219 research outputs found

    Peran Pendidikan Global terhadap Mobilitas Masyarakat

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    The change of status is promising to increase welfare through education. Government policy-oriented society is the hope to solve the problem of economic welfare. Tract prepared learning activities to influence public thinking. But not all educational channels can guarantee output expectations. Utilization of the facilities provided by the government to solve some of the problems and may leave other problems. Mastery is achieved through the involvement of all aspects of society is not partial. However, Indonesia has an outlook on life and a unique geographical region, with diverse cultural backgrounds and customs. Education and the result - the result is also influenced by the circumstances and environmental conditions. In this paper raised about the problems 1) The role of education to social mobility and 2) social mobility can increase educational expectations. Based on the opinions and input of experts who tested the suggestions and input the expected completion of the education problem

    Reuse of Djenane Abd-El-Tif, an Emblematic Islamic Garden in Algiers

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    Djenane Abd-el-Tif is an example of an Algerian summer residence dating from the Ottoman era. This type of building is not very well-known and remains marginalized in research that is more interested in the townhouses of the medina of Algiers. Yet, the gardens, the ingenious irrigation systems, fountains, and other patterns of Islamic gardens make of these djenane a unique typology worth exploring and preserving. Indeed, Islamic garden design is an art in itself and any restoration or conservation work should preserve the authenticity of its characteristics. The djenane Abd-el-Tif was fully restored following the damage caused by the Boumerdès earthquake in 2003. This led to the discovery of various elements that are particularly informative about its architecture and composition. It also highlighted the existence of valuable Islamic garden patterns, together with the djenane\u27s exceptional flora, which could provide added-value to the tourism potential of such residences. However, if restoration work has saved the djenane Abd-el-Tif, its garden with its Islamic design characteristics is not yet fully investigated nor listed as a cultural heritage. This article presents the djenane as a cultural heritage and argues that right restoration and reuse could contribute to enhancing knowledge about Islamic garden design in North Africa

    Modèle de distribution des nématodes chez le poisson chat (Clarias anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758)) dans deux réservoirs du Burkina Faso (Afrique de l’Ouest)

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    Paracamallanus cyathopharynx, Procamallanus laevichoncus, Rhabdochona congolensis, Contracaecum sp., Anisakis sp. et une espèce non identifiée. Les nématodes étaient plus nombreux dans le réservoir de Ziga. Cependant, la prévalence des nématodes n’a pas varié dans les deux sites. Les nématodes adultes étaient plus diversifiés dans le tube digestif et les larves étaient fréquentes dans la cavité et dans les tissus des organes. Parmi les espèces de nématodes étudiés, Anisakis sp. a été rencontrée chez les poissons pour la première fois au Burkina Faso. Cette investigation a permis de connaître les espèces de nématodes qu’héberge C. anguillaris au Burkina Faso. Ces espèces n’avaient pas la même distribution chez l’hôte de même que les différents stades. Les adultes étaient rencontrés dans le tube digestif et les larves dans les tissus et les mésentères English title: Nematode distribution pattern in catfish (Clarias anguillaris (Linnaeus, 1758)) in two reservoirs of Burkina Faso (West Africa) Clarias anguillaris is a fish widely consumed in Burkina Faso. Among the parasites of this fish, we note the nematodes whose diversity and preferred organs are not very well known. This work shows diversity and distribution of nematodes of C. anguillaris. The host fish were sampled in two reservoirs in Burkina Faso; namely the Loumbila dam and the Ziga dam. At each sampling, the host fish were examined for nematodes. The digestive tract, for its part, was separated from the secondary organs after dissection, and each part was examined for the collection of nematodes. A total of 268 Clarias anguillaris were examined. Of the fish examined, 74.63% were infected. 06 species of Nematodes were collected: Paracamallanus cyathopharynx, Procamallanus laevichoncus, Rhabdochona congolensis, Contracaecum sp., Anisakis sp. and an unidentified nematode. Nematodes were more abundant in Ziga dam. However, the percentage of nematodes infestation did not vary at both sites. Adults’ nematodes were more diverse in the digestive tract and larva were more found in the cavity and in the tissues. Among the species of nematodes studied, Anisakis sp. was encountered for the first time on fishes in Burkina Faso. This investigation allowed to discover the nematode species harbored by C. anguillaris in Burkina Faso. These species did not have the same distribution in the host nor the different stages of the nematodes. Adults were found in the digestive tract and larvae in tissues and mesenteries

    Phlebotomus sergenti in a Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Focus in Azilal Province (High Atlas, Morocco): Molecular Detection and Genotyping of Leishmania tropica, and Feeding Behavior

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    International audienceBackground Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) sergenti is at least one of the confirmed vectors for the transmission of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania tropica and distributed widely in Morocco. This form of leishmaniasis is considered largely as anthroponotic, although dogs were found infected with Leishmania tropica, suggestive of zoonosis in some rural areas. Methodology and Findings This survey aimed at (i) studying the presence of Leishmania in field caught Phlebotomus sergenti, (ii) investigating genetic diversity within Leishmania tropica and (iii) identifying the host-blood feeding preferences of Phlebotomus sergenti. A total of 4,407 sand flies were collected in three rural areas of Azilal province, using CDC miniature light traps. Samples collected were found to consist of 13 species: Phlebotomus spp. and 3 Sergentomyia spp. The most abundant species was Phlebotomus sergenti, accounting for 45.75% of the total. 965 female Phlebotomus sergenti were screened for the presence of Leishmania by ITS1-PCR-RFLP, giving a positive rate of 5.7%(55/965), all being identified as Leishmania tropica. Nucleotide heterogeneity of PCR-amplified ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 was noted. Analyses of 31 sequences obtained segregated them into 16 haplotypes, of which 7 contain superimposed peaks at certain nucleotide positions, suggestive of heterozygosity. Phlebotomus sergenti collected were found to feed on a large variety of vertebrate hosts, as determined by Cytochrome b sequencing of the DNA from the blood meals of 64 engorged females. Conclusion Our findings supported the notion that Phlebotomus sergenti is the primary vector of Leishmania tropica in this focus, and that the latter is genetically very heterogeneous. Furthermore, our results might be suggestive of a certain level of heterozygosity in Leishmania tropica population. This finding, as well as the feeding of the vectors on different animals are of interest for further investigation

    Preliminary characterization of a Moroccan honey with a predominance of Bupleurum spinosum pollen

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    Honey with Bupleurum spinosum (zandaz) as a main pollen source has not been the subject of previous detailed study. Therefore, twelve Moroccan samples of this honey were subjected to melissopalynological, physicochemical and microbiological quality characterization, as well as antioxidant activity assessment. From a quality point of view, almost all samples were within the limits established by Codex Alimentarius, and/or the European legislation. All samples presented predominance of B. spinosum pollen (more than 48%). Relatively high levels of trehalose (1.3-4.0 g/100 g) and melezitose (1.5-2.8 g/100 g) were detected. Those sugars, not common in monofloral honeys, could be used as an important factor to discriminate zandaz honey. Flavonoid content correlated positively with the honey color, melanoidin and polyphenol content, and negatively with the IC50 values of scavenging ABTS (2,2' - azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) free radicals, while proline amount correlated negatively with IC50 values of nitric oxide scavenging activity and chelating power. This correlation supports the use of anti-oxidant activities as important variables for PCA (principal component analysis). Both components explained 70% from the given data, and showed certain homogeneity upon analyzed samples independent of the region, suggesting the importance of B. spinosum nectar in the resulting honey characteristics.Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia for Research Center [UID/BIM/04773/2013 CBMR 1334, UID/AGR/00239/2013, UID/BIA/04050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569)]; ERDF through the COMPETE - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI

    Regionalization of the Red Sea based on phytoplankton phenology: A satellite analysis

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    The current average state of Red Sea phytoplankton phenology needs to be resolved in order to study future variations that could be induced by climate change. Moreover, a regionalization of the Red Sea could help to identify areas of interest and guide in situ sampling strategies. Here, a clustering method used 21 years of satellite surface chlorophyll-a concentration observations to characterize similar regions of the Red Sea. Four relevant phytoplankton spatiotemporal patterns (i.e., bio-regions) were found and linked to biophysical interactions occurring in their respective areas. Two of them, located in the northern part the Red Sea, were characterized by a distinct winter-time phytoplankton bloom induced by mixing events or associated with a convergence zone. The other two, located in the southern regions, were characterized by phytoplankton blooms in summer and winter which might be under the influence of water advected into the Red Sea from the Gulf of Aden in response to the seasonal monsoon winds. Some observed inter-annual variabilities in these bio-regions suggested that physical mechanisms could be highly variable in response to variations in air-sea heat fluxes and ENSO phases in the northern and southern half of the Red Sea, respectively. This study reveals the importance of sustaining in situ measurements in the Red Sea to build a full understanding about the physical processes that contribute to phytoplankton production in this basin


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    NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCE MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF SURAKARTA BACHELOR THESIS ABSTRACT MALIKA LUTFIANA DEWI. J 310 110 067 EVALUATION OF THE MICROBIOLOGICAL HAZARD ON GALANGAL FRIED CHICKEN USING THE PRINCIPLES HACCP (HAZARD ANALYSIS CRITICAL CONTROL POINT) AT NUTRITION INSTALLATION OF PKU MUHAMMADIYAH HOSPITAL OF SURAKARTA Introduction: Food is one of the basic human needs to survive, as well as a source of diseases. Most contamination disease can be transmitted into food and drinks through contamination of microbes. Thus, food safety systems, such as HACCP, which can analyze product safety from many potential dangers are needed. Meats are the main source of bacteria that cause infections and intoxications. Galangal fried chicken, which is made from broiler chicken is one of foods that is made at nutrition installation of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta. So, this menu is vulnerable to get contaminated by physical, biological, or chemical hazards. Objective: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the microbiological hazard on Galangal Fried Chicken using principles of HACCP at the nutrition installation of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta. Methods: The research was an observational study with cross sectional design. Analysis of microbes used Total Plate Count (TPC). Results: Microbes which were identified were Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium perfringens, Achromobacter micrococus, Bacillus cereus. The critical control points of the cooking process were on 1st and 2nd boiling stages. The number of microbes based on TPC analysis were 3,5x104 CFU/gram on raw chicken and and 1,5x104 CFU/gram on galangal fried chicken. Conclusion: Further researchs are needed to be done on the type of microbes present on other products in addition to galangal fried chicken at nutrition installation of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital of Surakarta, as well as the personnel hygiene and health education for food handlers Kata Kunci : HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point), galangal fried chicken, microbiological hazard, total plate count Bibliography : 45: 1994-201

    Анализ причин обводненности добывающих скважин на нефтяных месторождениях

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    В процессе исследования рассмотрены причины преждевременного обводнения скважин, алгоритм подбора скважин-кандидатов для проведения водоизоляционных работ (ВИР), методы диагностики водопритоков, факторы, влияющие на эффективность ВИР и мероприятия по снижению обводненности скважинной продукции. Рассмотрен опыт применения технологии выравнивания профиля приемистости на месторождении АО "Газпромнефть-ННГ".During the research, the causes of premature well flooding, the algorithm for selecting candidate wells for water shutoff, methods for diagnosing water inflow, factors affecting the effectiveness of water shutoff and measures to reduce the water content of well products are considered. The experience of applying the technology of conformance control at the field of JSC Gazpromneft-NNG is considered

    BRCA2-HSF2BP oligomeric ring disassembly by BRME1 promotes homologous recombination

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    In meiotic homologous recombination (HR), BRCA2 facilitates loading of the recombinases RAD51 and DMC1 at the sites of double-strand breaks (DSBs). The HSF2BP-BRME1 complex interacts with BRCA2. Its absence causes a severe reduction in recombinase loading at meiotic DSB. We previously showed that, in somatic cancer cells ectopically producing HSF2BP, DNA damage can trigger HSF2BP-dependent degradation of BRCA2, which prevents HR. Here, we report that, upon binding to BRCA2, HSF2BP forms octameric rings that are able to interlock into a large ring-shaped 24-nucleotide oligomer. Addition of BRME1 leads to dissociation of both of these ring structures and cancels the disruptive effect of HSF2BP on cancer cell resistance to DNA damage. It also prevents BRCA2 degradation during interstrand DNA crosslink repair in Xenopus egg extracts. We propose that, during meiosis, the control of HSF2BP-BRCA2 oligomerization by BRME1 ensures timely assembly of the ring complex that concentrates BRCA2 and controls its turnover, thus promoting HR.</p