837 research outputs found

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Outcome assessment

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    Purpose: To assess the outcome of patients with epilepsy treated at primary care health units under the framework of the demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil, part of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign Against Epilepsy. Method. We assessed the outcome of patients treated at four primary health units. The staff of the health units underwent information training in epilepsy. The outcome assessment was based on: 1) reduction of seizure frequency, 2) subjective perception from the patient's and the physician's point of view, 3) reduction of absenteeism, 4) social integration (school and work), and 5) sense of independence. Results: A total of 181 patients (93 women - 51%) with a mean age of 38 (range from 2 to 86) years were studied. The mean follow-up was 26 months (range from 1 to 38 months, 11 patients had follow-up of less than 12 months). Seizure frequency was assessed based on a score system, ranging from 0 (no seizure in the previous 24 months) to 7 (> 10 seizure/day). The baseline median seizure-frequency score was 3 (one to three seizures per month). At the end of the study the median seizure-frequency score was 1 (one to three seizures per year). The patients' and relatives' opinions were that in the majority (59%) the health status had improved a lot, some (19%) had improved a little, 20% experienced no change and in 2% the health status was worse. With regard to absenteeism, social integration and sense of independence, there were some modest improvements only. Discussion: The development of a model of epilepsy treatment at primary health level based on the existing health system, with strategic measures centred on the health care providers and the community, has proved to be effective providing important reductions in seizure frequency, as well as in general well being. This model can be applied nationwide, as the key elements already exist provided that strategic measures are put forward in accordance with local health providers and managers

    Resultado final de prova de ganho em peso de bubalinos na Amazônia.

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    A realização de uma prova de ganho em peso representa um importante instrumento de seleção de animais e a utilização do búfalo em provas de desempenho tem como finalidade o melhoramento da espécie, tendo em vista seu crescimento no mercado. Objetivou-se com este trabalho identificar animais com maior desempenho para serem multiplicadores de material genético. O experimento foi conduzido na Central de Biotecnologia de Reprodução Animal - CEBRAN, localizado no município de Castanhal na Universidade Federal do Pará ? UFPA, utilizando 11 animais das raças Murrah e Mediterrâneo durante um período de 154 dias resultando na classificação dos animais nas categorias: Elite, superior, regular e comum. Foram classificados três animais elites, quatro superiores, dois regulares e dois comuns. Os animais elites e superiores possuem característica produtiva acima da média em comparação aos demais. Sendo assim, este tipo de prova identifica os animais com potencial produtivo

    Demonstration project on epilepsy in Brazil - Situation assessment

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    Purpose: To provide a situation assessment of services for people with epilepsy in the context of primary health care, as part of the Demonstration Project on Epilepsy in Brazil, part of the WHO/ILAE/IBE Global Campaign 'Epilepsy out of the shadows'. Methods: We performed a door-to-door epidemiological survey in three areas to assess the prevalence of epilepsy and its treatment gap. We surveyed a sample of 598 primary health care workers from different regions of Brazil to assess their perceptions of the management of people with epilepsy in the primary care setting. Results: The lifetime prevalence of epilepsy was 9.2/1,000 people [95% Cl 8.4-10.0] and the estimated prevalence of active epilepsy was 5.4/1,000 people. Thirty-eight percent of patients with active epilepsy were on inadequate treatment, including 19% who were taking no medication. The survey of health workers showed that they estimated that 60% of patients under their care were seizure-free. They estimated that 55% of patients were on monotherapy and that 59% had been referred to neurologists. The estimated mean percentage of patients who were working or studying was 56%. Most of the physicians (73%) did not feel confident in managing people with epilepsy. Discussion: The epidemiological survey in the areas of the Demonstration Project showed that the prevalence of epilepsy is similar to that in other resource-poor countries, and that the treatment gap is high. One factor contributing to the treatment gap is inadequacy of health care delivery. The situation could readily be improved in Brazil, as the primary health care system has the key elements required for epilepsy management. To make this effective and efficient requires: i) an established referral network, ii) continuous provision of AEDs, iii) close monitoring of epilepsy management via the notification system (Sistema de lnformacao da Atencao Basica - SIAB) and iv) continuous education of health professionals. The educational program should be broad spectrum and include not only medical management, but also psycho-social aspects of epilepsy

    Psychiatric disorders in individuals born very preterm / very low-birth weight : An individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis

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    Background: Data on psychiatric disorders in survivors born very preterm (VP; Methods: This individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis pooled data from eligible groups in the Adults born Preterm International Collaboration (APIC). Inclusion criteria included: 1) VP/VLBW group (birth weight 2499 g and/or gestational age >= 37 weeks), and 3) structured measure of psychiatric diagnoses using DSM or ICD criteria. Diagnoses of interest were Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Anxiety Disorder, Mood Disorder, Disruptive Behaviour Disorder (DBD), Eating Disorder, and Psychotic Disorder. A systematic search for eligible studies was conducted (PROSPERO Registration Number 47555). Findings: Data were obtained from 10 studies (1385 VP/VLBW participants, 1780 controls), using a range of instruments and approaches to assigning diagnoses. Those born VP/VLBW had ten times higher odds of meeting criteria for ASD (odds ratio [OR] 10.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.50, 44.7), five times higher odds of meeting criteria for ADHD (OR 5.42, 95% CI 3.10, 9.46), twice the odds of meeting criteria for Anxiety Disorder (OR 1.91, 95% CI 1.36, 2.69), and 1.5 times the odds of meeting criteria for Mood Disorder (OR 1.51, 95% CI 1.08, 2.12) than controls. This pattern of findings was consistent within age (= 18 years) and sex subgroups. Interpretation: Our data suggests that individuals born VP/VLBW might have higher odds of meeting criteria for certain psychiatric disorders through childhood and into adulthood than term/NBW controls. Further research is needed to corroborate our results and identify factors associated with psychiatric disorders in individuals born VP/VLBW. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    Predictive and therapeutic implications of a novel PLCγ1/SHP2-driven mechanism of cetuximab resistance in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    © 2022 The Authors; Published by the American Association for Cancer Research. This open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND)Purpose: Cetuximab is an EGFR-targeted therapy approved for the treatment of RAS wild-type (WT) metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). However, about 60% of these patients show innate resistance to cetuximab. To increase cetuximab efficacy, it is crucial to successfully identify responder patients, as well as to develop new therapeutic approaches to overcome cetuximab resistance. Experimental design: We evaluated the value of EGFR effector phospholipase C gamma 1 (PLCγ1) in predicting cetuximab responses, by analyzing progression-free survival (PFS) of a multicentric retrospective cohort of 94 treated patients with mCRC (log-rank test and Cox regression model). Furthermore, we used in vitro and zebrafish xenotransplant models to identify and target the mechanism behind PLCγ1-mediated resistance to cetuximab. Results: In this study, levels of PLCγ1 were found increased in RAS WT tumors and were able to predict cetuximab responses in clinical samples and in vitro and in vivo models. Mechanistically, PLCγ1 expression was found to bypass cetuximab-dependent EGFR inhibition by activating ERK and AKT pathways. This novel resistance mechanism involves a noncatalytic role of PLCγ1 SH2 tandem domains in the propagation of downstream signaling via SH2-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP2). Accordingly, SHP2 inhibition sensitizes PLCγ1-resistant cells to cetuximab. Conclusions: Our discoveries reveal the potential of PLCγ1 as a predictive biomarker for cetuximab responses and suggest an alternative therapeutic approach to circumvent PLCγ1-mediated resistance to cetuximab in patients with RAS WT mCRC. In this way, this work contributes to the development of novel strategies in the medical management and treatment of patients with mCRC.M. Martins' research was supported by Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (LPCC): Terry Fox Fundation; Investigador FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia (IF/00409/2014) and IMM Bridge grant; RC-D research was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Technologia (SFRH/BD/139138/2018). A. Fernandes was supported by LPCC-IMM BIOBANK; R. Fior was supported by Champalimaud Foundation and L. Costa was supported by Merck Serono.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adult hippocampal neurogenesis as a target for cocaine addiction: a review of recent developments

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    Author manuscriptBasic research in rodents has shown that adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) plays a key role in neuropsychiatric disorders that compromise hippocampal functioning. The discovery that dependence-inducing drugs regulate AHN has led to escalating interest in the potential involvement of AHN in drug addiction over the last decade, with cocaine being one of the most frequently investigated drugs. This review argues that, unlike other drugs of abuse, preclinical evidence does not, overall, support that cocaine induces a marked or persistent impairment in AHN. Nevertheless, experimental reduction of AHN consistently exacerbates vulnerability to cocaine. Interestingly, preliminary evidence suggests that, on the contrary, increasing AHN might help both to prevent and treat addiction.This study was funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, Agencia Estatal de Investigación) cofounded by the European Regional Development Fund -AEI/FEDER, UE- (‘Jóvenes Investigadores grant’ PSI2015-73156-JIN to E.C.O.; and PSI2017-82604R to L.J.S.)