713 research outputs found

    Factors that affect the epistemology of group learning: A research-based analysis.

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    This examination of factors that affect group learning is a first step toward developing a pedagogy of group learning, in contrast to individual learning

    Cinematherapy with Preadolescents Experiencing Parental Divorce: A Collective Case Study

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    A multiple-case study of the use of cinematherapy in six sessions of individual therapy each with three preadolescent aged children who were experiencing parental divorce was conducted. Children were shown film clips from six different films over six weeks of individual therapy. Questions were used to facilitate discussion with the children and children were given the opportunity to respond to the film clips expressively, by using their choice of art, creative writing, story-telling, and/or drama. Each child was interviewed one to two weeks after the intervention. Multiple themes emerged across the cases, including the use of films for: assessment of children\u27s ability to identify and express emotions and to learn to identify emotions. A new concept, interactive viewing, occurred for each participant and involved a child spontaneously interacting with a film and/or the therapist through narrating, sharing thoughts and emotional responses, or interacting expressively while viewing. Furthermore, all the children shared the plots from films or television shows they watched outside of therapy which can be viewed as form of story-telling which conveyed their concerns and contributed to healing. Through expressive responses, children experienced catharsis and created therapeutically relevant metaphors

    Conceptualizing a Model for Teacher Team Learning: The Promise of Integration of Diversity of Perspectives During Team Learning

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    Many studies have emphasized that the integration of divergent perspectives is the central to teacher team learning, but it is difficult for teacher teams. This is because it is necessary to consider the multi-layers of team learning to foster the integration. However, existing research has focused only on a unidimensional aspect. Therefore, we conceptualize a comprehensive theoretical model for teacher team learning with focus on integration of perspective by incorporating multiple aspects, including (a) not only the cognitive dimension, but also the affective, relational and motivational dimensions and (b) not only a team level, but also a system (organizational) level

    Les tensions de l’apprentissage informel sur le lieu de travail

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    Au fur et Ă  mesure que les entreprises font appel aux approches de l’apprentissage informel pour mettre Ă  jour les connaissances, un certain nombre de tensions apparaissent. Elles comprennent des prĂ©occupations concernant la transfĂ©rabilitĂ© ou la certification des connaissances, et la maniĂšre de s’assurer que ce qui est appris informellement est Ă©quivalent aux acquis de l’apprentissage formel. On encourage les organisations Ă  se concentrer sur la crĂ©ation d’une culture de l’apprentissage plutĂŽt que sur l’institutionnalisation de l’apprentissage informel.As organizations increasingly rely on informal learning approaches to update employee skills, a number of tensions arise. These include concerns about the transportability or credentialing of knowledge, and how to ensure that what is learned informally is equivalent to what is learned formally. Organizations are encouraged to focus on creating a culture of learning rather than to attempt to institutionalize informal learning.Conforme las empresas van recurriendo a los mĂ©todos del aprendizaje informal para poner al dĂ­a los conocimientos, aparece cierto nĂșmero de tensiones. Incluyen preocupaciones que conciernen la transferibilidad o la certificaciĂłn de los conocimientos, y la manera de cerciorarse de que lo que se ha aprendido de manera informal es equivalente a lo aprendido en el aprendizaje formal. Se incita a las organizaciones a concentrarse en la creaciĂłn de una cultura del aprendizaje en lugar de la institucionalizaciĂłn del aprendizaje informal.In dem selben Maße, wie die Firmen an die Vorgehen des unförmlichen Lernens appellieren, um die Kenntnisse zu aktualisieren, erscheinen einige Spannungen. Sie enthalten Anliegen, was die Verseztbarkeit oder die Zertifizierung der Kenntnisse betreffen, und die Art und Weise, wie man sich vergewissern kann, dass das unförmlich Gelernte den Errungenschafen des förmlichen Lernens gleichkommt. Man fördert die Organisationen dazu, sich eher auf die Bildung einer Lernkultur als auf die Institutionalisierung des unförmlichen Lernens zu konzentrieren

    Tratados internacionais e globalização

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    O artigo mostrarå a história, a evolução e as fases dos tratados internacionais, até a sua ratificação entre os Estados membros. O mundo precisa de cooperação para otimizar a economia global

    Fostering intrapreneurial competencies of employees in the education sector

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    Boon, J., Van der Klink, M., & Janssen, J. (2013). Fostering intrapreneurial competencies of employees in the education sector. International Journal of Training and Development, 17(3), 210-220.Intrapreneurship, a term coined to indicate that entrepreneurial competencies are valuable in any working context, is still a relatively new concept. So far, little attention has been devoted to the development of intrapreneurial competencies in the existing workforce. Starting from the integrated model of entrepreneurship of Bagheri and Pihie, we address the question of the extent to which this model can be applied to intrapreneurial competencies. To this end, in-depth interviews were conducted with employees and employers in the education sector. Results suggest that the model largely applies to intrapreneurship as well. An important nuance concerns the risk-taking competency. In addition, both employees and employers stress the role of the organization with respect to displaying intrapreneurial qualities in the first place and in further developing them. The article concludes with recommendations for future research and practice

    The multiple reals of workplace learning

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    The multiple reals of workplace learning are explored in this paper. Drawing on a Foucauldian conceptualisation of power as distributed, relational and productive, networks that work to produce particular objects and subjects as seemingly natural and real are examined. This approach enables different reals of workplace learning to be traced. Data from a collaborative industry-university research project is used to illustrate the approach, with a focus on the intersecting practices of a group of professional developers and a group of workplace learning researchers. The notion of multiple reals holds promise for research on workplace learning as it moves beyond a view of reality as fixed and singular to a notion of reality as performed in and through a diversity of practices, including the practices of workplace learning researchers

    Learning about managing the business in the hospitality industry

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    This research examines the learning experiences of General Managers (GMs) in the hospitality industry, a sector much neglected in terms of research into management learning and human resource development. Our research focused on four large hospitality organizations (two hotels and two contract catering companies) and adopted an approach that integrates multiple data collection strategies in supporting our qualitative case studies. Data were collected by using document analysis plus detailed, qualitative interviews with 21 general managers, of whom seven were subsequently observed at work and observation notes generated. Data analysis revealed that the participants learned to manage the business primarily through experience, a process consisting of four key stages: Being Challenged, Information Searching, Information Transformation, and Testing. Reflective thinking plays a central role in their learning, taking the form of “actions” involving association, integration and validation, and of “products” involving content, process and context reflections. We argue that the way hospitality managers learn, while sharing the learning approaches taken by other professionals, differs in that these managers’ learning is more highly contextualized

    Scaffolded contributions, active meetings and scaled engagement: How technology shapes informal learning practices in healthcare SME networks

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    The importance of informal learning in modern, fast paced work environments has long been recognised. While technology support has been suggested for informal learning by individuals and in organisations, it is only more recently, that we have been able to study in more detail how technology can support such learning in real workplaces. This paper examines technology supported informal workplace learning in the relatively unexplored context of cross-organisational networks of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We developed an informal learning tool, using a participative, co-design approach found useful for engaging such networks. We analyse qualitative data on tool usage, collected over six months from 30 professionals, working in three different cross-organisational healthcare SME networks. We identify three changes in practice: (1) scaffolded contributions, (2) active meetings and (3) scaled engagement. We explain how and why some functionalities in the tool contributed to these changed practices while others were unused. The changed practices are linked to three stages of organisational knowledge creation: making individual knowledge explicit, group knowledge integration and institutionalisation. We propose three associations between tool functionalities and these processes that contribute to our understanding of technology support for informal learning in early stages of knowledge creation in cross-organisational networks
