784 research outputs found

    The Effects of Caffeine on Maximal Anaerobic Exercise

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    Comparing The Effect Of Overspeed Training On NCAA Division III Lacrosse Athletes

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    A Report of Nausea and Vomiting with Discontinuation of Chronic Use of Salvia divinorum

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    Introduction. This is the first reported case of gastrointestinal symptoms associated with withdrawal after chronic use of this substance. Case Presentation. A 51-year-old Caucasian woman was referred to a hospital with a 3-day history of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal discomfort. She reported no sick family members or contact with anyone who was ill. She did report smoking 3–5 cigarettes of the herb “Salvia” consistently for 3-4 months and quit approximately 48 hours before symptoms appeared. Her use of the herb had been consistent; she smoked several cigarettes each day. Laboratory results were essentially normal including the white blood cell count. She received symptomatic treatment and was released after one day. Discussion. Salvinorin A, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist, is the major active ingredient of S. divinorum. The unique opioid properties of this herb may explain its ability to cause changes in intestinal transit time. Conclusion. A 51-year-old woman possibly developed gastrointestinal manifestations suggestive of withdrawal from Salvia divinorum after smoking the substance consistently for 3 to 4 months. The widespread use of this herb will make the potential for withdrawal syndromes more commonplace

    Thermal Analysis of a Metallic Wing Glove for a Mach-8 Boundary-Layer Experiment

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    A metallic 'glove' structure has been built and attached to the wing of the Pegasus(trademark) space booster. An experiment on the upper surface of the glove has been designed to help validate boundary-layer stability codes in a free-flight environment. Three-dimensional thermal analyses have been performed to ensure that the glove structure design would be within allowable temperature limits in the experiment test section of the upper skin of the glove. Temperature results obtained from the design-case analysis show a peak temperature at the leading edge of 490 F. For the upper surface of the glove, approximately 3 in. back from the leading edge, temperature calculations indicate transition occurs at approximately 45 sec into the flight profile. A worst-case heating analysis has also been performed to ensure that the glove structure would not have any detrimental effects on the primary objective of the Pegasus a launch. A peak temperature of 805 F has been calculated on the leading edge of the glove structure. The temperatures predicted from the design case are well within the temperature limits of the glove structure, and the worst-case heating analysis temperature results are acceptable for the mission objectives

    Inclusive Fitness and Differential Productivity Across the Life Course Determine Intergenerational Transfers in a Small-Scale Human Society

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    Transfers of resources between generations are an essential element in current models of human life-history evolution accounting for prolonged development, extended lifespan and menopause. Integrating these models with Hamilton’s theory of inclusive fitness, we predict that the interaction of biological kinship with the age-schedule of resource production should be a key driver of intergenerational transfers. In the empirical case of Tsimane’ forager–horticulturalists in Bolivian Amazonia, we provide a detailed characterization of net transfers of food according to age, sex, kinship and the net need of donors and recipients. We show that parents, grandparents and siblings provide significant net downward transfers of food across generations. We demonstrate that the extent of provisioning responds facultatively to variation in the productivity and demographic composition of families, as predicted by the theory. We hypothesize that the motivation to provide these critical transfers is a fundamental force that binds together human nuclear and extended families. The ubiquity of three-generational families in human societies may thus be a direct reflection of fundamental evolutionary constraints on an organism’s life-history and social organization

    Performance Testing of a Novel Off-plane Reflection Grating and Silicon Pore Optic Spectrograph at PANTER

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    An X-ray spectrograph consisting of radially ruled off-plane reflection gratings and silicon pore optics was tested at the Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics PANTER X-ray test facility. The silicon pore optic (SPO) stack used is a test module for the Arcus small explorer mission, which will also feature aligned off-plane reflection gratings. This test is the first time two off-plane gratings were actively aligned to each other and with a SPO to produce an overlapped spectrum. The gratings were aligned using an active alignment module which allows for the independent manipulation of subsequent gratings to a reference grating in three degrees of freedom using picomotor actuators which are controllable external to the test chamber. We report the line spread functions of the spectrograph and the actively aligned gratings, and plans for future development.Comment: Draft Version March 19, 201

    On faint companions in the close environment of star-forming dwarf galaxies. Possible external star formation triggers ?

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    We have searched for companion galaxies in the close environment of 98 star-forming dwarf galaxies (SFDGs) from field and low density environments, using the NASA Extragalactic Database. Most of the companions are dwarf galaxies which due to observational selection effects were previously disregarded in environmental studies of SFDGs. A subsample at low redshift, cz<2000 km/s, was chosen to partially eliminate the observational bias against distant dwarf companions. We find companion candidates for approximately 30% of the objects within a projected linear separation s_p<100 kpc and a redshift difference (Delta cz)<500 km/s. The limited completeness of the available data sets, together with the non-negligible frequency of HI clouds in the vicinity of SFDGs indicated by recent radio surveys, suggest that a considerably larger fraction of these galaxies may be accompanied by low-mass systems. This casts doubt on the hypothesis that the majority of them can be considered truly isolated. The velocity differences between companion candidates and sample SFDGs amount typically to (Delta cz)<250 km/s, and show a rising distribution towards lower (Delta cz). This is similarly found for dwarf satellites of spiral galaxies, suggesting a physical association between the companion candidates and the sample SFDGs. SFDGs with a close companion do not show significant differences in their Hbeta equivalent widths and B-V colours as compared to isolated ones. However, the available data do not allow us to rule out that interactions with close dwarf companions can influence the star formation activity in SFDGs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, to appear in A&A; also available at http://www.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~knoeske/PUB_LIST/sfdg_comps.ps.g

    New insights to the photometric structure of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies from deep Near-Infrared studies: II. The sample of northern BCDs

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    This paper is part of a series of publications which present a systematic study of Blue Compact Dwarf (BCD) Galaxies in the Near Infrared (NIR). Compared to the visible light, NIR data allow a better separation of the starburst emission from the light distribution of the old stellar low-surface brightness (LSB) host galaxy. We analyze deep NIR broad band images of a sample of 11 BCDs, observed with the Calar Alto 3.6m telescope. This work enlarges the samples presented in preceding papers of this study (Noeske et al. 2003, Cairos et al. 2003) by BCDs of the most common morphological type, displaying a regular elliptical LSB host galaxy. The data presented here allow the detection and quantitative study of the extended stellar LSB host galaxy in all sample BCDs. The NIR surface brightness profiles (SBPs) of the LSB host galaxies agree at large galactocentric radii with those from optical studies, showing also an exponential intensity decrease and compatible scale lengths. Similar to Noeske et al. (2003), we find centrally flattening exponential (type V) SBPs of the host galaxy for several BCDs. Such SBPs remain mostly undetected in optical bands, due to the comparatively stronger starburst emission at these wavelengths. We apply a modified exponential distribution to decompose and quantitatively analyze SBPs of LSB hosts with a type V intensity distribution. We present the results of the surface photometry and the decomposition of SBPs, and discuss individual objects with respect to morphological details of their star-forming regions.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics; postscript file with full resolution images available at http://www.ucolick.org/~kai/PUB/noeske_nirbcds_2.ps.g

    New southern blue compact dwarf galaxies in the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey

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    Aiming to find new extremely metal-deficient star-forming galaxies we extracted from the Two-Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) 100K Data Release 14 emission-line galaxies with relatively strong [OIII] 4363 emission. Spectroscopic and photometric studies of this sample and, in addition, of 7 Tololo and 2 UM galaxies were performed on the basis of observations with the ESO 3.6m telescope. All sample galaxies qualify with respect to their photometric and spectroscopic properties as blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies. Additionally, they show a good overlap with a comparison sample of 100 well-studied emission-line galaxies on the 12+log(O/H) vs. log(Ne/O), log(Ar/O) and log(Fe/O) planes. From the analysis of the 2dFGRS subsample we report the discovery of two new extremely metal-deficient BCDs with an oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) < 7.6 and of another seven galaxies with 12+log(O/H) < 7.8. Furthermore, we confirm previous oxygen abundance determinations for the BCDs Tol 1304-353, Tol 2146-391, UM 559 and UM 570 to be 12+log(O/H) < 7.8.Comment: 26 pages, 65 figures, 5 tables, uses psfig.sty, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. The paper with high-resolution figures can be downloaded at http://www.uni-sw.gwdg.de/~papade/Publications/Papaderos2006_2dF.pd
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