves publicados durante el primer semestre de 2014 en El Mundo y La Vanguardia, los periódicos en español de pago por lectura que ocupan un lugar destacado en el análisis del Estudio General de Medios. La metodología hace uso del programa Maple con su comando DetectPlagiarism para realizar una comparación ad hoc de los textos. El umbral de copia predeterminado para DetectPlagiarism es 0.35. Los índices de similitud entre los breves y los comunicados de prensa de La Vanguardia y El Mundo indican valores superiores a este umbral.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Escritura Científico-Técnica en Laboratorios de electrónica

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    Este documento describe al alumno de LSED las características principales que debe poseer un buen documento técnico (como la memoria de unas prácticas de laboratorio): objetividad, precisión, claridad, concisión, variedad y convicción. Proporciona normas prácticas con ejemplos que orienten al alumno a la hora de dotar a su escrito de un formato, un estilo y un contenido adecuados. También comenta las partes de que debe constar un informe (desde la portada hasta los apéndices, pasando por el modelo teórico o las conclusiones). Igualmente señala los detalles particulares que caracterizan a una memoria de laboratorio, donde se sugiere destacar los aspectos profesionales más que los docentes. El correo electrónico se está convirtiendo en un medio de comunicación escrita de gran importancia y el documento incluye consejos en cuanto al formato, normas de uso y contenido, que resultarán muy útiles en un ambiente profesional. Finalmente se incluyen un apéndice con diversos ejemplos comentados sobre errores de estilo y contenido similares a los que se pueden encontrar en las memorias de laboratorio

    The role of parental communication and emotional intelligence in child-to-parent violence.

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    In recent years, cases of child-to-parent violence (CPV) have increased significantly, prompting greater scientific interest in clarifying its causes. The aim of this research was to study the relationship between styles of family communication (open, offensive and avoidant), emotional intelligence or EI (attention, repair and perceived emotional clarity) and CPV, taking into account the gender of the aggressors. The participants of the study were 1200 adolescents (46.86% boys) between the ages of 12 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia and Valencia (M = 13.88, SD = 1.32). A Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA, 3 × 2) was performed with CPV and gender as independent variables and family communication styles and EI as dependent variables. The results showed that the adolescents with low CPV obtained lower scores for offensive and avoidant family communication and higher scores for both positive family communication and emotional repair. The girls scored higher than the boys in both offensive communication and perceived emotional attention. The results highlight the importance of encouraging positive communication, as well as the need to strengthen perceived emotional repair to prevent future cases of CPV

    Parenting dimensions and adolescent peer aggression: a gendered analysis.

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    Thepresent studyhadtwomaingoals. The firstwas to analyze thedifferences between parenting dimensions¿strictness/imposition and involvement/acceptance¿in adolescents' engagement in peer aggression as aggressors, victims, aggressive victims, and non-involved. The second goal was to examine diferences between parenting dimensions and peer-aggression roles by gender of both parents and adolescents. Participants were 779 adolescents (49.16% boys and 50.84% girls), aged between 12 and 16 years old (M = 14.21; SD = 1.35), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings showed significant diferences in parenting dimensions depending on gender of both adolescents (boy or girl) and parents (mother and father). For sons, non-involved adolescents scored higher in mother and father involvement than aggressors and aggressive victims. For daughters, non-involved scored higher in mother involvement than aggressors. Furthermore, girl aggressors and aggressive victims reported higher levels of mother imposition than non-involved. Results and their implications for sustainable development in adolescence are discussed

    Child-to-parent violence, peer victimization and cybervictimization in spanish adolescents.

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between child-to-parent violence (CPV) (high, moderate and low), peer victimization (PV) (relational and overt, both physical and verbal) and cybervictimization (CV) (relational and overt), taking into account the role of sex. 1304 adolescents (53.14% girls) between the ages of 11 and 18 enrolled at secondary schools in the Autonomous Communities of Valencia, Aragón and Andalusia participated in the study. Adolescents with high CPV scores obtained higher scores for all types of PV and CV compared to the other CPV groups. Boys scored higher than girls in overt physical PV and in overt CV and girls obtained higher scores in relational PV. A statistically significant interaction effect was observed; boys with high CPV scores reported greater overt CV. The results suggest the importance of CPV in relation to specific forms of PV and CV and highlight the need to take into account the different processes of family socialization between boys and girls to reduce the likelihood of adolescents being victimized

    The mediating role of classroom climate on school violence.

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    Mediation analysis has been confirmed as a very useful statistical tool in the social sciences, especially in school-related studies. This type of analysis was used in the present study to examine the mediating role of classroom climate (measured with the classroom environmental scale), categorized into three dimensions, namely involvement, affiliation, and teacher support, on the relationship between peer victimization and peer aggression. The participants consisted of 2011 adolescents (50.67% boys and 49.32% girls), aged between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.17; SD = 1.47), enrolled in schools in Andalusia (Spain). Findings revealed a significant direct relationship of all the dimensions. They also revealed that teacher support was the only dimension that mediates in the relationship between peer violence and peer aggression. The results and their implications for improving classroom climate and school violence are discussed

    Non-monotonic entanglement of physical EM field states in non-inertial frames

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    We develop a general technique to analyse the quantum effects of acceleration on realistic spatially-localised electromagnetic field states entangled in the polarization degree of freedom. We show that for this setting, quantum entanglement may build up as the acceleration increases, providing a clear signature of the quantum effects of relativistic acceleration.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Colonial Organization of Mine Labour in Charcas 1 (Present-Day Bolivia) and Its Consequences 2 (Sixteenth to the Seventeenth Centuries)

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    This article analyses the changes in the organization of labour during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in colonial Charcas, present-day Bolivia, focusing on the role that different colonial authorities played in this process and its consequences. The Spanish took advantage of the pre-Hispanic organization of labour from the beginning of their conquest. However, in a colonial context, labour relations changed significantly, and the architect of those alterations was Viceroy Francisco de Toledo. We examine the transformations in mine labour carried out by the Spanish colonial polity; these had a significant effect not only on mining, but also on all labour relations in the southern colonial Andes.Fil: Gil Montero, Raquel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto de Geografía, Historia y Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Zagalsky, Paula Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin