17 research outputs found

    Accuracy of Semiclassical Methods for Shape Invariant Potentials

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    We study the accuracy of several alternative semiclassical methods by computing analytically the energy levels for many large classes of exactly solvable shape invariant potentials. For these potentials, the ground state energies computed via the WKB method typically deviate from the exact results by about 10%, a recently suggested modification using nonintegral Maslov indices is substantially better, and the supersymmetric WKB quantization method gives exact answers for all energy levels.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, and two tables in postscrip

    Binding of the human nucleotide excision repair proteins XPA and XPC/HR23B to the 5R-thymine glycol lesion and structure of the cis-(5R,6S) thymine glycol epimer in the 5′-GTgG-3′ sequence: destabilization of two base pairs at the lesion site

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    The 5R thymine glycol (5R-Tg) DNA lesion exists as a mixture of cis-(5R,6S) and trans-(5R,6R) epimers; these modulate base excision repair. We examine the 7:3 cis-(5R,6S):trans-(5R,6R) mixture of epimers paired opposite adenine in the 5′-GTgG-3′ sequence with regard to nucleotide excision repair. Human XPA recognizes the lesion comparably to the C8-dG acetylaminoflourene (AAF) adduct, whereas XPC/HR23B recognition of Tg is superior. 5R-Tg is processed by the Escherichia coli UvrA and UvrABC proteins less efficiently than the C8-dG AAF adduct. For the cis-(5R, 6S) epimer Tg and A are inserted into the helix, remaining in the Watson–Crick alignment. The Tg N3H imine and A N6 amine protons undergo increased solvent exchange. Stacking between Tg and the 3′-neighbor G•C base pair is disrupted. The solvent accessible surface and T2 relaxation of Tg increases. Molecular dynamics calculations predict that the axial conformation of the Tg CH3 group is favored; propeller twisting of the Tg•A pair and hydrogen bonding between Tg OH6 and the N7 atom of the 3′-neighbor guanine alleviate steric clash with the 5′-neighbor base pair. Tg also destabilizes the 5′-neighbor G•C base pair. This may facilitate flipping both base pairs from the helix, enabling XPC/HR23B recognition prior to recruitment of XPA

    Environmental influences on reproductive health: the importance of chemical exposures

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    Chemical exposures during pregnancy can have a profound and life-long impact on human health. Due to the omnipresence of chemicals in our daily life, there is continuous contact with chemicals in food, water, air and consumer products. Consequently, human biomonitoring studies show that pregnant women around the globe are exposed to a variety of chemicals. In this review, we provide a summary of current data on maternal and fetal exposure as well as health consequences from these exposures. We review several chemical classes including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), phenols, phthalates, pesticides, and metals. Additionally, we discuss environmental disparities and vulnerable populations, and future research directions. We conclude by providing some recommendations for prevention of chemical exposure and its adverse reproductive health consequences

    Fabrication of diamond nanorods for gas sensing applications

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    a b s t r a c t Diamond nanorods were fabricated for a sensing device by utilizing reactive ion etching in CF 4 /O 2 radio frequency plasma. The length of the nanorods has been controlled by the ion etching time. The obtained morphologies were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The gas sensing properties of the Hterminated diamond-based sensor structures are indicating that we have achieved high sensitivity to detect phosgene gas. Also, our sensor exhibited good selectivity between humid air and phosgene gas if the measurement is conducted at elevated temperatures, such as 140 • C. Furthermore, such sensor response rating could reach as high value as 4344 for the phosgene gas, which was evaluated for the sample consisting of the longest nanorods (up to 200 nm)

    Gas sensing properties of nanocrystalline diamond at room temperature

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    This study describes an integrated NH3 sensor based on a hydrogenated nanocrystalline diamond (NCD)-sensitive layer coated on an interdigitated electrode structure. The gas sensing properties of the sensor structure were examined using a reducing gas (NH3) at room temperature and were found to be dependent on the electrode arrangement. A pronounced response of the sensor, which was comprised of dense electrode arrays (of 50 µm separation distance), was observed. The sensor functionality was explained by the surface transfer doping effect. Moreover, the three-dimensional model of the current density distribution of the hydrogenated NCD describes the transient flow of electrons between interdigitated electrodes and the hydrogenated NCD surface, that is, the formation of a closed current loop

    Regional assessment of the current extent of acidification of surface waters in Europe and North America

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    Project manager Kari AustnesThe current status of surface water acidification related to air pollution in Europe and North America has been assessed using country reports, monitoring data, critical loads and exceedance data, acid sensitivity and deposition maps, and data reported under the European Commission’s Water Framework Directive (WFD). Acidification is still observed in many countries, but the extent and severity vary. Maps of acid sensitivity and deposition suggest that surface water acidification is present in regions and countries for which no data or reports were delivered for the current assessment. Existing national monitoring varies in the ability to assess the spatial extent of acidification and the recovery responses of acidified sites. The monitoring requirements under the European Union’s National Emission Ceilings Directive are expected to reverse the recent decline in the number of monitoring sites observed in some countries. The information reported under the WFD is currently of limited value in assessing the extent of acidification of surface waters in Europe. Chemical recovery in response to reductions in acid deposition can be slow, and biological recovery can lag severely behind. Despite large and effective efforts across Europe and North America to reduce surface water acidification, air pollution still constitutes a threat to freshwater ecosystems.Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)publishedVersio

    Development of a semi-automatic bibliometric system for publications on animal health and welfare: a methodological study

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    Bibliometrics is a common research instrument for systemic analysis of scientificprogress in many disciplines, including veterinary sciences. However, bibliometricanalyses are generally biased by limited information included in scientific productionsdatabases. The aim of this study is to propose a method for implementing databases onlivestock health and welfare in a bibliometric perspective. By using the detailed classificationof the scientific disciplines and the list of keywords of the CAB Abstracts , querieswere first built to combine 120 descriptors related to animal species and 1680 descriptorsrelated to the given thematics. Then, the extraction was done from the Web of Science .The overall process focused on the research institutes localised in Europe and on publicationswritten in English. To assess the database accuracy, supplementary filters werevalidated and applied to discard non-specific terms and neighbouring topics. Additionalfields for species groups, infectious and non-infectious diseases, welfare components andgeographical regions were incorporated according to thematic terminologies specificallyestablished. The final database contains 57,523 articles published over a 12 years’ period(2003–2014). The developed method, based on the complementary use of both the CABAbstracts and Web of Science , can be a reference to allow an adequate semi-automaticretrieval of relevant publications on livestock health and welfare, which will be of use toimplement bibliometric study to produce a realistic assessment of tendency for drivingscience policy. Interestingly, it can be also a model process to be easily applied toimplement bibliometric studies for any other scientific thematic domain