1,921 research outputs found

    Advances in genetic and molecular understanding of Alzheimer\u27s disease

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    Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) has become a common disease of the elderly for which no cure currently exists. After over 30 years of intensive research, we have gained extensive knowledge of the genetic and molecular factors involved and their interplay in disease. These findings suggest that different subgroups of AD may exist. Not only are we starting to treat autosomal dominant cases differently from sporadic cases, but we could be observing different underlying pathological mechanisms related to the amyloid cascade hypothesis, immune dysfunction, and a tau-dependent pathology. Genetic, molecular, and, more recently, multi-omic evidence support each of these scenarios, which are highly interconnected but can also point to the different subgroups of AD. The identification of the pathologic triggers and order of events in the disease processes are key to the design of treatments and therapies. Prevention and treatment of AD cannot be attempted using a single approach; different therapeutic strategies at specific disease stages may be appropriate. For successful prevention and treatment, biomarker assays must be designed so that patients can be more accurately monitored at specific points during the course of the disease and potential treatment. In addition, to advance the development of therapeutic drugs, models that better mimic the complexity of the human brain are needed; there have been several advances in this arena. Here, we review significant, recent developments in genetics, omics, and molecular studies that have contributed to the understanding of this disease. We also discuss the implications that these contributions have on medicine

    Los rasgos expresivos e instrumentales de la comunidad educativa española: estudiantes, padres/madres y docentes

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the expressive and instrumental traits of the Spanish Educational Community (students, teachers and parents) and to determine whether fathers and mothers or teachers are who have the greatest infl uence in the transmission of stereotypes gender to students in secondary education. The sample were of teacher (n = 744), students (n = 1113) and their mothers and fathers (n = 917). The scales were administered: the Personal Attributes Questionnaire, PAQ (Spence et al., 1974). The results showed that women are being more expressive, whereas men are more Instrumental and Instrumental-Expressive. Furthermore, teachers are more expressive and more instrumental. This is that they are less stereotyped. Therefore, schools should involve parents in co-educational practices.El objetivo de este estudio es analizar los rasgos expresivos e instrumentales de la comunidad educativa española (estudiantes, docentes y padres/madres) y determinar si son los padres y las madres o sus docentes los que ejercen la mayor infl uencia en la transmisión de los estereotipos de género de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Para ello contamos con tres muestras: de docentes no universitarios (n= 744), de estudiantes (n= 1113) y de sus madres y padres (n=917). Se les administró un cuestionario con variables sociodemográfi cas y el Cuestionario de Atributos Personales (PAQ), (Spence et al., 1974). Los resultados demostraron que las mujeres siguen siendo más Expresivas, mientras que los hombres son más Instrumentales e Instrumentales-Expresivos. Y que son los y las docentes los que asume las características más Expresivas y las más Instrumentales y con ello menos estereotipadas. Por ello, la escuela debe implicar a los padres y madres en las prácticas coeducativas

    Novas formas de indagação sobre as práticas de ensino da geografia da escola

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    This text is the result of a concern to propose new ways of investigation on the school practices in geography, in order to overcome the naturalizing, uncritical or merely descriptive approaches. We gather the results of an UBACyT Research Project, in which we call on a group of geography teachers to participate in an experience of exchange and reflection about the development of didactic sequences related to environmental problems. The workshop with teachers was devoted to reviewing approaches and contents on the teaching of geography, taking into account the recent developments in the subject, the transformations of contemporary society and the new curricular guidelines for secondary school in Argentina. We also analyze the didactic sequences, considering the role of concepts and explanations of social order in the contents related to environmental problems.Este texto parte de la inquietud por proponer nuevas puertas de indagación sobre las prácticas escolares en geografía, a fin de superar los enfoques naturalizantes, acríticos o meramente descriptivos. Se recuperan los resultados de un proyecto de investigación UBACyT en el que convocamos a un grupo de docentes de Geografía a participar de una experiencia de intercambio y reflexión acerca de la elaboración de secuencias didácticas referidas a problemas ambientales. El taller con los docentes se dedicó a revisar enfoques y contenidos acerca de la enseñanza de la geografía, teniendo en cuenta los desarrollos recientes del campo, las transformaciones de la sociedad contemporánea y los nuevos lineamientos curriculares para la Escuela Secundaria en Argentina. También analizamos las secuencias didácticas, considerando qué papel ocupan los conceptos y explicaciones de orden social en los contenidos referidos a problemas ambientales.Este texto surge da preocupação de propor novas formas de investigação sobre as práticas escolares em geografia, para superar as abordagens naturalizadoras, não críticas ou meramente descritivas. Recuperamos os resultados de um projeto de pesquisa UBACyT em que convidamos um grupo de professores de geografia para participar de uma experiência de troca e reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento de sequências didáticas relacionadas a problemasambientais. A oficina com os professores foi dedicada a revisar abordagens e conteúdos sobre o ensino da geografia, levando em conta os desenvolvimentos recentes no campo, as transformações da sociedade contemporânea e as novas diretrizes curriculares para a Escola Secundária na Argentina. Analisamos também as sequências didáticas, considerando o papel dos conceitos e explicações da ordem social nos conteúdos relacionados a problemas ambientais

    Comparative analysis of the child welfare systems of Portugal and Galician

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    Introdução: O sistema de proteção deve ser adaptado às necessidades específicas de dois jovens. Investigações anteriores indicam conveniência da administração de traçar políticas que facilitam a integração. Objetivo: Comparar as respostas que Galiza e Portugal dão às necessidades das crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade enquadradas no sistema de proteção. Métodos: Realizou-se uma análise das fontes estatísticas oficiais dos governos de Portugal, Espanha e da comunidade autónoma da Galiza. Resultados: Apontam a necessidade de reduzir, em ambos os países, o acolhimento residencial, priorizando a permanência nas famílias de acolhimento, especialmente no caso de Portugal. A família biológica, na qual a medida de proteção teve origem, é o principal destino após a saída do sistema proteção. Conclusão: Verificaram-se ainda défices de vagas nos recursos residenciais especializados em trabalhar o processo de transição para vida adulta.Introduction: The protection system must still adapt protective action to the specific needs of youth. Literature on the issue has indicated that the administration should design policies that facilitate the integration of vulnerable youth. Objetive: To compares Galiza and Portugal's response to the needs of vulnerable children who have an administrative protection case file. Methods: A analyze of the official statistical sources of the governments of Portugal, Spain, and the autonomous community of Galicia is carried out. Results: The results show the need to reduce residential care in both countries, giving priority to fixed residence in host families, especially in the case of Portugal. The biological family in which the protective measure originated is the main destination after leaving the protection system. Conclusion: A lack in places in residential resources specialized in addressing the process of transition to adult life are noted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The vascular stem cell niche

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    Stem cells in adult organs reside in specialized niches that regulate their proliferation and differentiation. Investigations during the last few years have unveiled a regulatory role for blood vessels in these microenvironments. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are located surrounding capillaries in a variety of tissues and have the capacity to differentiate into different mesodermal lineages. Angiogenic progenitor cells have also been found in the adventitial layer of large vessels. In the bone marrow, endothelial cells control hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) release, and in the brain, blood vessels regulate neural stem cell (NSC) self-renewal and neurogenesis. Similarly, perivascular progenitor cells have also been found in the heart. This intimate connection between stem cells and the vasculature contributes to tissue homeostasis and repair. In this review, we focus on the regulation of stem and progenitor cells in different adult niches by blood vessels and the few mechanisms that are known to mediate this interaction.S

    Problemas socioemocionales asociados al afrontamiento improductivo en adolescentes

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    Los adolescentes están frecuentemente expuestos a estresores cotidianos, siendo los esfuerzos que despliegan para resolver estos estresores lo que se denomina afrontamiento. El afrontamiento implica acciones individuales e intencionales ante situaciones estresantes con el fin de recobrar el equilibrio. Frydenberg y Lewis (1991) desarrollan una tipología formada por tres estilos de afrontamiento empleados por los adolescentes, representando aspectos funcionales y disfuncionales: centrado en la resolución del problema, afrontamiento en referencia a otros y afrontamiento improductivo. Este último constituye una combinación de estrategias que muestran incapacidad para solucionar los problemas (e.g., preocuparse, ignorar el problema, reservarlo para sí, autoinculparse, etc.), asociándose a consecuencias emocionales negativas. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar la relación entre el estilo de afrontamiento improductivo y problemas socioemocionales (estresores percibidos, manifestaciones o respuestas de estrés, sintomatología internalizada/externalizada y agresividad) en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. La muestra ha estado compuesta por 652 adolescentes con edades comprendidas entre 12 y 14 años (M = 12.87, DT = 0.74), procedentes de diversos centros educativos de Málaga ubicados en zonas de nivel socioeconómico medio. Se han calculado las correlaciones entre las puntuaciones en afrontamiento improductivo y en los diversos indicadores de problemas socioemocionales. Los resultados muestran correlaciones más altas entre el afrontamiento improductivo y las medidas de estresores percibidos, manifestaciones de estrés y sintomatología internalizada. Estos resultados destacan la importancia de implementar programas para la mejora del afrontamiento en adolescentes, preferentemente integrados dentro del Proyecto Educativo de Centro.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Attitudes, behaviors, and barriers among adolescents living with obesity, caregivers, and healthcare professionals in Spain: ACTION Teens Survey Study

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    Although the prevalence of pediatric obesity is rising, understanding of the perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and barriers to effective obesity care among Spanish adolescents living with obesity (ALwO), their caregivers, and healthcare professionals (HCPs) is lacking. In 2021, the cross-sectional ACTION Teens survey study was conducted in 10 countries; results from the Spanish cohort are presented herein. The survey was completed by 648 ALwO, 644 caregivers, and 251 HCPs in Spain. A total of 25% of ALwO and 43% of caregivers thought that their/their child's weight was normal, and more caregivers than ALwO perceived the ALwO's health to be at least good (95% vs. 59%, respectively). Only 53% of ALwO and 9% of caregivers reported receiving an obesity diagnosis, despite HCPs reporting they provide diagnoses to 87% of ALwO/caregivers. Although 65% of HCPs felt that ALwO may not be comfortable discussing weight, only 26% of ALwO who had discussed weight with an HCP (n = 488) reported not feeling comfortable. Inability to control hunger was a key barrier to ALwO losing weight identified by ALwO/caregivers, but not HCPs. Improved communication between the three groups, a better understanding of barriers to weight loss, and improved health education on obesity are needed in order to enhance obesity care in Spain

    Role and mechanisms of callose priming in mycorrhiza-induced resistance

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    Mycorrhizal plants display enhanced resistance to several pathogens. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating mycorrhiza-induced resistance (MIR) are still elusive. We aim to study the mechanisms underlying MIR against Botrytis cinerea and the role of callose accumulation during this process. Mycorrhizal tomato plants inoculated with Rhizoglomus irregularis displayed callose priming upon B. cinerea infection. The callose inhibitor 2-deoxy-d-glucose abolished MIR, confirming the relevance of callose in the bioprotection phenomena. While studying the mechanisms underlying mycorrhiza-induced callose priming, we found that mycorrhizal plants display an enhanced starch degradation rate that is correlated with increased levels of β-amylase1 transcripts following pathogen infection. Starch mobilization in mycorrhizal plants seems coordinated with the increased transcription of sugar transporter and invertase genes. Moreover, the expression levels of genes encoding the vesicular trafficking proteins ATL31 and SYP121 and callose synthase PMR4 were higher in the mycorrhizal plants and further boosted by subsequent pathogen infection. All these proteins play a key role in the priming of callose accumulation in Arabidopsis, suggesting that callose priming is an induced resistance mechanism conserved in different plant species. This evidence highlights the importance of sugar mobilization and vesicular trafficking in the priming of callose as a defence mechanism in mycorrhiza-induced resistance

    Habilidades directivas y el clima organizacional en la Secretaría General del Gobierno Regional de Lambayeque

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    La presente investigación titulada Habilidades directivas y el clima organizacional en la Secretaría General del Gobierno Regional de Lambayeque, surgió después de efectuado el diagnóstico situacional, donde se constató en etapa facto perceptual: limitadas habilidades directivas y deficiente clima organizacional. En trabajo de campo se aplicaron dos cuestionarios, a veinticuatro colaboradores; se constataron objetiva y cartesianamente: 68 % ubicado en Zona B, reflejó que medianamente se desarrollaba administración eficaz, comunicación empática, actuación ética y resolución de problemas en variable: habilidades directivas; 51 % en Zona B, también expresó que medianamente se desarrollaba liderazgo democrático, fortalezas motivacionales, toma de decisiones y productividad organizacional en variable climático. El análisis de correlación reflejó: dimensión liderazgo democrático se correlacionó muy significativamente (0,01) con dimensiones: administración eficaz (Pearson: ,669**) y comunicación empática (Pearson: ,565**); dimensión fortalezas motivacionales se correlaciona muy significativamente (0.01) con dimensiones: administración eficaz (Pearson: ,697**) y comunicación empática (Pearson: ,5708**); dimensión toma de decisiones se correlaciona muy significativamente (0.01) con dimensiones: comunicación empática (Pearson: ,750**) y resolución de problemas (Pearson: ,674**). En dimensión productividad organizacional se observa existencia de interrelación muy significativa y positiva con dimensiones administración eficaz (Pearson: ,678**) y resolución de problemas (Pearson: ,580**