117 research outputs found

    Impact of agroecological management on plant diversity and soil-based ecosystem services in pasture and coffee systems in the Atlantic forest of Brazil

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    The development of agroecosystems that can provide multiple ecosystem services with a reduced need of external inputs, requires management practices that foster ecological processes to enhance soil quality and crop productivity. We assessed the direct and indirect impacts of farmers’ management practices on plant diversity, soil quality and crop productivity in coffee and pasture fields belonging to different types of farms: agroecological, conventional, and large-scale. The study was carried out in twelve farms in the Zona da Mata, Brazil. For each of the total of 24 fields (twelve pastures and twelve coffee) we recorded 41 variables associated with management practices, indicators of plant diversity (taxonomical, structural and functional diversity) and soil quality (biological, chemical and physical properties). The direct and indirect effects of management on plant diversity, soil quality and in the case of coffee, crop productivity, were assessed using structural equation models. In the case of pastures, we found that increased plant diversity due to agroecological management resulted in higher soil quality, probably due to higher soil litter cover and plant structural heterogeneity. Yet, practices presented in the agroecological farms also had a direct negative effect on soil quality, which indicates that increased plant diversity in pastures needs to be combined with other agroecological management practices than currently adopted. In the case of coffee, we show that despite the higher weeding intensity and higher use of external inputs in large-scale and conventional coffee farming systems, these practices did not result in increased soil quality or coffee productivity as compared to agroecological systems. In contrast, agroecological coffee management was associated with increased plant diversity, which, in turn, was positively associated with soil microbial biomass carbon. Our results highlight a causal pathway of agroecological management leading to increased plant diversity and, in turn, maintenance or increase in soil quality. While no causal link between agroecological coffee management and coffee productivity could be demonstrated, the biodiversity-mediated pathway resulted in similar coffee productivity in agroecological farms as compared to conventionally managed farms, which relied on pesticides and higher inputs of chemical fertilizers. We conclude that agroecological practices can be efficient to maintain satisfactory crop yields and soil fertility without the need of intensive use of external inputs and weeding.</p

    Will REDD+ work? The need for interdisciplinary research to address key challenges

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    In this article, we draw on the contributions to this issue to address the question ‘Will REDD+ work?’. We do so by differentiating between how, where and when REDD+ might work. The article shows how issues of scope, scale and pace of REDD+ are related, and how interdisciplinary research can help to distill the lessons learned from REDD+ efforts currently underway. Important research areas include the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, monitoring, reporting and verification, co-benefits, governance capacity, linkages with related policies, and the environmental and social impacts of REDD+. In concluding, we highlight the role of interdisciplinary research in supporting the different actors involved in REDD+ to cope with the inherent heterogeneity and complexity of REDD+

    Linking vegetation and soil functions during secondary forest succession in the Atlantic forest

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    Secondary forest succession can be an effective and low-cost strategy to increase forest cover and the associated biodiversity and soil functions. However, little is known about how soil functions develop during succession, and how vegetation attributes influence soil functions, especially in highly biodiverse and fragmented landscapes in the tropics. Here we assessed a wide range of indicators of taxonomic (e.g. number of tree species), structural (e.g. basal area, canopy openness) and functional diversity (e.g. community weighted means of functional traits) of tree species, as well as indicators for soil functions related to soil organic matter accumulation, nutrient cycling and soil cover in secondary forest patches ranging from 5 to 80 years. Two recently abandoned agricultural fields were included as the starting point of forest succession and two primary forest patches served as references for the end point of forest succession. Four ecological hypotheses, centred around the role of functional diversity, structural diversity and biomass, were tested to explore mechanisms in which forest vegetation may influence soil functions. Most measures of structural, taxonomic and functional diversity converged to values found in primary forests after 25–50 years of succession, whereas functional composition changed from acquisitive to conservative species. Soil carbon and nutrient cycling showed a quick recovery to the levels of primary forests after 15 years of succession. Although soil cover also increased during succession, levels of primary forests were not reached within 80 years. Variation in tree height and trait dominance were identified as aboveground drivers of carbon and nutrient cycling, while aboveground biomass was the main driver of litter accumulation, and the associated soil cover and water retention. Our results indicate that secondary forest succession can lead to a relative fast recovery of nutrient and carbon cycling functions, but not of soil cover. Our findings highlight the essential role of secondary forests in providing multiple ecosystem services. These results can be used to inform management and reforestation programmes targeted at strengthening soil functions, such as soil cover, nutrient and carbon cycling.Previo

    Crown cover of a dominant pioneer legume affects tree species regeneration in a secondary tropical dry forest

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    Background: Individual pioneer tree species often dominate early tropical dry forest succession and thereby affect possible successional pathways. Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa is a highly dominant species in the tropical dry forest in Mexico. Hypothesis: Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa exerts an inhibitory effect on the germination, establishment, survival, and early growth of light-demanding pioneers, while facilitating these processes for shade-tolerant old-growth forests species. Studied species: Lonchocarpus torresiorum, Lysiloma divaricatum, Mimosa acantholoba var. eurycarpa and Vachellia farnesiana. Study site and dates: Nizanda, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2020-2021. Methods: In 12 early successional plots, we applied three levels of crown cover removal (100, 50, and 0 %) of established trees of the dominant pioneer legume (M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa). We sowed seeds of the four study species in each experimental plot and recorded their germination, establishment, survival, and early growth over a 2-mo period. Results: The removal of crown cover of established M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa trees did not significantly affect germination. Lysiloma divaricatum had the highest germination probability, the fastest germination, and the highest establishment probability regardless of treatment. Lonchocarpus torresiorum had the highest establishment probability in plots where the crown cover of established M. acantholoba var. eurycarpa trees was removed The survival probability of both shade-tolerant species was highest in the 100 % removal treatment. Conclusions: Despite successful germination of shade-tolerant species, their survival is inhibited under the dense canopy of the dominant legume. Therefore, interventions to reduce the crown cover area of this dominant legume may stimulate forest recovery

    Pre-Columbian soil fertilization and current management maintain food resource availability in old-growth Amazonian forests

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    Aims: The extent and persistence of pre-Columbian human legacies in old-growth Amazonian forests are still controversial, partly because modern societies re-occupied old settlements, challenging the distinction between pre- and post-Columbian legacies. Here, we compared the effects of pre-Columbian vs. recent landscape domestication processes on soils and vegetation in two Amazonian regions. Methods: We studied forest landscapes at varying distances from pre-Columbian and current settlements inside protected areas occupied by traditional and indigenous peoples in the lower Tapajós and the upper-middle Madeira river basins. By conducting 69 free-listing interviews, participatory mappings, guided-tours, 27 forest inventories, and soil analysis, we assessed the influences of pre-Columbian and current activities in soils and plant resources surrounding the settlements. Results: In both regions, we found that pre-Columbian villages were more densely distributed across the landscape than current villages. Soil nutrients (mainly Ca and P) were higher closer to pre-Columbian villages but were generally not related to current villages, suggesting past soil fertilization. Soil charcoal was frequent in all forests, suggesting frequent fire events. The density of domesticated plants used for food increased in phosphorus enriched soils. In contrast, the density of plants used for construction decreased near current villages. Conclusions: We detected a significant effect of past soil fertilization on food resources over extensive areas, supporting the hypothesis that pre-Columbian landscape domestication left persistent marks on Amazonian landscapes. Our results suggest that a combination of pre-Columbian phosphorus fertilization with past and current management drives plant resource availability in old-growth forests.</p

    Can timber provision from Amazonian production forests be sustainable?

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    Around 30 Mm3 of sawlogs are extracted annually by selective logging of natural production forests in Amazonia, Earth's most extensive tropical forest. Decisions concerning the management of these production forests will be of major importance for Amazonian forests' fate. To date, no regional assessment of selective logging sustainability supports decision-making. Based on data from 3500 ha of forest inventory plots, our modelling results show that the average periodic harvests of 20 m3 ha−1 will not recover by the end of a standard 30 year cutting cycle. Timber recovery within a cutting cycle is enhanced by commercial acceptance of more species and with the adoption of longer cutting cycles and lower logging intensities. Recovery rates are faster in Western Amazonia than on the Guiana Shield. Our simulations suggest that regardless of cutting cycle duration and logging intensities, selectively logged forests are unlikely to meet timber demands over the long term as timber stocks are predicted to steadily decline. There is thus an urgent need to develop an integrated forest resource management policy that combines active management of production forests with the restoration of degraded and secondary forests for timber production. Without better management, reduced timber harvests and continued timber production declines are unavoidable

    Warming, drought, and disturbances lead to shifts in functional composition: A millennial-scale analysis for Amazonian and Andean sites

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    Tropical forests are changing in composition and productivity, probably in response to changes in climate and disturbances. The responses to these multiple environmental drivers, and the mechanisms underlying the changes, remain largely unknown. Here, we use a functional trait approach on timescales of 10,000¿years to assess how climate and disturbances influence the community-mean adult height, leaf area, seed mass, and wood density for eight lowland and highland forest landscapes. To do so, we combine data of eight fossil pollen records with functional traits and proxies for climate (temperature, precipitation, and El Niño frequency) and disturbances (fire and general disturbances). We found that temperature and disturbances were the most important drivers of changes in functional composition. Increased water availability (high precipitation and low El Niño frequency) generally led to more acquisitive trait composition (large leaves and soft wood). In lowland forests, warmer climates decreased community-mean height probably because of increased water stress, whereas in highland forests warmer climates increased height probably because of upslope migration of taller species. Disturbance increased the abundance of acquisitive, disturbance-adapted taxa with small seeds for quick colonization of disturbed sites, large leaves for light capture, and soft wood to attain fast height growth. Fire had weak effects on lowland forests but led to more stress-adapted taxa that are tall with fast life cycles and small seeds that can quickly colonize burned sites. Site-specific analyses were largely in line with cross-site analyses, except for varying site-level effects of El Niño frequency and fire activity, possibly because regional patterns in El Niño are not a good predictor of local changes, and charcoal abundances do not reflect fire intensity or severity. With future global changes, tropical Amazonian and Andean forests may transition toward shorter, drought- and disturbance-adapted forests in the lowlands but taller forests in the highlands.We thank various funding sources. M.T.v.d.S. was supported by the Rubicon research program with project number 019.171LW.023 and the Veni research program with project number NWO-VI.Veni.192.027, both funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO); M.T.v.d.S. and L.P. by the European Research Council Advanced Grant PANTROP 834775; M.B.B. by the National Science Foundation 621 (grant # EAR1338694, BCS0926973 and 1624207), the Belmont Forum, the National Aeronautics 622 and Space Administration (grant no. NNX14AD31G), and National Geographic Society (grant no. 8763-10); S.G.A.F. by Trond Mohn Stiftelse (TMS) and University of Bergen (Grant No. TMS2022STG03/Past, Present and Future of Alpine Biomes Worldwide); H.H. by the Netherlands Organization for Tropical Research (grant WB 84-636) to study Lake La Cocha; S.Y.M. and W.D.G. by the European Commission (Marie Curie Fellowship 792197); C.N.H.M. by the European Research Council Starting Grant StG 853394 (2019) and the NWO-ALWOP.322; E.M. by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) of UK (grant NE/J018562/1), and for radiocarbon dating by the NERC Radiocarbon Facility NRCF010001 (allocation number 1682.1112); M.d.N.N. by the National Science Foundation (NSF)—DEB 1260983, EAR 1338694 and 1624207. All work for Lake Kumpaka was conducted under Ecuadorian Collection Permit 08-620 2017-IC and for Lake Pindo under Permit 14-2012-IC-FLO-DPAP-MA
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