707 research outputs found

    Intracrine prostaglandin E2 pro-tumoral actions in prostate epithelial cells originate from non-canonical pathways

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    Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) increases cell proliferation and stimulates migratory and angiogenic abilities in prostate cancer cells. However, the effects of PGE2 on nontransformed prostate epithelial cells are unknown, despite the fact that PGE2 overproduction has been found in benign hyperplastic prostates. In the present work we studied the effects of PGE2 in immortalized, non-malignant prostate epithelial RWPE-1 cells and found that PGE2 increased cell proliferation, cell migration, and production of vascular endothelial growth factor-A, and activated in vitro angiogenesis. These actions involved a non-canonic intracrine mechanism in which the actual effector was intracellular PGE2 (iPGE2) instead of extracellular PGE2: inhibition of the prostaglandin uptake transporter (PGT) or antagonism of EP receptors prevented the effects of PGE2, which indicated that PGE2 activity depended on its carrier-mediated translocation from the outside to the inside of cells and that EP receptors located intracellularly (iEP) mediated the effects of PGE2. iPGE2 acted through transactivation of epidermal growth factor-receptor (EGFR) by iEP, leading to increased expression and activity of hypoxia-inducible factor-1? (HIF-1?). Interestingly, iPGE2 also mediates the effects of PGE2 on prostate cancer PC3 cells through the axis iPGE2-iEP receptors- EGFR-HIF-1?. Thus, this axis might be responsible for the growth-stimulating effects of PGE2 on prostate epithelial cells, thereby contributing to prostate proliferative diseases associated with chronic inflammation. Since this PGT-dependent non-canonic intracrine mechanism of PGE2 action operates in both benign and malignant prostate epithelial cells, PGT inhibitors should be tested as a novel therapeutic modality to treat prostate proliferative disease.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Electromagnetic behaviour and thermal stability of a conduction-cooled, no-insulated 2G-HTS coil at intermediate temperatures

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    The electromagnetic and thermal properties of a double pancake coil made of second generation high temperature superconductor, 2G-HTS, have been studied. The coil was wound with no-insulation between turns (NI coil) and was later impregnated with epoxy resin and glued to a copper support plate. The coil was thermally anchored to the cryocooler cold finger and cooled by conduction. After several thermal cycles no degradation of its superconducting properties was observed. The coil was operated under high vacuum and high currents (up to 400 A in steady conditions) at different temperatures in the range between 5 K and 77 K, with special focus on the analysis above 30 K. The charge and discharge characteristics, and the experimentally measured and numerically estimated critical currents, have been studied. The different loss contributions during current ramp and the thermal contact conductance between different parts of the double pancake coil have been measured. The implications of these two factors on the thermal stability and the behaviour of the whole cryogenic system are discussed

    Posttraumatic carotid-cavernous fistula: pathogenetic mechanisms, diagnostic management and proper treatment. A case report

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    Carotid-cavernous fistulas are an uncommon diseases characterized by abnormal communications between arteries and veins located in the cavernous sinus. According with Barrow´s classification they could be divided in two groups: direct and indirect. The typical symptoms showed by theses pathologies are: pulsating exophthalmos and orbital blow. The present study describes a case of direct posttraumatic carotid-cavernous fistula in a 26 years old man. Furthermore, we present the images that we used to make the diagnosis. In this light, we decided to treat this case with endovascular approach after considering several therapeutic options. The aim of the present report is twofold. First, we examine the importance of the proper management of the direct posttraumatic carotid-cavernous fistula. Second, we describe this rare syndrome with the goal of proposing suitable treatments

    The impact of bilingualism on the executive control and orienting networks of attention

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    The main objective of this article is to provide new evidence regarding the impact of bilingualism on the attentional system. We approach this goal by assessing the effects of bilingualism on the executive and orienting networks of attention. In Experiment 1, we compared young bilingual and monolingual adults in a numerical version of the Stroop task, which allowed the assessment of the executive control network. We observed more efficient performance in the former group, which showed both reduced Stroop Interference and larger Stroop Facilitation Effects relative to the latter. Conversely, Experiment 2, conducted with a visual cueing task in order to assess the orienting network, revealed similar Cueing Facilitation and Inhibition (Inhibition of Return - IOR) Effects for both groups of speakers. The implications of the results of these two experiments for the origin and boundaries of the bilingual impact on the attentional system are discussed

    Structure of copper tellurite and borotellurite glasses by neutron diffraction, Raman, 11B MAS-NMR and FTIR spectroscopy

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    The structure of copper tellurite and borotellurite glasses is studied by x-ray and neutron diffraction, reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) simulations, FTIR, Raman and 11B MAS-NMR spectroscopy. Copper tellurite sample with 15 mol% CuO forms precipitates of tetragonal TeO2 within the glass matrix on melt quenching. The glass forming ability of the xCuO-(100-x)TeO2 system enhances with increase in CuO concentration from 15 to 20 mol% and also with the addition of B2O3. RMC simulations on the neutron diffraction data found that the Cu-O and Te-O bond lengths are approximately at equal distances in the range: 1·96 to 1·98±0·02 Å, while the nearest O-O distance is at 2·71±0·02 Å. Neutron and Raman results on the Te-O speciation are in agreement and confirmed that the Te-O coordination decreases with an increase in CuO and B2O3 molar concentrations in the tellurite and borotellurite glasses, respectively. RMC studies found that Cu2+ has tetrahedral coordination with oxygen, as predicted by Jahn-Teller distortion and that Cu-O and Te-O structural units have very similar size and geometry. The copper tellurite glass-ceramic sample with 15 mol% CuO was heat treated and it formed crystalline precipitates of TeO2 and CuTe2O5 upon devitrification; the average Te-O coordination was significantly smaller in the glass as compared to that in the crystalline sample

    Size effects on the Neél temperature of antiferromagnetic NiO nanoparticles

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    Among all antiferromagnetic transition metal monoxides, NiO presents the highest Neél temperature (TN ~ 525 K). In this work, the size-dependent reduction of TN in NiO nanoparticles with average diameters (D) ranging from 4 to 9 nm is investigated by neutron diffraction. The scaling law followed by TN(D) is in agreement with the Binder theory of critical phenomena in low-dimensional systems. X-ray absorption fine structure measurements link the decrease of TN to the occurrence of size effects (average undercoordination, bond relaxation and static disorder) in the nearest and next-nearest Ni coordination shells that hold the key for the maintenance of the antiferromagnetic order


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    Ecological farmer’s Profile of the Alto Guadalentín in the Murcia Region. Within the Murcia County, the Region of Alto Gudalentín represents 7.01% of the whole murcian farming dedicated to produce ecological products. In this project we analyse the farmer’s profile using data from the Alto Guadalentín Ecological Farming Council. The final result shows that 50% of the farmers in this region became ecological farmers from traditional farmers being the financial factor one of the key factors to switch from traditional to ecological farming. The higher percentage of ecological farmers of Alto Guadalentín, nearly 35%, are between 46 and 55 years old, 28% are between 36 and 45 years old and only 12.28% of the farmers in this region are under 36 years of age. Almost 87% of the Alto Guadalentín farmers don’t belong to any farming association.Dentro de la Comunidad de Murcia, la Comarca del Alto Guadalentín representa el 7,01% del total de la superficie murciana dedicada a agricultura ecológica. En este trabajo se analiza el perfil del agricultor ecológico en la Comarca del Alto Guadalentín para ello se realizaron encuestas al 74,03% de los agricultores de la zona, según los datos obtenidos del Consejo Agricultura Ecológica de la Región de Murcia. Los resultados obtenidos revelan que casi el 50% de los agricultores de la Comarca del Alto Guadalentín se inició como agricultor ecológico mediante un cambio del sistema de agricultura convencional hacia la agricultura ecológica, siendo el factor económico con casi el 57% uno de los principales motivos para pasar de un tipo de agricultura a otro. Por otro lado, el mayor porcentaje de los agricultores ecológicos del Alto Guadalentín (35%) se encuentran en un intervalo de edad entre 46 y 55 años. El 28% tienen entre 36 y 45 años y casi el 25% tienen una edad superior a 56 años. Solamente el 12,28% de los agricultores de la Comarca tienen edades inferiores a los 36 años. El 87% de los agricultores del Alto Guadalentín no pertenecen a ningún tipo de asociación

    Model biopsychicalsocial in the syndromes of vertebral pain: implications for the protocolize

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    [Resumen] De forma tradicional el modelo biomédico ha predominado en la práctica asistencial. A diferencia de éste, el modelo biopsicosocial considera a la persona como un todo y hace énfasis sobre la función en lugar de centrarse exclusivamente en el alivio del dolor. En este sentido, la Fisioterapia para el tratamiento de los problemas de espalda, y en concreto para la cervicalgia, tiene que considerar, además del alivio del dolor, la cronicidad y la recurrencia como elementos a considerar en el diseño de actividades protocolizadas.[Abstract] In a traditional way the biomedical model has prevailed in the health care. Against it the biopsychicalsocial pattern considers to the person as a whole and it makes emphasis on the function instead of being centered exclusively in the relief of the pain. In this sense, Physiotheraphy for the treatment of the back problems and in this case for the neck pain, it has to consider besides the relief of the pain, the chronic and the new episodies like elements to consider in the design of protocolized activities