59 research outputs found

    Induced Abortion: Risk Factors for Adolescent Female Students, a Brazilian Study

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze risk factors for abortion among female teenagers from 12 to 19 years of age in the city of Maceió, Brazil. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted in ten schools. The sample was calculated by considering the number of admissions for postabortion curettage, obtained from the Information System of Hospitalization. Data were obtained through a semi-structured questionnaire divided into three basic blocks of data: sociodemographic, sexual life, and pregnancy/abortion. To analyze the data, the logistic regression model was used. The Forward Method was chosen to set the final model that minimizes the number of variables and maximizes the accuracy of the model. The significant analysis between the dichotomous variables provided eight significant variables. Two of them are protective for abortion: the ages 12-14 years and talking with parents about sex. After the logistic regression, the receipt of support for abortion was the most significant variable of all. The adolescent with an active sexual life, a previous pregnancy, who is married, and has received support for an abortion has a 99.74% probability for an abortion. The results of this study, demonstrating the importance of the group in adolescence, and the statistical significance of having a partner to support and approve the pregnancy appears as a preventive factor for abortion. It shows the importance of support and companionship for adolescent women

    Environmental tipping points for sperm motility, fertilization, and embryonic development in the crown-of-thorns starfish

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    For broadcast spawning invertebrates such as the crown-of-thorns starfish, early life history stages (from spawning to settlement) may be exposed to a wide range of environmental conditions, and could have a major bearing on reproductive success and population replenishment. Arrested development in response to multiple environmental stressors at the earliest stages can be used to define lower and upper limits for normal development. Here, we compared sperm swimming speeds and proportion of motile sperm and rates of fertilization and early development under a range of environmental variables (temperature: 20–36 oC, salinity: 20–34 psu, and pH: 7.4–8.2) to identify environmental tipping points and thresholds for reproductive success. We also tested the effects of water-soluble compounds, derived from eggs, on sperm activity. Our results demonstrate that gametes, fertilization, and embryonic development are robust to a wide range of temperature, salinity, and pH levels that are outside the range found at the geographical limits of adult distribution and can tolerate environmental conditions that exceed expected anomalies as a result of climate change. Water-soluble compounds derived from eggs also enhanced sperm activity, particularly in environmental conditions where sperm motility was initially limited. These findings suggest that fertilization and embryonic development of crown-of-thorns starfish are tolerant to a wide range of environmental conditions, though environmental constraints on recruitment success may occur at later ontogenic stages

    Efficacy of a spot-on formulation containing moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% for the treatment of Cercopithifilaria spp. and Onchocerca lupi microfilariae in naturally infected dogs from Portugal

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    Funding Information: The authors are grateful to Giada Annoscia and Riccardo Paolo Lia (Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy) for their support during molecular identification and morphometric determination of the parasites. Funding Information: This study has been partially funded by Elanco Animal Health, Monheim, Germany. Publisher Copyright: © 2021, The Author(s).BACKGROUND: Onchocerca lupi and Cercopithifilaria spp. are vector-borne filarioids of dogs, which harbour skin microfilariae (mfs), the former being of zoonotic concern. Proper treatment studies using compounds with microfilaricidal activity have not been performed. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the efficacy of a commercially available spot-on formulation containing moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% for the treatment of O. lupi or Cercopithifilaria spp. skin-dwelling mfs in naturally infected dogs. METHODS: Privately owned dogs (n = 393) from southern Portugal were sampled via skin biopsies to identify and count mfs in 20 µl of skin sediment. A total of 22 mfs-positive dogs were allocated to treatment group (n = 11; G1) or left untreated as a control (n = 11; G2). As a pilot investigation to test the treatment efficacy, five dogs assigned to G1 were treated four times at monthly intervals with moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% spot-on formulation on SDs 0, 28 (± 2), 56 (± 2), and 84 (± 2). Based on the negative results for both O. lupi and/or Cercopithifilaria spp. mfs of dogs in the pilot study from SD28 onwards, the remaining six dogs in G1 were treated at SD0 and assessed only at SD28. RESULTS: Of the 393 animals sampled, 78 (19.8%) scored positive for skin-dwelling mfs. At the pilot investigation, a mean number of 19.6 mfs for O. lupi was recorded among five infected dogs whereas no mfs were detected at SD28. At SD0, the mean number of Cercopithifilaria spp. larvae was 12.6 for G1 and 8.7 for G2. The mean number of mfs for G2 was 20.09. CONCLUSIONS: Results herein obtained suggest that a single treatment with moxidectin 2.5%/imidacloprid 10% spot-on formulation is efficacious against skin-dwelling mfs in dogs. The microfilaricidal effect of moxidectin could also be useful in reducing the risk of O. lupi infection for humans.publishersversionpublishe

    Ewing's sarcoma: epidemiology and prognosis for patients treated at the Pediatric Oncology Institute, IOP-GRAACC-UNIFESP

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    OBJECTIVE: To outline the epidemiological profile and prognosis for Ewing's sarcoma in the Brazilian population. Material and METHODS: The medical records of 64 patients with intraosseous Ewing's sarcoma who were treated at the Pediatric Oncology Institute, IOP-GRAACC-UNIFESP, between 1995 and 2010, were retrospectively evaluated. RESULTS: The statistical analysis on the data obtained did not correlate factors such as sex, trauma, pathological fracture and time taken for case diagnosis with the treatment outcome. Factors such as initial metastasis, lung metastasis, tumor site, age, recurrence and type of surgery showed results corroborating what has been established in the literature. CONCLUSION: The prognosis in cases of Ewing's sarcoma was mainly influenced by the presence of metastases at the time of diagnosis.OBJETIVO: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico e o prognóstico do sarcoma de Ewing na população brasileira. Material e MÉTODO: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, os prontuários de 64 pacientes tratados, com sarcoma de Ewing intraósseo, no Instituto de Oncologia Pediátrica, IOP-GRAACC-UNIFESP, no período de 1995 a 2010. RESULTADOS: A análise estatística dos dados obtidos não correlacionou fatores como sexo, trauma, fratura patológica e tempo ao diagnóstico com o desfecho do tratamento. Fatores como metástase inicial, metástase pulmonar, local do tumor, idade, recidiva e tipo de cirurgia indicam resultados que corroboram a literatura consagrada. CONCLUSÃO: O prognóstico no sarcoma de Ewing foi influenciado principalmente pela presença de metástase ao diagnóstico.UNIFESPUNIFESPSciEL


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    In aquatic habitats, metal contamination from natural and anthropogenic sources continues to pose a concern for human and environmental health. Thus, it is important to complete monitoring studies to assess patterns and the extent of metal contamination in these ecosystems. The objective of this study was to determine the concentrations of 31 chemical elements and water quality parameters of the Todos os Santos River located in the Mucuri Valley, Minas Gerais, Brazil and use multivariate statistical analyses to determine any seasonal and spatial patterns in the data. Results demonstrated that metals including Al, Fe, and Ni exceeded Brazilian and international guidelines for these elements with nutrients such as P also exceeding water quality standards. Principal components analysis indicated distinct geographical and seasonal patterns for multiple elements with hierarchical cluster analysis confirming the observed spatial patterns of contamination in the Todos os Santos River

    Biometria e trocas gasosas em mudas clonais de cafeeiro submetidas a diferentes substratos

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    Aimed to evaluate the biometry and leaf gas exchange of Coffea canephora seedlings submitted to different substrates, in five evaluation periods. The experiment was carried out in Rolim de Moura, Rondônia. It was conducted in a split plot scheme in time, composed by the combination of three substrates (soil, organic compost and commercial substrate) with five assessment periods (25, 50, 75, 100, 125) days after planting the cuttings and parallel 75 , 100 and 125 DAE between 9 and 11 hours, we evaluated the leaf gas exchange. The organic substrate is a favorable alternative, presenting higher in biometric characteristics compared to the soil and commercial substrate in the formation of clonal coffee canephorus seedlings during the formation stage in the nursery. Different substrates used in this study were not able to make changes in gas exchange in the clonal seedlings of trees.Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a biometria e as trocas gasosas de mudas de Coffea canephora em fase de formação submetidas a diferentes substratos, em cinco períodos de avaliação. O experimento foi conduzido no esquema de parcela subdividida no tempo, composto pela combinação de três substratos (solo de mata, composto orgânico e substrato comercial) com cinco períodos de avaliação (25, 50, 75, 100, 125) dias após plantio das estacas. O substrato orgânico mostrou-se superior ao solo de mata e substrato comercial na formação de mudas clonais em cafeeiros canéfora durante a fase de formação no viveiro. Os diferentes substratos utilizados neste estudo, não foram capazes de promover alterações nas trocas gasosas foliares das mudas de cafeeiros aos 75, 100 e 125 dias após o plantio


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    Information management has become a growing concern in organizations. Recently, several studies have been conducted with this focus in the health care area. However, few authors deal with the issue considering the reality of public hospitals - specially teaching ones. In fact, a huge amount of data has been produced without a policy for suitable information management. That often causes wrong decisions to be made due to the lack of good information in due time. This paper discusses the issue and a proposes guidelines for information management in hospitals, regardless of them being university owned or not. To accomplish that, the authors used both a qualitative and a quantitative approaches. Members of the top management team of a well regarded teaching hospital of Pernambuco state were interviewed to identify the information needed to properly managing the hospital. Other managers were also questioned in an effort to understand the current information management configuration of the organization. Shortcomings were identified concerning in strategic issues, such as communication, people's responsibilities and the definition of political and informational processes. Considering the literature on organizational management and information management and after a case study, a plan was prepared for the hospital's information management. The authors hope to stimulate other researchers to carry out studies that help understand and deploy efficient information management systems for Brazilian hospitals.A gestão da informação tem se tornado uma preocupação crescente nas organizações. Na área da saúde verifica-se que alguns estudos com esse enfoque vêm sendo realizados. No entanto, poucos autores abordam o tema considerando a realidade dos hospitais públicos, e em especial, dos universitários. Na verdade, há uma enorme quantidade de dados sendo produzidos sem uma política de gestão eficiente da informação resultando, muitas vezes, em decisões equivocadas por falta de acesso à informação correta no tempo oportuno. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de gestão da informação para que os hospitais, universitários ou não, possam ter um direcionamento de como melhorar a gestão de suas informações. Para isso, foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. A alta direção de um hospital universitário bastante conceituado do estado de Pernambuco foi entrevistada para identificar as necessidades de informações para desempenho das atividades e os demais gestores foram questionados na tentativa de se identificar a conformação atual da gestão da informação na instituição. Foram identificadas carências em elementos estratégicos, como comunicação, responsabilidades e definição de política e de processos para a informação. A partir das referências conceituais sobre gestão organizacional e gestão da informação e por meio dos resultados obtidos do estudo de caso foi elaborada uma proposta para gestão da informação hospitalar. Espera-se, com este trabalho, contribuir para um desencadeamento de outras pesquisas e para a aplicação de uma gestão eficiente da informação nos hospitais

    Prevalence of serological inability of blood donors in regional blood center of Montes Claros, Minas Gerais

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    Objective: to estimate the prevalence of disability serological of blood donors at the Regional Blood Center of Montes Claros, in the period 2009 to 2013. Methods: this is a transversal study, exploratory, through retrospective data collection, involving 2.101 donors unfit serologically. The study was approved by the CEP of Hemominas Foundation 381/2014. Results: of the 82.743 candidates suitable for blood collection, 2.101 (2,5%) had reactive serologic tests, but only 1.434 (1,9%) confirmed the result through the 2nd sample collection. Among the diseases investigated, there was the following distribution prevalence of hepatitis B (anti-HBc) donors with 0,77% about the total of suitable, syphilis (0,41%), Chagas (0,40%), and others showed values below 0,08%. Conclusion: we concluded that in comparison with other studies, it was found that the prevalence of disability in our blood bank serological is similar, showing that the measures taken are safe


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    A agricultura familiar é um segmento de extrema importância para o abastecimento interno do país e para a renda de milhares de brasileiros. Porém, nela existem problemas específicos no sentido de viabilizar o desenvolvimento sustentável em consonância com a fixação do produtor rural no campo. Existem várias dessas políticas voltadas para atender a agricultura familiar no semiárido brasileiro, porém não é de conhecimento de todos, tornando esses benefícios inacessíveis para algumas pessoas. Assim, com o objetivo de divulgar e esclarecer a funcionalidade de algumas dessas políticas, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico com as cinco principais políticas públicas voltadas à agricultura familiar, tais como o Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF), o Garantia-Safra (GS), o Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), o Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) e a Política Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural (PNATER)

    Employee-organization linkages : analysis of Brazilian scientific production 2000-2010

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    Este estudo procurou analisar a produção científica brasileira 2000-2010 sobre vínculos do empregado com a organização, abrangendo quatro temas principais: comprometimento organizacional, contratos psicológicos, cidadania organizacional e percepções de apoio e de justiça e equidade. Justifica essa escolha a importância dessas questões para o campo de pesquisa micro-organizacional e a intensa concentração de pesquisa sobre o tema. Sessenta e três artigos foram identificados. As análises seguiram três ênfases: aspectos metodológicos; conteúdos dos artigos, suas contribuições e limitações; e as redes de parcerias entre autores e instituições. Os resultados indicam altos níveis de nebulosidade conceitual e de sobreposição de instrumentos, e pouca interação entre grupos de pesquisa. Com base nos resultados, foi proposta uma agenda de pesquisa.This study sought to analyze the Brazilian scientific production in 2000-2010 on employee's linkages with the organization, covering four main topics: organizational commitment, psychological contracts, organizational citizenship and perceptions of support, justice and equity. The importance of these issues to micro-organizational research and the intense research on the topic are the reasons for making this choice. Sixty-three articles were identified. The analyses followed three emphases: methodological features; content of articles, their contributions and limitations; and partnership networks between authors and institutions. The results show high levels of conceptual haziness and overlapping of instruments, and little interaction between research groups. Based on the findings, a research agenda is proposed