1,745 research outputs found

    El talento para comunicar libertad

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    Gamification as a resourse for improving English learning in primary education

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    La presente investigación ha buscado aumentar la motivación de los estudiantes mediante el uso de las TIC y la gamificación en el aprendizaje de la segunda lengua, el inglés, en niños de Educación Primaria. La metodología de investigación empleada, con un enfoque experimental, utilizó dos grupos de quinto de Educación Primaria en los que se aplicó el programa y otro grupo del mismo nivel a modo de grupo de control. Se recogieron datos relativos a las variables mediante un cuestionario de motivación y un sistema de evaluación de rúbricas que identifica la producción escrita del alumno. Posteriormente se realizó un análisis estadístico de los mismos, que confirmó la eficacia del programa. Los alumnos pertenecientes a los grupos experimentales mostraron incrementos estadísticamente significativos frente a los alumnos del grupo de control en el grado de motivación hacia el estudio de la asignatura y en el nivel de competencia lingüística en comunicación escritaThe present research has the goal to increase the motivation of students through the use of ICT and gamification in the second language learning in Primary Education. The methodology used was an experimental approach, with two groups of the fifth grade of Primary Education in which the program was applied and another group of the same level as a control group. Data related to the variables were collected through a study using a motivation questionnaire and a standard evaluation system based on a series of performance criteria that identifies the student's written production. Subsequently, a statistical analysis of them was carried out, which confirmed the effectiveness of the program. The students belonging to the experimental groups grew statistically significant compared to the students of the control group in the degree of motivation for the study of the subject and in the level of linguistic competence in written communicatio

    Estudio clínico de un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina

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    Se describe un brote de peritonitis infecciosa felina (P.L.F) en una comunidad de 6 gatos. La baja prevalencia de la enfermedad, la inespecificidad de sus síntomas y la complejidad del diagnóstico dieron como resultado que sólo se detectase la enfermedad en e! estudio ana tomo patológico post-mortern del primer caso. Posteriormente, este diagnóstico se confirmó mediante necropsia y análisishistopatológico de otro de los gatos que contrajeron la enfermedad. No se ha encontrado ninguna referencia anterior de esta enfermedad en España, por lo que creemos que se trata de la primera descripción de P.L.F en nuestro país.An outbreak offeline infectious peritonitis (F.l.P.) is described in a community of six cats. The low prevalence of the disease, the non-specific nature of its symptoms and the complexity of diagnosis gave, as their result, that it could only be detected in the post-mortem anatornical-pathological study of the first case. Later on, this diagnosis was supported by means of the necropsy and histopathological analysis of one of the other cats that caught the disease. No previous reference to this disease has been found in Spain, due to which we belieue this may be considered as thefirst description of Feline Infectious Peritonitis in our country

    Long-Tailed Unconventional Class I Myosins in Health and Disease

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    Long-tailed unconventional class I myosin, Myosin 1E (MYO1E) and Myosin 1F (MYO1F) are motor proteins that use chemical energy from the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to produce mechanical work along the actin cytoskeleton. On the basis of their motor properties and structural features, myosins perform a variety of essential roles in physiological processes such as endocytosis, exocytosis, cell adhesion, and migration. The long tailed unconventional class I myosins are characterized by having a conserved motor head domain, which binds actin and hydrolyzes ATP, followed by a short neck with an isoleucine-glutamine (IQ) motif, which binds calmodulin and is sensitive to calcium, and a tail that contains a pleckstrin homology domain (PH), a tail homology 1 domain (TH1), wherein these domains allow membrane binding, a tail homology 2 domain (TH2), an ATP-insensitive actin-binding site domain, and a single Src homology 3 domain (SH3) susceptible to binding proline rich regions in other proteins. Therefore, these motor proteins are able to bind actin, plasma membrane, and other molecules (adaptor, kinases, membrane proteins) that contribute to their function, ranging from increasing membrane tension to molecular trafficking and cellular adhesion. MYO1E and MYO1F function in host self-defense, with a better defined role in innate immunity in cell migration and phagocytosis. Impairments of their function have been identified in patients suffering pathologies ranging from tumoral processes to kidney diseases. In this review, we summarize our current knowledge of specific features and functions of MYO1E and MYO1F in various tissues, as well as their involvement in disease

    Economic Development, (A)symmetries and Local Geopolitics: A New Approach to Studying Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe

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    The article maps model(s) of cross-border cooperation in Europe by investigating the INTERREG program as a source of data to evaluate the intensity of collaboration and agency in the area. The authors view cross-border cooperation as an instrument for overcoming economic underdevelopment, often in the context of (a)symmetries. They also use a geopolitical approach to interpret their findings, despite the fact that these are local and regional relationships and are sometimes considered outside the regular purview of geopolitics. Qualitative and quantitative investigation of four internal borders in the European Union leads to several conclusions. First, the INTERREG program is the main instrument and source of funding for stimulating cross-border cooperation within the European Union. Second, when similar types of European cross-border projects are investigated, most of them reveal a concentration of project leaders and project partners on only one side of the border. This can be explained with administrative models revealing structural asymmetries as well as the rural/urban nature of the territorial units, uncovering an imbalance in potential on both sides of the border