11 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Proses Budidaya Karet Alam dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity: Studi Kasus di PT. XYZ

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    Indonesia merupakan negara kedua penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia dengan produksi sebesar 28% dari total produksi dunia di tahun 2010. Sejalan dengan bertumbuhnya industri otomotif dunia, kebutuhan karet alam sebagai produk komplementer karet sintetik akan turut mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi terbaik pada peningkatan produktivitas proses budidaya karet alam melalui pendekatan konsep Green Productivity (GP). Studi kasus dilakukan di PT. XYZ, Perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang USAha perkebunan dan pengolahan karet alam. analisis aliran material dilakukan dengan menggunakan peta aliran material hijau untuk menganalisa tujuh jenis sumber pembangkit limbah hijau (seven green wastes). Alternatif strategi terbaik ditentukan dengan menggunakan model Analytical Hierarchy Process (aHP) yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi beberapa rancangan skenario perbaikan. Pengukuran kinerja alternatif strategi ini selanjutnya dinilai sebagai indeks produktivitas hijau (GPI) perbaikan (future) dan dibandingkan dengan nilai indeks GPI saat ini (current), yang telah dihitung pada studi kasus yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini mampu memberikan informasi strategi peningkatan produktivitas terbaik, tingkat produktivitas yang telah dicapai Perusahaan, dan tingkat produktivitas hasil penerapan strategi terpilih

    Peningkatan Produktivitas Proses Budidaya Karet Alam dengan Pendekatan Green Productivity: Studi Kasus Di PT. XYZ

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    Indonesia is the second largest natural rubber producer in the world with 28% of the total world production in 2010. In line with the growth of the world’s automotive industry, the needs of natural rubber as a complementary synthetic rubber products will also increase. The main objective of this research was to find the best alternative strategy to increase the productivity of the natural rubber plantations through the green productivity (GP) approach. The case study was conducted at PT. XYZ, a private company which runs the plantation and processing of natural rubber businesses. The material flow analysis was performed to identify the seven green wastes. The best alternative strategy was determined by using the  analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) model developed into several improvement scenarios. The measurement of  the alternative strategy performance was rated as the future Green Productivity Index (GPI) and compared with the value of current GPI, which had been calculated in the PT. XYZ, as the case study. The results of this research was  able to provide the best productivity improvement strategy, the level of company’s productivity which has been achieved, and the productivity levels of the implementation of the strategy chosen.ABSTRAKIndonesia merupakan negara kedua penghasil karet alam terbesar di dunia dengan produksi sebesar 28% dari total produksi dunia di tahun 2010. Sejalan dengan bertumbuhnya industri otomotif dunia, kebutuhan karet alam sebagai produk komplementer karet sintetik akan turut mengalami peningkatan. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi terbaik pada peningkatan produktivitas proses budidaya karet alam melalui pendekatan konsep Green Productivity (GP). Studi kasus dilakukan di PT. XYZ, perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang usaha perkebunan dan pengolahan karet alam. analisis aliran material dilakukan dengan menggunakan peta aliran material hijau untuk menganalisa tujuh jenis sumber pembangkit limbah hijau (seven green wastes).  Alternatif strategi terbaik ditentukan dengan menggunakan model Analytical Hierarchy Process (aHP) yang kemudian dikembangkan menjadi beberapa rancangan skenario perbaikan. Pengukuran kinerja alternatif strategi ini selanjutnya dinilai sebagai indeks produktivitas hijau (GPI) perbaikan (future) dan dibandingkan dengan nilai indeks GPI saat ini (current), yang telah dihitung pada studi kasus yang dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini  mampu memberikan informasi strategi peningkatan produktivitas terbaik, tingkat produktivitas yang telah dicapai perusahaan, dan tingkat produktivitas hasil penerapan strategi terpilih


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    ABSTRACT   Productivity is an inseparable and important issue in every part of the industrial world. It has become one of several sustainability indicator of industry in the future. Process productivity can  be improved by reducing the waste generated from it. The purpose of this study was  to improve natural rubber production process in the PT X based on the Green Productivity concept. The current state analysis of green productivity measurement was used by using the green productivity indexing (GPI) method. The current state GPI measurement result for the production of ribbed smoked sheet was  0.27, while the GPI of brown crepe products result was 1.09. There were four alternative strategies to improve the green productivity in the PT X based on expert opinion,i.e. optimization of  production process, raw material characteristics control, supporting material substitution, and reuse water. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the reuse of water process was the alternative strategy choosen, with 0.37 for the weight value. The implementation of the selected alternative strategy showed the reduction of the environmental impact of  3.57 for the production of ribbed smoked sheet and 0.54 for the production of brown crepe. The implementation of the selected alternative strategies also showed  the green productivity increased to 0.690 for the production of ribbed smoked sheet with 2.57 GP ratio and 3.89 for brown crepe product with 3.57 GP ratio.   Keywords:  natural rubber, green productivity,  Analytical Hierarchy Process, GP rati


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    ABSTRACT   Productivity is an inseparable and important issue in every part of the industrial world. It has become one of several sustainability indicator of industry in the future. Process productivity can  be improved by reducing the waste generated from it. The purpose of this study was  to improve natural rubber production process in the PT X based on the Green Productivity concept. The current state analysis of green productivity measurement was used by using the green productivity indexing (GPI) method. The current state GPI measurement result for the production of ribbed smoked sheet was  0.27, while the GPI of brown crepe products result was 1.09. There were four alternative strategies to improve the green productivity in the PT X based on expert opinion,i.e. optimization of  production process, raw material characteristics control, supporting material substitution, and reuse water. By using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), the reuse of water process was the alternative strategy choosen, with 0.37 for the weight value. The implementation of the selected alternative strategy showed the reduction of the environmental impact of  3.57 for the production of ribbed smoked sheet and 0.54 for the production of brown crepe. The implementation of the selected alternative strategies also showed  the green productivity increased to 0.690 for the production of ribbed smoked sheet with 2.57 GP ratio and 3.89 for brown crepe product with 3.57 GP ratio.   Keywords:  natural rubber, green productivity,  Analytical Hierarchy Process, GP rati