1,345 research outputs found

    Melanins and lipids in Lycoperdon perlatum fruit bodies

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    5 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, 27 references.After sequential degradation with sodium persulphate and potassium permanganate, the characteristics of the dark pigments from the soil gasteromycete Lycoperdonperlatum were described. Several aromatic acids (phenolic and benzenecarboxylic) were detected by glc-ms of the degradation products, but the aliphatic content of these polymer fractions was predominant, containing a high proportion of protein and showing fatty acids similar to those previously found in the lipid fraction. An acid soluble fraction of melanin, of a highly aliphatic nature, was also present in Lycoperdon fruit bodies.Peer reviewe

    La transición del leasing-financiero-leasing operativo-renting, ¿una consecuencia de las medidas de política económica? el caso del sector automoción en España, 1981-2000

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Departamento de Economía Aplicada III, leída el 05-07-2002Depto. de Economía Aplicada, Pública y PolíticaFac. de Ciencias Económicas y EmpresarialesTRUEpu

    IOBSERVER: species recognition via computer vision

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    This paper is about the design of an automated computer vision system that is able to recognize the species of fish individuals that are classified into a fishing vessel and produces a report file with that information. This system is called iObserver and it is a part of project Life-iSEAS (Life program).A very first version of the system has been tested at the oceanographic vessel “Miguel Oliver”. At the time of writing a more advanced prototype is being tested onboard other oceanographic vessel: “Vizconde de Eza”. We will describe the hardware design and the algorithms used by the computer vision software.Peer Reviewe

    Water Management Adaptation to Climate Change in Mediterranean Semiarid Regions by Desalination and Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Spain

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    [EN] Integration of renewable energy sources and water production technologies is a must when facing water scarcity problems in semiarid regions, such as Mediterranean regions. The use of additional water resources and production methods, such as reclaimed water and, more specifically, desalinated water, means present and necessary water resources to introduce in the water balances to attend to water demands within a global warming and droughting scenario. These solutions have the inconvenience of energy/power needs and costs. However, the development of renewable energies like photovoltaic solar energy, with lower and lower costs and greater efficiency, makes these economically feasible facilities, reaching competitive production costs for marine or sea desalinated water by around 50% of reduction in energy costs and 20¿30% of savings in final water production cost. This paper presents a practical project or action focused on the integration of renewable energies and new water resources by introducing a Photovoltaic Energy Plant (PVEP) as an energy source to feed a Seawater Desalination Treatment Plant (SWDTP). The PV facility is designed to cover all the energy demanded using the SWDTP during the day, and even studying the possibility of selling the energy production exceeds and injecting them into the energy supply network, covering the needs of buying energy needed during the high period where there is no photovoltaic energy production. Thus, savings related to energy costs and even incomes coming from energy sales mean an important reduction in operation costs or expenditures (OPEX), which makes economically feasible and sustainable the investment and the final price of water produced within the Mutxamel SWDTP. The final reduction cost in water desalination reaches 25% on average.Gómez Martínez, G.; Pérez-Martín, MÁ. (2023). Water Management Adaptation to Climate Change in Mediterranean Semiarid Regions by Desalination and Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Spain. Water. 15(18):1-28. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15183239128151

    La vida como escándalo de la verdad. Foucault y los cínicos

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    Michel Foucault studies the reviled cynical school in two moments of his work: in 1978 in a conference entitled The Analytical Philosophy of Politics, in full period of study of governmentality, the cynics exemplify a critical attitude to political power, and in 1984, in his last year at the Cóllege de France, the cynics as the last ladder of ethical parrhesia, as correspondence between the logos and the bios, as an example of vrai vie. This article aims to show the connection between both moments, the interconnection between a critical attitude of the philosopher against politics and a true saying embodied in life as a real scandal.Michel Foucault estudia la denostada escuela cínica en dos momentos de su obra: en 1978 en una conferencia titulada La filosofía analítica de la política, en pleno período de estudio de la gubernamentalidad, los cínicos ejemplifican una actitud crítica ante el poder político, y en 1984, en su último curso en el Cóllege de France, los cínicos como último escalafón de la parresía ética, como correspondencia entre el logos y el bíos, como ejemplo de vrai vie. Este artículo pretende mostrar la conexión entre ambos momentos, la interconexión entre una actitud crítica del filósofo frente a la política y un decir verdadero encarnado en la vida como escándalo de verdad

    The voice of birth families to improve visits in foster care

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    In foster care, contact visits with birth families play an important role in relation to the child’s wellbeing, and they may impact on placement outcomes. However, the views of birth parents with respect to such visits have largely been unexplored. This research is part of a project financed by the regional government of Andalusia (SEJ-7106) regarding contact visits in foster care. This study aims to give voice to parents and gather their views about contact visits, including how they might be improved. Participants were 23 birth families who had contact visits with 35 children in non-kinship foster care. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted in order to explore two key aspects: the parents’ opinions regarding the contact visits and the main areas they felt needed improving. The interviews were transcribed and the transcripts were examined using an inductive method of open coding to identify themes among participants’ responses. The main themes to emerge concerned their general view of contact visits and the organization of visits. The paper discusses the study’s implications of the findings for practice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    How are pine species responding to soil drought and climate change in the Iberian Peninsula?

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    This study investigates the relationship between soil moisture and the growth of Pinus halepensis, P. nigra, P. sylvestris and P. uncinata, which are some of the main pine species of the Iberian Peninsula, and the response of these species to soil drought. The role played by climatic and geographic factors in the resilience of these species to drought events is also evaluated. A total of 110 locations of the four species studied were selected, with data ranging from 1950 to 2007. The results show that the species that are less dependent on soil moisture best withstood droughts, while those more dependent on it showed better adaptability. Additionally, climatic and geographic factors had a stronger influence on the species’ resilience to soil drought at higher altitudes. The results of this study can help us to better understand forest ecosystem dynamics and their reaction to droughts in Mediterranean areas, where this phenomenon will be much more severe in the future due to climate change

    Una experiencia en docencia virtual

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    Con este trabajo, pretendemos hacer un resumen de una asignatura cursada íntegramente de forma telemática, que para nosotros ha constituido nuestra primera experiencia de docencia virtual completa. Por un lado, presentamos todos los datos numéricos que pensamos pueden ser de utilidad para futuros trabajos que comparen metodologías de eseñanza telemática, y por otro, intentamos describir la metodología de enseñanza‐aprendizaje utilizada en la misma. Hemos realizado la descripción cronológica de la asignatura, desde su concepción hasta la evaluación de la misma, y dentro de esta cronología detallamos de forma especial todo el desarrollo llevado a cabo durante el cuatrimestre en que ha tnido lugar su estudio por parte de los estudiantes. Los apartados principales del trabajo (asignatura, Plataforma, Metodología, Profesorado y Alumnado) encuadran los datos básicos de cada uno de ellos, con el objetivo de hacer una descripción pormenorizada de los mismos en el conjunto de esta experiencia virtual o telemática. En primer lugar, se presenta el contexto de la actividad; a continuación se describe la plataforma que se ha utilizado en esta experiencia de docencia virtual, y se realizan algunos comentarios positivos y negativos sobre la misma. El apartado siguiente describe al equipo docente. Posteriormente, se presenta la metodología de trabajo que se ha empleado, destacando los aspectos favorables y desfavorables de la misma. Por último, se describen las características más interesantes del grupo de alumnos que ha cursado la asignatura, y se presentan datos estadísticos referentes a su grado de implicación con la misma.With this work, we try to make a summary of a subject taught in a complete telematic way, which has been for us the first experience in full virtual teaching. On one side, we show all numeric data that we think can be useful for future works which compare teaching methodologies throughout telematic means, and on the other hand, we try to describe the teaching‐learning methodology used in such subject. We have made the chronological description of the subject, from the very first conception to the evaluation of it, and, within this chronology, we detail in special way the whole development carried out during the four month period in which these studies have been taken by students. The main sections of this work (Subject, Platform, Methodology, Teaching Team and Pupils) contain basic data of each one, with the main goal of making a detailed description of such sections of this virtual or telematic experience. Firstly, the context of the activity appears; next, we describe the platform that has been used in this experience of virtual teaching, and some positive and negative commentaries have been made on it. The following section describes the Teaching Team. Later, it is described the work methodology that has been used, emphasizing the favourable and unfavourable aspects of it. Finally, the most interesting characteristics of the group of students who has taken the subject, are described, and showing statistical data according to their degree of implication with the subject

    Type of judge and decisions in dismissal cases: An analysis of Labour Courts in Spain

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    El objetivo de este artículo es profundizar en la relación existente entre las decisiones judiciales de lo social en España en los casos de despido y los costes asociados a la extinción de los contratos laborales. Primero justificamos que los cambios en la probabilidad de que un juez falle a favor de un trabajador afectan a los costes de despido del empleador. En segundo lugar, examinamos cómo difiere dicha probabilidad cuando el juez es titular o sustituto. Se observa una mayor dispersión en la resolución de los casos de los jueces sustitutos, y un significativo repunte en los años de crisis económica de los fallos judiciales a favor del trabajador al considerar los jueces titulares, siendo este más débil en los casos de los sustitutosThe aim of this paper is to examine in detail the relationship between the decisionsof the Spanish labour courts regarding dismissal, and the costs associated with the terminationof employment contracts. We explain the changes in the probability that a judge ruling infavour of a worker affects the effective firing costs that the employer faces. We also examine how this probability differs depending on whether the judge is in charge of the court or is asubstitute. There is a greater dispersion in the resolution of cases when there are substitute judges, with a significant rise, during the economic crisis, of court decisions in favour of theworkers with permanent judges, which is less so with substitute judge

    Problemario de dinámica

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    1 archivo PDF (150 páginas) ; 2a ed. 2000, 5a reimpresión 2003.El presente trabajo es la recopilación de las experiencias de los profesores del Area de Física, en la impartición de la Unidad de Enseñanza Aprendizaje Dinámica. Con el objetivo de: Proporcionar a los alumnos una guía rápida y completa sobre el contenido de la U.E.A, ayudar al profesor en la impartición de la U.E.A., particularmente en la realización de ejercicios y problemas de la misma; uniformar el contenido de la U.E.A. y por tanto el aprendizaje de los alumnos de los diferentes grupos de dicha U. E.A.; auxiliar a los alumnos en su preparación para presentar las evaluaciones tanto parciales como globales o de recuperación de Dinámica