10 research outputs found

    Utilização de modelos celulares em biscuit como prática alternativa para o ensino de Biologia

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    Buscando a integralização no processo educativo, este relato de experiência procurou demonstrar que a utilização de modelos celulares em biscuit auxilia e enriquece a compreensão do conhecimento em Biologia Celular, além de facilitar a articulação entre teoria e prática impactando vigorosamente no processo de formação docente. http://dx.doi.org/10.35700/ca.2021.ano8n15.p122-126.294

    Testicular morphometry of adult Wistar rats treated with aqueous infusion of catuaba (Trichilia catigua A. Juss. Meliaceae)

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    Ao longo das últimas décadas tem aumentado a procura por substâncias de origem vegetal que possam atuar no sistema reprodutor auxiliando no desempenho das funções sexuais, principalmente de machos. Porém, pouco se tem feito para avaliar o efeito dessas substâncias nos órgãos reprodutores. Neste trabalho foram avaliados os efeitos dos extratos de Trichilia catigua e da solução de Catuama® sobre a biometria corporal, glândula vesicular, túbulos seminíferos e componentes do espaço intersticial testicular de ratos Wistar adultos. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos de 9 indivíduos cada, sendo um grupo controle, dois grupos que receberam infusão aquosa de catuaba (T. catigua; 36 e 72 mg/animal/dia) e um grupo que recebeu solução aquosa de Catuama® (0,7 mL/kg/animal/dia). Em todos os tratamentos observou-se manutenção das massas corporais, testiculares e de glândulas vesiculares, sendo que o índice gonadossomático apresentou aumento significativo em animais tratados com a solução de Catuama®, em relação ao grupo tratado com a maior concentração de catuaba. Quando considerado o parênquima testicular, não foram observadas variações significativas com relação ao diâmetro, volume e comprimento de túbulos seminíferos, assim como da altura do epitélio seminífero. Os extratos e solução administrados promoveram diminuição significativa da proporção das células de Leydig e macrófagos em todos os animais tratados. Os volumes nuclear, citoplasmático e de cada célula de Leydig sofreram reduções importantes nos grupos tratados, bem como o volume total ocupado por estas células por grama e peso total testicular. Estes resultados mostram que as infusões ministradas durante o experimento causaram efeito deletério sobre a população e volume de células de Leydig nos testículos dos animais tratados.Throughout the last decades, it was observed an increase of the search for substances of vegetal origin, which can act in the reproductive organs assisting in the performance of the sexual functions, mainly of males. However, a few works have been doing to evaluate the effect of those substances in the reproductive organs. The effect of the extracts of Trichilia catigua and the solution of Catuama® had been evaluated, based on the corporal biometric values, and on the morphometry of the vesicular gland, seminiferous tubules and components of the interstitial space, in the testes of adult Wistar rats. The animals had been separated in four groups of 9 individuals each, with one control group, two groups that had received watery catuaba (T. catigua) infusion (36 and 72 mg/animal/day) and a group that has received Catuama® watery solution (0.7 mL/kg/animal/day). In all the treatments, we observed the maintenance of the corporal, testicular and seminal vesicles weights, seeing that the gonadosomatic index presented significant increase in those animals dealt with the Catuama® solution, when compared as the group dealt with the higher concentration of catuaba. The testicular parenchyma didn t show significant variations in the diameter, volume and length of seminiferous tubules, as well as of the height of the seminiferous epithelium. The managed extracts and solution had promoted significant reduction of the ratio of the Leydig cells and macrophages in all treated animals. Nuclear and cytoplasmic volumes from each Leydig cells had suffered important reductions in the treated groups, as well as the total volume occupied by these cells per gram of testis and per testis. These results show that the given infusions caused a deleterious effect on the population and volume of Leydig cells in the testes of the animals.Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerai

    Effects of nó-de-cachorro infusion (Heteropterys aphrodisiaca, O. Mach.) on the morphology and testicular structure of male adult Wistar rats submitted to endurance exercise

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    Orientador: Mary Anne Heidi DolderTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de BiologiaResumo: A espécie Heteropterys aphrodisiaca é amplamente utilizada como afrodisíaca. Estudos mostram o potencial efeito estimulante sobre o tamanho das vesículas seminais e de populações de células de Leydig em ratos, ambos andrógenos dependentes. Neste trabalho foi proposto o tratamento com a infusão de H. aphrodisiaca aliado ao exercício de resistência física com o intuito de observar seus efeitos nos testículos de ratos. Foram utilizados ratos Wistar (90 dias) divididos em 4 grupos (n=10, cada): controles - água, sedentário e com treinamento físico; tratados com H. aphrodisiaca (104mg/kg/dia) sedentário e com treinamento físico. O experimento teve duração total de 56 dias. Foi realizada dosagem de testosterona plasmática e avaliados parâmetros morfométricos e estereológicos do parênquima testicular. No epitélio seminífero, foram contados os números de células germinativas e somáticas, calculando-se o rendimento da espermatogênese, índices mitótico e meiótico e eficiência e capacidade de células de Sertoli. Foi realizado Western Blotting para quantificação da concentração de receptores de andrógeno, e TUNEL para determinação de porcentagem de células apoptóticas. A concentração de testosterona circulante foi significativamente maior nos animais tratados e sedentários. Os diâmetros médios tubulares dos animais treinados foram maiores quando comparados aos dos animais sedentários. Não ocorreram variações significativas quanto ao volume do tecido intersticial, na proporção de macrófagos, espaço linfático e vasos sanguíneos. Entretanto, ocorreram diminuições significativas na proporção de tecido conjuntivo em ambos os grupos que receberam a infusão vegetal. Houve aumentos significativos do diâmetro e volume nucleares das células de Leydig dos animais treinados. Houve diminuição significativa do número de células de Leydig por grama de parênquima testicular nos animais controle/treinados quando comparados aos outros grupos experimentais. O grupo tratado/treinado apresentou o maior índice de mitoses espermatogoniais, sendo significativamente maior que a média do grupo sedentário/tratado. As curvas de rendimento e índice mitótico possuem mesmo padrão de distribuição, entretanto, para o índice meiótico, o grupo sedentário/tratado mostrou as maiores médias quando comparado aos dois grupos controle, sedentário e treinado. Não houve alteração de índices apoptóticos tampouco na concentração de receptores androgênicos entre os grupos experimentais. O protocolo de treinamento aplicado no presente experimento não acarretou em danos no parênquima testicular, como tem sido afirmado em outros experimentos envolvendo exercício aeróbico. Contudo, a infusão de nó-de-cachorro parece influenciar tanto no estímulo de células de Leydig, com aumento do volume celular, quanto no comportamento espermatogonial, induzindo mitoses e aumentando o rendimento geral do processo espermatogênicoAbstract: The species Heteropterys aphrodisiaca is traditionally used as an aphrodisiac. Some studies showed its stimulating potential of seminal vesicle and Leydig cell population growth, both androgen dependent. In this study, we proposed to observe the effects of H. aphrodisiaca infusion treatment combined with endurance exercise protocol. For this investigation, 40 adult Wistar rats (90 days) were used (4 groups, n = 10 each): two controls receiving water, sedentary and trained, and two treated with H. aphrodisiaca (104mg/kg/dia), sedentary and trained. The experiment lasted for 56 days. Plasma testosterone concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay. Morphometrical and stereological parameters were evaluated from the testicular parenchyma. The numbers of somatic and germ cells were estimated by counting the seminiferous epithelium cell population. Also, the spermatogenic yield, meiotic and mitotic index, efficiency and capacity of Sertoli cells were estimated. Western blotting was performed to quantify the concentration of androgen receptors, and TUNEL technique to determine the percentage of apoptotic cells within the seminiferous tubules. Control/trained animals showed a significant decrease in body mass gain compared to sedentary animals. The testosterone concentrations were significantly higher in treated/sedentary animals. The mean tubular diameters of trained animals were higher when compared to sedentary animals. There were no significant differences regarding the volume of interstitial tissue, the proportion and volume of macrophages, lymphatic space and blood vessels. However, the treated/sedentary group showed lower connective tissue content compared with the control/sedentary, as well as the diminished volume of Leydig cells, compared with the treated/trained group. There was a significant increase of both nuclear diameter and volume of Leydig cells in trained animals. On the other hand, there was a significant decrease of Leydig cell number per gram of testicular parenchyma in control/trained animals. Considering the spermatogenesis dynamics, both treated groups showed the highest spermatogenic yield, in relation to the control/trained group. The treated/trained group showed the highest index of spermatogonial mitosis - significantly higher than the sedentary/treated one. Spermatogenic yield and mitotic index showed the same distribution pattern when plotted on graphs; however, the meiotic index was significantly higher only in the sedentary/treated group. The apoptotic indexes, as well as the androgen receptor concentrations were not affected by the protocols employed. Treatment with the plant infusion did not lead to an increase of the parameters analyzed. However, the infusion seems to stimulate either the Leydig cell (increase of cell volume) or the spermatogonial behavior, inducing more mitosis and increasing the spermatogenic yieldDoutoradoBiologia CelularDoutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutura

    Study of the ventral prostate of Wistar rats treated with Heteropterys tomentosa (A. Juss.)

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    Heteropterys tomentosa is a Brazilian plant traditionally used as an aphrodisiac and stimulant. Previous studies suggested possible androgenic and antioxidant effects after long term administration of H. tomentosa infusion. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of this plant infusion on the rat ventral prostate: an androgen responsive organ. Wistar rats were treated, by gavage, with H. tomentosa roots infusion (treated group, n=6) or water (control group, n=6) for 56 days. Morphological, morphometrical and stereological analyses were employed to study the ventral prostate tissue, as well as androgen receptor and apoptotic cell staining. The ultrastructure of the prostatic epithelium was also analyzed. No alteration was observed in the stereological and morphometrical analyses. The pattern of androgen receptor expression and the apoptotic index were identical in the control and treated group. Ultrastructural analysis showed no alterations caused by H. tomentosa. These results suggested that treatment with H. tomentosa infusion, although considered a strong aphrodisiac, did not cause any major damage nor benefit to the prostate tissue

    Doxycycline hyclate may damage testicular germinal epithelium in Wistar rats

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    Broad-spectrum antimicrobial doxycycline acts as an inhibitor of protein synthesis and it is widely used in the clinical treatment of various infections by microorganisms that are sensitive to the drug, as well as in animal feed. Its liposolubility guarantees its high tissue bioavailability, being associated with several biochemical changes in the organism and potentially adverse effects on reproduction. This study aims to evaluate the effects of the action of doxycycline on spermatogenesis to provide a complete analysis of the tubular and interstitial compartments and to identify possible changes in the testicular parenchyma. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into three groups: one control (water), and two treated with doxycycline at the doses of 10mg/kg and 30mg/kg, for 30 days. After euthanasia and sample processing, the following parameters were evaluated: a) tubular diameter and height of the seminiferous epithelium; b) volumetric proportions (%) and volumes (mL) of the components of the testicular parenchyma; c) counting testicular germ cell populations; d) evaluation of cell viability. The results of the comparative evaluation between the experimental groups demonstrated a significant increase in the diameter and area of the tubular lumen and a reduction in the count of spermatogonia in the experimental group that received doxycycline hyclate at a dose of 30mg/kg. In the same experimental group, an increase in the overall yield of spermatogenesis was found as a consequence of the increase in the mitotic index

    Reproductive biology of Oligosarcus argenteus (Gunther, 1864) adult males and description of the gonadal maturation stages

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    Oligosarcus argenteus belongs to the Acestrorhynchinae subfamily, being restricted to South America, and found in several Brazilian hydrographic basins, in lotic and lentic environments, where they are able to reproduce. With the purpose of studying the reproductive biology of the males from this species, many morphological parameters were analyzed during a 24 month period, as well as characterizing the different testicular maturation stages. A maturity scale, with three stages (I - Initial Maturing, II - Intermediate Maturing, III - Final Maturing) was proposed for the adult males of Oligosarcus argenteus. The reproductive period was established by the bimonthly frequency of spermatogenesis and by the gonadal maturation stages.<br>Oligosarcus argenteus é uma espécie pertencente à subfamília Acestrorhynchinae, restrita à América do Sul, sendo comumente encontrada nas várias bacias hidrográficas brasileiras, em ambientes lóticos e lênticos, onde se reproduzem. Com o objetivo de estudar a biologia reprodutiva de machos desta espécie, vários parâmetros morfológicos foram analisados durante um período de 24 meses, assim como foram caracterizados os diferentes estádios de maturação testicular. Estes foram descritos, considerando-se exemplares adultos, em: Estádio I - Maturação Inicial, Estádio II - Maturação Intermediária e Estádio III - Maturação Final. Pela freqüência bimestral das células germinativas e dos estádios de maturação gonadal, a época de reprodução foi determinada