11,195 research outputs found

    Interstitial Lung Diseases in Developing Countries

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    More than 100 different conditions are grouped under the term interstitial lung disease (ILD). A diagnosis of an ILD primarily relies on a combination of clinical, radiological, and pathological criteria, which should be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Multiple factors, such as environmental and occupational exposures, infections, drugs, radiation, and genetic predisposition have been implicated in the pathogenesis of these conditions. Asbestosis and other pneumoconiosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), chronic beryllium disease, and smoking-related ILD are specifically linked to inhalational exposure of environmental agents. The recent Global Burden of Disease Study reported that ILD rank 40th in relation to global years of life lost in 2013, which represents an increase of 86% compared to 1990. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is the prototype of fibrotic ILD. A recent study from the United States reported that the incidence and prevalence of IPF are 14.6 per 100,000 person-years and 58.7 per 100,000 persons, respectively. These data suggests that, in large populated areas such as Brazil, Russia, India, and China (the BRIC region), there may be approximately 2 million people living with IPF. However, studies from South America found much lower rates (0.4-1.2 cases per 100,000 per year). Limited access to high-resolution computed tomography and spirometry or to multidisciplinary teams for accurate diagnosis and optimal treatment are common challenges to the management of ILD in developing countries

    Assessing quality of life of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients: the INSTAGE study

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    Kolb M, et al. Nintedanib plus sildenafil in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. N Engl J Med 2018; 379: 1722–1731

    Una Maestría en Ciencia de la Información para Colombia

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    This paper describes the foundations that support the Master in Information Science Program that the Interamerican Library School of the University of Antioquia, will offer in 2011. On the basis of the criteria of pertinence, aspects related to the denomination of the program, its justification in the Colombian context, information transfer as object of study, and the interdisciplinary conditions derived thereof as well as the support from the research lines in the Research on Information, Knowledge and Society Group of the School

    Del orden social y del orden del universo: la llamada religión megalítica y su uso ideológico por las comunidades de los milenios IV-III a.C. a través del análisis del significado de sus monumentos funerarios

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    This paper puts forward a theoretical reflection on the beliefs and religious mentality of the communities of megalith and collective burial caves builders in Western Europe. We emphasize problems such as the social and ideological interpretation of these burials, not only as spaces for the transformation of the dead, but also as an expression of the ideology of the emergent power groups.En este artículo se presenta una reflexión acerca de las características genéricas del mundo de las creencias y la mentalidad religiosa de las comunidades que levantaron los megalitos y cuevas funerarias colectivas en el occidente europeo. Se desarrollan en él cuestiones como la interpretación del significado social e ideológico de dichas tumbas, no sólo en tanto que los espacios para la transformación de los muertos sino también como expresiones de la ideología de los grupos de poder emergentes

    Managing relational capital for the sustainability of the energy sector in the social media

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    Various management models have been proposed for intangible business assets in this new digital era. However, these models do not consider the relationships between intangible assets in business management, or their effect. This work has two main objectives: first, to show the effect of intangi-ble assets as expressed in digital media related to energy brands; second, to demonstrate the rela-tionships between the emotions, experiences and attitudes of the audiences. To do so, a novel model of intangibles is proposed and applied to the energy sector using IBEX 35 data. In this sce-nario, we determine that users' experiences extracted from digital environments have significant relationships with one of the most important intangibles in the energy business, namely emotion.Vários modelos de gestão foram propostos para ativos de negócios intangíveis nesta nova era digital. No entanto, esses modelos não consideram as relações entre ativos intangíveis na gestão ou os seus efeitos. Este estudo tem dois objetivos principais: primeiro, mostrar o efeito dos ativos intangíveis expressos nos meios digitais relacionados com as marcas associadas ao setor económico da energia; segundo, demonstrar as relações entre as emoções, experiências e atitudes do público. Para esse efeito, é proposto um novo modelo de gestão de intangíveis aplicado ao setor de energia utilizando dados do IBEX 35. Nesse cenário, concluímos que as experiências dos utilizadores extraídas de ambientes digitais têm relacionamentos significativos com um dos intangíveis mais importantes no negócio de energia, ou seja, a emoção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pobreza y caridad en el barrio de la Ribera, siglo XIV-XV

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    aproximación al concepto de pobreza en Ia edad media a partir de documentos de Ia epoca.aproximación al concepto de pobreza en Ia edad media a partir de documentos de Ia epoca.about poberty from some documents

    Empleo de fichas dirigidas para la mejora en el aprendizaje de las asignaturas Técnicas Instrumentales y Fisicoquímica

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    Las asignaturas del área de Química Física del Grado en Farmacia, entre las que se encuentran Técnicas Instrumentales (2º curso, 2º cuatrimestre) y Fisicoquímica (1er curso, 2º cuatrimestre), ambas de carácter obligatorio, siguen siendo con mucho aquellas que encabezan la lista con mayor porcentaje de suspensos en la titulación, de ahí la necesidad de seguir trabajando en mejorar la asimilación y comprensión de sus contenidos. En este curso académico 2017/2018 se ha propuesto una nueva estrategia basada en el empleo de fichas dirigidas para fomentar el trabajo en grupo de alumnos, y alentar así, su razonamiento deductivo y su capacidad crítica. La innovación empleada fue llevada a cabo en dos ciclos de mejora encadenados, con una duración de 15 horas cada uno, obteniéndose resultados constatables que denotan la mejora en la asimilación de los contenidos con el consecuente aprendizaje significativo del alumno