962 research outputs found

    Anatomical differentiation of isolated scales of amiiform fishes (Amiiformes, Actinopterygii) from the Early Cretaceous of Las Hoyas (Cuenca, Spain)

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    Les écailles des poissons amiiformes sont plus différentes les unes des autres que ce qu’on avait précédemment affirmé. L’anatomie des écailles des trois taxons d’amiiformes du Crétacé inférieur (Barrémien) de Las Hoyas (Cuenca, Espagne) est décrite en détail. Les différences observées permettent la répartition des écailles isolées de cette localité entre ces trois taxons, ce qui permet de disposer d’un échantillonnage assez large, autorisant des études paléobiologiques et paléoécologiques.The scales of amiiform fishes are more different from each other than previously stated. The anatomy of the scales of the three amiiform taxa from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) of Las Hoyas (Cuenca, Spain) is described in detail. The differences between them has allowed the segregation of isolated scales form the fossil record of this site into the three taxa, providing relatively large population samples that can be studied from a palaeobiological and palaeoecological point of view

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    Los Herrera y su capilla funeraria de San Ildefonso en la Cartuja de El Paular

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    The article involves a double scope. It let us know the different families that in one way or the other were involved in the formation and mantainance of the cultural heritage of the Cartuja of Santa Maria de El Paular, on the other hand, and directly related with this argument, it is analysed the concrete example of the Herrera who mantained a special relationship with the monastery, such as to build their funeral chapel. It gives us related and inedit documental data at the same time that makes a round of the different noble mausoleum of the families mentioned in the study.El artículo presenta una doble finalidad. Por un lado, se dan a conocer las distintas familias que, de una manera u otra, contribuyeron a la formación y mantenimiento del patrimonio de la Cartuja de Santa María de El Paular, y por otro, e íntimamente relacionado con el aspecto anterior, se analiza el ejemplo concreto de los Herrera que mantuvieron una relación especial con el monasterio, hasta el punto de erigir en él su capilla funeraria. Se dan a conocer datos documentales inéditos al respecto, al tiempo que se hace un recorrido por los diversos panteones nobles de las familias mencionadas en el estudio

    A new genus and species for the amiiform fishes previously assigned to Amiopsis from the Early Cretaceous of Las Hoyas, Cuenca, Spain

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    The Mesozoic actinopterygian fish Amiopsis has been reported from three different localities in the Iberian Peninsula. Amiopsis woodwardi was described from the Berriasian–Valanginian of El Montsec (Lérida, Spain). Isolated vertebral centra referred to Amiopsis were found in the Barremian of Buenache de la Sierra (Cuenca, Spain). Finally, amiiform material from the Barremian of Las Hoyas (Cuenca, Spain) were reported as Amiopsis cf. A. woodwardi, due to the overall similarity with the species from El Montsec. Here a detailed anatomical description of the material from Las Hoyas is provided for the first time. The unique combination of characters seen in this taxon, some of which are not shared with Amiopsis but with more derived amiids, indicates that it represents a new taxon, which is here named Hispanamia newbreyi gen. nov., sp. nov

    El Trabajo Social ante la crisis. Nuevos retos para el ejercicio profesional de los y las trabajadores sociales

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    In the light of the available data, the recent crisis has had an undeniable impact on the life of citizens: the unemployment rate has rocketed and the poverty rate has increased, resulting in a larger number of potential beneficiaries in the social protection systems. However, and at the same time, the welfare state is tottering under deficit reduction policies that have led to public services cuts related to social protection and care. How are social problems, and particularly social care, tackled in this context? To what extent can the appearance of the so-called «new social question» and the decline of the welfare state be linked to changes in the understanding and practice of the profession and, specifically, the challenges social workers must face? Responding to these questions causes us to suggest a paradigm shift resulting in constant professional self-conceptualization and the situational adaptation of social workers when performing their duties. This reflective exercise involves the implementation of different logical lines of action that lead to other professional figures in social work.El impacto de la reciente crisis en la vida de ciudadanos y ciudadanas es innegable a tenor de los datos disponibles: se dispara el número de parados/as, aumenta la tasa de pobreza y, con ello, el número de potenciales beneficiarios/as de los sistemas de protección social. Sin embargo, y al mismo tiempo, el Estado de Bienestar se tambalea bajo políticas de contención del déficit que redundan en recortes de servicios públicos de protección y atención social. ¿Cómo se abordan los problemas sociales, y en particular la atención social, en este contexto? ¿En qué medida la aparición de lo que ha dado en llamarse  “nueva cuestión social” y el declive del Estado de Bienestar pueden asociarse con cambios en la forma de entender y ejercer la profesión y, más en concreto, los retos que debe afrontar el/la trabajador/a social? Responder a estas preguntas nos lleva a plantear un cambio de paradigma que se traduce en  la constante auto-conceptualización profesional y la adecuación situacional por parte del o la trabajadora social en el ejercicio de sus funciones. Este ejercicio de reflexividad implica la puesta en juego de distintas lógicas de acción que dan lugar a otras tantas figuras profesionales del trabajo social

    History of two lineages: Comparative analysis of the fossil record in Amiiformes and Pycnodontiformes (Osteischtyes, Actinopterygii)

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    Amiiformes and pycnodontiformes are two orders of neopterygian fishes that were broadly distributed, and frequently appeared together, during the Mesozoic. Comparison of their fossil record reveals both common traits and significant differences. They both appeared in the Western Tethys and reached maximum diversity during the Cretaceous. The differences in their evolutionary history involve dissimilar patterns of diversity and disparity; pycnodonts are more diversified taxonomically and present larger ecomorphological disparity. This implies that they used different strategies to compete with teleosts, which were unable to displace them from their specialized niches for more than 100 ka. The reasons why this did not happen sooner are difficult to approach, and may include radical environmental changes (i.e., marine transgressions, opening of the Atlantic, closing of the Tethys and opening of the Mediterranean). It is nonetheless clear that the evolutionary novelties of the Teleostei per se were not enough to grant them advantage in the competition for the ichthyofagous and durophagous niches at least during the Late Triassic, the whole Jurassic and the Early Cretaceou

    Recursos para el control conductual en el aula de educación infantil a través de la lengua inglesa

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se analizarán tres recursos que, habiendo sido introducidos de manera gradual a través de diferentes técnicas, fueron utilizados para controlar la conducta en el aula de Educación Infantil, e implementados en una segunda lengua para favorecer el aprendizaje bilingüe desde edades tempranas. Con ello, se tratarán de extinguir los comportamientos negativos que perjudican el ambiente y ritmo de trabajo al igual que se analizarán los beneficios que presentan aquellos recursos que, por medio de refuerzos positivos, motivan y recompensan a los alumnos ante la consecución de los comportamientos deseados.Grado en Educación Infanti