252 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling and simulation in sheet metal forming

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    The application of numerical modelling and simulation in manufacturing technologies is looking back over about a 20–30 years history. In recent years, the role of modelling and simulation in engineering and in manufacturing industry has been continuously increasing. It is well known that during manufacturing processes simultaneous the effect of many different parameters can be observed. This is the reason why in former years, detailed analysis of manufacturing processes could have been done only by time-consuming and expensive trial-and-error methods. Due to the recent developments in the methods of modelling and simulation, as well as in computational facilities, modelling and simulation has become an everyday tool in engineering practice. Besides the aforementioned facts, the emerging role of modelling and simulation can also be explained by the growing globalisation and competition of the world market requiring shorter lead times and more cost effective solutions. In spite the enormous development of hardware and software facilities, the exclusive use of numerical modelling still seems to be very time- and cost consuming, and there is still often a high scepticism about the results among industrialists. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to overview the present situation of numerical modelling and simulation in sheet metal forming, mainly from the viewpoint of scientific research and industrial applications

    A Source Code Generation Support System Using Design Pattern Documents Based on SGML

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    Applying design patterns to the design of an application makes it robust against issues related to extensibility and maintainability. However, currently, a designer must apply structures and constraints of design patterns to an application by hand, therefore mistakes often occur. We have proposed a notation using SGML for describing design patterns and a support system for design patterns. We aim at providing a source code generation support system based on the notation and system. There has been much research into semi-automatic application generators using existing knowledge such as libraries based on algorithms and data structure, and classes packaged based on the object-oriented technology. When using design patterns for source code generation support, the same requirements for such semi-automatic application generators must be considered. The requirements are lessening codes to be written by users, and satisfying constraints without directing users\u27 attention to them. In this paper we consider the requirements and describe a design and implementation of the source code generation support system and resultsDecember 7-10, 1999, Takamatsu, Japa

    Prediction of wrinkling and springback in sheet metal forming

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    The finite element simulation is currently a powerful tool to optimize forming processes in order to produce defect-free products. Wrinkling and springback are main geometrical defects arising in sheet metal forming. Nevertheless, the prediction of such defects requires accurate numerical models. This study presents the experimental and numerical analysis of a rail with high tendency to develop both wrinkling (top surface of geometry) and springback (flange). The punch force evolution and the final geometry of the rail, evaluated in four different cross-sections, are the main variables analysed. Globally, the numerical results are in good agreement with the experimental measurements. However, the shape of the wrinkle is significantly influenced by the symmetry conditions considered in the model (1/4 of the blank). In fact, considering the full model of the blank, the numerical results are in better agreement with the experimental ones. On the other hand, the computational cost of the numerical simulation considering the full blank is approximately 12 times higher than using 1/4 of the blank.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under projects with reference UID/EMS/00285/2013, PTDC/EMS-TEC/0702/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016779) and PTDC/EMS-TEC/6400/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016876) by UE/FEDER through the program COMPETE2020. The first author is also grateful to the FCT for the Postdoctoral grant SFRH/BPD/101334/2014

    Comparing faceted and smoothed tool surface descriptions in sheet metal forming simulation

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    This study deals with different tool surface description methods used in the finite element analysis of sheet metal forming processes. The description of arbitrarily-shaped tool surfaces using the traditional linear finite elements is compared with two distinct smooth surface description approaches: (i) BĂ©zier patches obtained from the ComputerAided Design model and (ii) smoothing the finite element mesh using Nagata patches. The contact search algorithm is presented for each approach, exploiting its special features in order to ensure an accurate and efficient contact detection. The influence of the tool modelling accuracy on the numerical results is analysed using two sheet forming examples, the unconstrained cylindrical bending and the reverse deep drawing of a cylindrical cup. Smoothing the contact surfaces with Nagata patches allows creating more accurate tool models, both in terms of shape and normal vectors, when compared with the conventional linear finite element mesh. The computational efficiency is evaluated in this study through the total number of increments and the required CPU time. The mesh refinement in the faceted description approach is not effective in terms of computational efficiency due to large discontinuities in the normal vector field across facets, even when adopting fine meshes.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) via the projects PTDC/EME-TME/118420/2010 and PEst-C/EME/ UI0285/2013 and by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE – Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade, under the project CENTRO-07-0224-FEDER-002001 (MT4MOBI). The first author is also grateful to the FCT for the PhD grant SFRH/BD/69140/2010.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Geological controls on the geometry of incised-valley fills: Insights from a global dataset of late-Quaternary examples

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    Incised valleys that develop due to relative sea-level change are common features of continental shelves and coastal plains. Assessment of the factors that control the geometry of incised-valley fills has hitherto largely relied on conceptual, experimental or numerical models, else has been grounded on case studies of individual depositional systems. Here, a database-driven statistical analysis of 151 late-Quaternary incised-valley fills has been performed, the aim being to investigate the geological controls on their geometry. Results of this analysis have been interpreted with consideration of the role of different processes in determining the geometry of incised-valley fills through their effect on the degree and rate of river incision, and on river size and mobility. The studied incised-valley fills developed along active margins are thicker and wider, on average, than those along passive margins, suggesting that tectonic setting exerts a control on the geometry of incised-valley fills, likely through effects on relative sea-level change and river behaviour, and in relation to distinct characteristics of basin physiography, water discharge and modes of sediment delivery. Valley-fill geometry is positively correlated with the associated drainage-basin size, confirming the dominant role of water discharge. Climate is also inferred to exert a potential control on valley-fill dimensions, possibly through modulations of temperature, peak precipitation, vegetation and permafrost, which would in turn affect water discharge, rates of sediment supply and valley-margin stability. Shelves with slope breaks that are currently deeper than 120 m contain incised-valley fills that are thicker and wider, on average, than those hosted on shelves with breaks shallower than 120 m. No correlation exists between valley-fill thickness and present-day coastal-prism convexity, which is measured as the difference in gradient between lower coastal plains and inner shelves. These findings challenge some concepts embedded in sequence stratigraphic thinking, and have significant implications for analysis and improved understanding of source-to-sink sediment route-ways, and for attempting predictions of the occurrence and characteristics of hydrocarbon reservoirs
