3,378 research outputs found

    Regulación, Supervisión y Conservadurismo Contable: La Interacción de los Tres Pilares de Basilea II con la Calidad de los Resultados Reportados en la Banca Mundial

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    Accounting conservatism is a quality of earnings positively associated with the strength of banking regu- lation and supervision and also high market discipline, but there still remains the unresolved question of the way these three pillars of Basel II interact with each other. We analyse how regulatory and supervisory regimes in the banking industry clearly interact with market discipline measures, such as listing status, own- ership, market concentration and disclosure requirements between ten years before Basel II fails, drawing upon data from 14,651 bank year observations from 54 different countries. According to our findings, there is a clear correlation between the strength of the enforcement of regulation and supervision and accounting conservatism success in countries where market discipline fails. That is to say, the supervisory power reinforces the effect of listing status, ownership and concentration on con- servatism whereas the capital regulatory system mitigates the effect of market discipline on conservatism. We also evidence that in a powerful regulatory system, more disclosure requirements are associated in less conservatism policies in financial entities. Strong increases in regulation, its enforcement and supervisory power introduced in the Basel III mechanism is subject to the debate posed in this paper. The quality of accounting earnings can be improved to prevent bank failures through the application of strong Pillars I and II, i.e., regulation and supervision. Having said that, market discipline still remains a key factor in achieving financial stability.El conservadurismo contable es una cualidad de las ganancias asociada positivamente con la solidez de la regulación y supervisión bancaria y también con la alta disciplina del mercado, pero aún queda la cuestión sin resolver de la forma en que estos tres pilares de Basilea II interactúan entre sí. Analizamos cómo los regímenes regulatorios y de supervisión en la industria bancaria interactúan claramente con las medidas de disciplina del mercado, como si cotizan o no, la distinta estructura de propiedad, la concentración del mercado y los requisitos de divulgación en una muestra de 14.651 observaciones de 54 países diferentes durante los diez años anteriores al fallo de Basilea II. Según nuestros hallazgos, existe una clara correlación entre la fortaleza de la regulación y la supervisión bancaria y el nivel del conservadurismo contable en países donde la disciplina de mercado es débil. Es decir, el poder de supervisión refuerza el efecto del estatus de cotización, la propiedad y la concentración sobre el conservadurismo, mientras que el sistema de regulación de capital mitiga el efecto de la disciplina de mercado sobre el conservadurismo. También evidenciamos que, en un sistema regulatorio poderoso, más requisitos de divulgación están asociados con políticas menos conservadoras en las entidades financieras. Los resultados obtenidos contribuyen al debate sobre si los fuertes incrementos en la regulación bancaria, y el mayor poder de supervisión introducidos en el mecanismo de Basilea III están justificados ante fallos en la disciplina de mercado introducida por Basilea II. La calidad del resultado contable se puede mejorar para prevenir quiebras bancarias mediante la aplicación de fuertes Pilares I y II, es decir, regulación y supervisión. Dicho esto, la disciplina del mercado sigue siendo un factor clave para lograr la estabilidad financiera, pero sigue sin ser el más relevante

    Proceso de selección de proveedores y la Gestión logística en una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, Trujillo 2022

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    En el estudio de investigación realizado, se ha tenido por objetivo establecer el vínculo entre proceso de selección de proveedores y la gestión logística en una Cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, Trujillo 2022. Se utilizó un enfoque de tipo cuantitativo, de corte transversal, con diseño no experimental de nivel descriptivo correlacional. Al ser población pequeña la unidad de análisis fueron los 7 colaboradores del área logística de la Cooperativa de ahorro y crédito Leon XIII Ltda. Nº520. Se obtuvieron los resultados usando el instrumento cuestionario para las dos variables. Se utilizó el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman para la contratación de la hipótesis de investigación con un resultado de p valor del 0.829 y su nivel de significancia fue 0.021 es decir una confiablidad del 95% entre las variables Selección de proveedores y gestión logística, rechazando la hipótesis nula y aceptando la hipótesis de investigación

    Is erythrocyte size a strategy to avoid hypoxia in Wiegmann’s Torquate Lizards (Sceloporus torquatus)? Field evidence

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    This study examined changes in certain hematological parameters in a reptilian model naturally exposed to altitude-associated hypoxia. Four populations of the Mexican lizard Sceloporus torquatus Wiegmann, 1828 (Wiegmann’s Torquate Lizard) from different altitudes were sampled to evaluate erythrocyte count (Erc), hematocrit (Hct), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and erythrocyte size (Ers). Blood was also assayed to determine hemoglobin ([Hb]), glucose, lactate, and electrolyte concentrations. Erc was performed using a Neubauer hemocytometer. Hct was calculated as percentage of packed cell volume by centrifuging blood samples. [Hb] was determined using a Bausch and Lomb Spectronic colorimeter. MCHC was calculated with the formula 100 × [Hb]/Hct. Ers was calculated from blood smear microphotographs analyzed with the Sigma Scan Pro software. Values of serum electrolytes (sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+)), pH, glucose, and lactate from blood samples were obtained through a blood electrolyte analyzer. Highland populations of S. torquatus exhibited a significant increase in Erc, Hct, Ers, and [Hb]. In contrast, MCHC showed no correlation with altitude. Additionally, significant differences in lactate, Na+, K+, and Ca2+ were observed in highland populations. In general, we found that most hematological parameters were significantly different among lizard populations from different altitudes. This is the first study to report changes in Ers in relation to altitude, which could be a physiological response to hypoxia.CONACYT 17872

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against wilt induced by Verticillium spp. in pepper.

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    Verticillium dahliae Kleb. is a vascular pathogen that alters water status and growth of pepper plants and causes drastic reductions in yield. Its control is difficult because it can survive in field soil for several years. The application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) as bioprotector agents against V. dahliae is an alternative to the use of chemicals which, in addition, is more respectful with the environment. The establishment of the mutualistic association of plant roots and AMF involves a continuous cellular and molecular dialogue between both symbionts that includes the preactivation of plant defense responses that may enhance the resistance or tolerance of mycorrhizal plants to soil-borne pathogens. Some AMF can improve the resistance of Capsicum annuum L. against V. dahliae. This is especially relevant for pepper cultivars (i.e. cv. Piquillo) that exhibit high susceptibility to this pathogen. Compared with non-mycorrhizal plants, mycorrhizal pepper can exhibit more balanced antioxidant metabolism in leaves along the first month after pathogen inoculation, which may contribute to delay both the development of disease symptoms and the decrease of photosynthesis in Verticillium-inoculated plants with the subsequent benefit for yield. In stems, mycorrhizal pepper show earlier and higher deposition of lignin in xylem vessels than nonmycorrhizal plants, even in absence of the pathogen. Moreover, AMF can induce new isoforms of acidic chitinases and superoxide dismutase in roots. Mycorrhizal-specific induction of these enzymatic activities together with enhanced peroxidase and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase in roots may also be involved in the bioprotection of Verticillium-induced wilt in pepper by AM

    A general vertical decomposition of Euler equations: Multilayer-moment models

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    In this work, we present a general framework for vertical discretizations of Euler equations. It generalizes the usual moment and multilayer models and allows to obtain a family of multilayer-moment models. It considers a multilayer-type discretization where the layerwise velocity is a polynomial of arbitrary degree N on the vertical variable. The contribution of this work is twofold. First, we compare the multilayer and moment models in their usual formulation, pointing out some advantages/disadvantages of each approach. Second, a family of multilayer-moment models is proposed. As particular interesting case we shall consider a multilayer-moment model with layerwise linear horizontal velocity. Several numerical tests are presented, devoted to the comparison of multilayer and moment methods, and also showing that the proposed method with layerwise linear velocity allows us to obtain second order accuracy in the vertical direction. We show as well that the proposed approach allows to correctly represent the vertical structure of the solutions of the hydrostatic Euler equations. Moreover, the measured efficiency shows that in many situations, the proposed multilayer-moment model needs just a few layers to improve the results of the usual multilayer model with a high number of vertical layers.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish Government and FEDER through the research projects RTI2018-096064-B-C2(1/2) and PID2020-114688RB-I00, the Junta de Andalucía research project P18-RT-3163, the Junta de Andalucia-FEDER-University of Málaga research project UMA18-FEDERJA-16. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    Eficiencia del TARWI (Lupinus mutabilis) asistido con Bradyrhizobium sp. para la absorción de cadmio en suelos contaminados – Lima 2019

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    El Cadmio (Cd) es un metal traza común que afecta a la calidad del suelo, producto de las actividades extractivas, por lo cual requiere una especial atención, debido a los riesgos de contaminación a los cuerpos de agua, así mismo su bioacumulación en la cadena alimentaria, puede producir efectos adversos para la salud, a pesar si se encuentra en bajas concentraciones. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la eficiencia del Lupinus mutabilis asistido con Bradyrhizobium sp. para la absorción del Cd en el suelo y planta, el cual se realizó tomando en cuenta 4 tratamientos y un control (sin contaminante), cada tratamiento tuvo una concentración de (T0 0, T1 50, T2 80, T3 100, T4 110 mg CdCl2/L). Se determinó las características físicas del tarwi en el T1, cuyos resultados fueron 7.90 cm raíz, 35.23 cm tallo y 3.90 cm hoja respectivamente. Así mismo en el T4 hubo deficiencia en el desarrollo de la planta, cuyos resultados fueron: 3.50 cm raíz, 13.30 tallo y 3.03 cm en las hojas, concluyéndose que a mayor concentración de cadmio menor es el desarrollo en el crecimiento del tarwi a los 80 dìas. Así mismo se logró determinar la concentración de Cd en la estructura radicular de la planta, cuyos resultados fueron: T1 9.37 mg/Kg, T2 17.35 mg/Kg, T3 14.60 mg/Kg, y para T4 22.82 mg/Kg donde se llega a conclusión que a más alta concentración Cd como es el T4, la plántula tuvo una mayor absorción en su estructura radicular, también se determinó la concentración de Cd en la estructura aérea y se obtuvo que el T1 1.57 mg/Kg , T2 3.17 mg/Kg, T3 4.50 mg/Kg, y para T4 12.45 mg/Kg donde se concluyó que la estructura área tiene menor concentración en cada uno sus tratamientos en comparación a su estructura radicular. Las concentraciones finales de cadmio en el suelo en cada tratamiento son: Para el T1 25.00, T2 45.75, T3 64.43, T4 67.70 mg/Kg de Cd, cuyos porcentajes de remoción que son 45%, 42%, 32%, 34% respectivamente después de los 80 días, llegando a la conclusiòn que a mayor concentración de cadmio menor es el porcentaje de remoción, demostrándose que el Lupinus mutabilis asistido con Bradyrhizobium sp. es eficiente en la remoción del Cd en el suelo

    Breeding Strategies for Weather Resilience in Small Ruminants in Atlantic and Mediterranean Climates

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    Many efforts are being made to cope with negative consequences of climate change (CC) on livestock. Among them, selective breeding of resilient animals to CC is presented as an opportunity to maintain high levels of performance regardless of variation in weather. In the present work, we proposed a set of breeding strategies to improve weather resilience in dairy goats raised in north-western European Atlantic conditions and dairy sheep raised in Mediterranean conditions while improving production efficiency at the same time. Breeding strategies differed in the selection emphasis placed on resilience traits, ranging from 0 to 40% in the index. Simulations were carried out mimicking real breeding programs including: milk yield, length of productive life, age at first kidding and mastitis incidence in dairy goats and milk, fat and protein yields, and fertility for dairy sheep. Considering the particular climatic conditions in the two regions, the predicted future climate scenarios, and genetic correlations among breeding objectives, resilience was defined as stability to weather changes for dairy goats and as the ability to improve performance under heat stress for dairy sheep. A strategy giving a selection weight of 10 and 20% for goat and sheep resilience, respectively, resulted in the best overall genetic response in terms of both, production and resilience ability. Not considering resilience in breeding programs could lead to a major production loss in future climate scenarios, whereas putting too much emphasis on resilience would result in a limited progress in milk production

    Temporal and Cartographic Analyses of the Distribution within Spain of Mortality Due to Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (1984⁻2016)

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    The aim is to conduct a descriptive, population-based study in order to assess temporal and spatial changes in mortality due to granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) in Spain from 1984 to 2016. Mortality data were obtained from the Spanish Annual Death Registry. Deaths in which GPA was the underlying cause were selected using the 446.4 and M31.3 codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 9th and 10th revision. Annual average age at death and age-adjusted mortality rates were calculated. Geographic analysis was performed at municipality and district level. Variations in mortality according to the type of municipality (urban, agro-urban or rural), district and geographic location (degrees of latitude) were assessed using standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) and smoothed-SMRs. Over the whole period, 620 deaths due to GPA were identified. Age at death increased at an average annual rate of 0.78% over the period 1987-2016 (p < 0.05). Age-adjusted mortality rates increased by an annual average of 20.58% from 1984 to 1992, after which they fell by 1.91% a year (p < 0.05). The agro-urban category had the highest percentage (4.57%) of municipalities with a significantly higher GPA mortality rate than expected. Geographic analysis revealed four districts with a higher risk of death due to GPA, two in the North of Spain and two in the South. This population-based study revealed an increase in the age at death attributed to GPA. Age-adjusted mortality rates went up sharply until 1992, after which they started to decline until the end of the study period. Geographic differences in mortality risk were identified but further studies will be necessary to ascertain the reasons for the distribution of GPA disease.This research was supported by the Spanish Stategy Action for Health (AESI), project no. TPY1238/15. GS enjoys a research grant funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (No. FPU14/03914).S

    Growth, yield and physiology of Verticillium-inoculated pepper plants treated with ATAD and composted sewage sludge

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    A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the impact of sanitized sewage sludges, ATAD (aerobic thermophilic autothermic digestion) and composted, on Verticillium-induced wilt in pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L. cv. Piquillo). Two doses of ATAD (15 and 30% v/v) and three of composted sludge (15, 30 and 45% v/v) were applied to a peat-based potting mix. Unamended substrate was included as control. Half of the plants were inoculated with V. dahliae, whereas the other half remained non-inoculated. Result showed that ATAD and composted sludge increased growth and yield of non-inoculated plants. V. dahliae reduced net photosynthesis (P n), mainly as a consequence of stomatal closure, 5 weeks after pathogen inoculation. The actual photosystem II efficiency was also reduced and consequently the electron transport rate (ETR). No photoinhibitory damage was observed at this time in diseased plants. At the end of the experiment, diseased plants showed lower plant biomass and fruit yield. ATAD sludge had little effect on the disease. Compost slightly alleviated Verticillium-induced wilt when applied at lower doses (15% v/v), which resulted in increased P n and ETR, and higher plant biomass and fruit yield. By contrast, higher doses of compost (45% v/v) enhanced the effect of the pathogen, which was related to the high substrate salinity in this treatment