398 research outputs found

    “Interpretasi Motif Ornamen Bada Mudiak Di Minangkabau”

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami falsafah motif bada mudiak di Minangkabau, menafsir kembali hubungannya dengan falsafah “alam takambang jadi guru”. Tentang penciptaan motif, hubungannya dengan alam dan reinterpretasi motif yang berlandaskan doktrin adat Minangkabau yaitu Adat bersendi syara', syara' bersendi Kitabullah. Menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka. Orang Minangkabau menamakan tanah airnya Alam Minangkabau. Pemakaian kata alam itu mengandung makna yang tidak bertara, seperti yang diungkapkan dalam mamangannya: Alam takambang jadi guru. Penciptaan karya ornamen Bada Mudiak di Minangkabau merupakan ekspresi dari hasil interpretasi yang berasal dari pengamatan terhadap alam, seperti tumbu-tumbuhan, hewan, serta benda keperluan sehari-hari. Seni Islam menolak untuk menggambarkan manusia dan mahkluk hidup karena ada keyakinan dan kepercayaan yang mengarahkan senimannya ke arah produk kreatif tertentu, doktrin Adat bersendi syara', syara' bersendi Kitabullah, meletakkan agama Islam sebagai sumber utama dalam pandangan hidup orang Minangkabau, sehingga visualisasinya cendrung mengarah pada seni yang abstrak (sarian) dan geometrik

    Hemorragia periintraventricular em recém-nascidos menores de 1500 gramas: anålise comparativa entre duas instituiçÔes

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    PURPOSE: This study aims to characterize the peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in the neonatal period in very low birth weight newborns in 2 institutions that provide neonatal tertiary assistance. METHOD: This was a comparative and observational study in 2 neonatal intensive care units, the Maternity Hospital of Campinas and the "Centro de Atenção Integrada Ă  SaĂșde da Mulher" of the State University of Campinas, from December 01, 1998 to November 30, 1999. We examined 187 newborns for peri-intraventricular hemorrhages, using transfontanel ultrasound (76 and 11 respectively at the first and second unit), and classified them into 4 grades. We observed their gender, intrauterine growth, weight, and gestational age at birth. RESULTS: We diagnosed 34 cases of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages (13 and 21, respectively), and both groups differed as to the birth weight and the adequacy of weight to the gestational age at birth. There was no difference in the prevalence or extent of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages among cases. There was a statistically significant occurrence of lower birth weight at gestational ages of less than 30 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in our study was compared to that reported in the world literature. Although the cases of the second institution had a smaller mean birth weight, the prevalence of peri-intraventricular hemorrhages was similar to that at the first institution, probably because in the first one, 69% of the gestational ages of the neonates with hemorrhage were less than 30 weeks as compared to 48% in the second one. We stress the importance of the ultrasonographic method for diagnosing peri-intraventricular hemorrhages in very low birth weight newborns.OBJETIVO: Caracterização das hemorragias periintraventriculares no perĂ­odo neonatal, em recĂ©m-nascidos de muito baixo peso

    Application of flow cytometry analysis to elucidate the impact of scale-down conditions in Escherichia coli cultivations P. Gil Salvador 2013 Award in Bioengineering category. (November 22, 2013 in the Annual General Assembly of the AIQS)

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    Inhomogeneities appear in large-scale fed-batch bioprocesses;especially when the distribution of the feedingsolution and of the oxygen is uneven. In order to studythe consequences of these heterogenic conditions on theculture, scale-down bioreactor experiments have beendesigned. These studies have revealed that cells exposedto oscillatory conditions are affected on various cellularlevels of regulation. However, not many of these studieshave been performed on the observation of the behaviourof the single cell level of Escherichia coli. Therefore, flowcytometry (FCM) is chosen as analytical tool to study thecellular viability in the scale-down approaches of a twocompartment reactor (Two-CR) and a newly establishedthree compartment reactor (Three-CR). An optimization ofdifferent staining methods applied in these experiments isalso performed, since staining procedures for flow cytometrystudies of bacterial populations are still not well-established yet

    Avaliação neurológica de recém-nascidos com hemorragia intraventricular e periventricular

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    We studied the clinical aspects of 100 consecutive premature newborns with and without intraventricular and periventricular hemorrhage (IPVH).The diagnosis of IPVH was obtained by ultrasonic scans of the skull during the first week of life and at the age of one month. Forty eight percent of newborns with IPVH had abnormal results, and there was a significant correlation with the neurological evaluation in 85% of the infants. The probability of normality for a child with no associated brain abnormalities was 72%, whereas for a child of the same gestational age with associated brain abnormalities was 48.7%.Foram estudados os aspectos clĂ­nicos de 100 recĂ©m-nascidos prematuros, com e sem hemorragia periventricular-intraventricular (HPIV). O diagnĂłstico foi obtido atravĂ©s de exames ultra-sonogrĂĄficos de crĂąnio, realizados durante a primeira semana de vida e na idade corrigida de um mĂȘs.Quarenta e oito por cento dos recĂ©m-nascidos com HPVI evidenciaram resultados anormais, sendo a correlação significativa com a evolução neurolĂłgica, em 85% das crianças. Crianças que nĂŁo apresentaram anormalidades cerebrais associadas tiveram 72% de probabilidade de manter a evolução normal, enquanto para crianças da mesma idade gestacional porĂ©m com anormalidades cerebrais associadas, a probabilidade foi 48,7%.36637

    Estudo clĂ­nico da influĂȘncia da força de mordida e do padrĂŁo facial na resistĂȘncia Ă  fratura de diferentes tipos de coroas de cerĂąmicas

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    As cerĂąmicas odontolĂłgicas utilizadas para a confecção de restauraçÔes estĂ©ticas indiretas podem ser acometidas por trincas ou fraturas durante a vida Ăștil em meio bucal. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a influĂȘncia das caracterĂ­sticas sociodemogrĂĄficas e do padrĂŁo facial na força mĂĄxima de mordida e, consequentemente, na incidĂȘncia de fraturas de coroas parciais ou totais de cerĂąmica. Foram coletadas informaçÔes sobre as caracterĂ­sticas sociodemogrĂĄficas e variĂĄveis clĂ­nicas a partir da leitura dos prontuĂĄrios odontolĂłgicos; do padrĂŁo facial dos indivĂ­duos da amostra a partir dos traçados cefalomĂ©tricos; dos valores da força mĂĄxima de mordida a partir da compressĂŁo do sensor de força Flexiforce EFL (Tekscan,Boston, EUA) posicionado sobre o primeiro molar. Foi aplicado o teste estatĂ­stico nĂŁo-paramĂ©trico de Mann-Whitney, e os resultados foram dispostos em tabelas. Dos 25 participantes do estudo, 16 pertenciam ao gĂȘnero feminino e 9 ao gĂȘnero masculino. A faixa etĂĄria dos participantes variou entre 30 a 60 anos ou mais, sendo que 15 (60%) apresentavam-se entre 30 a 49 anos e 10 (40%) apresentavam-se com 50 anos ou mais, com uma mĂ©dia de idade de 48,92 ± 9 anos. O grupo apresentou uma força mĂĄxima de mordida mĂ©dia de 213N± 84N. Os homens apresentaram maiores valores de força mĂĄxima de mordida quando comparados ao grupo das mulheres (p=0,05). O gĂȘnero masculino apresentou maiores valores de força mĂĄxima de mordida. NĂŁo foi possĂ­vel a determinação da influĂȘncia da faixa etĂĄria e do padrĂŁo facial na magnitude da força mĂĄxima de mordida. Percentualmente ocorreu maior incidĂȘncia de fratura nos indivĂ­duos do gĂȘnero masculino, nos indivĂ­duos na faixa etĂĄria de 30 a 49 anos e nos indivĂ­duos com padrĂŁo facial braquicĂ©falo, os quais apresentam distintos valores de força mĂĄxima de mordida.The dental ceramics used for making indirect aesthetic restorations can be affected by cracks or fractures during lifetime in the oral environment. This study aims to evaluate the influence of sociodemographic and facial pattern in maximum bite force and consequently the incidence of fractured crowns partial or full ceramic. Data were collected on sociodemographic characteristics and clinical variables from the reading of dental records; facial pattern of the sample from the cephalometric x-ray; values of the maximum bite force were measured from the compression of the sensor FLEXIFORCE EFL (Tekscan, Boston, USA) positioned on the first molar. The statistical non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was applied and the results were tabulated. From the 25 study participants, 16 were females and 9 were males. The age of participants ranged from 30 to 60 years old or more, whereas 15 (60%) were between 30 to 49 years old and 10 (40%) presented with 50 or more years old, with a mean age of 48.92 ± 9 years old. The group had an average maximum bite force of 213N ± 84N. Men showed higher maximum bite force when compared to women (p = 0.05). Males had higher maximum bite force. It was not able to determine the influence of age and facial pattern in the magnitude of maximum bite force. The study found a higher incidence of fractures in male subjects, in subjects aged 30 to 49 years and patients with facial pattern brachycephalic, with different values of maximum bite force

    Effects of seagrasses and algae of the Caulerpa family on hydrodynamics and particle-trapping rates

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    The widespread decline of seagrass beds within the Mediterranean often results in the replacement of seagrasses by opportunistic green algae of the Caulerpa family. Because Caulerpa beds have a different height, stiffness and density compared to seagrasses, these changes in habitat type modify the interaction of the seafloor with hydrodynamics, influencing key processes such as sediment resuspension and particle trapping. Here, we compare the effects on hydrodynamics and particle trapping of Caulerpa taxifolia, C. racemosa, and C. prolifera with the Mediterranean seagrasses Cymodocea nodosa and Posidonia oceanica. All macrophyte canopies reduced near-bed volumetric flow rates compared to bare sediment, vertical profiles of turbulent kinetic energy revealed peak values around the top of the canopies, and maximum values of Reynolds stress increased by a factor of between 1.4 (C. nodosa) and 324.1 (P. oceanica) when vegetation was present. All canopies enhanced particle retention rates compared to bare sediment. The experimental C. prolifera canopy was the most effective at particle retention (m2 habitat); however, C. racemosa had the largest particle retention capacity per structure surface area. Hence, in terms of enhancing particle trapping and reducing hydrodynamic forces at the sediment surface, Caulerpa beds provided a similar or enhanced function compared to P.oceanica and C. nodosa. However, strong seasonality in the leaf area index of C. racemosa and C. taxifolia within the Mediterranean, combined with a weak rhizome structure, suggests that sediments maybe unprotected during winter storms, when most erosion occurs. Hence, replacement of seagrass beds with Caulerpa is likely to have a major influence on annual sediment dynamics at ecosystem scales.This research was funded by the European Network of Excellence ‘‘Marine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function’’ (MarBEF); FP6, EC contract no. 505446 and a grant from the Fundacio ®n BBVA. EPM was supported by a European Union Marie Curie host fellowship for transfer of knowledge, MTKD-CT-2004-509254, the Spanish national project EVAMARIA (CTM2005-00395/MAR) and the regional government of Andalusia project FUNDIV(P07-RNM-2516)

    Hearing Screening In A Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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    Investigate the prevalence of hearing impairment in newborns hospitalized at the Intensive and Intermediate Care Unit at the Women's Comprehensive Health Center Neonatology Service (UNICAMP) and associated risk factors. 979 newborn babies were assessed between January 2000 and January 2003, through automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) (ALGO 2e color screener). The result was considered normal when the newborn showed response to a 35dBNA signal bilaterally. The prevalence of AABR impairment and the odds ratio were analyzed with a 95% confidence interval using bivariate analysis. To identify the independent risk factors for hearing alterations, multivariate analyses were used with logistic regression. The prevalence of AABR impairment was 10.2%, of which 5.3% was unilateral and 4.9% bilateral. From the multivariate analyses, the following observations were made: family history of congenital hearing loss (OR = 5.192; p = 0.016), craniofacial deformity (OR = 5.530; p < 0.001), genetic syndromes associated with hearing loss (OR = 4.212; p < 0.001), weight below 1,000 g (OR = 3.230; p < 0.001), asphyxia (OR = 3.532; p < 0.001), hyperbilirubinemia (OR = 4.099; p = 0.002) and use of mechanical ventilation (OR = 1.826; p < 0.031) were the indicators that best characterized the group at risk for hearing impairment. The prevalence of hearing impairment using AABR is high. Therefore, it is essential for all newborns who present isolated or associated risk factors to undergo hearing screening in situations in which it is not possible to have universal hearing screening.82110-

    Global analysis of seagrass restoration: the importance of large-scale planting

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    In coastal and estuarine systems, foundation species like seagrasses, mangroves, saltmarshes or corals provide important ecosystem services. Seagrasses are globally declining and their reintroduction has been shown to restore ecosystem functions. However, seagrass restoration is often challenging, given the dynamic and stressful environment that seagrasses often grow in. From our world-wide meta-analysis of seagrass restoration trials (1786 trials), we describe general features and best practice for seagrass restoration. We confirm that removal of threats is important prior to replanting. Reduced water quality (mainly eutrophication), and construction activities led to poorer restoration success than, for instance, dredging, local direct impact and natural causes. Proximity to and recovery of donor beds were positively correlated with trial performance. Planting techniques can influence restoration success. The meta-analysis shows that both trial survival and seagrass population growth rate in trials that survived are positively affected by the number of plants or seeds initially transplanted. This relationship between restoration scale and restoration success was not related to trial characteristics of the initial restoration. The majority of the seagrass restoration trials have been very small, which may explain the low overall trial survival rate (i.e. estimated 37%). Successful regrowth of the foundation seagrass species appears to require crossing a minimum threshold of reintroduced individuals. Our study provides the first global field evidence for the requirement of a critical mass for recovery, which may also hold for other foundation species showing strong positive feedback to a dynamic environment.Synthesis and applications. For effective restoration of seagrass foundation species in its typically dynamic, stressful environment, introduction of large numbers is seen to be beneficial and probably serves two purposes. First, a large-scale planting increases trial survival - large numbers ensure the spread of risks, which is needed to overcome high natural variability. Secondly, a large-scale trial increases population growth rate by enhancing self-sustaining feedback, which is generally found in foundation species in stressful environments such as seagrass beds. Thus, by careful site selection and applying appropriate techniques, spreading of risks and enhancing self-sustaining feedback in concert increase success of seagrass restoration. For effective restoration of seagrass foundation species in its typically dynamic, stressful environment, introduction of large numbers is seen to be beneficial and probably serves two purposes. First, a large-scale planting increases trial survival - large numbers ensure the spread of risks, which is needed to overcome high natural variability. Secondly, a large-scale trial increases population growth rate by enhancing self-sustaining feedback, which is generally found in foundation species in stressful environments such as seagrass beds. Thus, by careful site selection and applying appropriate techniques, spreading of risks and enhancing self-sustaining feedback in concert increase success of seagrass restoration

    Marine forests of the Mediterranean-Atlantic Cystoseira tamariscifolia complex show a southern Iberian genetic hotspot and no reproductive isolation in parapatry

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    Climate-driven range-shifts create evolutionary opportunities for allopatric divergence and subsequent contact, leading to genetic structuration and hybrid zones. We investigate how these processes influenced the evolution of a complex of three closely related Cystoseira spp., which are a key component of the Mediterranean-Atlantic seaweed forests that are undergoing population declines. The C. tamariscifolia complex, composed of C. tamariscifolia s.s., C. amentacea and C. mediterranea, have indistinct boundaries and natural hybridization is suspected. Our aims are to (1) infer the genetic structure and diversity of these species throughout their distribution ranges using microsatellite markers to identify ancient versus recent geographical populations, contact zones and reproductive barriers, and (2) hindcast past distributions using niche models to investigate the influence of past range shifts on genetic divergence at multiple spatial scales. Results supported a single, morphologically plastic species the genetic structure of which was incongruent with a priori species assignments. The low diversity and low singularity in northern European populations suggest recent colonization after the LGM. The southern Iberian genetic hotspot most likely results from the role of this area as a climatic refugium or a secondary contact zone between differentiated populations or both. We hypothesize that life-history traits (selfing, low dispersal) and prior colonization effects, rather than reproductive barriers, might explain the observed genetic discontinuities.Pew Charitable Trusts (USA); MARINERA, Spain [CTM2008-04183-E/MAR]; FCT (Portugal) [FCT-BIODIVERSA/004/2015, CCMAR/Multi/04326/2013, SFRH/BPD/107878/2015, SFRH/BPD/85040/2012]; FPU fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Education; European Community ASSEMBLE visiting grant [00399/2012]; University of Cadi
