173 research outputs found

    Cardiopatías congénitas en el perro : conducto arterioso persistente, estenosis pulmonar y estenosis aórtica

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    En el presente artículo se describen los hallazgos clínicos, radiológicos, electrocardiográficos y ecográficos de las principales cardiopatías congénitas en el perro de acuerdo con una serie de casos clínicosClinical signs and radiological, electro and echocardiographic findings of the main congenital heart diseases in the dog are described in this paper based on c1inicalcases

    Directions of high cycle fatigue cracks emanating from circular notches studied by optical profilometry

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    Current models for predicting the fatigue endurance of notched solids use the stresses along a straight line, beginning at the notch root, as a simplification of the real crack propagation path. In this work, the experimental crack paths for hollow notched samples were analysed through different microscopy techniques, with the objective of establishing high cycle fatigue crack growth directions in a mild steel. Fully reversed tension–compression fatigue tests of thin-walled tube specimens with a passing-through hole were carried out. The crack paths observed in the outer cylindrical surface were studied in each case, with special attention to the crack initiation point and the crack direction along the first grains. Moreover, the analysis of the fracture surfaces allowed the same analysis to be performed to determine the internal crack paths. It was observed that the crack initiation point was close to the maximum principal stress point at the hole contour as obtained from linear elastic finite element analysis, and the crack direction in its initiation was generally close to Mode I direction, contrary to the conventionally accepted 45 crack growth direction.The authors would like to thank the European Union, the Spanish Government and the Junta de Andalucía for its financial support through grantsDPI2017-84788-PandPID2020-117407GB-I00(FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Agencia Estatal de Investigación) and P18-FR- 4306 (‘‘Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad de la Junta de Andalucía, dentro del Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020’’). N.O. Larrosa would also like to thank the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for its financial support through grant number EP/S012362/1

    Energy planning for fuel oil saving in an industrial laundry

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    In this paper was applied a method of energy planning, compatible with ISO 50001 standard, in an industrial laundry. In the analysis, three input variables were considered: level of production, technical condition of the system and operating regime. The past, present and future of fuel oil consumption in the steam generation and use was examined, establishing the causes of deterioration of consumption indicator. A study of load and capacity in the system identified potential savings through improved operating regime. A new regime for the operation of boilers was proposed and implemented, saving 16% of fuel. With the results of these measurements, the baseline was developed and goals are established.En el presente trabajo se diseña y aplica un procedimiento de planificación energética, compatible con la norma ISO 50001, a una lavandería industrial. Se analizan tres variables de entrada: nivel de producción, estado técnico del sistema y régimen de operación. Se examina el pasado, presente y futuro del consumo del fuel oíl en el sistema de generación y uso del vapor, estableciendo las causas del deterioro del indicador de consumo. A través de un estudio de carga y capacidad en el sistema se identificaron las potencialidades de ahorro mejorando el esquema de operación. Se propuso un nuevo esquema para la operación de las calderas el cual fue implementado lográndose un ahorro del 16% de combustible. Con los resultados de las mediciones se elabora la línea base y se establecen nuevas metas

    In vivo extracellular matrix protein expression by human periodontal ligament after stimulation with orthodontic force

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    It is well known that the orthodontic force applied to teeth generates a series of events that remodel the periodontal ligament (PDL). Extracellular matrix proteins (ECM) are described as molecular regulators of these events. However, the exact contribution of these proteins in human PDL modeling by orthodontic force application in vivo is not known. The aim of this present study was to evaluate the protein expression of fibronectin, laminin and vitronectin by human PDL from teeth on which orthodontic force was applied. Twenty healthy individuals were included in the study. PDL was obtained from teeth after a 3-week treatment with orthodontic force. PDL-protein samples were separated on 7.5% SDS-PAGE Western blot analysis with specific monoclonal antibodies for fibronectin, laminin and vitronectin. Bands were visualized with an enhanced chemiluminescence detection system and densitometric. Scanning of bands was carried out to compare differences in protein expression. A significant increment in fibronectin (13.9%), laminin (16.5%) and vitronectin (14.2%) expression was found in PDL from teeth treated with orthodontic force for 3 weeks in comparison with teeth in the control group. Our results support the concept that molecular changes take place by application of orthodontic forces to the PDL. Over expression of these proteins suggests that extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling could be generated in response to mechanical stress.Keywords: Extracellular matrix proteins, periodontal ligament, orthodontic forceAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(34), pp. 5599-5604, 23 August, 201

    Optical detection of scopolamine and ketamine with a BODIPY-Phen conjugate and Cu(II)

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    [EN] Chemical submission is becoming a global growing threat. Therefore, the development of fast and reliable methods for detecting the presence of chemical submission drugs in drinks is of great interest. For this purpose, a new BODIPY-Phen conjugate consisting of a 1,10-phenanthroline moiety connected through its 4-position to the meso position of a BODIPY dye has been synthesized and characterized by NMR, UV-vis spectroscopy and by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. BODIPY-Phen in combination with Cu(II) was used as a probe for the fluorescent and colorimetric detection of scopolamine and ketamine, two of the drugs used in cases of chemical submission. The determined limits of detection in water were 3 mu M for scopolamine and 2.88 mu M for ketamine. Selectivity of the probe in the presence of other drugs and some possible interferents that could be found in beverages has also been tested. The detection process seems to be due to a reduction of the Cu(II) ion to Cu(I) followed by coordination of Cu(I) to the BODIPY-Phen conjugate, which results in quenching of its fluorescence together with a visible color change. The probe is able to detect by the unaided eye the presence of scopolamine in real soft drinks and alcoholic beverages spiked with the drug.The authors gratefully acknowledge grant PID2021-126304OB-C42 funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by "ERDF A way of making Europe, EU", and grant PDC2022-133576-C22 funded by the Spanish MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR". SCSIE (Universidad de Valencia) is gratefully acknowledged for all the equipment employed. NMR was registered at the U26 facility of ICTS "NAMBIOSIS" at the Universitat of Valencia.Hernandez-Contreras, J.; Madrigal, P.; Arroyo, P.; Liu-González, M.; Gil, S.; Parra, M.; Sáez José A.... (2024). Optical detection of scopolamine and ketamine with a BODIPY-Phen conjugate and Cu(II). Dyes and Pigments. 221. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2023.11180622

    Disautonomía felina

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    En el presente trabajo, se efectúa una revisión completa del síndrome disautonomía felina, así como la descripción de un caso clínico correspondiente a un gato macho de 11 meses de edad, junto con los medios de diagnóstico utilizado.At the present research a review ol the dysautonomia feline syndrome is included with the description of a clinical case in a male cat of 11 months of age

    Origin and consequences of brain Toll-like receptor 4 pathway stimulation in an experimental model of depression

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is a pressing need to identify novel pathophysiological pathways relevant to depression that can help to reveal targets for the development of new medications. Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR-4) has a regulatory role in the brain's response to stress. Psychological stress may compromise the intestinal barrier, and increased gastrointestinal permeability with translocation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Gram-negative bacteria may play a role in the pathophysiology of major depression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to chronic mild stress (CMS) or CMS+intestinal antibiotic decontamination (CMS+ATB) protocols. Levels of components of the TLR-4 signaling pathway, of LPS and of different inflammatory, oxidative/nitrosative and anti-inflammatory mediators were measured by RT-PCR, western blot and/or ELISA in brain prefrontal cortex. Behavioral despair was studied using Porsolt's test.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>CMS increased levels of TLR-4 and its co-receptor MD-2 in brain as well as LPS and LPS-binding protein in plasma. In addition, CMS also increased interleukin (IL)-1β, COX-2, PGE<sub>2 </sub>and lipid peroxidation levels and reduced levels of the anti-inflammatory prostaglandin 15d-PGJ<sub>2 </sub>in brain tissue. Intestinal decontamination reduced brain levels of the pro-inflammatory parameters and increased 15d-PGJ<sub>2</sub>, however this did not affect depressive-like behavior induced by CMS.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that LPS from bacterial translocation is responsible, at least in part, for the TLR-4 activation found in brain after CMS, which leads to release of inflammatory mediators in the CNS. The use of Gram-negative antibiotics offers a potential therapeutic approach for the adjuvant treatment of depression.</p

    Validación de negocio Startup MX

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    Uno de los principales objetivos anuales en las empresas de manufactura electrónica es la disminución de costo en la operación del área de Mantenimiento. Este objetivo es difícil de alcanzar pues siempre se busca la mejor calidad de refacciones, materiales y mano de obra disponible. Además, en empresas como Continental y Sanmina, el control de residuos que se genera en planta es un tema importante ya que están comprometidas con el medio ambiente con certificación ISO 14001 y como Empresa Socialmente Responsable (ESR). En este trabajo se presenta el modelo de negocio de la empresa Startup MX que ofrece soluciones en la reducción de costos y residuos específicamente a la empresa Continental. Con la propuesta que se expone, esta empresa ahorraría el 75% del costo en tarjetas electrónicas. Se presenta el lienzo del modelo de negocio para el que se usó la técnica "Get out of the building". Se realizaron más de 20 entrevistas a diferentes directivos de Continental para entender las necesidades específicas del área y los requerimientos para ser su proveedor

    Evaluación de la climatización en locales comerciales, integrando técnicas de termografía, simulación y modelado por elementos finitos

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    This study integrates different techniques to analyze some issues of the air conditioning system of a commercial establishment. A thermographic camera is used to assess the temperature profile in the area covered by the air conditioning system and also to detect the higher temperature spots. The air conditioning system of the facility is simulated using the software Trnsys to estimate the indoor temperature and the thermal load profile. Afterward, using computer-aided design, a model of the air circulation in the thermal zone is developed, which is simulated using the finite element method to obtain the temperature profile in the area. As a result, a new operational scheme of the air conditioning that improves the temperature profile is proposed