62 research outputs found

    Supplementation with nutraceuticals produces changes in working horse’s blood parameters but not in their body composition

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    Background:  :  :  : There is little scientific data about the effects of continuous supplementation with nutraceuticals over horse’s health and performance. Horse owners and veterinarians are still using supplements for horses without any kind of evaluations. At the Brazilian market is possible to buy hundreds of different products, but there is not private or state regulation over production and quality of these products. The absence of information about quality and efficacy of these products may contribute to mistakes in horse’s nutrition program. The objective of this research was to determine the effect of supplementation with a combination of nutraceuticals over some blood parameters (red cell count, total plasma proteins, free plasma glutamine and glutamate) and components of body composition in working horses. Materials, Methods & Results: There were 19 gelding horses, divided in two groups: nutraceutical (NUTR; n=10) and placebo (PLAC; n=9). Both groups received equivalent feeding regimens in regard to concentrate and grass, and did similar exercise program. NUTR group received their pellets with nutraceuticals, and PLAC group received a placebo during the morning meal. There is no visual difference between nutraceutical and placebo pellets. Body composition determination and blood collection were taken in three periods: pre-test, after 4 and 12 weeks of supplementation. Body composition was determined after evaluation of horse’s body mass by electronic scale associated with measurement of rump fat by ultrasound. Results showed that there were no significant changes in body composition during 12 weeks of supplementation in both groups, which had percentage of body fat around 13%. However, supplementation with nutraceutical produced significant changes (P7%) and free plasma glutamine (>20%) observed in NUTR group will contribute to horse’s performance since it is positive action on red blood indexes and plasma amino acid concentration, contributing to the well-being of this horse group. Increase in blood glutamine concentration observed in NUTR group without improvement of body composition was not expected because this amino acid is produced mainly by skeletal muscle. Increase in fat-free mass frequently is associated with improvement of blood glutamine concentration. Finally, initial elevation in few parameters in PLAC group at 4 weeks of supplementation probably was associated with improvement of general management practices. In conclusion, Supplementation with a nutraceutical combination, for 12 weeks, produces changes in the concentration of some blood parameters, but it didn’t modify the corporal composition. The elevation of those components can favor the transport of oxygen and nutrients in tissues leading to improvement in the horse performance

    Geo-Epidemiological Study of Leptospira spp. Infection in Cattle, Feral Cats and Rodents of the Fernando de Noronha Island, Brazil

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    Background: Leptospirosis is a re-emergent contagious infectious disease, caused by pathogenic leptospires that are transmitted by the urine of infected animals or bacteria-contaminated water and mud. In tropical and subtropical countries it presents high prevalence due to the temperature and humidity conditions that favor the maintenance of the agent in the environment. This disease can affect several species, in Brazilian cattle is an endemic disease, and studies have shown a high occurrence of Leptospira spp. infection in beef and dairy herds. Domestic cats as well as other species of the Family Felidae seem to be resistant to leptospirosis. However, it has been demonstrated under experimental conditions that cats may become infected by ingestion of infected rodents and contaminated water. The present study investigated the occurrence of Leptospira spp. infection in cattle, feral cats and rodents of the Fernando de Noronha Island.Materials, Methods & Results: Fernando de Noronha Island is located 360 km far from Recife and Natal, capitals of the states of Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, respectively. It has an area of approximately 18.4 km2 and constitutes the submerged part of a volcanic edifice currently inactive, which base rests 4,000 m deep in the Atlantic Ocean. Blood samples were collected from all the cattle raised in the Island (n = 88), 200 feral cats and 150 rodents, and the sera were screened by MAT (Serogroups: Australis; Autumnalis; Ballum; Bataviae; Canicola; Cynopteri; Djasiman; Grippotyphosa; Hebdomadis; Icterohaemorrhagiae; Icterohaemorrhagiae; Panama; Pomona; Pyrogenes; Sejroe e Tarassovi) for detection of anti-Leptospira spp. antibodies. Initially all sera were screened at 1:100 dilution and those with 50% or more agglutination were titrated at two-fold geometric dilutions. The serum titer was defined as the reciprocal of the highest positive dilution. The plane coordinates obtained by Global Position System (GPS) were used for developing a spatial map of the Fernando de Noronha Island. The geo-referenced data were plotted in the ArcGIS 10.1 software. Approximately 22% (20/88) and 12% (19/150) of the cattle and rodents were serologically reactive against Leptospira spp. antigens, respectively. The antibody titers of cattle ranged from 100 to 800 as shown. All the rodents screened were reactive against only one serovar and their antibody titers ranged from 100 to 3200. None of the serum samples from cats was reactive against the serovars tested. The serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae predominated among the seropositive cattle, being found in 100% of the reactive samples. In rodents, the serogroups Icterohaemorrhagiae, Djasiman and Australis were responsible for 73.7% (14/19), 21.0% (4/19) and 5.2% (1/19) of the infections, respectively.Discussion: We believe that rodents and cattle play an important role in the dissemination of this disease, thus, it is necessary adopting prophylactic measures aimed at leptospirosis in the study area, in view of the human cases of leptospirosis reported and confirmed in the Island. These results are unprecedented in an insular environment in Brazil. Strategies aimed at better sanitary management of the cattle herds as well as population control of rodents must be implemented in the Fernando de Noronha Island to secure a more sustainable animal production and minimize the risks to public health

    Investigação sobre brucelose bovina na Ilha de Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco, Brasil

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    Considering the lack of information about livestock diseases on Brazilian oceanic islands, the occurrence of bovine brucellosis was investigated on the island of Fernando de Noronha, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Serum samples were collected in October 2009, from all the 105 cows raised on the island at that time. These were examined concurrently using the Rose Bengal test and the Complement Fixation Test. All the samples were negative in both tests, indicating that the cows on the island were likely free from infection by smooth forms of Brucella. These results can partly be explained by the prohibition of introduction and importation of both small and large-sized animals that had been implemented through District Decree 19 of February 28, 2004.Tendo em vista a inexistência de informações sobre a ocorrência da brucelose bovina em ilhas oceânicas brasileiras, investigou-se a presença da infecção na ilha de Fernando de Noronha, Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Soros de todas as 105 fêmeas bovinas existentes, colhidos em outubro de 2009, foram examinados concomitantemente pelo teste do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado e pela Reação de Fixação de Complemento. Todas as amostras foram negativas em ambos os testes, indicando que provavelmente os animais presentes na ilha encontravam-se livres da infecção por Brucella. Estes resultados podem ser explicados, em partes, pela proibição da introdução e importação de grandes e pequenos animais, implementada pelo Decreto Distrital 19, de 28 de fevereiro de 2004

    Efeito da suplementação com concentrados ricos em óleo sobre biomarcadores metabólicos para cavalos

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    A performance dos cavalos atletas tem melhorando com a elevação da percentagem do extrato etéreo (EE) nos concentrados. Assim, avaliou-se a suplementação de concentrados com diferentes percentagens de EE sobre biomarcadores metabólicos em cavalos atletas, através de um fatorial com cinco equinos e cincos tratamentos [6,5% EE (T6,5%), 8% EE (T8,0%), 12% EE (T12,0%), 14% EE (T14,0%) e 20% EE (T20,0%)]. Os animais receberam suplementação isocalórica por 15 dias e no 16o dia colheu-se sangue nas fases inicial e jejum e após ½ hora, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 6 horas da ingestão dos alimentos. O sangue total foi utilizado para determinar hematrócrito, glicose, proteína plasmática total, ureia, creatinina, triglicérides e colesterol total. Os resultados demonstraram que ocorreu variação na [glicose] (P<0,05) na fase da colheita de sangue, mas sem diferenças (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos e na interação concentrado x fase. Também não ocorreram diferenças (P>0,05) no pico da [glicose] entre tratamentos e entre área sob a curva. Os demais biomarcadores analisados não sofreram modificação (P>0,05). Concluiu-se que a suplementação isoenergética com concentrados utilizando diferentes percentagens de EE não produzem modificações nos biomarcadores analisados, indicando que variações no EE podem ser utilizados, entre 6,5 e 20%, para equinos atletas de forma similar

    Mycobacterium tuberculosis associated with severe tuberculosis evades cytosolic surveillance systems and modulates IL-1β production

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    Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis affects immune responses and clinical outcomes of tuberculosis (TB). However, how bacterial diversity orchestrates immune responses to direct distinct TB severities is unknown. Here we study 681 patients with pulmonary TB and show that M. tuberculosis isolates from cases with mild disease consistently induce robust cytokine responses in macrophages across multiple donors. By contrast, bacteria from patients with severe TB do not do so. Secretion of IL-1β is a good surrogate of the differences observed, and thus to classify strains as probable drivers of different TB severities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that M. tuberculosis isolates that induce low levels of IL-1β production can evade macrophage cytosolic surveillance systems, including cGAS and the inflammasome. Isolates exhibiting this evasion strategy carry candidate mutations, generating sigA recognition boxes or affecting components of the ESX-1 secretion system. Therefore, we provide evidence that M. tuberculosis strains manipulate host-pathogen interactions to drive variable TB severities

    Main obstacles in the process of care of inpatients at the internal medicine unit of the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre : an observational study

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    Todos os pacientes atendidos na Emergência do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre de março a maio de 2005 foram acompanhados prospectivamente, buscando verificar suas características epidemiológicas e fatores de retardo de internação, definidos como permanência hospitalar por motivos não clínicos. De 5530 pacientes triados neste período, 389 foram atendidos pelo Serviço de Medicina Interna. Destes, 314 são descritos nesta amostra. A idade mediana dos pacientes internados foi de 64 anos, com predomínio de mulheres. Da população estudada, 80% eram provenientes de Porto Alegre e região metropolitana. Dez condições clínicas crônicas foram a causa de 83% das internações, com neoplasias fora de opção terapêutica , complicações de SIDA e reinternações de pacientes com seqüelas neurológicas de doença cerebrovascular sendo as causas mais freqüentes. Diabete melito e doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica corresponderam a 9,2% e 6,4% das internações. Os pacientes portadores de diabete melito e insuficiência cardíaca apresentaram os maiores tempos de espera por internação clínica (54,5 e 46,6 horas). Vinte e cinco por cento dos pacientes com angina do peito, infecção respiratória aguda ou complicações associadas ao diabete melito aguardaram mais de 60 horas por leito de internação A realização de consultorias médicas foi fator de retardo na permanência, com tempo mediano de espera de 48 horas. O maior tempo de espera nos exames subsidiários foi resultado de pendência na liberação de laudos de anatomo-patológicos em biópsias, com mediana de 4,2 dias. Da mesma forma, a mediana da espera pela realização de tomografias computadorizadas foi de 5 dias para crânio, 4,2 dias para abdômen e 3,2 dias para tórax. Entre os dez motivos mais comuns de internação, apenas 21 (6,7%) foram caracterizadas como condições clínicas agudas. Estes achados serviram de embasamento para a reformulação do Serviço de Emergência no HCPA, desencadeando ações gerenciais como a triagem por estratificação de risco, a unidade vascular, foco nos serviços de apoio e estabelecimento de convênio assistencial com hospital secundário de apoio.Patients admitted to the Emergency Division of Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre were prospectively followed from March to May 2005. Epidemiological data and risk factor for length of stay were identified, defined as hospital permanency for non-clinical reasons. 5530 patients were submitted to triage in this period. From those, 389 were admitted to the Internal Medicine Division. These sample describes 314 of those. Median age was 64 years, mostly women. Eighty percent were from the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre. Ten chronic clinical conditions responded for 83% of admissions - cancer without therapeutic options, AIDS related complications, readmission of chronically disabled stroke patients with clinical complications were more frequent. Diabetes and COPD accounted for 9,2% and 6,4% of admissions, respectively. Heart failure and diabetes accounted for clinical conditions with larger delay to admission (54,5 and 46,6 hours). Twenty five percent of coronary heart diseases, acute respiratory infections and diabetic subjects waited in the observation room for more than 60 hours. Pathology results were responsible for the longest delay, with median 4,2 days. Tomography scans accounted for 5 days(brain), 4,2 days (abdomen) and 3,2 days(thorax) of delay. Of the ten most frequent reasons for admissions, only 6,7% were caused by acute clinical conditions. These findings embased the reformulation of the Emergency Division at Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre, with risk stratification according to a severity criteria, vascular unit establishment and referral agreement for a secondary hospital

    SARS-CoV-2 introductions and early dynamics of the epidemic in Portugal

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    Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal was rapidly implemented by the National Institute of Health in the early stages of the COVID-19 epidemic, in collaboration with more than 50 laboratories distributed nationwide. Methods By applying recent phylodynamic models that allow integration of individual-based travel history, we reconstructed and characterized the spatio-temporal dynamics of SARSCoV-2 introductions and early dissemination in Portugal. Results We detected at least 277 independent SARS-CoV-2 introductions, mostly from European countries (namely the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Italy, and Switzerland), which were consistent with the countries with the highest connectivity with Portugal. Although most introductions were estimated to have occurred during early March 2020, it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 was silently circulating in Portugal throughout February, before the first cases were confirmed. Conclusions Here we conclude that the earlier implementation of measures could have minimized the number of introductions and subsequent virus expansion in Portugal. This study lays the foundation for genomic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Portugal, and highlights the need for systematic and geographically-representative genomic surveillance.We gratefully acknowledge to Sara Hill and Nuno Faria (University of Oxford) and Joshua Quick and Nick Loman (University of Birmingham) for kindly providing us with the initial sets of Artic Network primers for NGS; Rafael Mamede (MRamirez team, IMM, Lisbon) for developing and sharing a bioinformatics script for sequence curation (https://github.com/rfm-targa/BioinfUtils); Philippe Lemey (KU Leuven) for providing guidance on the implementation of the phylodynamic models; Joshua L. Cherry (National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health) for providing guidance with the subsampling strategies; and all authors, originating and submitting laboratories who have contributed genome data on GISAID (https://www.gisaid.org/) on which part of this research is based. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the view of the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Health and Human Services, or the United States government. This study is co-funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and Agência de Investigação Clínica e Inovação Biomédica (234_596874175) on behalf of the Research 4 COVID-19 call. Some infrastructural resources used in this study come from the GenomePT project (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022184), supported by COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI), Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), Algarve Portugal Regional Operational Programme (CRESC Algarve2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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