52 research outputs found

    Impacto de los métodos de enseñanza de la lectura en la comprensión lectora

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    Existe una importante controversia sobre la idoneidad de los diferentes métodos de enseñanza de la lectura para obtener una buena comprensión lectora. El presente estudio fue diseñado para conocer el impacto que tienen los métodos de lectura iniciados en Educación Infantil en la comprensión lectora en Educación Primaria. Con este fin, se seleccionó una muestra de 54 alumnos de 2º de primaria, diferenciados en dos grupos (instruidos con un enfoque constructivista y con un método sintético-fonético). En primer lugar, se realizó un análisis cualitativo con entrevistas y un diario de campo a partir de la observación en las aulas. En segundo lugar, se pasó la prueba PROLEC-R a ambos grupos, comparando sus puntuaciones en velocidad, precisión y comprensión lectora. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a la velocidad, comprensión lectora y precisión de lectura de palabras. En cambio, en la lectura de pseudopalabras, los resultados obtenidos por el alumnado del método sintético-fonético fueron significativamente superiores. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de buscar métodos alternativos que tengan presentes los beneficios que conlleva el aprendizaje del código escrito, pero sin dejar de lado la construcción del significado desde una perspectiva práctica, funcional y significativa considerando la lectura y la escritura como prácticas sociales

    Características del Trabajo de Fin de Grado en distintas ramas de conocimiento: Análisis de un cuestionario al profesorado

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    La normativa de las universidades plantea normas generales para la realización de los Trabajos Fin de Grado (TFG en adelante) aunque deja cierta libertad y margen de adaptación a cada grado para desarrollar su propio reglamento, por lo que no existe un consenso entre las distintas universidades y áreas. Las diferencias que se dan en el proceso y desarrollo de los TFGs, así como los diferentes contextos en los que se desenvuelve este trabajo, son cruciales para definir las competencias, así como los procesos de tutela y organización de esta asignatura. El objetivo de este trabajo fue conocer la percepción del profesorado en la tutela de este trabajo. En esta investigación se analizan las respuestas de 274 profesores de distintas áreas de conocimiento a un cuestionario que plantea preguntas relacionadas con la importancia que reviste para ellos el TFG, las estrategias de tutela que despliegan, los problemas que se encuentran a lo largo del proceso de tutela y la formación que precisan. Los resultados muestran que las diferencias más importantes entre las respuestas del profesorado no se deben ni a sus años de experiencia ni a su tipo de contrato. El factor más relevante que marca las diferencias en la muestra es la rama de conocimiento a la que pertenecen los profesores encuestados. Se destacan las implicaciones prácticas que tiene este hecho a nivel de profesorado

    Primer contacto de la familia con un miembro psicótico y la institución pública. Estrategias de intervención.

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    Este trabajo supone un primer acercamiento al análisis del momento, que consideramos crucial desde el punto de vista pronóstico y terapéutico, del encuentro entre el sistema familiar del psicótico y el sistema institucional, cada uno gobernado por sus reglas específicas y con sus propias habilidades y estrategias que se pondrán de manifiesto en dicho encuentro. Se intenta en la exposición poner de manifiesto la importancia de dicha situación, mediante el análisis de la misma, a la luz de las últimas conceptualizaciones del grupo de Milán, así como la de facilitar al terapeuta alternativas de intervención para la resolución de la crisis y la redefinición de ésta

    Primer contacto de la familia con un miembro psicótico y la institución pública. Estrategias de intervención.

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    Este trabajo supone un primer acercamiento al análisis del momento, que consideramos crucial desde el punto de vista pronóstico y terapéutico, del encuentro entre el sistema familiar del psicótico y el sistema institucional, cada uno gobernado por sus reglas específicas y con sus propias habilidades y estrategias que se pondrán de manifiesto en dicho encuentro. Se intenta en la exposición poner de manifiesto la importancia de dicha situación, mediante el análisis de la misma, a la luz de las últimas conceptualizaciones del grupo de Milán, así como la de facilitar al terapeuta alternativas de intervención para la resolución de la crisis y la redefinición de ésta

    Bacteria-instructed B cells cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells triggering effective cytotoxic responses.

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    In addition to triggering humoral responses, conventional B cells have been described in vitro to cross-present exogenous antigens activating naïve CD8+ T cells. Nevertheless, the way B cells capture these exogenous antigens and the physiological roles of B cell-mediated cross-presentation remain poorly explored. Here, we show that B cells capture bacteria by trans-phagocytosis from previously infected dendritic cells (DC) when they are in close contact. Bacterial encounter "instructs" the B cells to acquire antigen cross-presentation abilities, in a process that involves autophagy. Bacteria-instructed B cells, henceforth referred to as BacB cells, rapidly degrade phagocytosed bacteria, process bacterial antigens and cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells which differentiate into specific cytotoxic cells that efficiently control bacterial infections. Moreover, a proof-of-concept experiment shows that BacB cells that have captured bacteria expressing tumor antigens could be useful as novel cellular immunotherapies against cancer.We are grateful to advanced light microscopy and cytometry facilities of CNB for technical supporting. The research is supported by grants: SAF2017-84091- R, and PID2020-116393RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, financed by MCIN, BFERO2020.04, financed by FERO foundation and PI20/0036 from ISCIII. RGF is supported by BES-2016-076526 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness, JOP is supported by fellowship LCF/BQ/SO16/ 52270012 from La Caixa, BHF is supported by FPU18/00895 and AMP by FPU18/03199 from Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. LdC has been supported by Juan de la Cierva grant IJC2018-035386-I and a contract associated to SEV-2017-0712. EVC, AMP, AMAM, and NMM belong to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)’s Cancer Hub. Synopsis image made with biorender.com by Eduardo Roman Camacho and Esteban Veiga. We thanks Prof. Dan Portnoy who kindly provided bacterial strains.S

    Population-based multicase-control study in common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain): rationale and study design

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    Introduction: We present the protocol of a large population-based case-control study of 5 common tumors in Spain (MCC-Spain) that evaluates environmental exposures and genetic factors. Methods: Between 2008-2013, 10,183 persons aged 20-85 years were enrolled in 23 hospitals and primary care centres in 12 Spanish provinces including 1,115 cases of a new diagnosis of prostate cancer, 1,750 of breast cancer, 2,171 of colorectal cancer, 492 of gastro-oesophageal cancer, 554 cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and 4,101 population-based controls matched by frequency to cases by age, sex and region of residence. Participation rates ranged from 57% (stomach cancer) to 87% (CLL cases) and from 30% to 77% in controls. Participants completed a face-to-face computerized interview on sociodemographic factors, environmental exposures, occupation, medication, lifestyle, and personal and family medical history. In addition, participants completed a self-administered food-frequency questionnaire and telephone interviews. Blood samples were collected from 76% of participants while saliva samples were collected in CLL cases and participants refusing blood extractions. Clinical information was recorded for cases and paraffin blocks and/or fresh tumor samples are available in most collaborating hospitals. Genotyping was done through an exome array enriched with genetic markers in specific pathways. Multiple analyses are planned to assess the association of environmental, personal and genetic risk factors for each tumor and to identify pleiotropic effects. Discussion: This study, conducted within the Spanish Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health (CIBERESP), is a unique initiative to evaluate etiological factors for common cancers and will promote cancer research and prevention in Spain.The study was partially funded by the “Accion Transversal del Cancer”, approved on the Spanish Ministry Council on the 11th October 2007, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-FEDER (PI08/1770, PI08/0533, PI08/1359, PS09/00773, PS09/01286, PS09/01903, PS09/02078, PS09/01662, PI11/01403, PI11/01889, PI11/00226, PI11/01810, PI11/02213, PI12/00488, PI12/00265, PI12/01270, PI12/00715, PI12/00150), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla (API 10/09), by the ICGC International Cancer Genome Consortium CLL, by the Junta de Castilla y León (LE22A10-2), by the Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía (PI-0571), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana (AP 061/10), by the Recercaixa (2010ACUP 00310), by the Regional Government of the Basque Country by European Commission grants FOOD-CT- 2006-036224-HIWATE, by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, by the The Catalan Government DURSI grant 2009SGR1489

    IL-6 serum levels predict severity and response to tocilizumab in COVID-19: An observational study

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    Background: Patients with coronavirus disaese 2019 (COVID-19) can develop a cytokine release syndrome that eventually leads to acute respiratory distress syndrome requiring invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV). Because IL-6 is a relevant cytokine in acute respiratory distress syndrome, the blockade of its receptor with tocilizumab (TCZ) could reduce mortality and/or morbidity in severe COVID-19. Objective: We sought to determine whether baseline IL-6 serum levels can predict the need for IMV and the response to TCZ. Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed in hospitalized patients diagnosed with COVID-19. Clinical information and laboratory findings, including IL-6 levels, were collected approximately 3 and 9 days after admission to be matched with preadministration and postadministration of TCZ. Multivariable logistic and linear regressions and survival analysis were performed depending on outcomes: need for IMV, evolution of arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, or mortality. Results: One hundred forty-six patients were studied, predominantly males (66%); median age was 63 years. Forty-four patients (30%) required IMV, and 58 patients (40%) received treatment with TCZ. IL-6 levels greater than 30 pg/mL was the best predictor for IMV (odds ratio, 7.1; P < .001). Early administration of TCZ was associated with improvement in oxygenation (arterial oxygen tension/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio) in patients with high IL-6 (P = .048). Patients with high IL-6 not treated with TCZ showed high mortality (hazard ratio, 4.6; P = .003), as well as those with low IL-6 treated with TCZ (hazard ratio, 3.6; P = .016). No relevant serious adverse events were observed in TCZ-treated patients. Conclusions: Baseline IL-6 greater than 30 pg/mL predicts IMV requirement in patients with COVID-19 and contributes to establish an adequate indication for TCZ administrationThis study was funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant nos. RD16/0011/0012 and PI18/ 0371 to I.G.A., grant no. PI19/00549 to A.A., and grant no. SAF2017-82886-R to F.S.-M.) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The study was also funded by ‘‘La Caixa Banking Foundation’’ (grant no. HR17-00016 to F.S.-M.) and ‘‘Fondos Supera COVID19’’ by Banco de Santander and CRUE. None of these sponsors have had any role in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publicatio

    COVID-19 Severity and Survival over Time in Patients with Hematologic Malignancies: A Population-Based Registry Study

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    Mortality rates for COVID-19 have declined over time in the general population, but data in patients with hematologic malignancies are contradictory. We identified independent prognostic factors for COVID-19 severity and survival in unvaccinated patients with hematologic malignancies, compared mortality rates over time and versus non-cancer inpatients, and investigated post COVID-19 condition. Data were analyzed from 1166 consecutive, eligible patients with hematologic malignancies from the population-based HEMATO-MADRID registry, Spain, with COVID-19 prior to vaccination roll-out, stratified into early (February–June 2020; n = 769 (66%)) and later (July 2020–February 2021; n = 397 (34%)) cohorts. Propensity-score matched non-cancer patients were identified from the SEMI-COVID registry. A lower proportion of patients were hospitalized in the later waves (54.2%) compared to the earlier (88.6%), OR 0.15, 95%CI 0.11–0.20. The proportion of hospitalized patients admitted to the ICU was higher in the later cohort (103/215, 47.9%) compared with the early cohort (170/681, 25.0%, 2.77; 2.01–3.82). The reduced 30-day mortality between early and later cohorts of non-cancer inpatients (29.6% vs. 12.6%, OR 0.34; 0.22–0.53) was not paralleled in inpatients with hematologic malignancies (32.3% vs. 34.8%, OR 1.12; 0.81–1.5). Among evaluable patients, 27.3% had post COVID-19 condition. These findings will help inform evidence-based preventive and therapeutic strategies for patients with hematologic malignancies and COVID-19 diagnosis.Depto. de MedicinaFac. de MedicinaTRUEFundación Madrileña de Hematología y HemoterapiaFundación Leucemia y LinfomaAsociación Madrileña de Hematología y Hemoterapiapu