95 research outputs found

    Can farmers’ financial literacy affect their chances of getting a loan of an investment? : a quantitative survey study

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    För att bibehĂ„lla eller öka livsmedelsproduktionen i Sverige behövs investeringar och möjlighet till utveckling för lantbruksföretag. Vidare Ă€r branschen kapitalintensiv och möjligheter till finansiering behövs, nĂ„got som kan upplevas som svĂ„rt att fĂ„. Det finns dock förutsĂ€ttningar för att öka möjligheterna till att fĂ„ lĂ„n beviljat. Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka om lantbrukares financial literacy (finansiell förmĂ„ga) pĂ„verkar deras möjligheter till att fĂ„ lĂ„n till en investering. Till detta har frĂ„gor stĂ€llts kring huruvida respondenterna tycker att det Ă€r lĂ€tt att ta lĂ„n till en investering, i vilken utstrĂ€ckning kalkyler och analyser anvĂ€nds med mera. Litteraturstudien belyser bland annat vikten av investeringar och lönsamhet i lantbruksföretag samt definition och beskrivning av financial literacy. Vi anvĂ€nde oss av en webbaserad enkĂ€t som delades pĂ„ Facebook-grupper med anknytning till lantbruk. FrĂ„geformulĂ€ret bestod av totalt 35 frĂ„gor som respondenterna fick svara pĂ„ (bilaga 1), frĂ„gorna innehĂ„ller bland annat ett test med frĂ„gor inom ekonomi vilket anvĂ€nds för att mĂ€ta respondenternas financial literacy. Urvalet till enkĂ€ten valde vi att begrĂ€nsa till företag inom den gröna nĂ€ringen med fokus pĂ„ lantbruk. Vidare har hĂ€nsyn tagits till att lantbruksföretag ofta kan innehĂ„lla fler produktionsgrenar. Totalt inkom 133 svar pĂ„ enkĂ€ten ifrĂ„n respondenter i Ă„ldrarna 18-65 Ă„r. Resultaten av undersökningen visade bland annat att det finns ett samband mellan financial literacy och den upplevda möjligheten att fĂ„ en lĂ„neansökan beviljad. Det visade sig att det finns en signifikant högre financial literacy för de som gjort företagets bokslut samt investeringskalkyl sjĂ€lva jĂ€mfört med de som inte utfört det sjĂ€lva. Samt att de som har avkastningskrav pĂ„ deras investering har högre financial literacy Ă€n de som har uppgett att de inte har det, skillnaden Ă€r Ă€ven signifikant.VĂ„r slutsats Ă€r att financial literacy kan pĂ„verka möjligheter till finansiering men Ă€ven att det Ă€r andra faktorer som ocksĂ„ pĂ„verkar. Exempelvis kan Ă„lder,erfarenhet, kön samt erfarenhet av investeringskalkyler ha en inverkan pĂ„ ens möjligheter samt ens upplevelse till att ta lĂ„n.To maintain or increase food production in Sweden, investments and opportunities for development are needed for agricultural companies. Furthermore, the industry is capital-intensive and opportunities for financing are needed, something that can be perceived as difficult to obtain. However, there are prerequisites for increasing the possibilities of obtaining a loan. The aim of this study has been to investigate whether farmers' financial literacy affects their ability to obtain loans for an investment. And if they think it’s easy to take out a loan for an investment, the extent to which calculations and analyzes are made etcetera. The theoretical framework illuminates the importance of investments and profitability in agricultural companies as well as the definition and description of financial literacy. We used a web-based survey that was shared on Facebook groups related to agriculture. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 35 questions and statements that the respondents had to answer (Appendix 1), including a test on economics that we have used as a starting point when we have measured the entrepreneurs' financial literacy. We chose to limit the sample to the survey to companies in agriculture. Furthermore, it has been taken into account that agricultural companies can often contain more branches of production. A total of 133 responses to the survey were received from respondents aged 18-65. The results of the survey showed, among other things, that there is a connection between financial literacy and the possibility of having a loan application approved. That there is a significant difference in financial literacy for those who made the company's financial statements and investment calculations themselves than those who did not. And that those who have return requirements on their investment have higher financial literacy than those who have stated that they do not, the difference is also significant. We came to the conclusion that financial literacy can affect opportunities for financing but also that there are other factors that also affect. For example, age, experience, gender and if you have made calculations can have an impact on your opportunities and your experience of taking out a loan

    Svenska europaparlamentariker vÀnder hemÄt - En teoriprövande studie om svenska europaparlamentarikers nationella partilojalitet

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    Vi har valt att Àgna vÄr uppsats Ät de svenska europaparlamentarikerna. UtgÄngspunkten för vÄrt arbete Àr en B-uppsats frÄn 2001 som handlar de svenska EU-parlamentarikernas instÀllning till transnationellt partisamarbete. Vi gör en teoriprövande studie av deras uppsats. Vi har med hjÀlp av litteratur pÄ omrÄdet lÀttare kunnat förstÄ de redan existerande teorier om transnationellt partisamarbete och europaparlamentet samt dess parlamentariker. VÄr uppsats kÀrna Àr den enkÀt vi lÄtit vÄra svenska parlamentariker frÄn den nuvarande samt den förra mandatperioden svara pÄ. Det vi kommit fram till i denna uppsats Àr att den nationella partipiskan biter minst lika hÄrt vare sig man som europaparlamentariker Àr kritisk eller positiv till EU. UtifrÄn vÄra resultat ser vi inte att EU-positiva parlamentariker Àr mer benÀgna att bryta mot sin nationella partilinje Àn EU-kritiska. Detta strider mot den teori vi prövar. Utöver detta har vi Àven valt att lyfta fram ett par omrÄden dÀr vÄr enkÀtundersökning resulterade i intressanta svar

    Profitability and competitiveness of grain handling at farm level

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    The Swedish agricultural sector is currently experiencing substantial structural changes, where the number of agricultural enterprises continuously decreases and the average farm size increases. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is important to be aware and adapt to changes concerning the surroundings of the company (Johnson et al., 2011). Agricultural commodity prices sharply fluctuate on the global market in recent years, affecting the profitability of farmers. High volatility market requires tools to reduce price variations and increases the need of decision-making (Bouder & Beth, 2003). Farm-based grain handling facilities increases the sale options regarding agricultural commodities; a flexible strategy to get additional compensation for the storing the grain produced on the farm (Edling, 2002; Edwards, 2013). Storing and drying on farm is compulsory in order to manage seed production, which is not possible when selling to the grain trader at harvest (Pers. Comm., Gillsjö, 2015). A farm-based grain handling facility means streamlining the farm operations and gives the opportunity to achieve higher profitability. The aim of this study is to investigate the profitability and competitiveness of farm-based grain handling facilities. The study accounts for the possibility of combining different investments and crop strategies. Profit maximization determines the optimal strategy of the farm with respect to limitations interpreted from empirical data. The strategy varies based on the possibility to segregate the quality of crops. The study uses mathematical programming, empirical data from statistics and interviews of knowledgeable people within the sector. A mixed integer linear programming model is developed in order to find the most profitable strategy. The results that emerge from this study indicate economic feasibility of farm-based grain handling facilities when seed production is possible. Seed production is a crucial factor regarding the profitability of the optimal strategy of the farm. None of the optimal strategies on the fictitious farms includes an investment in a facility without seed production. However, in order for the farm-based grain handling facility to represent the optimal strategy of the farm, it has to be combined and supplemented by a grain trader at harvest. An investment in exclusively farm-based grain handling facility do not generate higher profitability than selling to the grain trader during the harvest period.Den svenska lantbruksnÀringen genomgÄr för nÀrvarande stora strukturella förÀndringar dÀr antalet lantbruksföretag kontinuerligt minskar medan den genomsnittliga gÄrdsstorleken ökar. För att bibehÄlla företagets konkurrenskraft Àr det viktigt att vara medveten och anpassa sig till de förÀndringar som uppkommer i dess omgivning (Johnson et al., 2011). De senaste Ären har spannmÄlspriserna fluktuerat kraftigt pÄ vÀrldsmarknaden vilket har pÄverkat lönsamheten för lantbruksföretag. En marknad med hög volatilitet krÀver verktyg för att reducera prisvariationerna och behovet av beslutfattande ökar (Bouder & Beth, 2003). GÄrdsbaserade spannmÄlsanlÀggningar ökar antalet försÀljningstillfÀllen och försÀljningsalternativ för de producerade rÄvarorna i vÀxtodlingen, d.v.s. en flexibel strategi för att fÄ ytterligare ersÀttning för den producerade spannmÄlen (Edling, 2002; Edwards, 2013). Lagring och torkning pÄ gÄrdsnivÄ Àr en förutsÀttning för att odla utsÀde, vilket inte Àr möjligt vid direktleverans vid skörd (Pers. medd., Gillsjö, 2015). Den gÄrdsbaserade spannmÄlsanlÀggningen effektiviserar verksamheten och möjliggör högre lönsamhet. Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka lönsamheten och konkurrenskraften kring gÄrdsbaserade spannmÄlsanlÀggningar pÄ vÀxtodlingsföretag. Studien beaktar möjligheten att kombinera olika investeringsalternativ och vÀxtodlingsstrategier. Den optimala strategin gÀllande grödor och investeringsalternativ bestÀms utifrÄn ett vinstmaximeringsproblem med beaktandet av empiriskt material. Utformandet av strategin baseras pÄ möjligheten att sÀrhÄlla olika kvaliteter av grödor. Studien baseras pÄ matematisk programmering, empirisk data frÄn statistik samt intervjuer med sakkunniga inom ramen för studien. I studien byggs en kombinerad linjÀr- och heltalsprogrammeringsmodell för att finna den mest lönsamma strategin gÀllande grödor och investeringsalternativ. Studien visar att det Àr ekonomiskt möjligt att investera i en gÄrdsbaserad spannmÄls-anlÀggning nÀr utsÀdesproduktion Àr möjlig pÄ gÄrden. UtsÀdesproduktion Àr en avgörande faktor gÀllande lönsamheten för den strategiskt optimala driften för gÄrden. Utan utsÀdesproduktion Àr ingen gÄrdsbaserad spannmÄlsanlÀggning ekonomiskt optimal. Genom att sÀlja till en spannmÄlshandlare vid skörd uppnÄs högre lönsamhet Àn att enbart investera i en spannmÄlsanlÀggning pÄ gÄrden. Dock Àr en kombination av gÄrdsbaserad spannmÄlshantering kompletterat med direktleverans vid skörd den mest optimala strategin pÄ större gÄrdar

    The wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in Sweden : geographic spread and population growth

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    En ökande vildsvinspopulation (Sus scrofa L.) i Sverige har medfört problem för samhĂ€llet i form av skador pĂ„ jordbruksmark och ökat antal trafikolyckor. PĂ„ grund av vildsvinets ekologi och beteende Ă€r det svĂ„rinventerat. Indirekta metoder anvĂ€nds dĂ€rför ofta för att uppskatta populationen. Syftet med denna studie var att testa hypoteserna att det finns ett samband mellan avskjutning och trafikolyckor med vildsvin och att en ökad population inte behöver innebĂ€ra ökad avskjutning. TvĂ„ delsyften var Ă€ven att undersöka vildsvinets utbredning i Sverige och om dess populationstillvĂ€xt (r) varierar mellan lĂ€nen. För berĂ€kningarna anvĂ€ndes programmen Microsoft Excel och JMP och för att redovisa resultatet grafiskt producerades kartor i ArcMap. Resultatet av analysen uppvisade ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan avskjutning och viltolyckor i 12 av14 lĂ€n. Utbredningskartor Ă„skĂ„dliggjorde att det Ă„r 2010 fanns vildsvin i hela Götaland och Svealand med undantag för VĂ€rmlands lĂ€n. Den Ă„rliga tillvĂ€xthastigheten i avskjutning varierade mellan 0,17 – 0,65 för lĂ€nen. Det visade sambandet pĂ„visar att bĂ„de avskjutnings- och viltolycksstatistik lĂ€mpar sig till populationsuppskattning inom det observerade intervallet 0 – 13 skjutna vildsvin per 1000 ha. Att vildsvinets utbredning begrĂ€nsas norrut tros bero pĂ„ ett hĂ„rdare klimat och variation i tillvĂ€xten har antagligen sin förklaring i skillnader i landskap, klimat och konkurrens om resurser.A growing wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population in Sweden has caused problems for society in form of damage to agricultural land and more traffic accidents. Because of the wild boars ecology and behavior it is a difficult species to inventory. Indirect methods are therefore often used to estimate the population. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that there is a relationship between harvested wild boar and traffic accidents and that an increased population does not always mean an increased harvest. Other goals were to investigate wild boar distribution in Sweden and if the population growth (r) varied between the counties. For the calculations, Microsoft Excel and JMP were used and to present the results graphically maps were produced in ArcMap. The result of the analysis showed a statistically significant relationship between harvested wild boar and road accidents in 12 of 14 counties. Distribution maps illustrated that in the year 2010, there were wild boar throughout Götaland and Svealand except for VĂ€rmland county. The annual rate of increase in harvested wild boar varied between 0,17 – 0,65 for the counties. The shown relationship indicates that both hunting bags and traffic accidents are suitable for population estimation within the observed interval 0 – 13 harvested wild boars per 1000 ha. The wild boars limited spread in the north is believed to be due to a harsher climate and the variation in growth is probably explained by differences in landscape, climate and competition for resources

    When is it economically sustainable to invest in a brand new combine harvester? : a study of three fictional farms

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    År 2010 uppgick antalet jordbruksföretag, vars sysselsĂ€ttning Ă€r traditionell vĂ€xtodling, till 18 596 stycken. Under de senaste 20 Ă„ren har antalet jordbruksföretag minskat med 26 % vilket medför att kvarvarande företag blir allt större (www, Statens jordbruksverk, 2011). Allt större vĂ€xtodlingsföretag krĂ€ver investeringar i större maskiner vilket innebĂ€r att stort kapital binds i maskininventarier. Skördetröskan Ă€r en av de största investeringarna som görs för maskiner och redskap inom svenskt jordbruk och uppgĂ„r till 30 procent av det bundna maskinkapitalet (Helleberg et al., 1983, Agriwise, 2013). Sveriges lantbruksföretag försöker stĂ€ndigt rationalisera driften genom att reducera kostnaderna (Carlson et al, 2006). Ett alternativ för att reducera kostnaderna Ă€r att köpa in maskintjĂ€nster, samarbeta med nĂ€rliggande jordbruksföretag eller effektivisera befintliga maskininventarier. Syftet med studien Ă€r att synliggöra de ekonomiska konsekvenserna av investering i en fabriksny skördetröska dĂ€r alternativet Ă€r att hyra tjĂ€nsten frĂ„n en maskinstation. För att besvara vilket alternativ som Ă€r mest lönsamt har tre fiktiva gĂ„rdar anvĂ€nts i studien. Det geografiska omrĂ„det begrĂ€nsas till LundaslĂ€tten. En empirisk studie har genomförts för att fĂ„ information angĂ„ende maskinstationernas kundprioritering samt deras maskintaxor. UtifrĂ„n den empiriska insamling och litteraturen har arbetet belyst vilket alternativ som Ă€r mest lönsamt för ett vĂ€xtodlingsföretag vid olika arealer. Studien visar, utifrĂ„n förutsĂ€ttningarna, att en investering i egen skördetröska Ă€r befogad vid 300 och 500 hektar. Vid 100 hektar Ă€r det inte ekonomiskt försvarbart att investera i en fabriksny skördetröska eftersom maskinstationerna Ă€r ur en ekonomisk synvinkel ett bĂ€ttre alternativ.In 2010 the numbers of farms were a total of 18,596 whose occupation was traditional crop production. Over the past 20 years the number of farms decreased by 26%, which means that the farms that remains, are becoming larger (www, Statens Jordbruksverk, 2011). Large investments in machinery, administration and logistics become more important for growing crop enterprises. One of the largest investments in Swedish agriculture is machinery and equipment (Helleberg et al., 1983). Agricultural companies in Sweden are constantly trying to rationalize the farming of the soil by minimizing operating costs (Carlson et al, 2006). The alternatives to minimize costs are to purchase machinery services, collaborate with nearby farms or rationalize existing machinery equipment. The purpose of this study is to clarify the economic consequences of an investment in a brand new combine harvester when the alternative is to supply the service from a contractor. To answer which alternative that is most economically sustainable, three fictitious farms are used in the study and confined to southern Sweden. An empirical study has been made to obtain relevant information regarding the contractors who supply the combine harvester, customer priority, and their machine tariff. Which alternative that is most economically sustainable will be answered based on the empirical data collection, previous studies and literature. The study shows, based on the conditions, that the investment in the combine harvester is warranted at 300 and 500 hectares. At 100 hectares, it is not economically sustainable to invest in a brand new combine harvester because the contractors are a better alternative

    How does comorbidity influence healthcare costs? A population-based cross-sectional study of depression, back pain and osteoarthritis

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    Objectives To analyse how comorbidity among patients with back pain, depression and osteoarthritis influences healthcare costs per patient. A special focus was made on the distribution of costs for primary healthcare compared with specialist care, hospital care and drugs. Design Population-based cross-sectional study. Setting The County of Östergötland, Sweden. Patients Data on diagnoses and healthcare costs for all 266 354 individuals between 20 and 75 years of age, who were residents of the County of Östergötland, Sweden, in the year 2006, were extracted from the local healthcare register and the national register of drug prescriptions. Main outcome measures The effects of comorbidity on healthcare costs were estimated as interactions in regression models that also included age, sex, number of other health conditions and education. Results The largest diagnosed group was back pain (11 178 patients) followed by depression (7412 patients) and osteoarthritis (5174 patients). The largest comorbidity subgroup was the combination of back pain and depression (772 patients), followed by the combination of back pain and osteoarthritis (527 patients) and the combination of depression and osteoarthritis (206 patients). For patients having both a depression diagnosis and a back pain diagnosis, there was a significant negative interaction effect on total healthcare costs. The average healthcare costs among patients with depression and back pain was SEK 11 806 lower for a patient with both diagnoses. In this comorbidity group, there were tendencies of a positive interaction for general practitioner visits and negative interactions for all other visits and hospital days. Small or no interactions at all were seen between depression diagnoses and osteoarthritis diagnoses. Conclusions A small increase in primary healthcare visits in comorbid back pain and depression patients was accompanied with a substantial reduction in total healthcare costs and in hospital costs. Our results can be of value in analysing the cost effects of comorbidity and how the coordination of primary and secondary care may have an impact on healthcare costs

    GaAsP Nanowires Grown by Aerotaxy

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    We have grown GaAsP nanowires with high optical and structural quality by Aerotaxy, a new continuous gas phase mass production process to grow III-V semiconductor based nanowires. By varying the PH3/AsH3 ratio and growth temperature, size selected GaAs1-xPx nanowires (80 nm diameter) with pure zinc-blende structure and with direct band gap energies ranging from 1.42 to 1.90 eV (at 300 K), (i.e., 0 ≀ x ≀ 0.43) were grown, which is the energy range needed for creating tandem III-V solar cells on silicon. The phosphorus content in the NWs is shown to be controlled by both growth temperature and input gas phase ratio. The distribution of P in the wires is uniform over the length of the wires and among the wires. This proves the feasibility of growing GaAsP nanowires by Aerotaxy and results indicate that it is a generic process that can be applied to the growth of other III-V semiconductor based ternary nanowires

    An ATP-binding cassette-type cysteine transporter in Campylobacter jejuni inferred from the structure of an extracytoplasmic solute receptor protein

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a Gram-negative food-borne pathogen associated with gastroenteritis in humans as well as cases of the autoimmune disease Guillain Barre syndrome. C. jejuni is asaccharolytic because it lacks an active glycolytic pathway for the use of sugars as a carbon source. This suggests an increased reliance on amino acids as nutrients and indeed the genome sequence of this organism indicates the presence of a number of amino acid uptake systems. Cj0982, also known as CjaA, is a putative extracytoplasmic solute receptor for one such uptake system as well as a major surface antigen and vaccine candidate. The crystal structure of Cj0982 reveals a two-domain protein with density in the enclosed cavity between the domains that clearly defines the presence of a bound cysteine ligand. Fluorescence titration experiments were used to demonstrate that Cj0982 binds cysteine tightly and specifically with a K-d of similar to 10(-7) M consistent with a role as a receptor for a high- affinity transporter. These data imply that Cj0982 is the binding protein component of an ABC-type cysteine transporter system and that cysteine uptake is important in the physiology of C. jejuni

    Comparison of Levelized Cost of Energy of Superconducting Direct Drive Generators for a 10-MW Offshore Wind Turbine

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    A method for comparing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCoE) of different superconducting drive trains is introduced. The properties of a 10 MW MgB2_{2} superconducting direct drive generator are presented in terms weight scaled to a turbine with a rotor diameter up of 280 m and the cost break down of the nacelle components. The partial load efficiency of the generator is evaluated for a constant cooling power of 0, 50 kW and 100 kW and the annual energy production is used to determine the impact on Levelized Cost of Energy. Copyright IEEEComparison of Levelized Cost of Energy of superconducting direct drive generators for a 10 MW offshore wind turbineacceptedVersio

    Spatial and temporal variation in reproduction of a generalist crocodilian, Caiman crocodilus yacare, in a seasonally flooded wetland

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    We monitored the number of caiman (Caiman crocodilus yacare) nests in two ranches in the Brazilian Pantanal that cover an area of about 50.000 ha for 28 years (1987-2014). The number of nests was related to combinations of rainfall, water level, and number of days with temperature below 20°C, depending on the area. Most of the variation in number of nests could not be predicted by the environmental variables, but could be represented mathematically by a sine wave. We were not able to identify any external driver and suspect that the regular fluctuations may have resulted from an intrinsic population process. Presently, ranches are used as management units under the legislation for ranching Pantanal caimans. However, although some breeding females were recaptured in the area after periods of up to 21 years, most were not recaptured near nests or in general surveys of the area, suggesting that females are not strongly philopatric and that ranches do not represent isolated demographic units. Copyright: © 2015 Campos et al
