403 research outputs found

    Simulador de negocios Capsim: estrategia de la empresa Erie en la industria de sensores

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es documentar las decisiones, estrategias, formas de organización y resultados de nuestro equipo de trabajo en la empresa Erie en el ambiente de simulador de negocios Capsim. El simulador se sitúa en el mercado de la industria de sensores, en el cual se tomarán ocho decisiones que comprenden los años 2016-2023

    Measures for the assessment of stressful life events in the Spanish adult population: A systematic review

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    Objetivo: Este estudio pretende identificar y analizar los instrumentos de evaluación de los eventos vitales estresantes creados/adaptados para su uso con población española adulta, publicados en la literatura nacional e internacional, con especial atención en sus propiedades psicométricas y en su asociación con medidas de problemas de salud. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática de la literatura de todos los instrumentos publicados a través de los buscadores MEDLINE; ProQuest Health y Medical Complete ProQuest Psychology Journals PsycARTICLES PsycINFO Psicodoc OpenSIGLE desde la fecha de inicio hasta el 31 de enero de 2016. Dos investigadores independientes evaluaron la elegibilidad de todos los artículos, extrajeron los datos y evaluaron sus propiedades psicométricas. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 12 instrumentos que cumplían los criterios de inclusión en el estudio. Las medidas presentaron una gran heterogeneidad. La mayoría no incluían información sobre sus propiedades psicométricas o necesitaban aportar más datos, ya que eran pocas los que evaluaban su estabilidad test-retest y/o su estructura interna. Los cuestionarios creados o adaptados por González de Rivera y Morena (1983), Sandín y Chorot (1987), Fernández y Mielgo (1992), Gracia y Herrero (2004) y Motrico et al. (2013) mostraron asociaciones significativas con variables de problemas de salud. Discusión: Se requieren más estudios sobre la asociación de los instrumentos con variables de problemas de salud mental y física, lo que facilitaría su aplicación clínica. Estos resultados tienen una gran utilidad a la hora de seleccionar un instrumento de evaluación de eventos vitales estresantes en el ámbito clínico y de investigación en España


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    El ser humano es integral y cuando se desenvuelve en el mundo del trabajo, lo fusiona con su vida personal otorgándole centralidad, por lo cual sus implicaciones económicas y psicosociales, los efectos positivos onegativos que este ejerza en su vida dependerán de sus experiencias yadaptación, así como de la percepción de las condiciones laborales a lasque este expuesto que influyen en su rendimiento y en su salud. Por tanto, un eje fundamental de los efectos que el trabajo tiene en la vida del hombre lo constituyen los factores psicosociales. La presente investigación realizó la adaptación y validación del CoPsoQ-Istas 21 (versión corta) en el medio ecuatoriano, se aplicó a 435 docentes universitarios para identificar el nivel de afectación psicosocial a la que son expuestos los docentes universitarios ecuatorianos en su contexto. Los resultados mostraron que el 72% de los docentes participantes se ubicaron en el nivel alto de exposición, constituyendo un factor preponderante las altas exigencias que aceleran el ritmo de trabajo al que son expuestos; un aspecto importante es el nivel elevado de exposición del género femenino sobre todo en el aspecto de doble presencia, y el alto nivel de exigencias cognitivas que deben manejar los dos géneros

    Metabolite production and/or gut microbiota-associated metabotypes?

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by the Project PID2019-103914RB-I00 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, Spain) and by Fundación Séneca de la Región de Murcia (Spain), grant number 20880/PI/18. J.A.G.-B. was supported by a Standard European Marie Curie Fellowship from the European Commission. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 838991. A.C.M. and C.E.I.-A. are the holders of predoctoral grants from MINECO (grant number BES-2016-078098) and MICINN (grant number FPU18/03961) (Spain), respectively. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Despite the high human interindividual variability in response to (poly)phenol consumption, the cause-and-effect relationship between some dietary (poly)phenols (flavanols and olive oil phenolics) and health effects (endothelial function and prevention of LDL oxidation, respectively) has been well established. Most of the variables affecting this interindividual variability have been identified (food matrix, gut microbiota, single-nucleotide-polymorphisms, etc.). However, the final drivers for the health effects of (poly)phenol consumption have not been fully identified. At least partially, these drivers could be (i) the (poly)phenols ingested that exert their effect in the gastrointestinal tract, (ii) the bioavailable metabolites that exert their effects systemically and/or (iii) the gut microbial ecology associated with (poly)phenol metabolism (i.e., gut microbiota-associated metabotypes). However, statistical associations between health effects and the occurrence of circulating and/or excreted metabolites, as well as cross-sectional studies that correlate gut microbial ecologies and health, do not prove a causal role unequivocally. We provide a critical overview and perspective on the possible main drivers of the effects of (poly)phenols on human health and suggest possible actions to identify the putative actors responsible for the effects.publishersversionpublishe

    The Impact of Socio-Economic Status on Self-Rated Health: Study of 29 Countries Using European Social Surveys (2002–2008)

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    Studies show that the association between socio-economic status (SES) and self-rated health (SRH) varies in different countries, however there are not many country comparisons that examine this relationship over time. The objective of the present study is to determine the effect of three SES measures on SRH in 29 countries according to findings in European Social Surveys (2002–2008), in order to study how socio-economic inequalities can vary our subjective state of health. In line with previous studies, income inequalities seem to be greater not only in Anglo Saxon and Scandinavian countries, but especially in Eastern European countries. The impact of education is greater in Southern countries, and this effect is similar in Eastern and Scandinavian countries, although occupational status does not produce significant differences in southern countries. This study shows the general relevance of socio educational factors on SRH. Individual economic conditions are obviously a basic factor contributing to a good state of health, but education could be even more relevant to preserve it. In this sense, policies should not only aim at reducing income inequalities, but should also further the education of people who are in risk of social exclusion

    An expert consensus report on the clinical use of the Vycross® hyaluronic acid VYC-25 L filler.

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    Background: The portfolio of hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers and the techniques of administration have evolved in recent years. The latest innovation in the Vycross® range was the introduction of VYC-25L (Juvéderm Volux®; Allergan plc), a first-in- class filler effective for chin and facial lower third remodeling. The aim here was to provide clinicians who are starting to use VYC-25L with key advice, and to standardize procedures so that optimal and predictable outcomes can be obtained. Methods: A multidisciplinary group of experts in esthetic medicine from Spain and Portugal reviewed the properties, treatment paradigms, administration techniques, and potential complications of VYC-25L, on the basis of which they drafted consensus recommendations for its clinical use. Results: The consensus panel provided specific recommendations focusing on the patient profile, dose, administration techniques, and the complications of VYC-25L and their management. The panel identified five different profiles of patients who may benefit from VYC-25L, and they drafted recommendations aimed to facilitate the treatment of these patients, namely, microgenia (women/men), masculinization (men), rejuvenation (women/men), facial laxity (women/men), and submental convexity (women/men). In terms of their safety, no specific recommendations were made beyond those established for other HA fillers. Conclusions: The evolution of esthetic medicine makes it necessary to update the clinical recommendations that guide patient assessment and treatment with the new HA fillers developed. The current consensus document addresses relevant issues related to the use of VYC-25L on different types of patient, in an attempt to standardize procedures and help specialists obtain predictable results.post-print806 K

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial en docentes universitarios

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    The psychosocial factors constitute a fundamental axis of the effects that work has on people’s lives. The present research applied the adaptation and validation of the “CoPsoQIstas 21” (short version) in the Ecuadorian environment. It was applied to 435 university professors to identify the level of psychosocial affectation that they are exposed in their context. The results showed that 72% of the participating teachers were located at a high level of exposure.Los factores psicosociales constituyen un eje fundamental de los efectos que el trabajo tiene en la vida de las personas. La presente investigación aplicó la adaptación y validación de la "CoPsoQ-Istas 21" (versión corta) en el entorno ecuatoriano. Se aplicó a 435 profesores universitarios para identificar el nivel de afectación psicosocial que están expuestos en su contexto. Los resultados mostraron que el 72% de los profesores participantes estaban ubicados en un alto nivel de exposición.Fil: Heredia Gálvez, Sonnia A.. Universidad Técnica de Ambato; EcuadorFil: Morales Gómez, María Fernanda. Universidad de los Andes; ColombiaFil: Infante Paredes, Ruth. Universidad Técnica de Ambato; EcuadorFil: Sánchez Guerrero, Daniel. Universidad Técnica de Ambato; EcuadorFil: Páez Quinde, Cristina. Universidad Técnica de Ambato; EcuadorFil: Gabini, Sebastián Manuel. Universidad Abierta Interamericana; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario; Argentin

    Combinatorial gene therapy renders increased survival in cirrhotic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liver fibrosis ranks as the second cause of death in México's productive-age population. This pathology is characterized by acummulation of fibrillar proteins in hepatic parenchyma causing synthetic and metabolic disfunction. Remotion of excessive fibrous proteins might result in benefit for subjects increasing survival index. The goal of this work was to find whether the already known therapeutical effect of human urokinase Plasminogen Activator and human Matrix Metalloprotease 8 extends survival index in cirrhotic animals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wistar rats (80 g) underwent chronic intoxication with CCl<sub>4</sub>: mineral oil for 8 weeks. Cirrhotic animals were injected with a combined dose of Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP8 (3 × 10<sup>11 </sup>and 1.5 × 10<sup>11 </sup>vp/Kg, respectively) or with Ad-beta-Gal (4.5 × 10<sup>11</sup>) and were killed after 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days. Then, liver and serum were collected. An additional set of cirrhotic animals injected with combined gene therapy was also monitored for their probability of survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only the cirrhotic animals treated with therapeutical genes (Ad-delta-huPA+Ad-MMP-8) showed improvement in liver fibrosis. These results correlated with hydroxyproline determinations. A significant decrement in alpha-SMA and TGF-beta1 gene expression was also observed. Cirrhotic rats treated with Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP8 had a higher probability of survival at 60 days with respect to Ad-beta-Gal-injected animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A single administration of Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP-8 is efficient to induce fibrosis regression and increase survival in experimental liver fibrosis.</p

    Unwrap Them First: Operando Potential- induced Activation Is Required when Using PVP-Capped Ag Nanocubes as Catalysts of CO2 Electroreduction

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    Metallic nanoparticles of different shape can be used as efficient electrocatalysts for many technologically and environmentally relevant processes, like the electroreduction of CO2. Intense research is thus targeted at finding the morphology of nanosized features that best suits catalytic needs. In order to control the shape and size distribution of the designed nanoobjects, and to prevent their aggregation, synthesis routes often rely on the use of organic capping agents (surfactants). It is known, however, that these agents tend to remain adsorbed on the surface of the synthesized nanoparticles and may significantly impair their catalytic performance, both in terms of overall yield and of product selectivity. It thus became a standard procedure to apply certain methods (e.g. involving UV-ozone or plasma treatments) for the removal of capping agents from the surface of nanoparticles, before they are used as catalysts. Proper design of the operating procedure of the electrocatalysis process may, however, render such cleaning steps unnecessary. In this paper we use poly-vinylpyrrolidone (PVP) capped Ag nanocubes to demonstrate a mere electrochemical, operando activation method. The proposed method is based on an observed hysteresis of the catalytic yield of CO (the desired product of CO2 electroreduction) as a function of the applied potential. When as-synthesized nanocubes were directly used for CO2 electroreduction, the CO yield was rather low at moderate overpotentials. However, following a potential excursion to more negative potentials, most of the (blocking) PVP was irreversibly removed from the catalyst surface, allowing a significantly higher catalytic yield even under less harsh operating conditions. The described hysteresis of the product distribution is shown to be of transient nature, and following operando activation by a single 'break-in' cycle, a truly efficient catalyst was obtained that retained its stability during long hours of operation