187 research outputs found

    Efecto de la edad relativa en el fútbol profesional europeo y sudamericano = Relative age effect on european and south americanprofessional football

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la presencia del efecto de la edad relativa en el fútbol profesional de las confederaciones de la UEFA y CONMEBOL. Para ello, se han analizado las seis principales ligas de cada una de estas dos confederaciones pertenecientes a la FIFA. La muestra esta compuesta por un total de 6.414 jugadores que forman parte de los 226 equipos participantes en dichas ligas en la temporada 2016/2017. Se ha realizado un análisis estadístico descriptivo de frecuencia y porcentaje. Para realizar este análisis se ha dividido el año en cuatro trimestres y en dos semestres. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo confirman la existencia del efecto de la edad relativa en las principales ligas profesionales del fútbol, mostrándose de una manera más notoria en la CONMEBOL que en la UEFA. De esta manera se concluye que existe una mayor representación de jugadores nacidos en el primer semestre del año dentro de las dos confederacione

    Turismo arqueológico como alternativa de desarrollo local en la Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo

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    Este trabajo expone la importancia del turismo arqueológico en la Riviera Maya de Quintana Roo, México, como una alternativa para el desarrollo local comunitario. A través de la construcción de un marco conceptual crítico, se parte de la tesis de que existen zonas arqueológicas descubiertas por las comunidades rurales y locales que no son reconocidas formalmente por la autoridad estatal y federal para su promoción turística y en beneficio económico para estas comunidades. Mediante observaciones participantes, entrevistas semiestructuradas y a profundidad con actores locales, los resultados muestran que además de la existencia de numerosos vestigios arqueológicos para llevar a cabo esta actividad, las comunidades han construido otra forma de ser y hacer turismo, contrapuesto a la idea dominante de este último como mercancía. La política encaminada al turismo arqueológico es contradictoria, y se recomienda que aquéllas formas emergentes de turismo arqueológico se reconozcan y apoyen como una actividad autónoma respecto del turismo oficial

    Loss of pancreas upon activated Wnt signaling is concomitant with emergence of gastrointestinal identity

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    Organ formation is achieved through the complex interplay between signaling pathways and transcriptional cascades. The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays multiple roles during embryonic development including patterning, proliferation and differentiation in distinct tissues. Previous studies have established the importance of this pathway at multiple stages of pancreas formation as well as in postnatal organ function and homeostasis. In mice, gain-of-function experiments have demonstrated that activation of the canonical Wnt pathway results in pancreatic hypoplasia, a phenomenon whose underlying mechanisms remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that ectopic activation of epithelial canonical Wnt signaling causes aberrant induction of gastric and intestinal markers both in the pancreatic epithelium and mesenchyme, leading to the development of gut-like features. Furthermore, we provide evidence that β -catenin-induced impairment of pancreas formation depends on Hedgehog signaling. Together, our data emphasize the developmental plasticity of pancreatic progenitors and further underscore the key role of precise regulation of signaling pathways to maintain appropriate organ boundaries

    The impact of confinement by COVID-19 on the academic year. Case study: Gypsy pupils

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    The urgent virtualisation of academic activity in educational centres forced by the confinement decreed in Spain between the months of March and May 2020 posed a challenge previously unknown to the entire educational community. Information and communication technologies became essential tools to guarantee the continuity of the course. This situation highlighted the lack of technological equipment for the most vulnerable groups of the population and further increased the «digital divide», putting at risk the monitoring and school performance of pupils in these sectors. Among the most affected groups is that of gipsy students, as demonstrated in schools such as CEIP Nueva Segovia, (Segovia, Spain). This paper is the result of a qualitative and quantitative research carried out in this school, which has made it possible to identify and analyse the technological devices available to gipsy students, the perception of the different members of the educational community on the use of technologies and, finally, the training of these members in relation to new technologies. The results reveal the needs not only for equipment, but also for training in new technologies that both families and students have. These results show the importance of a new curricular approach for pupils with educational compensation needs to eliminate this situation of inequality.La virtualización urgente de la actividad académica en los centros educativos obligada por el confinamiento que se decretó en España entre los meses de marzo y mayo de 2020 supuso un reto hasta entonces desconocido para toda la comunidad educativa. Las tecnologías de información y de la comunicación se convirtieron en herramientas imprescindibles para garantizar la continuidad del curso. Esta situación puso de manifiesto las carencias que en materia de equipamiento tecnológico presentan los colectivos más vulnerables de la población e incrementó, si cabe aún más, la «brecha digital» poniendo en riesgo el seguimiento y el rendimiento escolar de los alumnos de estos sectores. Entre los colectivos más afectados se encuentra el de los estudiantes de etnia gitana tal y como se puso de manifiesto en centros como el CEIP Nueva Segovia, (Segovia, España). El presente trabajo es el resultado de una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa realizada en dicho centro escolar y que ha permitido identificar y analizar los dispositivos tecnológicos disponibles por el alumnado de etnia gitana, la percepción que tienen los diferentes miembros de la comunidad educativa sobre el uso de las tecnologías y, por último, la formación de dichos miembros en relación con las nuevas tecnologías. Los resultados revelan las necesidades no solo de equipamiento, sino también formación en nuevas tecnologías que presentan tanto familias como estudiantes. Estos resultados permiten advertir la importancia que tiene realizar un nuevo planteamiento curricular para el alumnado con necesidades de compensación educativa que elimine esta situación de desigualdad

    Verification of a short-range ensemble precipitation prediction system over Iberia

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    The purpose of this paper is the verification of a short-range ensemble prediction system (SREPS) built with five different model physical process parameterization schemes and two different initial conditions from global models, allowing to construct several versions of the non-hydrostatic mesoscale MM5 model for a 1-month period of October 2006. From the SREPS, flow-dependent probabilistic forecasts are provided by means of predictive probability distributions over the Iberian Peninsula down to 10-km grid spacing. In order to carry out the verification, 25 km grid of observational precipitation records over Spain from the Spanish Climatic Network has been used to evaluate the ensemble accuracy together with the mean model performance and forecast variability by means of comparisons between such records and the ensemble forecasts.This work has been partially supported by the research projects CGL2007-61328/CLI and UE Safewind G. A. No. 213740

    Interpersonal competences in the social and labour integration of the youth enrolled in initial qualification professional programmes

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    RESUMEN: En este estudio se pretende describir las percepciones del alumnado de Programas de Cualificación Profesional Inicial sobre las competencias sociopersonales más valoradas para acceder al mercado laboral, comparándolas posteriormente con las opiniones al respecto de los orientadores que ejercen en estos centros. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en ocho centros de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, a través de una metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa, mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios y de entrevistas. Los resultados indican que el alumnado cree poseer las cualidades sociopersonales necesarias para acceder a empleos correspondientes a su nivel de formación profesional, sin encontrar diferencias significativas importantes. Sin embargo, resulta relevante el contraste con la opinión de los orientadores, los cuáles consideran que a pesar de que estos programas han mejorado respecto a los anteriores Programas de Garantía Social, es necesario seguir mejorando competencias como la adaptación social, el autocontrol, la organización y la planificación. Este desajuste entre las opiniones de estudiantes y orientadores justifican la necesidad de mejorar la intervención de la orientación profesional en estos programas y de implicar a todo el equipo docente, en el diseño de itinerarios laborales inclusivos y ajustados al desarrollo de competencias sociopersonales que faciliten la inserción social y laboral de estos jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión social. Esto constituye un problema educativo y social que es preciso resolver.ABSTRACT: This research aims to describe the students of Initial Qualification Professional Programmes´ perceptions regarding the interpersonal skills that are more appreciated in order to access the labour market and to compare them with those of the counselors who work in the centers. The research took place in eight centers of the Autonomous Community of Cantabria through questionnaires and interviews, using a quantitative and qualitative methodology. The results show that students believe to have the social and personal skills required at their level of professional qualification, without important or significant differences. However, it is relevant how the educators´ perception differs since they understand that, even though these programs are an improved version of the old Social Guarantee Programs, it is necessary to continue improving certain aspects such as social integration, self-control, organization and planning. The difference between the students´ opinions and those of the educators justify the necessity of improving the intervention of professional counselors in these programs and involving the whole educational team in the design of inclusive work itineraries that promote the development of social and personal skills in order to improve social and labour opportunities for those youths at risk of social exclusion. This is an educational and social problem that needs to be solve

    Bombesin induces a reduction of somatostatin inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity, Gi function, and somatostatin receptors in rat exocrine pancreas

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    To analyze the effect of bombesin on the somatostatin (SS) mechanism of action in the exocrine pancreas, male Wistar rats (250-270 g) were injected intraperitoneally with bombesin (10 ¿g/kg) three times daily at 8-h intervals for 7 or 14 days. Bombesin attenuated the ability of SS to inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in pancreatic acinar membranes. However, it did not decrease the ability of forskolin to stimulate the adenylyl cyclase catalytic subunit. The ability of 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate [Gpp(NH)p] (a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog) to inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity was diminished in pancreatic acinar cell membranes from bombesin-treated rats. Bombesin administration did not affect the ADP-ribosylation of a 41-kDa G protein catalyzed by pertussis toxin. The maximal SS binding capacity of pancreatic acinar membranes from bombesin-treated rats was decreased when compared with controls at the two time periods studied. The bombesin/gastrin-releasing peptide antagonist [D-Tpi6,Leu13¿(CH2NH)Leu14]bombesin (6-14) (RC-3095) (10 ¿g/kg ip), injected three times daily at 8-h intervals for 7 or 14 days, had a similar effect to that of bombesin on the SS mechanism of action. The combined administration of bombesin and its antagonist RC-3095 had a greater effect on the SS receptor-effector system than when administered separately. The present study indicates that the pancreatic SS receptor-effector system may be regulated by bombesin in vivo

    Multiamperometric-SERS detection of melamine on gold screen-printed electrodes

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    A new, simple and fast protocol to generate gold-based SERS substrates is presented in this work. Melamine is a compound widely used in the industry that can be toxic for humans if consumed even in low concentrations. EC-SERS is an excellent alternative to classical methods to detect and quantify this compound because Raman spectroscopy provides a fingerprint of the molecules, providing very good sensitivity. In this work, timeresolved Raman spectroelectrochemistry is employed to generate a SERS substrate and to detect melamine, all in a single experiment. The dynamic character of this technique provides valuable information about the interaction of the molecule with the generated substrate. An optimization of the spectroelectrochemical method based on a multi-pulse amperometric detection has been performed. The new protocol presented in this work shows significant figures of merit in a very short experiment time, just 25 s.Authors acknowledge the financial support from Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion /10.13039/ 501100011033 (Grant PID2020-113154RB-C21) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (Grant RED2018-102412-T). W. Ch. thanks JCyL for his postdoctoral fellowship (Grant BU297P18). S.H. and M.P-E. thank JCyL and European Social Fund for their predoctoral fellowships

    Sistema de predicción por conjuntos a corto plazo sobre la Península Ibérica y Baleares

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    A short-range ensemble precipitation forecast system has been constructed over the Iberian Peninsula and Balearics by means of the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research Model (MM5). The ensemble system onsists of ten members, each run with a different combination of two different initial conditions from global models, IFS-ECMWF and GFS-NCEP, and five different subgrid-scale physics configurations for one month period, October 2006. The mesoscale verification is made by using observational precipitation data of the Spanish Climatic Network. The created short-range ensemble shows high spread-skill correlation values for daily precipitation. However, the asymmetric shape of the rank histogram indicates some underdispersion, suggesting a biased behaviour. The Talagrand shows as well the underdispersive effect because of its asymmetric distribution. The Relative Operating Characteristic curve shows a very outstanding area indicating the good discrimination capacity. The reliability diagrams are also indicative of the good reliability of the forecasting system, depicting in general good agreement between forecast probability and the mean observed frequency. Because of that, the verification proves the usefulness of the forecasting system over the study area.This work has been partially supported by the research projects CGL2007- 61328/CLI and UE Safewind G.A. No. 213740

    Predicciones probabilistas de velocidad de viento mediante un sistema multifísica y multianálisis de predicción por conjuntos

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    Ponencia presentada en: IX Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología celebrado en Almería entre el 28 y el 30 de octubre de 2014.[ES]El desarrollo de la energía eólica y su importancia en la producción eléctrica ha conllevado la mejora de los métodos de predicción de velocidad del viento y los sistemas de predicción por conjunto a corto plazo (SPC) pueden jugar un papel importante en ello. Este estudio presenta resultados de velocidad del viento a 10 m en la Península Ibérica obtenidos de un SPC multifísica. El modelo está basado en el Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.3. El SPC consta de 10 miembros compuestos de dos conjuntos diferentes de condiciones iniciales y de contorno, y 5 conjuntos diferentes de parametrizaciones subrejilla físicas. Se muestran diversos resultados de verificación tanto deterministas como probabilistas que permiten extraer conclusiones del diseño del SPC. En cuanto a los deterministas, resultados de sesgo, correlaciones espaciales y errores cuadráticos medios se exponen espacialmente, evaluando la habilidad del modelo en la predicción de la velocidad del viento a 10m en la Península Ibérica. Los resultados probabilistas se muestran en términos de histogramas de rango del sistema en la predicción de la velocidad del viento en diferentes áreas de la Península Ibérica. Se pone de manifiesto cómo las diferentes condiciones climáticas peninsulares producen gran variabilidad en los estadísticos de validación, lo cual habría de tenerse en cuenta a la hora de validar un modelo sobre un área con gran diversidad climática como es la Península Ibérica.[EN]The rapid expansion of wind energy and its increasing importance in power production have necessitated improved methods for forecasting wind speeds and the short-range Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPS) could potentially play a major role. This study presents results of 10m wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula obtained from a multi-physic EPS. The EPS is based on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model version 3.3. The EPS have 10 members, which are composed of two different sets of initial and boundary conditions, and 5 different sets of subgrid scale physics parameterizations. Several deterministic and probabilistic verification results are shown. These results allow to establish the EPS design quality. Results of bias, spatial correlations and root mean squared errors are displayed, evaluating the models skillful for predicting 10m wind speed over the Iberian Peninsula. The probabilistic results are shown by means of rank histograms. The results show the model skilful in forecasting wind speed in different areas of Iberia, emphasizing how diverse peninsular climatic conditions promote high variability in validation skill scores. This fact must be considered when a model is validated over areas with high climatic diversity such as the Iberian Peninsula