435 research outputs found

    Pyrolysis-gass chromatography-mass spectrometry of soil humic fractions: II. The high boiling point compounds

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    4 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, 16 references.-- Publicado en el apartado: Division S-3-Soil Microbiology and Biochemistry.Pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry studies of soil fulvic and humic acids were made. The high boiling point compounds produced by pyrolysis were separated in a column packed with Chromosorb AW DMCS 80-100 mesh coated with 10% FFAP. Humic acids with a high nitrogen content yielded a complex variety of protein derivatives, such as alkylpyridines, alkylpyrroles, alkylbenzonitriles, indoles, piperidines, pyrazines, and pyrrolidones. Humic acids with low N content yielded a smaller number of heterocyclic nitrogen compounds. Lignin derivatives were also identified, but the amount varied in different samples. Furanes were not as prominent as protein and lignin fragments. Acid hydrolysis released proteins, polysaccharides, and lignins, which could be considered as companion materials of a humic "core". The majority of the pyrolysis compounds from the residue after hydrolysis were identified as alkylbenzenes, alkylnaphthalenes, phenols, benzofuranes, indenes, and fluorenes. Alkanes and alkenes were noted in trace amounts. Pyrolysis behavior of fulvic acids differed from that of humic acids. They produced poorly resolved pyrograms with smaller number and a lower intensity of peaks, from which only furfurals, phenols, benzofuranes, and naphthalenes could be identified.Peer reviewe

    Implementación y evaluación de una red inalámbrica de sensores a través de algoritmos de transmisión basados en gossiping por RF

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    El desarrollo de las redes de sensores inalámbricas o Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) en los últimos años ha posicionado su investigación como prioridad, a fin de ver las posibilidades que tienen estas como redes inteligentes para el futuro. Las WSN presentan varias desventajas como el consumo de la energía, la escalabilidad en la red, su adaptación a terrenos desfavorables para las comunicaciones no cableadas, las cuales dificultan su implementación. En años recientes, muchas técnicas han sido desarrolladas en esta dirección, al proponer varias alternativas acerca de qué tipo de algoritmo es más conveniente para poder minimizar el consumo energético y, a su vez, maximizar la vida de los dispositivos que son parte de la red. El objetivo principal en la presente tesis es comparar el funcionamiento de los algoritmos de gossiping o cotilleo RGA (Randomized Gossip Algorithm) y DRG (Distributed Random Grouping) aplicados en redes inalámbricas simuladas por software, por medio de la creación de librerías, posterior al cual se realizará una implementación en menor escala de los algoritmos en una red inalámbrica de sensores. En el presente trabajo se documentará los resultados logrados en las simulaciones para los dos algoritmos mencionados, así como de sus derivados, en función a parámetros de desempeño aplicables para este tipo de algoritmos de enrutamiento. De igual forma se comparará su desempeño en una red implementada y se presentará las conclusiones de los beneficios y desventajas de uno u otro para ciertas aplicaciones.Tesi

    An orthogonal synthetic approach to nonsymmetrical bisazolyl 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridines

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    A three-step synthetic route giving access to nonsymmetrical bisazolyl 2,4,6-trisubstituted pyridines with different substituents on the pyrazole, indazole, and pyridine heterocycles is described. From the readily available 4-bromo-2,6-difluoropyridine, both fluorine atoms allow for easy selective stepwise substitution, and the bromine atom provides easy access to additional functionalities through both Suzuki and Sonogashira Pd(0) cross-coupling reactions. These synthons represent optimal structures as building blocks in complexation and metalloorganic structures for the tuning of their chelating and photophysical propertie

    Crisis en el sistema de fuentes del derecho internacional: el SOFT LAW en el derecho penal internacional y el derecho penal colombiano

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    Soft law is a source of international law that influences international criminal law and the Colombian criminal system. The evolution of international law broadened the scope and advantages of soft law tools, giving it preponderance among the sources.Criminal law is not alien to this evolution, since concepts such as forced disappearance, forced displacement and double conformity, essentials for legal-criminal systems, come from non-binding legal instruments.El soft law es una fuente del derecho internacional que influye en el derecho penal internacional y en el sistema penal colombiano. La evolución del derecho internacional amplió el alcance y las ventajas de las herramientas del derecho blando, dándole preponderancia en el sistema de fuentes. El derecho penal no es ajeno a esta evolución, pues conceptos como la desaparición forzada, el desplazamiento forzado y la doble conformidad, esenciales para los ordenamientos jurídico-penales, devienen de elementos no vinculantes que van adquiriendo, con su puesta en práctica, una cada vez más exigente demanda en el concierto de interpretaciones posibles dentro del ámbito del corpus iuris de los Derechos Humanos internacionales

    HepG2 PMM2-CDG knockout model: A versatile platform for variant and therapeutic evaluation

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    Phosphomannomutase 2 deficiency (PMM2-CDG), the most frequent congenital disorder of glycosylation, is an autosomal recessive disease caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in the PMM2 gene. There is no cure for this multisystemic syndrome. Some of the therapeutic approaches that are currently in development include mannose-1-phosphate replacement therapy, drug repurposing, and the use of small chemical molecules to correct folding defects. Preclinical models are needed to evaluate the efficacy of treatments to overcome the high lethality of the available animal model. In addition, the number of variants with unknown significance is increasing in clinical settings. This study presents the generation of a cellular disease model by knocking out the PMM2 gene in the hepatoma HepG2 cell line using CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. The HepG2 knockout model accurately replicates the PMM2-CDG phenotype, exhibiting a complete absence of PMM2 protein and mRNA, a 90% decrease in PMM enzymatic activity, and altered ICAM-1, LAMP1 and A1AT glycoprotein patterns. The evaluation of PMM2 disease-causing variants validates the model's utility for studying new PMM2 clinical variants, providing insights for diagnosis and potentially for evaluating therapies. A CRISPR-Cas9-generated HepG2 knockout model accurately recapitulates the PMM2-CDG phenotype, providing a valuable tool for assessing disease-causing variants and advancing therapeutic strategiesPI22/0069

    Antileishmanial activity of terpenylquinones on Leishmania infantum and their effects on Leishmania topoisomerase IB

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    [EN] Leishmania is the aethiological agent responsible for the visceral leishmaniasis, a serious parasite-borne disease widely spread all over the World. The emergence of resistant strains makes classical treatments less effective; therefore, new and better drugs are necessary. Naphthoquinones are interesting compounds for which many pharmacological properties have been described, including leishmanicidal activity. This work shows the antileishmanial effect of two series of terpenyl-1,4-naphthoquinones (NQ) and 1,4-anthraquinones (AQ) obtained from natural terpenoids, such as myrcene and myrceocommunic acid. They were evaluated both in vitro and ex vivo against the transgenic iRFP-Leishmania infantum strain and also tested on liver HepG2 cells to determine their selectivity indexes. The results indicated that NQ derivatives showed better antileishmanial activity than AQ analogues, and among them, compounds with a diacetylated hydroquinone moiety provided better results than their corresponding quinones. Regarding the terpenic precursor, compounds obtained from the monoterpenoid myrcene displayed good antiparasitic efficiency and low cytotoxicity for mammalian cells, whereas those derived from the diterpenoid showed better antileishmanial activity without selectivity. In order to explore their mechanism of action, all the compounds have been tested as potential inhibitors of Leishmania type IB DNA topoisomerases, but only some compounds that displayed the quinone ring were able to inhibit the recombinant enzyme in vitro. This fact together with the docking studies performed on LTopIB suggested the existence of another mechanism of action, alternative or complementary to LTopIB inhibition. In silico druglikeness and ADME evaluation of the best leishmanicidal compounds has shown good predictable druggabilitySIFinancial support came from Spanish MINECO (CTQ2015-68175-R, AGL2016-79813-C2-1-R, AGL2016-79813-C2-2-R and SAF2017-83575-R), ISCIII-RICET Network (RD12/0018/0002) and Consejería de Educación de la Junta de Castilla y León (LE020P17) co-financed by the Fondo Social Europeo of the European Union (FEDER-EU). P. G. J. acknowledges funding by Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura y Saberes (’‘Programme for attracting scientific talent to Salamanca’‘

    La Comunicación Comercial y la Generación Z: una visión desde la sostenibilidad en el consumo

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    El objetivo del proyecto es reflexionar y generar un pensamiento crítico en el estudiante sobre la importancia de ser un consumidor sostenible en la realidad social que vivimos. Para ello, los estudiantes voluntarios imparten talleres prácticos aportando sus conocimientos de Comunicación Comercial a jóvenes de la Generación Z que plasmarán lo aprendido diseñando campañas de comunicación de fomento del consumo sostenible vinculados a los ODS 1, 2, 4, 7, 11 y 14

    5G-TRANSFORMER Service Orchestrator: design, implementation, and evaluation

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    European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2019)5G networks will pose complex network management challenges due to the variety of vertical services they will need to serve and the diversity and heterogeneity of underlying infrastructure. The service orchestration functionality is fundamental to enable fulfilling the requirements of the different verticals while efficiently sharing the infrastructure resources. This paper details the 5G-TRANSFORMER service orchestrator implementation and operation. It also evaluates and profiles service creation time showing how the automation offered by the platform allows reducing it from hours to minutes. It also shows that the most time-consuming steps correspond to the deployment of the virtual network functions and post-deployment configuration, which consume one order of magnitude more time than the rest of steps (e.g., network creation, port creation).This work has been partially funded by the EC H2020 5G-TRANSFORMER Project (grant no. 761536) and grants TEC2017-88373-R (5G-REFINE) and 2017 SGR 1195

    Sistema de Tutorización Adaptativo

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    Hoy en día, no paramos de oír y estudiar como realizar el proceso de adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) y cómo aplicando las Nuevas Tecnologías podemos dar ese paso de forma más sencilla. En la mayor parte del profesorado, el uso de dichas tecnologías no es fácil de asimilar, incluso la mayor parte de las veces no comprende cual es el beneficio real de utilizar sistemas como páginas Web, foros de discusión, etc.Dentro del Departamento de Informática (y más concretamente dentro del grupo “Sistemas Inteligentes de Acceso a la Información” o SINAI) hemos abogado siempre por el uso de las Nuevas Tecnologías como herramientas de ayuda a la docencia universitaria, con el objetivo de que el trato entre el profesor y el alumno sea mucho más completo. Gracias a esta experiencia realizada durante años hemos ido madurando el uso de distintas técnicas y herramientas, además de desarrollar, de forma experimental, herramientas específicas para algunas asignaturas.Por ese motivo, se han intentado unificar dichas experiencias dentro del proyecto docente llamado “Sistema de Tutorización Adaptativo”. Con este proyecto hemos tenido un marco donde poder comprobar la aceptación de dicho proyecto por parte del alumnado y el profesorado