343 research outputs found

    Trabalhadores haitianos no Brasil : considerações da teoria geral ao plano concreto

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    Orientador: Sandro Lunard NicoladeliMonografia (graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Jurídicas, Curso de Graduação em DireitoResumo: Objetiva-se, neste trabalho, tecer considerações acerca das migrações internacionais, em especial a migração de trabalhadores haitianos para o Brasil. Parte-se da análise do fenômeno da globalização, sobretudo a econômica, enfatizando seus efeitos no Direito do Trabalho. Aborda-se brevemente o histórico sociopolítico do Haiti, na tentativa de compreender as razões que culminaram na diáspora de sua população. Em seguida, busca-se justificar a escolha do Brasil como destino. Analisa-se, após, as respostas apresentadas pelo Direito ao tema migratório, primeiramente em âmbito internacional e, depois, nacional. Aborda-se a resposta oferecida especificamente aos haitianos: a concessão do visto humanitário, por meio da Resolução Normativa 97/2012 do Conselho Nacional de Imigração. Ao final, problematiza-se a efetividade dos mecanismos oferecidos pelo Direito, a partir da análise do trabalho de haitianos em âmbito concret


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    Este artigo pretende analisar alterações recentes na doutrina do direito internacional na América Latina. A partir de revisão bibliográfica do direito internacional e dos estudos pós-coloniais, almeja-se contrastar enfoques teórico-metodológicos tradicionais e críticos, perquirindo o que esteja por detrás dessa mudança de abordagem. A “virada decolonial” tem relevância na investigação, dedicando-se aos impactos do colonialismo nos povos latinos. A “virada historiográfica” é igualmente importante no crescente interesse pela historiografia da disciplina na região. A aproximação entre referidas “viradas” permite um olhar historiográfico para o direito internacional na América Latina, revisando a história “oficial” e liberando-o de vínculos com o colonialismo

    Spatial Variability and Detection Levels for Chlorophyll-a Estimates in High Latitude Lakes Using Landsat Imagery

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    Monitoring lakes in high-latitude areas can provide a better understanding of freshwater systems sensitivity and accrete knowledge on climate change impacts. Phytoplankton are sensitive to various conditions: warmer temperatures, earlier ice-melt and changing nutrient sources. While satellite imagery can monitor phytoplankton biomass using chlorophyll a (Chl) as a proxy over large areas, detection of Chl in small lakes is hindered by the low spatial resolution of conventional ocean color satellites. The short time-series of the newest generation of space-borne sensors (e.g., Sentinel-2) is a bottleneck for assessing long-term trends. Although previous studies have evaluated the use of high-resolution sensors for assessing lakes’ Chl, it is still unclear how the spatial and temporal variability of Chl concentration affect the performance of satellite estimates. We discuss the suitability of Landsat (LT) 30 m resolution imagery to assess lakes’ Chl concentrations under varying trophic conditions, across extensive high-latitude areas in Finland. We use in situ data obtained from field campaigns in 19 lakes and generate remote sensing estimates of Chl, taking advantage of the long-time span of the LT-5 and LT-7 archives, from 1984 to 2017. Our results show that linear models based on LT data can explain approximately 50% of the Chl interannual variability. However, we demonstrate that the accuracy of the estimates is dependent on the lake’s trophic state, with models performing in average twice as better in lakes with higher Chl concentration (>20 µg/L) in comparison with less eutrophic lakes. Finally, we demonstrate that linear models based on LT data can achieve high accuracy (R2 = 0.9; p-value < 0.05) in determining lakes’ mean Chl concentration, allowing the mapping of the trophic state of lakes across large regions. Given the long time-series and high spatial resolution, LT-based estimates of Chl provide a tool for assessing the impacts of environmental change

    Temporal patterns of phytoplankton phenology across high latitude lakes unveiled by long-term time series of satellite data

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    Monitoring temporal changes in phytoplankton dynamics in high latitude lakes is particularly timely for understanding the impacts of warming on aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we analyzed 33-years of high resolution (30 m) Landsat (LT) data for reconstructing seasonal patterns of chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration in four lakes across Finland, between 60°N and 64°N. Chl a models based on LT spectral bands were calibrated using 17-years (2000–2016) of field measurements collected across the four lakes. These models were then applied for estimating chl a using the entire LT-5 and 7 archives. Approximately 630 images, from 1984 to 2017, were analyzed for each lake. The chl a seasonal patterns were characterized using phenology metrics, and the time-series of LT-based chl a estimates were used for identifying temporal shifts in the seasonal patterns of chl a concentration. Our results showed an increase in the length of phytoplankton growth season in three of the lakes. The highest increase was observed in Lake Köyliönjärvi, where the length of growth season has increased by 28 days from the baseline period of 1984–1994 to 2007–2017. The increase in the length of season was mainly attributed to an earlier start of phytoplankton blooms. We further analyzed surface temperature (Ts) and precipitation data to verify if climatic factors could explain the shifts in the seasonal patterns of chl a. We found no direct relationship between Ts and chl a seasonal patterns. Similarly, the phenological metrics of Ts, in particular length of season, did not show significant temporal trends. On the other hand, we identify potential links between changes in precipitation patterns and the increase in the phytoplankton season length. We verified a significant increase in the rainfall contribution to the total precipitation during the autumn and winter, accompanied by a decline in snowfall volumes. This could indicate an increasing runoff volume during the beginning of spring, contributing to an earlier onset of the phytoplankton blooms, although further assessments are needed to analyze historical streamflow values and nearby land cover data. Likewise, additional studies are needed to better understand why chl a patterns in some lakes seem to be more resilient than in others.peerReviewe

    Laboratório de mudança: método para compreensão da crise entre universidade pública e sociedade

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze if a method of developmental intervention helps the professionals of the activities in interinstitutional crises to form a historical understanding of the problems faced and to create solutions for them. We present a method called Change Laboratory (CL), inspired by the Theory of Historical-Cultural Activity (THCA). It is illustrated with an empirical case of intervention where the historical genesis and the contradictions that led to the crisis in the collaborative relationship between a public university and an educational health center were identified, between 2013 and 2015. Data obtained from records made during the intervention as well as interviews and comments from the participants were used for the study. As a result, the participants analyzed their activities historically and designed the future collaboration activity aimed at a solution to the crisis, within the scope of possible academicpedagogical relations linked to the Brazilian National Health System (SUS). The analysis suggests contradictions in the objects of health care and education activities that may be at the heart of the problematic relationship among institutions that need to develop activities collaboratively. The CL as a methodology of developmental intervention integrates diagnosis, learning, the participants’ protagonism and the creation of solutions as part of the same process.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar se um método de intervenção formativa contribui para que os profissionais de atividades colaborativas formem uma compreensão histórica dos problemas enfrentados em crises interinstitucionais e criem soluções para essas situações. Apresentamos o método Laboratório de Mudança (LM), inspirado na Teoria da Atividade Histórico-Cultural (TAHC). Ele é ilustrado com um caso empírico de intervenção na qual foi identificada a gênese histórica e as contradições que levaram à crise entre uma universidade pública e um centro de saúde escola. Para o estudo foram utilizados dados obtidos a partir de registros efetuados ao longo da intervenção, entre 2013 e 2015, assim como entrevistas e comentários dos participantes. Como resultado, eles analisaram historicamente suas atividades e desenharam novos cenários de colaboração futura, visando uma solução para a crise, no âmbito de possíveis relações acadêmico-pedagógicas vinculadas ao Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A análise sugere a existência de contradições nos objetos das atividades de assistência à saúde e educação que podem estar no cerne da relação problemática entre outras instituições semelhantes que precisam desenvolver atividades colaborativamente. O LM, enquanto metodologia de intervenção formativa, integra diagnóstico, aprendizagem, protagonismo dos participantes e criação de soluções como parte de um mesmo processo

    A Comprehensive Spectral Analysis of the X-Ray Pulsar 4U 1907+09 from Two Observations with the Suzaku X-Ray Observatory

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    We present results from two observations of the wind-accreting X-ray pulsar 4U 1907+09 using the Suzaku observatory. The broadband time-averaged spectrum allows us to examine the continuum emission of the source and the cyclotron resonance scattering feature at ~19 keV. Additionally, using the narrow CCD response of Suzaku near 6 keV allows us to study in detail the Fe K bandpass and to quantify the Fe K beta line for this source for the first time. The source is absorbed by fully-covering material along the line of sight with a column density of NH ~2e22 /cm^2, consistent with a wind accreting geometry, and a high Fe abundance (~3-4 x solar). Time and phase-resolved analyses allow us to study variations in the source spectrum. In particular, dips found in the 2006 observation which are consistent with earlier observations occur in the hard X-ray bandpass, implying a variation of the whole continuum rather than occultation by intervening material, while a dip near the end of the 2007 observation occurs mainly in the lower energies implying an increase in NH along the line of sight, perhaps indicating clumpiness in the stellar wind.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 16 figure

    Comparison of Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Classification of Tomato Plant Diseases

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    Tomato plants are highly affected by diverse diseases. A timely and accurate diagnosis plays an important role to prevent the quality of crops. Recently, deep learning (DL), specifically convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have achieved extraordinary results in many applications, including the classification of plant diseases. This work focused on fine-tuning based on the comparison of the state-of-the-art architectures: AlexNet, GoogleNet, Inception V3, Residual Network (ResNet) 18, and ResNet 50. An evaluation of the comparison was finally performed. The dataset used for the experiments is contained by nine different classes of tomato diseases and a healthy class from PlantVillage. The models were evaluated through a multiclass statistical analysis based on accuracy, precision, sensitivity, specificity, F-Score, area under the curve (AUC), and receiving operating characteristic (ROC) curve. The results present significant values obtained by the GoogleNet technique, with 99.72% of AUC and 99.12% of sensitivity. It is possible to conclude that this significantly success rate makes the GoogleNet model a useful tool for farmers in helping to identify and protect tomatoes from the diseases mentioned