132 research outputs found

    A Stereo Approach to Wildfire Smoke Detection: The Improvement of the Existing Methods by Adding a New Dimension

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    In this paper, we present a novel approach to visual smoke detection based on stereo vision. General smoke detection is usually performed by analyzing the images from remote cameras using various computer vision techniques. The literature on smoke detection shows a variety of approaches, and the focus of this paper is the improvement of the general smoke detection process by introducing stereo vision. Two cameras are used to estimate the distance and size of the detected phenomena based on stereo triangulation. Using this information, the minimum size and overall dynamics of the detected regions are further examined to ensure the elimination of false alarms induced by various phenomena (such as the movement of objects located at short distances from the camera). Such false alarms could easily be detected by the proposed stereo system, allowing the increase of the sensitivity and overall performance of the detection. We analyzed the requirements of such system in terms of precision and robustness to possible error sources, especially when dealing with detection of smoke at various distances from the camera. For evaluation, three existing smoke detection methods were tested and the results were compared to their newly implemented stereo versions. The results demonstrated better overall performance, especially a decrease in false alarm rates for all tested methods


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    U članku smo prikazali analizu uređaja za hlađenje mošta i razvoj upravljačkog sustava pomoću mbed FRDM KL25Z mikroupravljača i ostalih korištenih upravljačkih komponenti i modula. Upravljački sustav razvijen je u okviru završnog rada na preddiplomskom stručnom studiju Mehatronike, Tehničkog veleučilišta u Zagrebu. Radi lakšeg razumijevanja, prikazali smo sastavne dijelove uređaja za hlađenje mošta, objasnili princip rada kao i potrebu za sustavom upravljanja. Opisali smo način spajanja komponenti i modula upravljačkog sustava. Tiskana pločica projektirana je u programskom alatu CircuitMaker-u. Mikroupravljač je programiran koristeći C++ programski jezik u online prevoditelju.In this paper we presented the analysis of wine must cooling device and control system development using mbed FDRN KL25Z microcontroller and other used control components and modules. Control system was developed within the framework of the thesis on the undergraduate study of Mechatronics at Zagreb University of applied sciences. For the purposes of clearer understanding, we described parts of wine must cooling device, working mechanism and the need for control system. A method of connecting each component and module is described. Printed circuit board was designed in CircuitMaker. Microcontroller is programmed using C++ program language in mbed OS’s online compile

    Higher mortality and intubation rate in COVID-19 patients treated with noninvasive ventilation compared with high-flow oxygen or CPAP

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    COVID-19; Noninvasive ventilation; High-flow oxygenCOVID-19; Ventilación no invasiva; Oxígeno de alto flujoCOVID-19; Ventilació no invasiva; Oxigen d'alt cabalThe effectiveness of noninvasive respiratory support in severe COVID-19 patients is still controversial. We aimed to compare the outcome of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and hypoxemic respiratory failure treated with high-flow oxygen administered via nasal cannula (HFNC), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or noninvasive ventilation (NIV), initiated outside the intensive care unit (ICU) in 10 university hospitals in Catalonia, Spain. We recruited 367 consecutive patients aged ≥ 18 years who were treated with HFNC (155, 42.2%), CPAP (133, 36.2%) or NIV (79, 21.5%). The main outcome was intubation or death at 28 days after respiratory support initiation. After adjusting for relevant covariates and taking patients treated with HFNC as reference, treatment with NIV showed a higher risk of intubation or death (hazard ratio 2.01; 95% confidence interval 1.32-3.08), while treatment with CPAP did not show differences (0.97; 0.63-1.50). In the context of the pandemic and outside the intensive care unit setting, noninvasive ventilation for the treatment of moderate to severe hypoxemic acute respiratory failure secondary to COVID-19 resulted in higher mortality or intubation rate at 28 days than high-flow oxygen or CPAP. This finding may help physicians to choose the best noninvasive respiratory support treatment in these patients.Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT04668196

    Silvicultural Interventions Drive the Changes in Soil Organic Carbon in Romanian Forests According to Two Model Simulations

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    We investigated the effects of forest management on the carbon (C) dynamics in Romanian forest soils, using two model simulations: CBM-CFS3 and Yasso15. Default parametrization of the models and harmonized litterfall simulated by CBM provided satisfactory results when compared to observed data from National Forest Inventory (NFI). We explored a stratification approach to investigate the improvement of soil C prediction. For stratification on forest types only, the NRMSE (i.e., normalized RMSE of simulated vs. NFI) was approximately 26%, for both models; the NRMSE values reduced to 13% when stratification was done based on climate only. Assuming the continuation of the current forest management practices for a period of 50 years, both models simulated a very small C sink during simulation period (0.05 MgC ha(-1) yr(-1)). Yet, a change towards extensive forest management practices would yield a constant, minor accumulation of soil C, while more intensive practices would yield a constant, minor loss of soil C. For the maximum wood supply scenario (entire volume increment is removed by silvicultural interventions during the simulated period) Yasso15 resulted in larger emissions (-0.3 MgC ha(-1) yr(-1)) than CBM (-0.1 MgC ha(-1) yr(-1)). Under 'no interventions' scenario, both models simulated a stable accumulation of C which was, nevertheless, larger in Yasso15 (0.35 MgC ha(-1) yr(-1)) compared to CBM-CSF (0.18 MgC ha(-1) yr(-1)). The simulation of C stock change showed a strong "start-up" effect during the first decade of the simulation, for both models, explained by the difference in litterfall applied to each scenario compared to the spinoff scenario. Stratification at regional scale based on climate and forest types, represented a reasonable spatial stratification, that improved the prediction of soil C stock and stock change.Peer reviewe

    Beyond The Cloud, How Should Next Generation Utility Computing Infrastructures Be Designed?

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    To accommodate the ever-increasing demand for Utility Computing (UC) resources, while taking into account both energy and economical issues, the current trend consists in building larger and larger data centers in a few strategic locations. Although such an approach enables to cope with the actual demand while continuing to operate UC resources through centralized software system, it is far from delivering sustainable and efficient UC infrastructures. We claim that a disruptive change in UC infrastructures is required: UC resources should be managed differently, considering locality as a primary concern. We propose to leverage any facilities available through the Internet in order to deliver widely distributed UC platforms that can better match the geographical dispersal of users as well as the unending demand. Critical to the emergence of such locality-based UC (LUC) platforms is the availability of appropriate operating mechanisms. In this paper, we advocate the implementation of a unified system driving the use of resources at an unprecedented scale by turning a complex and diverse infrastructure into a collection of abstracted computing facilities that is both easy to operate and reliable. By deploying and using such a LUC Operating System on backbones, our ultimate vision is to make possible to host/operate a large part of the Internet by its internal structure itself: A scalable and nearly infinite set of resources delivered by any computing facilities forming the Internet, starting from the larger hubs operated by ISPs, government and academic institutions to any idle resources that may be provided by end-users. Unlike previous researches on distributed operating systems, we propose to consider virtual machines (VMs) instead of processes as the basic element. System virtualization offers several capabilities that increase the flexibility of resources management, allowing to investigate novel decentralized schemes.Afin de supporter la demande croissante de calcul utilitaire (UC) tout en prenant en compte les aspects énergétique et financier, la tendance actuelle consiste à construire des centres de données (ou centrales numériques) de plus en plus grands dans un nombre limité de lieux stratégiques. Cette approche permet sans aucun doute de satisfaire la demande tout en conservant une approche centralisée de la gestion de ces ressources mais elle reste loin de pouvoir fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire efficaces et durables. Après avoir indiqué pourquoi cette tendance n'est pas appropriée, nous proposons au travers de ce rapport, une proposition radicalement différente. De notre point de vue, les ressources de calcul utilitaire doivent être gérées de manière à pouvoir prendre en compte la localité des demandes dès le départ. Pour ce faire, nous proposons de tirer parti de tous les équipements disponibles sur l'Internet afin de fournir des infrastructures de calcul utilitaire qui permettront de part leur distribution de prendre en compte plus efficacement la dispersion géographique des utilisateurs et leur demande toujours croissante. Un des aspects critique pour l'émergence de telles plates-formes de calcul utilitaire ''local'' (LUC) est la disponibilité de mécanismes de gestion appropriés. Dans la deuxième partie de ce document, nous défendons la mise en oeuvre d'un système unifié gérant l'utilisation des ressources à une échelle sans précédent en transformant une infrastructure complexe et hétérogène en une collection d'équipements virtualisés qui seront à la fois plus simples à gérer et plus sûrs. En déployant un système de type LUC sur les coeurs de réseau, notre vision ultime est de rendre possible l'hébergement et la gestion de l'Internet sur sa propre infrastructure interne: un ensemble de ressources extensible et quasiment infini fourni par n'importe quel équipement constituant l'Internet, partant des gros noeud réseaux gérés par les ISPs, les gouvernements et les institutions acadèmiques jusqu'à n'importe quelle ressource inactive fournie par les utilisateurs finaux. Contrairement aux approches précédentes appliquées aux systèmes distribués, nous proposons de considérer les machines virtuelles comme la granularité élémentaire du système (à la place des processus). La virtualisation système offre plusieurs fonctionnalités qui améliorent la flexibilité de la gestion de ressources, permettant l'étude de nouveaux schémas de décentralisation

    Tunable CHA/AEI Zeolite Intergrowths with A Priori Biselective Organic Structure-Directing Agents: Controlling Enrichment and Implications for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx

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    [EN] A novel ab initio methodology based on high-throughput simulations has permitted designing unique biselective organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs) that allow the efficient synthesis of CHA/AEI zeolite intergrowth materials with controlled phase compositions. Distinctive local crystallographic ordering of the CHA/AEI intergrowths was revealed at the nanoscale level using integrated differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (iDPC STEM). These novel CHA/AEI materials have been tested for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NOx, presenting an outstanding catalytic performance and hydrothermal stability, even surpassing the performance of the well-established commercial CHA-type catalyst. This methodology opens the possibility for synthetizing new zeolite intergrowths with more complex structures and unique catalytic properties.E.B.-J., C.P., M.M. and A.C. acknowledge financial support by the Spanish Government [Grant RTI2018-101033-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)], and by CSIC [I-link+ Program (LINKA20381)]. D.S.-K. and R.G.-B. acknowledge the Energy Initiative (MITEI) and MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Seed Funds. D.S.-K. was additionally funded by the MIT Energy Fellowship. Y.R.-L acknowledges support by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Award DE-SC0016214. E.B.-J. acknowledges the Spanish Government for an FPI scholarship (PRE2019-088360). T.W. acknowledges financial support by the Swedish Research Council (Grant No. 2019-05465). T.W. and T.U. acknowledge funding from the Swedish Strategic Res. Foundation (project nr. ITM17-0301). The Electron Microscopy Service of the UPV is also acknowledged for their help in sample characterization. Computer calculations were executed at the Massachusetts Green High-Performance Computing Center with support from MIT Research Computing, and at the Extreme Sci. and Eng. Discovery Environment (XSEDE)[33] Expanse through allocation TG-DMR200068.Bello-Jurado, E.; Schwalbe-Koda, D.; Nero, M.; Paris, C.; Uusimäki, T.; Román-Leshkov, Y.; Corma Canós, A.... (2022). Tunable CHA/AEI Zeolite Intergrowths with A Priori Biselective Organic Structure-Directing Agents: Controlling Enrichment and Implications for Selective Catalytic Reduction of NOx. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 61(28):1-6. https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.20220183716612

    A Simulated Annealing Approach to Approximate Bayes Computations

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    Approximate Bayes Computations (ABC) are used for parameter inference when the likelihood function of the model is expensive to evaluate but relatively cheap to sample from. In particle ABC, an ensemble of particles in the product space of model outputs and parameters is propagated in such a way that its output marginal approaches a delta function at the data and its parameter marginal approaches the posterior distribution. Inspired by Simulated Annealing, we present a new class of particle algorithms for ABC, based on a sequence of Metropolis kernels, associated with a decreasing sequence of tolerances w.r.t. the data. Unlike other algorithms, our class of algorithms is not based on importance sampling. Hence, it does not suffer from a loss of effective sample size due to re-sampling. We prove convergence under a condition on the speed at which the tolerance is decreased. Furthermore, we present a scheme that adapts the tolerance and the jump distribution in parameter space according to some mean-fields of the ensemble, which preserves the statistical independence of the particles, in the limit of infinite sample size. This adaptive scheme aims at converging as close as possible to the correct result with as few system updates as possible via minimizing the entropy production in the system. The performance of this new class of algorithms is compared against two other recent algorithms on two toy examples.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Fortune cookies and smartphones: Weakly unrelayable channels to counter relay attacks

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    Smartphones are being increasingly used to perform financial transactions (through m-banking, virtual wallet or as a smartcard). The latter applications involve contactless technology (e.g., NFC) that is known to be vulnerable to mafia fraud attacks. In this work we show that a secret message inside an appropriately folded piece of paper (fortune cookie) can be used to effectively mitigate the mafia fraud attack. Fortune cookies implement a weakly unrelayable channel that, in combination with smartphones, provides a provable protection against those attacks. Our solution requires minimal or no hardware changes to the existing equipment (especially on the user’s side) and is suitable for different communication technologies (e.g., intra-body communication, NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, infrared)

    The equilibrium shape of (65) Cybele: primordial or relic of a large impact?

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    Context. Cybele asteroids constitute an appealing reservoir of primitive material genetically linked to the outer Solar System, and the physical properties (size and shape) of the largest members can be readily accessed by large (8m class) telescopes. Aims. We took advantage of the bright apparition of the most iconic member of the Cybele population, (65) Cybele, in July and August 2021 to acquire high-angular-resolution images and optical light curves of the asteroid with which we aim to analyse its shape and bulk properties. Methods. Eight series of images were acquired with VLT/SPHERE+ZIMPOL, seven of which were combined with optical light curves to reconstruct the shape of the asteroid using the ADAM, MPCD, and SAGE algorithms. The origin of the shape was investigated by means of N-body simulations. Results. Cybele has a volume-equivalent diameter of 263±3 km and a bulk density of 1.55 ± 0.19 g cm−3. Notably, its shape and rotation state are closely compatible with those of a Maclaurin equilibrium figure. The lack of a collisional family associated with Cybele and the higher bulk density of that body with respect to other large P-type asteroids suggest that it never experienced any large disruptive impact followed by rapid re-accumulation. This would imply that its present-day shape represents the original one. However, numerical integration of the long-term dynamical evolution of a hypothetical family of Cybele shows that it is dispersed by gravitational perturbations and chaotic diffusion over gigayears of evolution. Conclusions. The very close match between Cybele and an equilibrium figure opens up the possibility that D ≥ 260 km (M ≥ 1.5 × 1019 kg) small bodies from the outer Solar System all formed at equilibrium. However, we cannot currently rule out an old impact as the origin of the equilibrium shape of Cybele. Cybele itself is found to be dynamically unstable, implying that it was ‘recently’ (<1 Gyr ago) placed on its current orbit either through slow diffusion from a relatively stable orbit in the Cybele region or, less likely, from an unstable, Jupiter-family-comet orbit in the planet-crossing region.This work has been supported by the Czech Science Foundation through grants 20-08218S (J. Hanuš) and 21-11058S (M. Brož), as well as by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1743015 (F. Marchis). T. Santana-Ros acknowledges funding from the NEO-MAPP project (H2020-EU-2-1-6/870377). In addition, this work was partially funded by the Spanish MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe” by the “European Union” through grant RTI2018-095076-B-C21, and the Institute of Cosmos Sciences University of Barcelona (ICCUB, Unidad de Excelencia ‘María de Maeztu’) through grant CEX2019-000918-M. This research has made use of the Asteroid Families Portal maintained at the Department of Astronomy, University of Belgrade. TRAPPIST is a project funded by the Belgian Fonds (National) de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS) under grant PDR T.0120.21. TRAPPIST-North is a project funded by the University of Liège, in collaboration with the Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech (Morocco). E. Jehin is F.R.S.-FNRS Senior Research Associate

    Piecewise Approximate Bayesian Computation: fast inference for discretely observed Markov models using a factorised posterior distribution

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    Many modern statistical applications involve inference for complicated stochastic models for which the likelihood function is difficult or even impossible to calculate, and hence conventional likelihood-based inferential techniques cannot be used. In such settings, Bayesian inference can be performed using Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). However, in spite of many recent developments to ABC methodology, in many applications the computational cost of ABC necessitates the choice of summary statistics and tolerances that can potentially severely bias the estimate of the posterior. We propose a new “piecewise” ABC approach suitable for discretely observed Markov models that involves writing the posterior density of the parameters as a product of factors, each a function of only a subset of the data, and then using ABC within each factor. The approach has the advantage of side-stepping the need to choose a summary statistic and it enables a stringent tolerance to be set, making the posterior “less approximate”. We investigate two methods for estimating the posterior density based on ABC samples for each of the factors: the first is to use a Gaussian approximation for each factor, and the second is to use a kernel density estimate. Both methods have their merits. The Gaussian approximation is simple, fast, and probably adequate for many applications. On the other hand, using instead a kernel density estimate has the benefit of consistently estimating the true piecewise ABC posterior as the number of ABC samples tends to infinity. We illustrate the piecewise ABC approach with four examples; in each case, the approach offers fast and accurate inference