167 research outputs found

    Influencia de la madurez de la uva y de ciertas prácticas vitivinícolas sobre el color, los compuestos fenólicos y los polisacáridos del vino tinto

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    La madurez de la uva ejerce una gran influencia sobre la composición química del vino tinto, lo que a su vez condiciona severamente propiedades organolépticas como el color, la astringencia y el amargor. La enorme heterogeneidad de la uva, así como la variabilidad de los factores que condicionan el proceso de maduración y que pueden conducir a una madurez inadecuada, van en detrimento de la calidad de los vinos tintos de alta gama. Con el fin de paliar los efectos de dicha madurez inadecuada, se ha ensayado el potencial de ciertas técnicas vitivinícolas para incidir positivamente en la composición química del vino tinto. Las cuatro prácticas vitivinícolas testadas durante la elaboración de esta tesis doctoral (control del tiempo de maceración, selección de bayas en función de su tamaño, aclareo de frutos y desalcoholización parcial), se han revelado como herramientas eficaces para modular la composición química del vino tinto en compuestos fenólicos y polisacáridos, mejorando así atributos sensoriales tan importantes como el color, la astringencia y el amargor del vino

    El proceso de reconstrucción de la identidad de las personas afectadas de una paraplejia o tetraplejia

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    A spinal cord injury (SCI) is perceived as a source of biographical disruption, not only at a physical level but also in terms of people’s life stories, their motivation and their self-esteem. The aim of this study is to explore the factors that people with spinal cord injuries perceive as contributing to rebuilding their sense of self. Two focus groups were established from the SCI community, one of which was made up of 14 people with paraplegia and theother of 9 people with tetraplegia. In addition, four individual interviews were conducted with the participants. The results of content analysis show that the two most prominent factors in the process of identity renegotiation are the partial transformation of the subject’s identity followed by a coming to terms with that new identity. To rebuild self-worth, the importance of finding a balance between change and continuity was identified. Renegotiation of identity after a spinal cord injury is a complex phenomenon that greatly influences the SCI individual’s quality of life perceptions. Reaching a balance between the changes experienced due to the injury and finding a sense of continuity can be either facilitated or obstructed by the economic, political, legal, architectural,and social context.La adquisición de una lesión medular es percibida como una disrupción biográfica no solo a nivel físico sino también a nivel biográfico, de intereses y valores. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido explorar los factores que contribuyen en la redefinición de la identidad en personas con lesión medular. Se realizaron dos grupos de discusión y cuatro entrevistas individuales con 14 personas con paraplejia y 9 personas con tetraplejia de la comunidad. Se realizó un análisis de contenido. Los resultados muestran que los principales factores en el proceso de renegociación de la identidad son la transformación parcial de la identidad y la definición de una nueva identidad. Hemos identificado la importancia de encontrar un equilibrio entre el cambio y la continuidad en la reconstrucción de un yo satisfactorio. Concluimos que la renegociación de la identidad después de una lesión medular es un fenómeno complejo que influencia la percepción de calidad de vida. El proceso para alcanzarun equilibrio entre los cambios experimentados y el sentido de continuidad está influido por el contexto económico, político, legal, arquitectónicoy social

    La mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas con lesión medular: La transición del centro rehabilitador a la vida cotidiana desde la perspectiva de los usuarios

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    El retorno a la vida cotidiana para una persona con lesión medular después del periodo de rehabilitación en régimen hospitalario, es un proceso difícil no exento de dificultades y nuevos retos personales. En este trabajo nos planteamos identificar aquellos factores más relevantes que contribuyen a mejorar su calidad de vida, desde la perspectiva de las propias personas afectadas. Hemos realizado dos grupos de discusión: uno formado por 12 personas con paraplejia y otro formado por 6 personas con análisis de contenido realizado indica que, para los participantes existen dos dimensiones relacionadas con su percepción de calidad de vida una vez salen del centro de rehabilitación: a) necesidad de atención al entorno más próximo y b) preparación para el mundo real. Concluimos señalando la importancia de realizar programas de rehabilitación integral, que incluyan, rehabilitación física, aprendizaje de habilidades que posibiliten el máximo de independencia y autonomía personal y trabajo de apoyo a la familia.Returning process to the everyday life context for a person with spinal cord injury after its Hospitalization period has been defined as a moment of difficulties and personal challenges. In this article we show the most prominent factors contributing to improve quality of life from the perspective of the injured people. Two discussion groups, one formed by 12 people with paraplegia, and another formed by 6 people with tetraplejia, have been carried out. Content analysis carried out indicates that participants related quality of life quality once leaving the rehabilitation hospital with to dimensions: a) closer context need of attention and, b) real world preparation. On conclusion, to design integral rehabilitation programme, physical rehabilitation, learning abilities to allow maximum autonomy and, family assessment must be included

    Chemical and Physical Implications of the Use of Alternative Vessels to Oak Barrels during the Production of White Wines

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    Recently, the use of alternative vessels to oak barrels during winemaking has become increasingly popular, but little is known about their impact on the chemical composition of the resulting wines. To address this issue, a Sauvignon Blanc wine was elaborated from the same grape juice by using cylindrical stainless-steel tanks, oval-shaped concrete vessels, oval-shaped polyethylene vessels, and clay jars in triplicate. Each vessel was used for alcoholic fermentation and the aging of wines over its own lees. Wines elaborated in concrete vessels showed the highest pH and the lowest titratable acidity, most likely related to the observed release of inorganic compounds from the concrete walls. Little effect of the vessels was seen on the wine color and phenolic composition. Wines elaborated in clay jars showed the highest turbidity and the highest content of soluble polysaccharides, while those made using cylindrical stainless-steel tanks showed the highest content of volatile compounds. Despite the observed differences, all of the vessels tested seem suitable for white wine production since every wine showed chemical features that corresponded with the quality standards of Sauvignon Blanc wines.España Universidad de Sevilla, VI Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia (Contract number USE-18644-Z

    Methodological limitations and recommendations in publications on migrant population health in Spain

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    El objetivo es describir las limitaciones y las recomendaciones metodológicas identificadas por los autores de artículos originales sobre inmigración y salud en España. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de artículos originales publicados en español e inglés entre 1998 y 2012, combinando descriptores de inmigración y salud. Se incluyeron 311 artículos; de ellos, 176 (56,6%) mencionaban limitaciones y 15 (4,8%) emitían recomendaciones. Entre las limitaciones más mencionadas destacan el reducido tamaño de las muestras, problemas de validez interna y representatividad de la muestra con infrarrepresentación o sobrerrepresentación de determinados grupos, problemas de validez de la información recogida y datos faltantes relacionados sobre todo con los instrumentos de medición, y ausencia de variables clave de ajuste o estratificación. En función de los resultados obtenidos, se proponen una serie de recomendaciones para minimizar las limitaciones habituales y avanzar en la calidad de los trabajos científicos sobre inmigración y salud en nuestro ámbito.Our objective was to describe the methodological limitations and recommendations identified by authors of original articles on immigration and health in Spain. A literature review was conducted of original articles published in Spanish or English between 1998 and 2012 combining keywords on immigration and health. A total of 311 articles were included; of these, 176 (56.6%) mentioned limitations, and 15 (4.8%) made recommendations. The most frequently mentioned limitations included the following: reduced sample sizes; internal validity and sample representativeness issues, with under- or overrepresentation of specific groups; problems of validity of the collected information and missing data mostly related to measurement tools; and absence of key variables for adjustment or stratification. Based on these results, a series of recommendations are proposed to minimise common limitations and advance the quality of scientific production on immigration and health in our setting.El Subprograma Inmigración y Salud (SIS) del CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP) financió la realización de la revisión bibliográfica. La Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) financió los gastos derivados de la publicación

    CT scan exposure in Spanish children and young adults by socioeconomic status: Cross-sectional analysis of cohort data

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    Recent publications reported that children in disadvantaged areas undergo more CT scanning than others. The present study is aimed to assess the potential differences in CT imaging by socioeconomic status (SES) in Spanish young scanned subjects and if such differences vary with different indicators or different time point SES measurements. The associations between CT scanning and SES, and between the CT scan rate per patient and SES were investigated in the Spanish EPI-CT subcohort. Various SES indicators were studied to determine whether particular SES dimensions were more closely related to the probability of undergoing one or multiple CTs. Comparisons were made with indices based on 2001 and 2011 censuses. We found evidence of socio-economic variation among young people, mainly related to autonomous communities of residence. A slightly higher rate of scans per patient of multiple body parts in the less affluent categories was observed, possibly reflecting a higher rate of accidents and violence in these groups. The number of CT scans per patient was higher both in the most affluent and the most deprived categories and somewhat lower in the intermediate groups. This relation varied with the SES indicator used, with lower CT scans per patients in categories of high unemployment and temporary work, but not depending on categories of unskilled work or illiteracy. The relationship between these indicators and number of CTs in 2011 was different than that seen with the 2001 census, with the number of CTs increasing with higher unemployment. Overall we observed some differences in the SES distribution of scanned patients by Autonomous Community in Spain. There was, however, no major differences in the frequency of CT scans per patient by SES overall, based on the 2001 census. The use of different indicators and of SES data collected at different time points led to different relations between SES and frequency of CT scans, outlining the difficulty of adequately capturing the social and economic dimensions which may affect health and health service utilisation

    Influence of Maturity and Vineyard Location on Free and Bound Aroma Compounds of Grapes from the Pais Cultivar

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    Some of the volatile compounds present in grapes give wine is its unique and genuine characteristics. “Terroir” and berry maturity are considered to be the main influences on the expression of these characteristics. This work was undertaken to establish the specific characteristics that define Vitis vinifera cv. País, based on its aromatic profile and free and bound compounds (glycosides), and to assess the effects of location and maturity. Free and bound volatile compounds presented significant differences in the three locations studied. The total amount of free alcohols, acids and ketones depended on the location. During ripening, the amount of aroma precursors increased in all chemical groups in every location studied, and they were found mainly in the skins. With reference to free volatile compounds, it was found that cis-2- hexenol could be a good candidate to assess maturity, and that terpene content seemed to be strongly related to the vineyard location and cultivar conditions. Also, data analysis showed that the free aroma profile seemed to be influenced more by the maturity of the grapes and the bound aroma fraction more by the location

    Different application dosages of a specific inactivated dry yeast (SIDY): effect on the polysaccharides, phenolic and volatile contents and color of Sauvignon blanc wines

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    Aim: The aims of this study were to (i) study the effect of different application dosages of a commercial specific inactivated dry yeast (SIDY) on several compounds (polysaccharides, phenolic and volatile compounds) and attributes (color parameters) related to the quality of white wines, and (ii) acquire better knowledge about the use of different dosages of SIDY in white wines with the objective to improve their quality. Methods and results: Three different dosages were applied (10, 20 and 40 g hL-1). Treated wines were followed after a contact time period of two months and after a bottle aging period of three months. Total phenolic content, color intensity, CIELab coordinates, polysaccharides, low molecular weight phenolic compounds and volatile compounds were evaluated. Conclusions: Higher dosages of this SIDY resulted in a greater release of polysaccharides into the wine. In parallel, a positive effect on the reduction or prevention of wine oxidation was observed due to the interaction with certain phenolic compounds. The application of the highest dosage seems to lead to an adsorption or retention effect of the major identified volatile compounds. This effect seems to be more evident after the contact time period than after the bottle storage period. Significance and impact of the study: This study can contribute to improve our knowledge on how applying different dosages of SIDY affects the physical and chemical quality of white wines

    Cocoa diet and antibody immune response in preclinical studies

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    The ability of cocoa to interact with the immune system in vitro and in vivo has been described. In the latter context, a cocoa-enriched diet in healthy rats was able to modify the immune system's functionality. This fact could be observed in the composition and functionality of lymphoid tissues, such as the thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes. Consequently, immune effector mechanisms, such as antibody synthesis, were modified. A cocoa-enriched diet in young rats was able to attenuate the serum levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgM, and IgA and also the intestinal IgM and IgA secretion. Moreover, in immunized rats, the intake of cocoa decreased specific IgG1, IgG2a, IgG2c, and IgM concentrations in serum. This immune-regulator potential was then tested in disease models in which antibodies play a pathogenic role. A cocoa-enriched diet was able to partially prevent the synthesis of autoantibodies in a model of autoimmune arthritis in rats and was also able to protect against IgE and T helper 2-related antibody synthesis in two rat models of allergy. Likewise, a cocoa-enriched diet prevented an oral sensitization process in young rats. In this review, we will focus on the influence of cocoa on the acquired branch of the immune function. Therefore, we will focus on how a cocoa diet influences lymphocyte function both in the systemic and intestinal immune system. Likewise, its potential role in preventing some antibody-induced immune diseases is also included. Although further studies must characterize the particular cocoa components responsible for such effects and nutritional studies in humans need to be carried out, cocoa has potential as a nutraceutical agent in some hypersensitivity status

    Different application dosages of a specific inactivated dry yeast (SIDY) : effect on the polysaccharides, phenolic and volatile contents and color of Sauvignon blanc wines

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    Aim: The aims of this study were to (i) study the effect of different application dosages of a commercial specific inactivated dry yeast (SIDY) on several compounds (polysaccharides, phenolic and volatile compounds) and attributes (color parameters) related to the quality of white wines, and (ii) acquire better knowledge about the use of different dosages of SIDY in white wines with the objective to improve their quality. Methods and results: Three different dosages were applied (10, 20 and 40 g hL-1). Treated wines were followed after a contact time period of two months and after a bottle aging period of three months. Total phenolic content, color intensity, CIELab coordinates, polysaccharides, low molecular weight phenolic compounds and volatile compounds were evaluated. Conclusions: Higher dosages of this SIDY resulted in a greater release of polysaccharides into the wine. In parallel, a positive effect on the reduction or prevention of wine oxidation was observed due to the interaction with certain phenolic compounds. The application of the highest dosage seems to lead to an adsorption or retention effect of the major identified volatile compounds. This effect seems to be more evident after the contact time period than after the bottle storage period. Significance and impact of the study: This study can contribute to improve our knowledge on how applying different dosages of SIDY affects the physical and chemical quality of white wines.CONICYT-PAI, República de Chile (concurso nacional inserción en el sector productivo, convocatoria 2014) No. 781403003FONDECYT (República de Chile) 11140275FONDECYT (República de Chile) 1140882FONDEQUIP (República de Chile) EQM- 13012