57 research outputs found

    Kritische Analyse des Umwandlungssteuererlasses 2011

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    Fast fĂŒnf Jahre nach der umfassenden Reformierung des Umwandlungssteuergesetzes durch das Gesetz ĂŒber steuerliche Begleitmaßnahmen zur EinfĂŒhrung der EuropĂ€ischen Gesellschaft und zur Änderung weiterer steuerlicher Vorschriften (SEStEG) vom 07.12.2006 veröffentlichte die Finanzverwaltung am 11.11.2011 einen an die neue und verĂ€nderte Rechtslage angepassten Umwandlungssteuererlass. Dieser soll der grundlegenden Neukonzeption des Gesetzes Rechnung tragen und die seit dem SEStEG vorherrschende Rechtsunsicherheit in vielen Auslegungsfragen beseitigen. Im Rahmen dieser Ilmenauer Schrift werden die wichtigsten aktuellen Neuauslegungen des Umwandlungssteuererlasses 2011 durch die Finanzverwaltung aufgezeigt, erlĂ€utert und auf Konsequenzen sowie eventuelle Probleme hingewiesen. Es werden dabei ausschließlich ausgewĂ€hlte, grundsĂ€tzliche Neuauslegungen und Problemstellungen im Umwandlungssteuererlass betrachtet

    Paternal chronic colitis causes epigenetic inheritance of susceptibility to colitis.

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) arises by unknown environmental triggers in genetically susceptible individuals. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression may integrate internal and external influences and may thereby modulate disease susceptibility. Epigenetic modification may also affect the germ-line and in certain contexts can be inherited to offspring. This study investigates epigenetic alterations consequent to experimental murine colitis induced by dextran sodium sulphate (DSS), and their paternal transmission to offspring. Genome-wide methylome- and transcriptome-profiling of intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and sperm cells of males of the F0 generation, which received either DSS and consequently developed colitis (F0(DSS)), or non-supplemented tap water (F0(Ctrl)) and hence remained healthy, and of their F1 offspring was performed using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) and RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq), respectively. Offspring of F0(DSS) males exhibited aberrant methylation and expression patterns of multiple genes, including Igf1r and Nr4a2, which are involved in energy metabolism. Importantly, DSS colitis in F0(DSS) mice was associated with decreased body weight at baseline of their F1 offspring, and these F1 mice exhibited increased susceptibility to DSS-induced colitis compared to offspring from F0(Ctrl) males. This study hence demonstrates epigenetic transmissibility of metabolic and inflammatory traits resulting from experimental colitis.This study was carried out as part of the Research Training Group “Genes, Environment and Inflammation”, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (RTG 1743/1) of which A.F. is the spokesperson, the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013)/ERC Grant agreement no. 260961 (A.K.), the Austrian Science Fund and Ministry of Science P21530-B18 and START Y446-B18 (A.K.), the Wellcome Trust (investigator award 106260/Z/14/Z) to A.K., the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (A.K.), a fellowship from the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation (M.T. and T.E.A.) and a DOC fellowship from the Austrian Academy of Sciences (J.K.).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep3164

    Is It Rational to Assume that Infants Imitate Rationally? A Theoretical Analysis and Critique

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    It has been suggested that preverbal infants evaluate the efficiency of others' actions (by applying a principle of rational action) and that they imitate others' actions rationally. The present contribution presents a conceptual analysis of the claim that preverbal infants imitate rationally. It shows that this ability rests on at least three assumptions: that infants are able to perceive others' action capabilities, that infants reason about and conceptually represent their own bodies, and that infants are able to think counterfactually. It is argued that none of these three abilities is in place during infancy. Furthermore, it is shown that the idea of a principle of rational action suffers from two fallacies. As a consequence, is it suggested that it is not rational to assume that infants imitate rationally. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    APEX: Current Status of the Airborne Dispersive Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer

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    ABSTRACT Over the past few years, a joint Swiss/Belgium ESA initiative resulted in a project to build a precursor mission of future spaceborne imaging spectrometers, namely APEX (Airborne Prism Experiment). APEX is designed to be an airborne dispersive pushbroom imaging spectrometer operating in the solar reflected wavelength range between 400 and 2500 nm. The system is optimized for land applications including limnology, snow, and soil, amongst others. The instrument is optimized with various steps taken to allow for absolute calibrated radiance measurements. This includes the use of a pre-and post-data acquisition internal calibration facility as well as a laboratory calibration and a performance model serving as a stable reference. The instrument is currently in its breadboarding phase, including some new results with respect to detector development and design optimization for imaging spectrometers. In the same APEX framework, a complete processing and archiving facility (PAF) is developed. The PAF not only includes imaging spectrometer data processing up to physical units, but also geometric and atmospheric correction for each scene, as well as calibration data input. The PAF software includes an Internet based web-server and provides interfaces to data users as well as instrument operators and programmers. The software design, the tools and its life cycle are discussed as well

    APEX: Current Status of the Airborne Dispersive Pushbroom Imaging Spectrometer

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    ABSTRACT Over the past few years, a joint Swiss/Belgium ESA initiative resulted in a project to build a precursor mission of future spaceborne imaging spectrometers, namely APEX (Airborne Prism Experiment). APEX is designed to be an airborne dispersive pushbroom imaging spectrometer operating in the solar reflected wavelength range between 400 and 2500 nm. The system is optimized for land applications including limnology, snow, and soil, amongst others. The instrument is optimized with various steps taken to allow for absolute calibrated radiance measurements. This includes the use of a pre-and post-data acquisition internal calibration facility as well as a laboratory calibration and a performance model serving as a stable reference. The instrument is currently in its breadboarding phase, including some new results with respect to detector development and design optimization for imaging spectrometers. In the same APEX framework, a complete processing and archiving facility (PAF) is developed. The PAF not only includes imaging spectrometer data processing up to physical units, but also geometric and atmospheric correction for each scene, as well as calibration data input. The PAF software includes an Internet based web-server and provides interfaces to data users as well as instrument operators and programmers. The software design, the tools and its life cycle are discussed as well

    Intestinal epithelial cell endoplasmic reticulum stress promotes MULT1 up-regulation and NKG2D-mediated inflammation.

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    Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is commonly observed in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and can, if excessive, cause spontaneous intestinal inflammation as shown by mice with IEC-specific deletion of X-box-binding protein 1 (Xbp1), an unfolded protein response-related transcription factor. In this study, Xbp1 deletion in the epithelium (Xbp1ΔIEC ) is shown to cause increased expression of natural killer group 2 member D (NKG2D) ligand (NKG2DL) mouse UL16-binding protein (ULBP)-like transcript 1 and its human orthologue cytomegalovirus ULBP via ER stress-related transcription factor C/EBP homology protein. Increased NKG2DL expression on mouse IECs is associated with increased numbers of intraepithelial NKG2D-expressing group 1 innate lymphoid cells (ILCs; NK cells or ILC1). Blockade of NKG2D suppresses cytolysis against ER-stressed epithelial cells in vitro and spontaneous enteritis in vivo. Pharmacological depletion of NK1.1+ cells also significantly improved enteritis, whereas enteritis was not ameliorated in Recombinase activating gene 1-/-;Xbp1ΔIEC mice. These experiments reveal innate immune sensing of ER stress in IECs as an important mechanism of intestinal inflammation

    Defective ATG16L1-mediated removal of IRE1α drives Crohn's disease-like ileitis.

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    ATG16L1T300A^{T300A}, a major risk polymorphism in Crohn's disease (CD), causes impaired autophagy, but it has remained unclear how this predisposes to CD. In this study, we report that mice with Atg16l1 deletion in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) spontaneously develop transmural ileitis phenocopying ileal CD in an age-dependent manner, driven by the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress sensor IRE1α. IRE1α accumulates in Paneth cells of Atg16l1ΔIEC^{ΔIEC} mice, and humans homozygous for ATG16L1T300A^{T300A} exhibit a corresponding increase of IRE1α in intestinal epithelial crypts. In contrast to a protective role of the IRE1ÎČ isoform, hyperactivated IRE1α also drives a similar ileitis developing earlier in life in Atg16l1;Xbp1ΔIEC^{ΔIEC} mice, in which ER stress is induced by deletion of the unfolded protein response transcription factor XBP1. The selective autophagy receptor optineurin interacts with IRE1α, and optineurin deficiency amplifies IRE1α levels during ER stress. Furthermore, although dysbiosis of the ileal microbiota is present in Atg16l1;Xbp1ΔIEC^{ΔIEC} mice as predicted from impaired Paneth cell antimicrobial function, such structural alteration of the microbiota does not trigger ileitis but, rather, aggravates dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis. Hence, we conclude that defective autophagy in IECs may predispose to CD ileitis via impaired clearance of IRE1α aggregates during ER stress at this site.This study was supported by the European Research Council under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (grant FP7/2007-2013)/ERC, agreement no. 260961 to A. Kaser and grant HORIZON2020/ERC, agreement no. 648889 to A. Kaser), the Wellcome Trust (Investigator Award 106260/Z/14/Z to A. Kaser and Principal Research Fellowship 2008/Z/16/Z to D. Ron), the Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre (A. Kaser), a Medical Research Council PhD for clinicians training fellowship (grant MR/N001893/1 to J. Bhattacharyya), fellowships from the European Crohn’s and Colitis Organization (M. Tschurtschenthaler and T.E. Adolph), the Research Training Group Genes, Environment, and Inflammation supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grant RTG 1743/1 to P. Rosenstiel), the SFB877 subproject B9 and CLVIII ExC 306 Inflammation at Interfaces (P. Rosenstiel), and the National Institutes of Health (grants DK044319, DK051362, DK053056, and DK088199 to the Harvard Digestive Diseases Center and grant DK0034854 to R.S. Blumberg)

    Collins and Sivers asymmetries in muonproduction of pions and kaons off transversely polarised protons

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    Measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries for charged pions and charged and neutral kaons produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering of high energy muons off transversely polarised protons are presented. The results were obtained using all the available COMPASS proton data, which were taken in the years 2007 and 2010. The Collins asymmetries exhibit in the valence region a non-zero signal for pions and there are hints of non-zero signal also for kaons. The Sivers asymmetries are found to be positive for positive pions and kaons and compatible with zero otherwise. © 2015
