963 research outputs found

    Dismenorrea primarioaren inpaktua bizi-kalitatean eta erizaintzaren esku-hartzeak

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    48 p.: il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 26-27Marku eta justifikazioa: Dismenorrea primarioa (PD) hilerokoaren aurreko egunetan edo hilerokoan zehar ematen den eta ageriko arazorik ez duen umetokiko min bezala definitzen da. PDa gaixotasun ginekologiko ohikoena da menstruatzen duten emakumeen artean. Historikoki, hilekoa zikin, lizun, toxiko eta gaiztotzat jo izan da eta oraindik ere gai tabua da, mitoz eta sinesmenez blai jarraitzen duena. Azken urte hauetan, feminismoaren gorakada izan dela medio, emakume askok hilekoaren alterazioen, hilekoa bizitzeko modu berrien eta hilekoaren osasunaren garrantzia aldarrikatzen hasi dira. Hala eta guztiz ere, emakumeen ehuneko handi batek ez du osasun-arretarik bilatzen PDarekin erlazionatutako zeinu eta sintomak (z/s) dituztenean eta, orokorrean, automedikazioara jotzen dute. Helburu orokorra: Dismenorrea primarioak bizi-kalitatean duen eragina eta horrekin lotutako erizaintzako interbentzioak aztertzea. Metodologia: Literatura zientifikoaren berrikusketa kritikoa gauzatu da Medline, Cochrane, PsycInfo, Embase, Cuide eta Cinahl datu-baseetan zein Enfermería Clínica, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology eta BMC aldizkarietan bilaketak eginez. Azkenean, Gradu Amaierako lan honetan 2011 urtetik aurrera, ingelesez zein gazteleraz argitaratutako 15 artikulu erabili dira: 7 ikerketa kuantitatibo transbertsalak, ikerketa kualitatibo bat, 5 entsegu kliniko eta 2 errebisio bibliografikoak. Erantzunak eta eztabaida: Emaitzak bi kategorietan banatu ziren; alde batetik PDak bizi- kalitatean dituen eraginak eta bestetik PDarekin erlazionatutako erizaintzako interbentzioak. PDak eragin biopsikosoziala dauka patologia hau pairatzen duten emakumeengan. Erizaintzako interbentzioei dagokionez bost dira aztertutakoak: osasunerako hezkuntza eta kirola izan dira onurarik handiena erakutsi duten esku-hartzeak; bestalde, nutrizio-ohiturek, bero-terapiak eta akupresioak onbide moderatuagoa erakutsi dute. Ondorioak eta limitazioak: Literaturaren berrikusketa honetan berretsi egin da, erizaintzaren garrantzia PDaren detekzioan, balorazioan eta tratamenduan, baita gizarte-mailan pairatzen duten pazienteengan dituen ondorio negatiboak ikusarazteko beharra ere. Terapia ez- farmakologikoen onurei buruz ikertzen jarraitu beharra dago, ez baitago horren inguruko ebidentzia sendorik egun

    Creatividad, atención y rendimiento académico en alumnado de conservatorio profesional

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la relación entre creatividad, atención y su repercusión en los resultados académicos en las enseñanzas profesionales de música. Para ello, se ha seleccionado una muestra de 84 alumnos de entre 12 y 18 años (M = 14.79; DT = 2.29) que cursan Enseñanzas Profesionales en un Conservatorio de Música público y reglado. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de medida el Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) y el Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Se hallaron correlaciones positivas y estadísticamente significativas entre (a) atención y creatividad y (b) atención y resultados académicos musicales. En cambio, se hallaron correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre creatividad y rendimiento académico musical. Tras los resultados se pueden establecer programas preventivos o potenciadores de la creatividad y la atención, con el fin de fomentar que la totalidad del alumnado de conservatorio alcance su máximo potencial y un alto rendimiento, ya que éstos son el reflejo de un aprendizaje más eficaz.The current project aim was to analyze the relationship between creativity and attention and its impact on academic performance in professional music studies. For that purpose a sample of 84 students has been selected between 12 and 18 years old (M = 14.79; SD = 2.29) from a public Conservatory of Music. The measuring instruments were Test de Inteligencia Creativa (CREA; Corbalán et al. 2003) and Test de Atención (d2; Brickenkamp, 2004). Positive and statistically significant correlations were found between (a) attention and creativity and (b) attention and musical academic performance. In contrast, negative and statistically significant correlations were found between creativity and musical academic achievement. After the results, preventive programs or programs to boost creativity and attention can be established in order to encourage all conservatory students to accomplish their full potential and high academic performance, as they are a reflection of an effective learning

    Defining deception

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    A la vista del relativo desacuerdo entre quienes estudian el engaño sobre cómo el engaño, la mentira o la comunicación engañosa deben ser definidos, en el presente trabajo se intenta integrar la visión de los autores más influyentes en este campo con el fin de formular una definición del engaño comprehensiva y bien delimitada. El punto de partida lo conforman los elementos de la mentira prototípica señalados por Coleman y Kay (1981), así como la noción de “comunicación engañosa” de Gerald Miller (1983; Miller y Stiff, 1993). El engaño se define como el intento deliberado, exitoso o no, de ocultar, generar, y/o manipular de algún otro modo información factual y/o emocional, por medios verbales y/o no verbales, con el fin de crear o mantener en otra(s) persona(s) una creencia que el propio comunicador considera falsa. Cada término de esta definición se discute en detalle y, al hacerlo, resulta evidente que integra varias teorías sobre el engaño y una serie de contribuciones de la psicología social y la comunicación. Además, se discuten algunas implicaciones específicas de la definición, como la importancia que el elemento intencional (el intento deliberado) tiene para el sistema legal. El objetivo del artículo es contribuir a alcanzar un acuerdo entre los científicos sociales sobre qué debe entenderse por engaño.In view of the relative disagreement among those studying deception as to how deception, the lie, or deceptive communication should be defined, an attempt is made to integrate the views of the most influential scholars in the field in order to formulate a comprehensive and clear-cut definition of deception. The starting point is Coleman and Kay’s (1981) elements of the prototypical lie, as well as Gerald Miller’s (1983; Miller & Stiff, 1993) notion of “deceptive communication.” Deception is defined as the deliberate attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal, fabricate, and/or manipulate in any other way, factual and/or emotional information, by verbal and/or nonverbal means, in order to create or maintain in another or others a belief that the communicator himself or herself considers false. Each term of this definition is discussed in detail and, in doing so, it becomes apparent that several deception theories and a variety of social psychology and communication contributions have been integrated to build it. In addition, some specific implications of the definition, such as the importance that the intentional element (the deliberate attempt) has for the legal system, are discussed. The aim of this paper is to contribute to reaching an agreement among social scientists on what should be understood as deception

    Double fossilization in eukaryotic microorganisms from Lower Cretaceous amber

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microfossils are not only useful for elucidating biological macro- and microevolution but also the biogeochemical history of our planet. Pyritization is the most important and extensive mode of preservation of animals and especially of plants. Entrapping in amber, a fossilized resin, is considered an alternative mode of biological preservation. For the first time, the internal organization of 114-million-year-old microfossils entrapped in Lower Cretaceous amber is described and analyzed, using adapted scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron mode in association with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy microanalysis. Double fossilization of several protists included in diverse taxonomical groups and some vegetal debris is described and analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In protists without an exoskeleton or shell (ciliates, naked amoebae, flagellates), determinate structures, including the nuclei, surface envelopes (cortex or cytoplasmic membrane) and hyaloplasm are the main sites of pyritization. In protists with a biomineralized skeleton (diatoms), silicon was replaced by pyrite. Permineralization was the main mode of pyritization. Framboidal, subhedral and microcrystalline are the predominant pyrite textures detected in the cells. Abundant pyritized vegetal debris have also been found inside the amber nuggets and the surrounding sediments. This vegetal debris usually contained numerous pyrite framboids and very densely packed polycrystalline pyrite formations infilled with different elements of the secondary xylem.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Embedding in amber and pyritization are not always alternative modes of biological preservation during geological times, but double fossilization is possible under certain environmental conditions. Pyritization in protists shows a quite different pattern with regard to plants, due to the different composition and cellular architecture in these microorganisms and organisms. Anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria could play a crucial role in this microbial fossilization.</p

    Identity profile of young people experiencing a sense of risk on the internet: a data mining application of decision tree with CHAID algorithm

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    [EN]Social media, interactive games, and digital platforms are just some of the ways in which the internet has become part of our lives, and more specifically so among young people. Among other things, this technology is the reason young people are spending increasingly more time online than offline, prompting numerous risks that they are sometimes unaware of. The following quantitative research is based on this premise, and it pursues two objectives, namely, to discover whether or not young people experience a sense of risk linked to their use of the internet and identify the kind of young people that say they do or do not perceive any such risk. A total of 1991 young people answered the Technology Use Studies questionnaire. The classification tree technique based on the Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detector (CHAID) was applied to identify the predictive variables associated with the sense of risk in young people. Two highly significant results have been forthcoming: firstly, we present the factors with the biggest impact on a young person's internet-related sense of risk, involving isolation when they cannot go online, followed by variables such as gender, the use of TikTok, and videogames, the consumption of pornography, and distraction from study time. Secondly, our results indicate that the young people that feel isolated when they cannot go online are precisely the ones that do not experience a sense of online risk. It is therefore of vital importance for education to generate and provide young people with strategies that allow them to establish a healthy and responsible relationship with technologies such as the internet

    Evaluación del confort térmico y la calidad de aire en centros docentes públicos en Madrid. Estudio de tres casos durante un año

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    Thermal comfort and air quality in schools are two parameters that must be studied in depth. They have consequences on the health of people whose bodies are developing and on the learning outcomes obtained in educational spaces. To analyze the interior environmental quality, the main parameters to consider are: thermal comfort and air quality. In this paper, data on CO2&nbsp;concentration and temperature are taken in a total of nine classrooms belonging to three public schools during a year with the aim of analyzing the situation, determining the causes that influence the mentioned aspects and offering measures to correct the deviations recorded and improve the quality of the indoor environment in classrooms. The data obtained shows that CO2&nbsp;concentrations exceed the established limit values for one third of the teaching time and that the temperature values are outside the comfort zone for more than two thirds of teaching time.El confort térmico y la calidad del aire en los centros docentes son dos parámetros que deben ser estudiados en profundidad. Tienen consecuencias en la salud de las personas cuyo cuerpo está en desarrollo y en los resultados de aprendizaje que se obtienen en los espacios educativos. En este trabajo se toman datos de concentración de CO2 y temperatura en un total de ocho aulas que pertenecen a tres centros docentes públicos durante un año con el objetivo de analizar la situación, determinar las causas que influyen en los aspectos mencionados y ofrecer medidas para corregir las desviaciones registradas y mejorar la calidad del ambiente interior en las aulas. Los datos obtenidos muestran que durante un tercio del tiempo lectivo las concentraciones de CO2 superan los valores límite establecidos y que durante más de dos tercios del tiempo lectivo los valores de temperatura se encuentran fuera de la zona de confort

    Automatised on-line SPE-chiral LC-MS/MS method for the enantiomeric determination of main fluoroquinolones and their metabolites in environmental water samples

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    Fluoroquinolones are antibiotics of significant environmental concern their extended use not only in human medicine but also in veterinary medicine and not only as therapeutic agents but also to promote livestock growth and in aquaculture. Some fluoroquinolones and their metabolites are chiral compounds. Therefore, for a proper environmental risk assessment, enantioselective analytical methods are required. In this work, an analytical method has been developed and validated for the first time automatised enantioselective determination of environmental significant fluoroquinolones and their metabolites in wastewater and surface water samples. Target fluoroquinolones were selected by considering their extended use in human (ciprofloxacin and ofloxacin) and veterinary (flumequine) medicine. The analytical method was based on on-line solid-phase extraction-chiral liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Analysis, including sample extraction and chiral LC-MS/MS determination, was carried out in just 14 min. The method was validated for its application to surface water and effluent and influent wastewater. Accuracy values were in the range from 61.4 to 122 % in wastewater and from 73.4 to 119 % in surface water. Precision, expressed as relative standard deviation, was lower than 13.6 % for all the compounds and sample matrices. Method quantification limits were in the range from 0.2 to 50 ng/L for all the compounds in wastewater and surface water. Method application to wastewater and surface water samples revealed the enantioselective transformation of LEV into (R)-OFL in surface water and the prevalence of OH-FLU D2 with respect to OH-FLU D1 in influent wastewater

    Adenylate cyclase activity during exocrine pancreatic proliferation in the rat

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    Adenylate cyclase activity in pancreatic acinar cell membranes was determined in rats that had undergone a treatment with pentagastrin (250 μg/kg, intraperitoneal three times daily) for 1 week or that had undergone small bower resection (90%) and were sacrified at 2 weeks, 1 month and 6 months after intervention. Both treatments are potent stimulators of pancreatic acinar cell proliferation. Adenylate cyclase activity was similar under basal conditions and after the diterpene forskolin stimulation in pancreatic acinar membranes from all groups studied. The ability of low concentrations of the stable GTP analogue, 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate (Gpp[NH]p) to inhibit forskolin- stimulated adenylate cyclase activity was decreased in pancreatic acinar membranes from enterectomized rats at 2 weeks and 1 month after the operation and returned to control values at 6 months after enterectomy. Stimulation of adenylate cyclase by high concentration of Gpp[NH]p or by secretin (10-8 M) was higher in both pancreatic hyperplasia conditions as compared with control animals. These findings suggest that the coupling efficiency of the G(s) protein to adenylate cyclase from pancreatic acinar membranes is enhanced without any alterations in the catalytic activity of the enzyme during pancreatic proliferation. In addition, it is possible that the highly regulated pancreatic acinar adenylate cyclase activity may be necessary to regulate pancreatic acinar cell proliferation

    Indoor Environmental Quality and Consumption Patterns before and during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Twelve Social Dwellings in Madrid, Spain

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    This article analyses the situation that prevailed in 12 dwellings located on the outskirts of Madrid during Spain’s state of emergency. How did 24/7 occupation affect the quality of indoor air and power consumption patterns? The mixed method used (surveys and instrumental monitoring) pragmatically detected the variation in consumption, comfort and indoor air quality patterns before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The characteristics initially in place and household predisposition had a conclusive effect on such variations. The starting conditions, including household composition, habits and the way daily activities were performed, differed widely, logically affecting power consumption: 8/12 case studies increase occupancy density by more than 25 percent; 11/12 improve thermal comfort; 10/12 improve air quality but not necessarily translate in a sufficient ventilation practices; air quality was lower in the bedrooms on the whole; only 4/12 case studies use the potential of passive measures; only one household adopted energy savings strategies; 10/12 case studies increase electric power consumption but none of the dwellings was fitted with a renewable power generation system. The conclusion drawn is that, despite starting conditions differing widely, household composition, habits (including performance of daily activities performance) and power consumption also played an active role in the end result. This approach allowed to integrate qualitative and quantitative findings on indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy use and households’ behavior. The objective data on the energy situation of the case studies not only is useful for the study, but also for potential enrollment in energy rehabilitation programs, such as the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of the Economy’s National Programme for R&D + I Geared to Societal Challenges under the project BIA2017-83231-C2-1-R ‘Nueva herramienta integrada de evaluación para áreas urbanas vulnerables. Hacia la autosuficiencia energética y a favor de un modelo de habitabilidad biosaludable’ and ‘Habita_RES-(2018–2021)’.S