46 research outputs found

    Real-time imaging of the bacillithiol redox potential in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus using a genetically encoded bacilliredoxin-fused redox biosensor

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    Aims: Bacillithiol (BSH) is utilized as major thiol-redox buffer in the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Under oxidative stress, BSH forms mixed disulfides with proteins, termed as S-bacillithiolation which can be reversed by bacilliredoxins (Brx). In eukaryotes, glutaredoxin-fused roGFP2 biosensors have been applied for dynamic live-imaging of the glutathione redox potential. Here, we have constructed a genetically encoded bacilliredoxin-fused redox biosensor (Brx-roGFP2) to monitor dynamic changes in the BSH redox potential in S. aureus. Results: The Brx-roGFP2 biosensor showed a specific and rapid response to low levels bacillithiol disulphide (BSSB) in vitro which required the active-site Cys of Brx. Dynamic live-imaging in two methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) USA300 and COL strains revealed fast and dynamic responses of the Brx-roGFP2 biosensor under hypochlorite and H2O2 stress and constitutive oxidation of the probe in different BSH-deficient mutants. Furthermore, we found that the Brx-roGFP2 expression level and the dynamic range is higher in S. aureus COL compared to the USA300 strain. In phagocytosis assays with THP-1 macrophages, the biosensor was 87 % oxidized in S. aureus COL. However, no changes in the BSH redox potential were measured after treatment with different antibiotics classes indicating that antibiotics do not cause oxidative stress in S. aureus. Conclusion and Innovation: This Brx-roGFP2 biosensor catalyzes specific equilibration between the BSH and roGFP2 redox couples and can be applied for dynamic live imaging of redox changes in S. aureus and other BSH-producing Firmicutes

    Semen inhibits Zika virus infection of cells and tissues from the anogenital region

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) causes severe birth defects and can be transmitted via sexual intercourse. Semen from ZIKV-infected individuals contains high viral loads and may therefore serve as an important vector for virus transmission. Here we analyze the effect of semen on ZIKV infection of cells and tissues derived from the anogenital region. ZIKV replicates in all analyzed cell lines, primary cells, and endometrial or vaginal tissues. However, in the presence of semen, infection by ZIKV and other flaviviruses is potently inhibited. We show that semen prevents ZIKV attachment to target cells, and that an extracellular vesicle preparation from semen is responsible for this anti-ZIKV activity. Our findings suggest that ZIKV transmission is limited by semen. As such, semen appears to serve as a protector against sexual ZIKV transmission, despite the availability of highly susceptible cells in the anogenital tract and high viral loads in this bodily fluid.Peer reviewe

    Shared Oncogenic Pathways Implicated in Both Virus-Positive and UV-Induced Merkel Cell Carcinomas

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    Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a highly malignant neuroendocrine tumor of the skin whose molecular pathogenesis is not completely understood, despite the role that Merkel cell polyomavirus can play in 55e90% of cases. To study potential mechanisms driving this disease in clinically characterized cases, we searched for somatic mutations using whole-exome sequencing, and extrapolated our findings to study functional biomarkers reporting on the activity of the mutated pathways. Confirming previous results, Merkel cell polyomavirus-negative tumors had higher mutational loads with UV signatures and more frequent mutations in TP53 and RB compared with their Merkel cell polyomavirus-positive counterparts. Despite important genetic differences, the two Merkel cell carcinoma etiologies both exhibited nuclear accumulation of oncogenic transcription factors such as NFAT or nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT), P-CREB, and P-STAT3, indicating commonly deregulated pathogenic mechanisms with the potential to serve as targets for therapy. A multivariable analysis identified phosphorylated CRE-binding protein as an independent survival factor with respect to clinical variables and Merkel cell polyomavirus status in our cohort of Merkel cell carcinoma patients.This work was supported by grants from Instituto de Salud-Carlos III (ISCIII); cofinanced by the European Union; (FEDER) (PI12/00357), and a Ramón and Cajal research program (MINECO; RYC-2013-14097) to JPV, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and ISCIII grants (RD06/0020/0107, RD012/0036/0060) to MAP, and Coordinated Project of Excellence inter-Institutos de investigación acreditados institutes (ISCIII; PIE15/00081) to MAP. The Ramón and Cajal research program also supports IV. SD was supported by the Torres Quevedo subprogram (MICINN; PTQ-12-05391)

    Prescribing patterns in dementia: a multicentre observational study in a German network of CAM physicians

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dementia is a major and increasing health problem worldwide. This study aims to investigate dementia treatment strategies among physicians specialised in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) by analysing prescribing patterns and comparing them to current treatment guidelines in Germany.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-two primary care physicians in Germany participated in this prospective, multicentre observational study. Prescriptions and diagnoses were reported for each consecutive patient. Data were included if patients had at least one diagnosis of dementia according to the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases during the study period. Multiple logistic regression was used to determine factors associated with a prescription of any anti-dementia drug including <it>Ginkgo biloba</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>During the 5-year study period (2004-2008), 577 patients with dementia were included (median age: 81 years (IQR: 74-87); 69% female). Dementia was classified as unspecified dementia (57.2%), vascular dementia (25.1%), dementia in Alzheimer's disease (10.4%), and dementia in Parkinson's disease (7.3%). The prevalence of anti-dementia drugs was 25.6%. The phytopharmaceutical <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>was the most frequently prescribed anti-dementia drug overall (67.6% of all) followed by cholinesterase inhibitors (17.6%). The adjusted odds ratio (AOR) for receiving any anti-dementia drug was greater than 1 for neurologists (AOR = 2.34; CI: 1.59-3.47), the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AOR = 3.28; CI: 1.96-5.50), neuroleptic therapy (AOR = 1.87; CI: 1.22-2.88), co-morbidities hypertension (AOR = 2.03; CI: 1.41-2.90), and heart failure (AOR = 4.85; CI: 3.42-6.88). The chance for a prescription of any anti-dementia drug decreased with the diagnosis of vascular dementia (AOR = 0.64; CI: 0.43-0.95) and diabetes mellitus (AOR = 0.55; CI: 0.36-0.86). The prescription of <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>was associated with sex (female: AOR = 0.41; CI: 0.19-0.89), patient age (AOR = 1.06; CI: 1.02-1.10), treatment by a neurologist (AOR = 0.09; CI: 0.03-0.23), and the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AOR = 0.07; CI: 0.04-0.16).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides a comprehensive analysis of everyday practice for treatment of dementia in primary care in physicians with a focus on CAM. The prescribing frequency for anti-dementia drugs is equivalent to those found in other German studies, while the administration of <it>Ginkgo biloba </it>is significantly higher.</p

    Etablierung und Verwendung von humanen Keratinozytenmodellen zur Auffindung von Naturstoffen mit UV-schützenden und regenerationsfördernden Wirkstoffen

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    In Anbetracht der zunehmenden UV-Intensität und des Wissens um die Spätfolgen jedes einzelnen Sonnenbrandes besteht ein großes Interesse an UV-protektiven Wirkstoffen. Daher war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, neue Wirkstofflieferanten aus der Natur für diese Anwendung zu identifizieren. Ein breites Spektrum von verschiedenen Organismen wurde auf ihre protektiven oder regenerativen Effekte auf UVB-behandelte Keratinozyten hin gescreent und anschließend vielversprechende Naturstoffe ausgewählt und genauer untersucht. Zusätzlich war die Auffindung von vitalitätssteigernden sowie zytotoxisch wirkenden Extrakten und Reinstoffen von Interesse. Dazu wurden zunächst in vitro Testmodelle auf Basis der humanen Keratinozytenzelllinie HaCaT etabliert und die Wirkung von UVB-Strahlung auf diese Zellen charakterisiert. Genutzt wurden der MTT-Assay zur Bestimmung der Vitalität und Proliferation, der Neutralrot-Assay zur Bestimmung der Integrität der Zellmembran und Proliferation und der Lactatdehydrogenase-Assay zur Bestimmung der Integrität der Zellmembran. Mittels Durchflusszytometer wurden Zellzyklusanalysen durchgeführt, sowie zur Erfassung von DNA-Schäden die Einzelzellgelelektrophorese (Comet-Assay), außerdem wurde mit Hilfe des Interleukin-6-Assays die zelluläre Zytokinproduktion gemessen. Nach Bestrahlung der HaCaT-Zellen mit UVB ergaben sich zeit- und dosisabhängig folgende wesentliche Effekte: Ein leichter G2/M-Arrest bei geringeren UVB-Dosen (10mJ/cm2-30mJ/cm2), ein G0/G1-Arrest bei höheren UVB-Dosen (50mJ/cm2 und 100mJ/cm2), die dosisabhängige Zunahme des subG1-Peaks (Apoptoseinduktion), die Zunahme der LDH-Freisetzung mit steigender UVB-Dosis, die Stimulation der IL-6-Produktion mit steigender UVB-Dosis, sowie eine dosisabhängige Schädigung der DNA sowohl sofort nach UVB-Bestrahlung als auch nach 24 stündiger Inkubation. Nach Testung verschiedener UVB-Dosen und unterschiedlicher Inkubationszeiten wurde zur Untersuchung der Naturstoffe mit einer Dosis von 20mJ/cm2 UVB und einer Inkubationszeit von 24 Stunden gearbeitet. Die Testung auf UV-protektive Wirkungen der Extrakte gegenüber DNA-Schäden anhand des Comet Assays erfolgte direkt nach UVB-Bestrahlung. In dieser Arbeit wurden insgesamt 100 verschiedene Extrakte und 12 Reinsubstanzen allein oder in Kombination mit UVB-Strahlung untersucht. Die getesteten Naturstoffe stammten von Algen, Cyanobakterien, terrestrischen und marinen Pilzen, sowie von Pflanzen. Im Folgenden sind die wichtigsten Ergebnisse aufgelistet: Eine vitalitätssteigernde Wirkung auf HaCaT-Zellen zeigten 33 Extrakte und Reinsubstanzen. Durch die Inkubation mit 12 Naturstoffen konnte ein Serummangel-induzierter G0/G1-Zellzyklusphasenarrest bei den HaCaT-Zellen verhindert oder überwunden werden. Ein durch UVB-Strahlung induzierter G2/M-Zellzyklusarrest konnte durch Inkubation der Zellen mit 9 Naturstoffen verhindert oder überwunden werden. 11 Naturstoffe führten zu einer verminderten Lactatdehydrogenase-Freisetzung UVB-bestrahlter Zellen. 5 Naturstoffe hemmten die UVB-induzierte IL-6-Produktion der Zellen. 15 Naturstoffe führten auf unterschiedlichen Wegen zu einer Verminderung UVB-bedingter DNA-Schäden an HaCaT-Zellen. Eine zytotoxische Wirkung auf HaCaT-Zellen zeigten 58 Extrakte und Reinsubstanzen Anhand der Ergebnisse sind die drei terrestrischen Pilze Inonotus nodulosus, Piptoporus betulinus und Tricholoma equestre, sowie die beiden Pflanzen Annona muricata und Harpephyllum caffrum aussichtsreiche Kandidaten für eine zukünftige Anwendung als Hautschutz- oder Hautpflegemittel. Des Weiteren haben auch die Extrakte von Nannochloropsis spec., Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma pfeifferi, Hydnotrya michaelis, Tricholoma populinum und Tamarix aphylla auffällige Ergebnisse geliefert und verdienen weiteres Interesse. Die Ergebnisse zeigen die Eignung der etablierten Testmodelle zur Auffindung von Wirkstoffen mit UV-protektiven und weiteren Effekten auf Hautzellen. Gleichzeitig wird auch das große Potential von Organismen verschiedener Gruppen zur Bildung von Naturstoffen mit derartigen Eigenschaften deutlich.Facing the increasing ultraviolet radiation reaching the surface of our planet and the knowledge of the long term effects of any single sunburn there is a rising interest in photoprotective agents. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify new sources of natural products with UV protecting and regenerating activities. A broad spectrum of different organisms of specific interest (terrestrial and marine fungi, macro- and microalgae, plants) were screened for protective or regenerative effects on UVB irradiated HaCaT cells. Thereafter, promising natural product sources were selected and investigated more detailed. Additionally, compounds which lead to an increasing viability or which exhibited a cytotoxic activity on keratinocytes should be identified. For that purpose different in vitro test models using the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT had initially to be established and the effects of UVB irradiation on these cells had to be characterised. Among the established assays are the MTT assay for determination of viability and proliferation, the neutral red assay for designation of cell integrity and proliferation, the lactate dehydrogenase assay for identification of cell membrane integrity, the interleukin-6 assay for measurement of cellular cytokine release, the acquisition of cellular DNA damage by the comet assay (single cell gel electrophoresis) and the flow cytometer based cell cycle analysis. The following incubation time and UVB dose dependent effects were observed with the established assays after irradiation of human keratinocytes: A slight G2/M arrest at lower UVB dose rates (10mJ/cm2-30mJ/cm2), a G0/G1 arrest at higher UVB dose rates (50mJ/cm2 and 100mJ/cm2), a dose dependent increase of the subG1-peak (induction of apoptosis), an increase of LDH release with ascending UVB dose rates, a stimulation of IL-6 production with rising UVB dose rates, as well as a dose dependent DNA damage of cells directly after irradiation and also after 24 hours of incubation. After investigation of different UVB dose rates and varying incubation procedures a UVB dose of 20mJ/cm2 and an incubation time of 24 hours were selected for the testing of crude extracts and isolated compounds. The analysis of protective activities of extracts against UVB induced DNA damage using the comet assay took place directly after irradiation of the cells. In this study a total of 100 different crude extracts and 12 isolated compounds were tested alone or in combination with UVB irradiation. The tested natural products belonged to algae, cyanobacteria, terrestrial and marine fungi, and plant kingdom. The major results are: Incubation with 33 crude extracts and compounds lead to an increase of HaCaT cell viability. After treatment with 12 natural products the cells were able to avoid or to overcome the serum deprivation induced G0/G1 cell cycle arrest. After incubation with 9 natural products HaCaT cells were able to avoid or to overcome the UVB induced G2/M cell cycle arrest. Incubation of UVB irradiated HaCaT cells with 11 natural products lead to a diminished release of lactate dehydrogenase. Incubation of HaCaT cells with 5 natural products inhibited the UVB induced IL-6 production by the cells. 15 natural products were able to decrease the UVB irradiation caused DNA damage of HaCaT keratinocytes in different ways. Cytotoxic activities on HaCaT cells were shown by 58 crude extracts and isolated compounds. On the basis of these results the three terrestrial fungi Inonotus nodulosus, Piptoporus betulinus and Tricholoma equestre, as well as the two plants Annona muricata and Harpephyllum caffrum were identified to be promising candidates for the application as skin UVB protecting or general skin care products. Beyond that also the cyanobacterium Nannochloropsis spec., the medicinal mushrooms Ganoderma lucidum, Ganoderma pfeifferi, Hydnotrya michaelis and Tricholoma populinum and the plant Tamarix aphylla showed striking results in some assays and are worthy of a closer look in future studies. In conclusion, these results show the suitability of the established in vitro models for the detection of natural products with UV protecting and regenerating activities on human keratinocytes. Moreover, this study reveals a great potential of different groups of organisms for the production of active compounds with such desirable effects

    Staphylococcus aureus Infection Reduces Nutrition Uptake and Nucleotide Biosynthesis in a Human Airway Epithelial Cell Line

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    The Gram positive opportunistic human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus induces a variety of diseases including pneumonia. S. aureus is the second most isolated pathogen in cystic fibrosis patients and accounts for a large proportion of nosocomial pneumonia. Inside the lung, the human airway epithelium is the first line in defence with regard to microbial recognition and clearance as well as regulation of the immune response. The metabolic host response is, however, yet unknown. To address the question of whether the infection alters the metabolome and metabolic activity of airway epithelial cells, we used a metabolomics approach. The nutrition uptake by the human airway epithelial cell line A549 was monitored over time by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-NMR) and the intracellular metabolic fingerprints were investigated by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (GC-MS) and (HPLC-MS). To test the metabolic activity of the host cells, glutamine analogues and labelled precursors were applied after the infection. We found that A549 cells restrict uptake of essential nutrients from the medium after S. aureus infection. Moreover, the infection led to a shutdown of the purine and pyrimidine synthesis in the A549 host cell, whereas other metabolic routes such as the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway remained active. In summary, our data show that the infection with S. aureus negatively affects growth, alters the metabolic composition and specifically impacts the de novo nucleotide biosynthesis in this human airway epithelial cell model

    The distribution of FSH receptor isoforms is related to basal FSH levels in subfertile women with normal menstrual cycles.

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    BACKGROUND: Recently a polymorphic variant of the FSH receptor in which amino acid asparagine (Asn) at position 680 is replaced by serine (Ser) was found. This is associated with higher FSH levels in the early follicular phase and an increased FSH requirement to obtain follicular response in IVF patients. The aim of our study was to test the hypothesis that this receptor isoform occurs more often in regularly menstruating subfertility patients with elevated basal FSH than in those with normal early follicular phase FSH. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of 38 subfertility patients with a regular menstrual cycle and elevated FSH (&gt;10 IU/l) compared to 40 patients with normal early follicular phase FSH was carried out. DNA was analysed to determine the FSH receptor genotype. RESULTS: The N680S variant on one or both alleles of the FSH receptor gene was significantly more prevalent in patients with elevated FSH (P &lt; 0.05). The homozygous Asn/Asn variant at codon 680 was found in 45% of women with normal FSH and in 21% of women with elevated FSH. The homozygous Ser/Ser receptor variant was present in 12.5% of women with normal FSH and in 21% of patients with elevated FSH. Also the heterozygous combination of both variants Asn/Ser occurred more often in women with elevated FSH (58 versus 42.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The N680S sequence variation of the FSH receptor is found in &gt;75% of the cases with elevated basal FSH and suggests a higher FSH threshold