2,163 research outputs found

    El valor del esfuerzo a través del cine

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    El cine no es solo ocio, es también un importante recurso educativo que no se tiene en cuenta hoy en día. Aprender a ver cine y aprender mediante su visionado es algo necesario en la sociedad actual, los niños deben trabajar con esta herramienta. El cine debe comenzar a verse como una nueva fuente de conocimiento, como si de un libro se tratase. En este documento se defiende el cine como recurso pedagógico enfocado a la educación en valores, se pretende demostrar como mediante la utilización de este recurso podemos incidir en la educación de los alumnos, fomentando actitudes enfocadas a considerar el esfuerzo como una filosofía de vida.Grado en Educación Primari

    Continuidades y discontinuidades en los diferentes espacios de la práctica docente, en la enseñanza de las Ciencias Económicas El caso EDJA Polimodal Nº 6

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    El inicio del presente trabajo de investigación, desarrollado entre dos instituciones (EDJA y UNPA-UART), fue motivado por los diversos interrogantes surgidos durante el trayecto de formación en el Taller de Práctica Docente. Los integrantes de ambas instituciones, pudieron observar en su trabajo habitual características predominantes en el desempeño de los practicantes, con lo cual se dio fundamento a la presentación del proyecto en cuestión

    General approach to prepare polymers bearing pendant isocyanate groups

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    A versatile synthetic approach for the easy preparation, under smooth reaction conditions, of diverse classes of linear polymers bearing aliphatic or aromatic isocyanate groups in the side chains is described. The procedure consists in the transformation of primary amine groups present in the polymer into isocyanates using equimolar amounts of diphosgene or triphosgene and a soluble tertiary amine as the acid scavenger. The transformation of all amine groups takes place quasi-simultaneously and instantaneously as shown by the invariability of the chain length of the polymer and the absence of crosslinked products. The number of isocyanate groups per molecule that can be achieved by this approach corresponds to the number of primary amine groups of the starting polymer and is up to three orders of magnitude higher than in any other non-crosslinked molecule described so far. The isocyanate functionalized polymers can be used to anchor a large variety of molecules to the polymer chains. The approach is in detail demonstrated with poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) carrying aromatic amine groups but has also been confirmed by using a number of other polymer types bearing both aromatic and aliphatic primary amines. Furthermore, it has been used to prepare a novel low molecular weight compound, tris(2-cyanatoethyl)amine.The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Grants MAT2013-42957-R, and RTI2018-096636-J-I0

    Fish and Coral Reef Communities of the Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (Veracruz Coral Reef System National Park) Veracruz, Mexico: Preliminary Results

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    Effective resource management requires robust baseline datasets and efficient monitoring programs to identify and quantify temporal change. The Parque Nacional Sistema Arrecifal Veracruzano (Veracruz Coral Reef System National Park) encompasses a total of 52000ha including 23 coral reefs in two island groups separated by the mouth of the Jamapa River; one near the port of Veracruz, Mexico and one approximately 20km south near Punta Antón Lizardo. Both groups receive substantial fisheries pressure and other anthropogenic impacts. Using non-destructive, visual methods we surveyed fish and benthic assemblages at 18 sites, which included 10 individual coral reefs within the Park. For fishes, 221 point-count and 97 rover-diver surveys were conducted. In total, 92975 fish of 155 species were recorded. Using point-count data, fish abundance differed between Veracruz and Antón Lizardo sites (mean ± SEM: Veracruz = 535.52 ± 78.13; Antón Lizardo = 300.08 ± 30.68; p\u3c0.01, ANOVA). In contrast, there was no difference in fish species richness between these sites (Veracruz = 18.22 ± 0.36; Antón Lizardo = 18.75 ± 0.45); nor were there apparent differences in the MDS plot of Bray-Curtis similarity indices. A total of 27 stony coral species was identified on 170, 30-m point-intercept transects. Species richness ranged from 8 to 14 per site. Stony coral cover ranged from 4% to 38% with a mean of 22%. Other important functional groups included turf algae, macroalgae, and coralline algae. These groups generally contributed more to benthic cover than sponges or octocorals. Evidence of disease within the stony coral community was seen at all sites

    Mothers-Offspring Resemblance in Intelligence and Its Relationship to Socioeconomic Status

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    Estudos familiares demonstram que grande parte da variância das habilidades cognitivas é atribuída à variância genotípica. Além disso, correlações de parentesco possuem, geralmente, maiores valores quando as tarefas são altamente carregadas de g, fenômeno conhecido como "efeito Jensen". No entanto, em outra linha de investigação, estudos sugerem que o nível socioeconômico é um fator importante para explicar as diferenças cognitivas. O presente estudo investigou essas premissas em uma amostra de 141 mães (idade media = 36,6; DP = 6,0) e seus filhos (53,2% meninas;idade média = 11,0; DP = 2,1). Administrou-se as Matrizes Progressivas de Raven (em mães e filhos) e seis outras medidas cognitivas (nos filhos). Os resultados sugeriram uma evidência de herdabilidade em g (efeito Jensen). No entanto, os coeficientes de correlações familiares foram menores (0,041 a 0,177) a outros comumemente publicados. Por outro lado, a diferença entre os scores de QI das mães e de seus filhos foi influenciada pelo nível socioeconômico (NSE) e pelo nível de escolaridade da mãe. No geral, advoga-se por uma interação gene x ambiente das diferenças de habilidades cognitivas dependente do contexto socio-econômico.Los estudios familiares han mostrado que gran parte de la varianza de las habilidades cognitivas es dada por la varianza genotípica. Además, las correlaciones de parentesco generalmente tienen mayor valor cuando las tareas demandan alto g, fenómeno conocido como "efecto Jensen". Sin embargo, considerando otra línea de investigación, los estudios sugieren que el nivel socioeconómico es un factor importante para explicar las diferencias cognitivas. El presente estudio investigó estas premisas en una muestra de 141 madres (edad media = 36,6; DT = 6,0) y sus hijos (53,2% niñas; edad media = 11,0; DT = 2,1). Fue administrado las Matrices Progresivas de Raven (en madres y niños) y otras seis medidas cognitivas (en niños). Los resultados sugieren evidencia de herdabilidad en g (efecto Jensen), hallazgo consistente con la literatura. Con todo, los coeficientes de correlación de parentesco fueron inferiores (0.041 a 0.177) en comparación con otras publicaciones. Finalmente, la diferencia entre las puntuaciones de CI de madres y sus hijos fue influenciado por el nivel socioeconómico (SES) y el nivel educativo de la madre.Kinship studies have shown that most cognitive ability variances are attributable to genotypic variance. Additionally, kinship correlations are generally increased when tasks that are highly g loaded are considered, a result known as the "Jensen effect". Alternatively, some studies have suggested socioeconomic status as an important factor for explaining differences in cognition. The present study investigated these premises in a sample of 141 mothers (mean age = 36.6; SD = 6.0) and their offspring (53.2% girls; mean age = 11.0; SD = 2.1). The Standard Progressive Matrices of Raven (mothers and offspring) and six other cognitive measures (offspring only) were administered. The findings suggested evidence of g heritability (Jensen effect), which is consistent with published literature on intelligence. However, kinship correlation coefficients were lower (.041 to .177) when compared to other published findings. Finally, the difference between the mother's IQ score and that of her child was influenced by SES and mother's education level

    Anti-inflammatory Effects and Safety of Extracts and Essential Oil from Clinopodium gilliesii (muña muña)

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    The chemical machinery of vegetables offers a great diversity of biological properties and plays a fundamental role in the field of pharmacology. The search for new drugs with fewer adverse effects represents a challenge for researchers. The objective of the present work was to carry out to investigate the medicinal properties and safety of extracts and essential oil from aerial parts of Clinopodium gilliesii (muña muña) and evaluate their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities in vivo. The extractions were carried out serially, using 96º alcohol (EE) and boiled distilled water (AE). The essential oil (EO) was obtained by steam dragging. The AE in vivo antiinflammatory activity was determined by carrageenan induced plantar edema (acute inflammation) and granuloma formation by cotton disc (chronic inflammation) at oral doses of 250 and 500 mg/kg while that of the EO was established topically at doses of 50, 100µl/kg. In-vitro antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH depuration and inhibition of lipid peroxidation (β-carotene-linoleic acid method). Chemical study of the extracts was carried out by means of phytochemical screening and the essential oil was analyzed by GC-MS chromatography. The safety was evaluated with test of acute toxicity (48 h) and acute dermal toxicity (14 days). The results revealed that EE and EO had a significant acute and chronic anti-inflammatory activity, compared with positive patterns. EE (500 mg/kg), EO (100µl/kg), ibuprofen (100 mg/kg) and meprednisone (5 mg/kg) significantly reduced the weight of the exudate and cotton disc granuloma (24.17, 35.30, 45.56 and 57.17% respectively). The alcoholic and aqueous extracts presented important antioxidant activities with values higher than 90% (from 400μg/ml) in both methods and similar to the positive patterns (BHT and quercetin). The chromatographic profile of volatile oil compounds showed a great richness in terpene substances, pulegone, menthone and neomenthol, being its major constituents. The hydroalcoholic extracts revealed the presence of reducing compounds, polysaccharides, tannins, triterpenes, sterols and coumarins as major phytoconstituents. In the acute toxicity study, a single dose of 4000 and 8000 mg/kg b.w., produced no mortality and no clinical signs of disease were observed after 48 h. The essential oil at a single dose of 2000 and 5000 mg/kg of body weight did not produce treatment-related signs of toxicity or mortality in all rats tested during the 14 day observation period. These findings are encouraging to continue studies for the validation of popular use and development of a phytopharmaceutical with medicinal utility.Fil: Reynoso, Marcos Adrian. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Balderrama Coca, Maria Elizabeth. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Brodkiewicz, Ivana Yanina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Jaime, Gloria Susana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Perotti, Marina Elvira. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Shuff, Carola. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Nancy Roxana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Bioquímica, Química y Farmacia; Argentin

    Synthesis and characterization of nano Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides to be used as natural sorbents and micronutrient fertilizers

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    Fe and Mn (hydr)oxides are widely used as contaminant sorbents in water/wastewater systems but their potential use as micronutrient fertilizers is still poorly known. In this research, four nano-metal (hydr)oxides (amorphous Mn oxide (AMO), Fe-Mn binary oxide (FMBO), two-line ferrihydrite (2L-Fh) and goethite) were successfully synthesized and completely characterized (infrared and Mössbauer spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction particle size, specific surface area, point of zero charge). AMO, FMBO and 2L-Fh were introduced to interact with AgNO3 (20.0 µM) and TlNO3 (100.0 µM) diluted solutions for three days to check their potential capability as potential Ag+ and Tl+ adsorbents. AMO and FMBO (4% w/w) were tested as nanofertilizers by arranging a hydroponic bioassay for 35 days on white lupin culture as a Mn-hyperaccumulator plant model. AMO structure was identified as an amorphous mixture of Mn oxides while FMBO was an Fe dopped birnessite. Both materials were efficient in extracting Ag+ and Tl+ although large Mn concentration was released from FMBO to the solutions. AMO and FMBO promoted Fe and Mn nutrition in plants. Synthetic iron chelate (Fe-EDDHA), present in the nutrient dissolution, could be adsorbed onto AMO surface by producing Fe and Mn accumulation in roots and increasing Mn uptake rate without toxicity symptoms. Therefore, AMO and FMBO not only demonstrated their efficiency as adsorbents, but also displayed they would be promising nanomaterials as micronutrient fertilizer

    Precipitaciones intensas en las zonas del este y del sureste peninsulares (Dic-2016 y Mar-2017)

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    En el área mediterránea se dan a menudo episodios de precipitaciones intensas. Hemos elegido dos episodios de este tipo en el este y sureste de la Península para estudiarlos en detalle en este capítulo, uno en torno al 18 de diciembre de 2016 (examinado desde otros puntos de vista en el capítulo 50 en la página 827 de este volumen) y el otro centrado en el 13 de marzo de 2017. En ambos se registraron precipitaciones muy fuertes, incluso torrenciales. Analizamos el comportamiento de los sistemas de predicción del Centro Europeo de Predicción a Medio Plazo (ECMWF, cap. 19 en la página 315), tanto el modelo de alta resolución ECHRES (sec. 19.2 en la página 317) como el sistema de predicción por conjuntos ECENS (sec. 19.3 en la página 319)

    Diagnóstico operativo empresarial para industrias Printex S.A.C.

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    En el presente trabajo, se desarrolló el Diagnóstico Operativo Empresarial a Industrias Printex S.A.C., empresa que forma parte del conglomerado empresarial Crystal S.A.S. que concentra sus operaciones en Colombia. Industrias Printex S.A.C. que está ubicada en la ciudad de Armenia, desarrolla, produce y comercializa prendas textiles con la tecnología Seamless o sin costuras tanto para marcas propias como para clientes externos. El objetivo principal del diagnóstico es analizar los procesos y operaciones de las diferentes áreas de la empresa y proponer oportunidades de mejora que ayuden a elevar la rentabilidad y proponer planes de acción para capitalizar estas mejoras. Las mejoras propuestas en esta tesis fueron previamente compartidas y analizadas con las directivas de la empresa. Todas ellas fueron valorizadas y se implementarán de acuerdo a las prioridades definidas en el capítulo final de este documento. Se espera que las mejoras estén completamente implementadas en el paso de 12 meses y generen un ahorro anual de US$ 642,800. Ello representa aproximadamente un 0.3% sobre las ventas del Grupo Crystal S.A.S.In the present thesis, the Business Operational Diagnostic was developed for Industrias Printex S.A.C., a company that is part of Grupo Crystal S.A.S. which concentrates its operations in Colombia. Industrias Printex, located in the city of Armenia, develops, produces and sells textile garments with Seamless technology for both own brands and for external customers. The main objective of the diagnostic is to analyze the processes and operations of the different areas of the company and recommend improvement opportunities that help raise profitability and suggest action plans to capitalize on these improvements. The improvements suggested in this thesis were previously shared and analyzed with the company's management. All of them were considered valuable and will be implemented according to the priorities defined in the final chapter of this document. The improvements are expected to be fully implemented in around 12 months and their accumulated savings will be USD 642,800 per year. Which represents approximately 0.3% on sales of Crystal S.A.S.Tesi

    Knee Viscosupplementation: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis between Stabilized Hyaluronic Acid in a Single Injection versus Five Injections of Standard Hyaluronic Acid

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    Given the wide difference in price per vial between various presentations of hyaluronic acid, this study seeks to compare the effectiveness and treatment cost of stabilized hyaluronic acid (NASHA) in a single injection with standard preparations of hyaluronic acid (HA) in five injections in osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Fifty-four patients with knee osteoarthritis (Kellgren–Lawrence Grade II and III) and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) pain score greater than 7, with a homogeneous distribution of age, sex, BMI, and duration of disease, were included in this study. Patients were randomized into two groups: Group I was treated with NASHA (Durolane®) and Group II with HA (Go-ON®). Patient’s evolution was followed up at the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, and 26th week after treatment. A statistically significant improvement in WOMAC score was observed for patients treated with NASHA versus those who received HA at Week 26. In addition, the need for analgesia was significantly reduced at Week 26 in the NASHA-treated group. Finally, the economic analysis showed an increased cost of overall treatment with HA injections. Our data support the use of the NASHA class of products in the treatment of knee OA