1,381 research outputs found

    Condensed data on the aircraft engines of the world

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    This compilation of the outstanding characteristics of the available aircraft engines of the world was prepared as a compact ready reference for desk use. It does not pretend to be anything but a skeleton outline of the characteristics of engines reported in the technical press as being in either the experimental, development, or production stage

    A Software-Defined Channel Sounder for Industrial Environments with Fast Time Variance

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    Novel industrial wireless applications require wideband, real-time channel characterization due to complex multipath propagation. Rapid machine motion leads to fast time variance of the channel's reflective behavior, which must be captured for radio channel characterization. Additionally, inhomogeneous radio channels demand highly flexible measurements. Existing approaches for radio channel measurements either lack flexibility or wide-band, real-time performance with fast time variance. In this paper, we propose a correlative channel sounding approach utilizing a software-defined architecture. The approach enables real-time, wide-band measurements with fast time variance immune to active interference. The desired performance is validated with a demanding industrial application example.Comment: Submitted to the 15th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2018

    Geographic science and the development of its aims and methods : an essay

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    In a general sense, Geography deals with a number of thematically differently defined phenomena on the surface of the earth (as just a glance at any map show). These phenomena which come into contact with, overlap and restrict one another. Their chronological, hierarchic and spatial co-existence are affected by man and nature, who interact and initiate processes which in turn alter their different environments. Seen from this point of view, the task of the geographer may be defined as drawing attention to the complexity of this reality and explaining how mankind, in the course of his cultural evolution, has been able to assert himself by adaptation and formation of structures

    Umrisse einer Theorie des Raumes : eine Untersuchung aus historisch geographischem Blickwinkel

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    Es gibt in jeder Wissenschaft Begriffe, die fĂŒr sie eine zentrale Bedeutung besitzen. In der Geographie ist "Raum" ein solcher Kernbegriff. Es gibt kaum eine Abhandlung, in der er nicht verwendet wĂŒrde, hĂ€ufig gedankenlos und in unterschiedlicher Bedeutung. In dieser Arbeit soll nun versucht werden, zu klareren Einsichten zu gelangen. Dabei soll den Begriffen System und Ordnung eine SchlĂŒsselrolle zukommen; sie gehören in anderen Disziplinen schon seit langem zu den vieldiskutierten Kernbegriffen, wĂ€hrend sie in der Geographie nur sehr zögernd Eingang finden. In verschiedenen, seit etwa einem Jahrzehnt durchgefĂŒhrten Arbeiten bemĂŒhe ich mich, diesen Problemkreis anzugehen, aufgrund gewonnener Erkenntnisse und aus historisch-geographischem Blickwinkel. Den Ausgang der Überlegungen stellen Untersuchungen einzelner Populationen in ihren Umwelten dar, als TrĂ€ger von Prozessen, und schließlich als rĂ€umlich (= dreidimensional rĂ€umlich) und zeitlich begrenzbare Einheiten oder Systeme. Im Verlaufe des wissenschaftlichen KlĂ€rungsprozesses versuchte ich, zu allgemeineren Einsichten zu gelangen und eine Theorie aufzubauen, die mathematisch formalisierbar ist. Sie schließt eine Zahl von bewĂ€hrten Modellen ein, die aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln erarbeitet wurden und Teilaspekte des Raumes beschreiben. So konnte ich mich auf Vorarbeiten u.a. in der Ökologie, der Demographie und Innovationsforschung stĂŒtzen. In der Systemforschung ist das Problem der RĂŒckkoppelung bereits ausfĂŒhrlich, z.B. anhand von Biosystemen und ökonomischen Systemen, bearbeitet worden. Ein weiteres Eindringen in die Problematik machte eine BeschĂ€ftigung mit der Informationstheorie, verschiedenen physikalischen Theorien sowie der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung erforderlich. Bekanntlich setzt sich auch die komplizierteste Theorie aus einfachen Bausteinen zusammen. In diesem Sinne sollen einige ZusammenhĂ€nge durch eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Zahl von aufeinander bezogenen Gleichungen beschrieben werden. Dabei wird keineswegs VollstĂ€ndigkeit angestrebt; vielmehr soll ein Rahmen geschaffen werden, der sich durch weitere Arbeiten nach und nach ausfĂŒllen lĂ€ĂŸt

    Quo vadis, geographia socialis?

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    Informations- und Energiefluß in sozialen Systemen : BeitrĂ€ge zu einer Theorie der Strukturbildung

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    Systeme und Prozesse - Gedanken zu einer Theorie

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    Three problems of the theoretical physics as seen by a geographer : an essay

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    To date, it has not been possible to reconcile the Theory of Relativity and quantum physics in one single model. The question is whether this is possible at all, using the existing methods. The universe is highly complex in its structure, and it is imperative to take this fact into consideration. The Process Theory, which is based on the study of the mesocosmos focuses principally on links, i.e. flows of informations and energy. This essay attempts to find a solution using three problems from quantum physics and the Theory of Relativity ("wave-particle dualism", "relativity" and "gravitation")

    Physical space and process theory : some theoretical considerations from an historical geographic viewpoint

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    It is strange to note that the discussion of the physical traits of space has, with few exceptions, shifted on the one hand into atomic, and on the other into cosmic dimensions, thus departing from the historical geographic order of magnitude and from the sphere of experience of Euclid and Newton. As a result, the amount of apparative and mathematical effort put in has steadily increased, while at the same time, the scientific works on the subject have become less and less accessible to the representatives of other disciplines, and more and more difficult to fathom. On the other hand, the discussion of theories relating to space are of paramount importance to geography and history, sociology and anthropology alike; these sciences are thinking in three-dimensional space), but it seems clear, that the actions and processes taking place in human society, and between human being and the environment, are only comprehensible in a spatiotemporal context. In physics for more than half a century fourdimensional space is a basic assumption, but a comprehensive theory which unites space, process, hierarchy, matter, structure, and energy is not yet achieved. The following paper will be an attempt to approach this subjectmatter in the historical geographic order of magnitude again, from the point of view of human society. The treatise is based on inductive theory and is concerned with mankind and its populations in the environment, as well as its systemic build-up and the processes maintaining or changing it). An investigation of structures and processes in the world of our daily experiences has the advantage of direct observation. Although this paper is written by a geographer, the addressees should be first of all natural scientists, especially physicists and astronomers. Lateron, in a second step, the position of geography, history, sociology, anthropology and other sciences in the frame of this theory should be examined. May a non-physicist and non-mathematician thus be permitted to present some findings and considerations that could be of interest for discussions of physical space in general. The hermeneutic approach was given special attention for this purpose, according to which the meaning of the phenomena and processes on society or nature is sought and an interpretation attempted from there). The chief object of these lines is to introduce the basic theoretical conception, though a subtile discussion of the thoughts related to existing physical theories is not intended. This aspect will have to be dealt with in later papers. The same goes for the formalization of the statements made. It is my opinion, that theories must first be conceived verbally as logically selfcontained constructs before a mathematical definition can be ventured

    Zum Problem des vierdimensionalen Raumes : eine theoretische Betrachtung aus historisch-geographischer Sicht

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