1,124 research outputs found

    Apoyo misional en la coordinación del ecosistema Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta

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    En los últimos años ha basado en gran medida su desarrollo económico en la explotación inadecuada de sus recursos, suponiendo una existencia ilimitada y un libre acceso a los mismos, esta situación ha llevado a un creciente deterioro expresado en la deforestación, la degradación del suelo, el desecamiento de las fuentes de agua, la pérdida de la calidad del aire y la reducción de la riqueza biológica. Siendo esta última, la más afectada puesto que no se incentiva el cuidado de aspectos que directa o indirectamente son las causas principales a esta perdida, principalmente la desertificación, los asentamientos humanos, destrucción de los hábitats naturales y la fragmentación de estos provocando que algunas especies queden aisladas. Por lo anterior, las autoridades ambientales del país decidieron tomar medidas que mitigaran estos impactos ambientales negativos generados en los recursos y en la naturaleza, con la creación de corporaciones autónomas regionales, establecidas en los distintos departamentos del país. CORPAMAG es el ente en el departamento del Magdalena encargado de regular y gestionar los recursos. En este sentido creo alternativas significativas que fortalecieron la calidad del servicio prestado subdividiendo el área en cinco ecosistemas claramente reconocidos e indispensables para la preservación de los recursos de la región: ecosistema costero, ecosistema Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, ecosistema valles y colinas de Ariguaní, ecosistema Humedales del Sur y ecosistema Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, este último bajo la jurisdicción del municipio de Pivijay conformado por los sectores de Salamina, el Reten, Remolino, El Piñón, Concordia, Cerro de San Antonio y Pivijay respectivamente. Grande de Santa Marta

    El inbound marketing como estrategia de atracción y fidelización de clientes para la adquisición de tarjetas de crédito de consumo en el sector bancario peruano

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    La presente investigación presenta como objetivo el elaborar un marco analítico del inbound marketing como estrategia para la atracción y fidelización de clientes para la adquisición de tarjetas de crédito de consumo en el sector bancario peruano. Al respecto se determinó que el inbound marketing es una estrategia que engloba herramientas no intrusivas tanto de marketing tradicional como de marketing digital, las cuales al implementarlas se puede concretar el acercamiento del consumidor y la organización, y sostener la relación a largo plazo con él. Esto se debe a que el inbound marketing establece las siguientes cuatro etapas: atraer, convertir, cerrar y fidelizar. Sin embargo, para fines de la presente investigación se estudiarán únicamente las etapas de atracción y fidelización dado que son las etapas más cruciales del proceso de captación y compra. Se ha determinado que la construcción del marco analítico del inbound marketing es importante, ya que al no contar con un número significativo de estudios empíricos, las organizaciones no cuentan con información suficiente para examinar la posibilidad de implementar el inbound marketing cómo su estrategia. A partir de ello, la investigación examina los enfoques teóricos del marketing y determina al marketing 4.0 como la etapa que se ajusta más dentro de las demandas del mercado actual. Asimismo, se expone a la estrategia del inbound marketing junto con sus etapas como la más potente para responder al problema planteado y se presentan diversos casos empíricos de los resultados de la implementación de la estrategia. Posteriormente, muestra la situación actual del sistema bancario peruano y las estrategias que presentan los principales bancos del Perú para la captación y fidelización de clientes. En consecuencia, se espera que con la presente investigación el inbound marketing se comprenda como la estrategia de marketing idónea para su aplicación en diversos sectores, específicamente en el sector bancario debido a su efectividad con la implementación de la estrategia en el mercado peruano. Para el cual se seleccionó el modelo de las 4C´s de Kotler debido que su enfoque se centra en el cliente y el contenido que se le provee al mism

    El inbound marketing para el incremento de la atracción en clientes de préstamos personales en la fintech Fio

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    Actualmente, la demanda de los usuarios se incrementa a través de canales no tradicionales, es por ello, que a nivel global se vienen implementando diversas metodologías de marketing con herramientas digitales. Ante esta demanda, el inbound marketing se presenta como una metodología no intrusiva durante el proceso de compra del usuario, generando contenido de valor ajustado a las necesidades y búsquedas personales. Así, se perfila como una oportunidad para que tantos las startups como las empresas consolidadas puedan atraer a un mayor porcentaje de usuarios y sobretodo, usuarios que representen una oportunidad de compra real para la organización. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general proponer un plan de implementación de la metodología inbound marketing, que permita incrementar la atracción de nuevos clientes. Por ello, la investigación presenta un marco teórico de las startups fintech y su modelo de desarrollo, luego se precisa la metodología propuesta, sus principales etapas y las alternativas de implementación de la misma. Posteriormente, se presentan los métodos de recolección de datos cualitativos, los cuales derivan de la opinión de expertos en marketing digital y bancario, expertos en el sector fintech en el Perú, usuarios potenciales que responden al target de la fintech y a sus clientes. En base a los hallazgos obtenidos en la fase exploratoria, se detallan los pasos a seguir para la etapa de atracción de potenciales clientes y se presentan las conclusiones de la investigación respecto a las oportunidadeshalladas para el sujeto de estudio

    Cobertura radicular mediante la utilización de un injerto subepitelial de tejido conectivo combinado con un colgajo pediculado avanzado coronalmente

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    Las recesiones gingivales son un hallazgo clínico muy frecuente que ocasionan problemas estéticos, hipersensibilidad dentaria y dificultad para llevar a cabo una correcta higiene oral en los pacientes. Uno de los objetivos de la terapia periodontal es corregir quirúrgicamente las recesiones; se han descrito una variedad de enfoques quirúrgicos como métodos efectivos para cubrir las superficies radiculares expuestas, siendo el injerto libre de tejido conectivo una de las técnicas que hoy en día ofrece un buen porcentaje de éxito y predecibilidad.Se presenta el caso de un paciente con retracción del margen gingival en el maxilar superior derecho; se describe el procedimiento quirúrgico usando una técnica bilaminar empleando un injerto subepitelial de tejido conectivo bajo un colgajo de espesor parcial posicionado coronalmente, y se obtienen buenos resultados estéticos y cobertura radicular. Palabras clave: Recesión gingival, cubrimiento radicular, injerto de tejido conectivo, colgajo de avance coronal.AbstractGingival recession is a very often clinic complaint which frecuently cause esthetic prob­­lems, hypersensibility and inadecuate oral hygiene to patients. One of the objetives of periodontal therapy is to correct gingival recession, for their treatment some techniques of mucogingival surgery have been designed, being the connective tissue graft, so far, one that offers good percentage of success as weIl as great predictibility. This clinical report describes a patient with gingival recession on the maxillar right side. A radicular covering using a bilaminar technique with a subepithelial connective tissue graft combined with a coronally advanced flap is used in order to solve the case providing good aesthetic results and root coverage. Key words: Gingival recession, root coverage, connective tissue graft, coronally advanced flap

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging, texture analysis and regression techniques to non-destructively predict the quality characteristics of meat pieces

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    The quality of meat products is traditionally assessed by chemical or sensorial analysis, which are time consuming, need specialized technicians and destroy the products. The development of new technologies to monitor meat pieces using non-destructive methods in order to establish their quality is earning importance in the last years. An increasing number of studies have been carried out on meat pieces combining Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), texture descriptors and regression techniques to predict several physico-chemical or sensorial attributes of the meat, mainly different types of pig ham and loins. In spite of the importance of the problem, the conclusions of these works are still preliminary because they only use the most classical texture descriptors and regressors instead of stronger methods, and because the methodology used to measure the performance is optimistic. In this work, we test a wide range of texture analysis techniques and regression methods using a realistic methodology to predict several physico-chemical and sensorial attributes of different meat pieces of Iberian pigs. The texture descriptors include statistical techniques, like Haralick descriptors, local binary patterns, fractal features and frequential descriptors, like Gabor or wavelet features. The regression techniques include linear regressors, neural networks, deep learning, support vector machines, regression trees, ensembles, boosting machines and random forests, among others. We developed experiments using 15 texture feature vectors, 28 regressors over 4 datasets of Iberian pig meat pieces to predict 39 physico-chemical and sensorial attributes, summarizing16,380 experiments. There is not any combination of texture vector and regressor which provides the best result for all attributes tested. Nevertheless, all these experiments provided the following conclusions: (1) the regressor performance, measured using the squared correlation (R2), is from good to excellent (above 0.5625) for 29 out of 39 attributes tested; (2) the WAPE (Weighted Absolute Percent Error) is lower than 2% for 32 out of 37 attributes; (3) the dispersion in computer predictions around the true attributes is lower or similar than the dispersion in the labeling expert’s for the majority of attributes (85%); and (4) differences between predicted and true values are not statistically significant for 29 out of 37 attributes using the Wilcoxon ranksum statistical test. We can conclude that these results provide a high reliability for an automatic system to predict the quality of meat pieces, which may operate on-line in the meat industries in the futureThe authors wish to acknowledge the funding received from the FEDER-MICCIN Infrastructure Research Project (UNEX-10-1E-402), Junta de Extremadura economic support for research group (GRU15173 and GRU15113), from the Xunta de Galicia (Centro singular de investigación de Galicia accreditation 2016–2019) and from the European Union (European Regional Development Fund — ERDF)S

    Clinical and Epidemiological Characteristics of Streptococcus suis Infections in Catalonia, Spain

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    Streptococcus suis (S. suis) is a human zoonotic pathogen of occupational origin, with infection acquired through contact with live pigs or pig meat. Pig farming is one of Catalonia's biggest industries and as a result this region of Spain has one of the highest density pig populations per km 2. The aim of our study was to describe the infections caused by S. suis occurring in that area over a 9-year period. A retrospective, multi-center study was carried out by searching records from 15 hospitals in Catalonia for the period between 2010 and 2019. Over the study period altogether nine cases of S. suis infection were identified in five hospitals, with five of these cases occurring in the 2018-2019 period. The mean age of patients was 48 ± 8.9 years and all of them were males. Five patients (55.6%) worked in pig farms. The most frequent manifestation of infection was meningitis (5 cases; 55.6%) followed by septic arthritis (3 cases; 33.3%). None of the patients died at 30 days; nonetheless, 4 developed hearing loss as a long-term complication. The most commonly identified S. suis infection was meningitis. Over 50% of the episodes occurred in the last 2 years and have affected pig farm workers. Further surveillance is needed in order to know its prevalence

    The Obestatin/GPR39 System Is Up-regulated by Muscle Injury and Functions as an Autocrine Regenerative System

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    Background: Satellite cell activation is orchestrated by several signals, which induce their differentiation into skeletal muscle fibers. Results: Obestatin and the GPR39 receptor exert an autocrine role on the control of myogenesis. Conclusion: Our data indicate that obestatin/GPR39 is an injury-regulated signal that functions as a myogenic regenerative system. Significance: Strategies to enhance obestatin-mediated signaling could be useful in treating trauma-induced muscle injuries and skeletal muscle myopathies

    Nrf2 Plays a Protective Role Against Intravascular Hemolysis-Mediated Acute Kidney Injury

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    Massive intravascular hemolysis is associated with acute kidney injury (AKI). Nuclear factor erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) plays a central role in the defense against oxidative stress by activating the expression of antioxidant proteins. We investigated the role of Nrf2 in intravascular hemolysis and whether Nrf2 activation protected against hemoglobin (Hb)/heme-mediated renal damage in vivo and in vitro. We observed renal Nrf2 activation in human hemolysis and in an experimental model of intravascular hemolysis promoted by phenylhydrazine intraperitoneal injection. In wild-type mice, Hb/heme released from intravascular hemolysis promoted AKI, resulting in decreased renal function, enhanced expression of tubular injury markers (KIM-1 and NGAL), oxidative and endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER), and cell death. These features were more severe in Nrf2-deficient mice, which showed decreased expression of Nrf2-related antioxidant enzymes, including heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) and ferritin. Nrf2 activation with sulforaphane protected against Hb toxicity in mice and cultured tubular epithelial cells, ameliorating renal function and kidney injury and reducing cell stress and death. Nrf2 genotype or sulforaphane treatment did not influence the severity of hemolysis. In conclusion, our study identifies Nrf2 as a key molecule involved in protection against renal damage associated with hemolysis and opens novel therapeutic approaches to prevent renal damage in patients with severe hemolytic crisis. These findings provide new insights into novel aspects of Hb-mediated renal toxicity and may have important therapeutic implications for intravascular hemolysis-related diseases.Supported by FIS/FEDER CP14/00008, CP16/00014, CP16/00017, PI15/00448, PI16/00735, PI16/02057, PI17/00130, PI17/01495, PI17/01700, ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD012/0021, RD016/0009 FEDER funds, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (RYC-2017-22369), Sociedad Española de Nefrología, Fundacion Renal Iñigo Álvarez de Toledo (FRIAT), Comunidad de Madrid CIFRA2 B2017/BMD-3686 and BMD-3827, Fundacion La Caixa, CaixaImpulse program CI17-00048, and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Disorders (CIBERDEM).S

    Nesfatin-1 in human and murine cardiomyocytes: synthesis, secretion, and mobilization of GLUT-4

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    Nesfatin-1, a satiety-inducing peptide identified in hypothalamic regions that regulate energy balance, is an integral regulator of energy homeostasis and a putative glucose-dependent insulin coadjuvant. We investigated its production by human cardiomyocytes and its effects on glucose uptake, in the main cardiac glucose transporter GLUT-4 and in intracellular signaling. Quantitative RT-PCR, Western blots, confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, and ELISA of human and murine cardiomyocytes and/or cardiac tissue showed that cardiomyocytes can synthesize and secrete nesfatin-1. Confocal microscopy of cultured cardiomyocytes after GLUT-4 labeling showed that nesfatin-1 mobilizes this glucose transporter to cell peripherals. The rate of 2-deoxy-D-[(3)H]glucose incorporation demonstrated that nesfatin-1 induces glucose uptake by HL-1 cells and cultured cardiomyocytes. Nesfatin-1 induced dose- and time-dependent increases in the phosphorylation of ERK1/2, AKT, and AS160. In murine and human cardiac tissue, nesfatin-1 levels varied with diet and coronary health. In conclusion, human and murine cardiomyocytes can synthesize and secrete nesfatin-1, which is able to induce glucose uptake and the mobilization of the glucose transporter GLUT-4 in these cells. Nesfatin-1 cardiac levels are regulated by diet and coronary health

    The structural role of SARS-CoV-2 genetic background in the emergence and success of spike mutations: The case of the spike A222V mutation

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    The S:A222V point mutation, within the G clade, was characteristic of the 20E (EU1) SARS-CoV-2 variant identified in Spain in early summer 2020. This mutation has since reappeared in the Delta subvariant AY.4.2, raising questions about its specific effect on viral infection. We report combined serological, functional, structural and computational studies characterizing the impact of this mutation. Our results reveal that S:A222V promotes an increased RBD opening and slightly increases ACE2 binding as compared to the parent S:D614G clade. Finally, S:A222V does not reduce sera neutralization capacity, suggesting it does not affect vaccine effectiveness