158 research outputs found

    The Kaapvaal craton seismic anisotropy: Petrophysical analyses of upper mantle kimberlite nodules

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    International audienceA dense network of seismic stations has been deployed on the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa) to investigate the upper mantle seismic structures. In order to bring independent petrophysical constraints, we analyze a direct sampling of the cratonic upper mantle and determine the seismic properties of 48 mantle nodules brought up to the Earth's surface by kimberlite eruptions. Seismic properties of these nodules are calculated from the olivine and pyroxene crystal preferred orientations and the single crystal elastic constants. Despite variations in the nodules compositions, microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientations, seismic anisotropy is rather homogeneous throughout the craton. Mean S-wave anisotropy is weak (2.64 %), which is compatible with the small measured SKS wave splitting (mean delay time of 0.62 s)

    Upper- and mid-mantle interaction between the Samoan plume and the Tonga-Kermadec slabs

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    Mantle plumes are thought to play a key role in transferring heat from the core\u2013mantle boundary to the lithosphere, where it can significantly influence plate tectonics. On impinging on the lithosphere at spreading ridges or in intra-plate settings, mantle plumes may generate hotspots, large igneous provinces and hence considerable dynamic topography. However, the active role of mantle plumes on subducting slabs remains poorly understood. Here we show that the stagnation at 660 km and fastest trench retreat of the Tonga slab in Southwestern Pacific are consistent with an interaction with the Samoan plume and the Hikurangi plateau. Our findings are based on comparisons between 3D anisotropic tomography images and 3D petrological-thermo-mechanical models, which self-consistently explain several unique features of the Fiji\u2013Tonga region. We identify four possible slip systems of bridgmanite in the lower mantle that reconcile the observed seismic anisotropy beneath the Tonga slab (VSH4VSV) with thermo-mechanical calculations

    Non-basal dislocations should be accounted for in simulating ice mass flow

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    Prediction of ice mass flow and associated dynamics is pivotal at a time of climate change. Ice flow is dominantly accommodated by the motion of crystal defects – the dislocations. In the specific case of ice, their observation is not always accessible by means of the classical tools such as X-ray diffraction or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Part of the dislocation population, the geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) can nevertheless be constrained using crystal orientation measurements via electron backscattering diffraction (EBSD) associated with appropriate analyses based on the Nye (1950) approach. The present study uses the Weighted Burgers Vectors, a reduced formulation of the Nye theory that enables the characterization of GNDs. Applied to ice, this method documents, for the first time, the presence of dislocations with non-basal [c][c] or 〈c+a〉〈c+a〉 Burgers vectors. These [c][c] or 〈c+a〉〈c+a〉 dislocations represent up to 35%35% of the GNDs observed in laboratory-deformed ice samples. Our findings offer a more complex and comprehensive picture of the key plasticity processes responsible for polycrystalline ice creep and provide better constraints on the constitutive mechanical laws implemented in ice sheet flow models used to predict the response of Earth ice masses to climate change

    Mid-mantle deformation inferred from seismic anisotropy

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    With time, convective processes in the Earth's mantle will tend to align crystals, grains and inclusions. This mantle fabric is detectable seismologically, as it produces an anisotropy in material properties—in particular, a directional dependence in seismic-wave velocity. This alignment is enhanced at the boundaries of the mantle where there are rapid changes in the direction and magnitude of mantle flow, and therefore most observations of anisotropy are confined to the uppermost mantle or lithosphere and the lowermost-mantle analogue of the lithosphere, the D" region. Here we present evidence from shear-wave splitting measurements for mid-mantle anisotropy in the vicinity of the 660-km discontinuity, the boundary between the upper and lower mantle. Deep-focus earthquakes in the Tonga–Kermadec and New Hebrides subduction zones recorded at Australian seismograph stations record some of the largest values of shear-wave splitting hitherto reported. The results suggest that, at least locally, there may exist a mid-mantle boundary layer, which could indicate the impediment of flow between the upper and lower mantle in this region

    Development of anisotropic structure in the Earth's lower mantle by solid-state convection

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    Seismological observations reveal highly anisotropic patches at the bottom of the Earth's lower mantle, whereas the bulk of the mantle has been observed to be largely isotropic(1-4). These patches have been interpreted to correspond to areas where subduction has taken place in the past or to areas where mantle plumes are upwelling, but the underlying cause for the anisotropy is unknown-both shape-preferred orientation of elastically heterogenous materials(5) and lattice-preferred orientation of a homogeneous material(6-8) have been proposed. Both of these mechanisms imply that large-strain deformation occurs within the anisotropic regions, but the geodynamic implications of the mechanisms differ. Shape-preferred orientation would imply the presence of large elastic (and hence chemical) heterogeneity whereas lattice-preferred orientation requires deformation at high stresses. Here we show, on the basis of numerical modelling incorporating mineral physics of elasticity and development of lattice-preferred orientation, that slab deformation in the deep lower mantle can account for the presence of strong anisotropy in the circum-Pacific region. In this model-where development of the mineral fabric (the alignment of mineral grains) is caused solely by solid-state deformation of chemically homogeneous mantle material-anisotropy is caused by large-strain deformation at high stresses, due to the collision of subducted slabs with the core-mantle boundary.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62804/1/416310a.pd

    Seismic anisotropy of the Archean crust in the Minnesota River Valley, Superior Province

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    The Minnesota River Valley (MRV) subprovince is a well-exposed example of late Archean lithosphere. Its high-grade gneisses display a subhorizontal layering, most likely extending down to the crust-mantle boundary. The strong linear fabric of the gneisses results from high-temperature plastic flow during collage-related contraction. Seismic anisotropies measured up to 1 GPa in the laboratory, and seismic anisotropies calculated through forward-modeling indicate ΔVP ~5-6% and ΔVS ~3%. The MRV crust exhibits a strong macroscopic layering and foliation, and relatively strong seismic anisotropies at the hand specimen scale. Yet the horizontal attitude of these structures precludes any substantial contribution of the MRV crust to shear wave splitting for vertically propagating shear waves such as SKS. The origin of the regionally low seismic anisotropy must lie in the upper mantle. A horizontally layered mantle underneath the United States interior could provide an explanation for the observed low SWS. Key Points The Archean crust of the Minnesota River Valley is strongly anisotropic The horizontally layered crust of the MRV cannot split vertical shear waves The cause of low SWS in the MRV must be in the uppermost mantle ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved
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