17 research outputs found

    The AEROPILs Generation: Novel Poly(Ionic Liquid)-Based Aerogels for CO2 Capture

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    CO2 levels in the atmosphere are increasing exponentially. The current climate change effects motivate an urgent need for new and sustainable materials to capture CO2. Porous materials are particularly interesting for processes that take place near atmospheric pressure. However, materials design should not only consider the morphology, but also the chemical identity of the CO2 sorbent to enhance the affinity towards CO2. Poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs) can enhance CO2 sorption capacity, but tailoring the porosity is still a challenge. Aerogel’s properties grant production strategies that ensure a porosity control. In this work, we joined both worlds, PILs and aerogels, to produce a sustainable CO2 sorbent. PIL-chitosan aerogels (AEROPILs) in the form of beads were successfully obtained with high porosity (94.6–97.0%) and surface areas (270–744 m2/g). AEROPILs were applied for the first time as CO2 sorbents. The combination of PILs with chitosan aerogels generally increased the CO2 sorption capability of these materials, being the maximum CO2 capture capacity obtained (0.70 mmol g-1, at 25 oC and 1 bar) for the CHT:P[DADMA]Cl30% AEROPIL.FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technolog

    Ocupação KSA ROSA

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    A Associação KSA ROSA é um Centro de Educaçao Popular e Resistência Cultural que trabalha com catadores e moradores de rua nas proximidades do Centro de Porto Alegre. A coordenadora Maristoni Moura, juntamente com os demais integrantes, tem usado seu trabalho como fonte de reorganização social e produtiva do mundo da rua, articulando várias políticas públicas como por exemplo, de redução de danos. O objetivo desse trabalho pedagógico arquitetônico é colocar graduandos, extensionistas e pesquisadores em contato com realidades de extrema vulnerabilidade social e capacitá-los metodologicamente

    L’impatto dello stress genitoriale e della paura dell’ipoglicemia sul profilo glicometabolico di bambini con diabete di tipo 1

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    Oggetto: Numerosi studi presenti in letteratura si sono focalizzati sull’impatto psicologico del diabete; tuttavia, pochi di essi hanno esplorato il possibile meccanismo causale tra variabili psicologiche dei genitori e outcome glicometabolici dei figli. Il mondo della ricerca, anche se con risultati contrastanti, ha identificato la paura dell’ipoglicemia e lo stress genitoriale come fattori di rischio per il controllo glicometabolico del figlio e per gli outcome psicologici (Hawkes et al., 2014). Obiettivo generale del presente lavoro è testare l’ipotesi di mediazione secondo cui lo stress genitoriale rappresenta la variabile mediatrice tra la paura dell’ipoglicemia (variabile indipendente) e l’emoglobina glicosilata (variabile dipendente). Metodi e risultati: Sono stati reclutati 80 genitori di minori con diabete di tipo 1. È stata proposta la compilazione dei questionari self-report Parenting Stress Index e Fear of Hypoglycemia-Parent Version. I dati relativi il controllo glicemico sono stati desunti dal database ospedaliero. L’analisi di mediazione ha rilevato come all’aumentare della paura dell’ipoglicemia corrisponda un incremento dei livelli di stress genitoriale (=0,521; p<0,001) e, conseguentemente, un innalzamento dei valori di emoglobina glicata (=0,372; p<0,05). Conclusioni: I risultati, in linea con l’ipotesi, mostrano come lo stress genitoriale sia un mediatore totale nella relazione tra paura dell’ipoglicemia e livelli di emoglobina glicata. Si evince dunque l’importanza di includere nella fase di assessment anche la valutazione di variabili psicologiche genitoriali e una presa in carico dell’intero nucleo familiare

    Ocular complications of diabetes mellitus in a pediatric population and proposals for screening and follow-up programs

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the world’s greatest health emergencies of the 21st century. Ocular complications of DM are commonly chronic and progressive, but vision loss can be effectively prevented or delayed with early detection and timely treatment. Therefore, regular comprehensive ophthalmologic examinations are mandatory. Ophthalmic screening and dedicated follow-up for adults with DM are well established, whereas, there is no consensus on optimal recommendations for the pediatric population, reflecting the lack of clarity about the current burden of disease in this age group. Objectives: To determine the epidemiology of ocular complications of diabetes and to assess optical coherence tomography (OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) macular features in a pediatric population with DM. To review ophthalmological screening and follow-up plans for the diabetic pediatric population. Design: Observational study. Methods: Retrospective consecutive cohort study of all 165 diabetic patients (330 eyes) aged 0–18 years, examined between January 2006 and September 2018 at the Pediatric Department of ‘S. Maria della Misericordia’ Udine Hospital who underwent at least one complete ophthalmologic examination at the Ophthalmology University Clinic at the Udine Hospital. OCT and OCTA data were available for 37 patients (72 eyes, 2 excluded). The associations between ocular complications and selected potential risk factors were evaluated by univariate analyses. Results: No patient had signs of ocular diabetic complications or any macular morphological or micro-vascular impairment, regardless of any potential risk factor. The prevalence of strabismus and refractive errors in the study group, was found to be similar to non-diabetic pediatric populations. Conclusion: Screening and follow-up of ocular diabetic complications in children and adolescents could be performed less frequently than in adults with diabetes. There is no need to screen potentially treatable visual disorders in diabetic children earlier or more frequently than in the healthy children thus reducing time spent in hospital and permitting a better tolerance to medical examinations in diabetic pediatric patients. We described the OCT and OCTA patterns in a pediatric population with DM

    Rheumatological complaints in H syndrome: from inflammatory profiling to target treatment in a case study

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    Abstract Background H Syndrome is a rare genetic condition caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in the SLC29A3 gene. It is characterized by a wide range of clinical manifestations, many of which are related to the immune-rheumatological field. These include scleroderma-like skin changes, deforming arthritis, and enlarged lymph nodes. The condition also features cardiac and endocrine defects, as well as hearing loss, for which the immune pathogenesis appears less clear. Immunomodulatory medications have been shown to improve many symptoms in recent experiences. Case presentation A 21-year-old girl was referred to our institute after being diagnosed with H syndrome. Her medical history was characterized by the development of finger and toe deformities, which developed since the first years of life and progressively worsened with clinodactyly. At 6 years of age, she was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus without typical autoantibodies and with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. She also complained of frequent episodes of lymphadenopathy, sometimes with colliquation and growth retardation due to pancreatic insufficiency. It wasn’t until the genetic diagnosis of H syndrome that the continual increase in acute phase reactants was noticed, suggesting that an immunological pathogenesis may be the source of her problems. During her visit to our institute, she reported serious pain in both feet and hands and difficulty walking due to knee arthritis and muscle contractures. Conventional therapy with steroid injection in affected joints and methotrexate only led to partial improvement. After a thorough assessment of her inflammatory profile showing a high interferon score, the girl received treatment with baricitinib. Furthermore, based on recent data showing that SLC29A3 deficiency results in interferon production because of Toll-like Receptor 7 activation in lysosomes, hydroxychloroquine was also added. The combination of the two drugs resulted for the first time in a rapid and persistent normalization of inflammatory markers, paralleled by a dramatic improvement in symptoms. Conclusions We describe the results of inhibiting IFN inflammation in H syndrome and discuss how JAK inhibitors and antimalarials might represent a mechanistically based treatment for this orphan drug disorder

    Medición de PH

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es la adquisición y tratamiento de la señal de un sensor de pH. Se ha partido de un modelo comercial y se ha rediseñado para adaptarlo a una sonda especifica. En primer lugar, se diseña el nuevo esquemático. Luego se pasa a un programa de simulación electrónica para comprobar el correcto funcionamiento. Una vez comprobado se monta un primer prototipo para hacer pruebas reales. En lo que ha hardware se refiere el último paso es diseñar una placa de circuito impreso como prototipo final. Por último, se ha implementado comunicación SPI con un Arduino para poder ver los valores de pH en el ordenador en tiempo real.Graduado o Graduada en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales por la Universidad Pública de NavarraIndustria Teknologietako Ingeniaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    Cycloaddition of trifluoromethyl azafulvenium methides: synthesis of new trifluoromethylpyrrole-annulated derivatives

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    The chemistry of trifluoromethyl azafulvenium methides was explored leading to a new route to trifluoromethylpyrrole-annulated systems. The first evidence of azafulvenium methides acting as 1,3-dipoles is reported. These azafulvenium methides showed site selectivity in the reaction with strong electron-deficient dipolarophiles leading exclusively to 1,3-cycloadducts. In the cycloaddition with less-activated dipolarophiles 1,7-cycloadducts resulting from [8π+2π] cycloaddition are also formed. FMO analysis of the cycloaddition reactions allowed the rationalization of the observed selectivity. Graphical abstrac

    Introduzione alla storia contemporanea

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    Il volume intende analizzare i caratteri peculiari dell'et\ue0 contemporanea attraverso alcuni saggi tematici e le principali cesure cronologiche dell'et\ue0 contemporanea. Con un'ottica comparativa il volume prende in esame l'arco cronologico che va dalle grandi rivoluzioni a cavallo tra sette e ottocento per arrivare fino all'11 settembre 2001