89 research outputs found

    Myosin VI and vinculin cooperate during the morphogenesis of cadherin cell–cell contacts in mammalian epithelial cells

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    Cooperation between cadherins and the actin cytoskeleton controls many aspects of epithelial biogenesis. We report here that myosin VI critically regulates the morphogenesis of epithelial cell–cell contacts. As epithelial monolayers mature in culture, discontinuous cell–cell contacts are initially replaced by continuous (cohesive) contacts. Myosin VI is recruited to cell contacts as they become linear and cohesive, where it forms a biochemical complex with epithelial cadherin (E-cadherin). Myosin VI is necessary for strong cadherin adhesion, for cells to form cohesive linear contacts, and for the integrity of the apical junctional complex. We find that vinculin mediates this effect of myosin VI. Myosin VI is necessary for vinculin and E-cadherin to interact. A combination of gain and loss of function approaches identifies vinculin as a downstream effector of myosin VI that is necessary for the integrity of intercellular contacts. We propose that myosin VI and vinculin form a molecular apparatus that generates cohesive cell–cell contacts in cultured mammalian epithelia

    Neighborly relations: cadherins and mechanotransduction

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    Cell–cell adhesions are sites where cells experience and resist tugging forces. It has long been postulated, but not directly tested, that cadherin adhesion molecules may serve in mechanotransduction at cell–cell contacts. In this issue, Le Duc et al. (2010. J. Cell Biol. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201001149) provide direct evidence that E-cadherin participates in a mechanosensing pathway that regulates the actomyosin cytoskeleton to modulate cell stiffness in response to pulling force

    Ezrin enhances line tension along transcellular tunnel edges via NMIIa driven actomyosin cable formation

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    Transendothelial cell macroaperture (TEM) tunnels control endothelium barrier function and are triggered by several toxins from pathogenic bacteria that provoke vascular leakage. Cellular dewetting theory predicted that a line tension of uncharacterized origin works at TEM boundaries to limit their widening. Here, by conducting high-resolution microscopy approaches we unveil the presence of an actomyosin cable encircling TEMs. We develop a theoretical cellular dewetting framework to interpret TEM physical parameters that are quantitatively determined by laser ablation experiments. This establishes the critical role of ezrin and non-muscle myosin II (NMII) in the progressive implementation of line tension. Mechanistically, fluorescence-recovery-after-photobleaching experiments point for the upstream role of ezrin in stabilizing actin filaments at the edges of TEMs, thereby favouring their crosslinking by NMIIa. Collectively, our findings ascribe to ezrin and NMIIa a critical function of enhancing line tension at the cell boundary surrounding the TEMs by promoting the formation of an actomyosin ring.Peer reviewe

    Myosin 2 is a key Rho kinase target necessary for the local concentration of E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts

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    Classical cadherins accumulate at cell-cell contacts as a characteristic response to productive adhesive ligation. Such local accumulation of cadherins is a developmentally regulated process that supports cell adhesiveness and cell-cell cohesion. Yet the molecular effectors responsible for cadherin accumulation remain incompletely understood. We now report that Myosin 2 is critical for cells to concentrate E-cadherin at cell-cell contacts. Myosin 2 is found at cadherin-based cell-cell contacts and its recruitment requires E-cadherin activity. Indeed, both Myosin 2 recruitment and its activation were stimulated by E-cadherin homophilic ligation alone. Inhibition of Myosin 2 activity by blebbistatin or ML-7 rapidly impaired the ability of cells to concentrate E-cadherin at adhesive contacts, accompanied by decreased cadherin-based cell adhesiveness. The total surface expression of cadherins was unaffected, suggesting that Myosin 2 principally regulates the regional distribution of cadherins at the cell surface. The recruitment of Myosin 2 to cadherin contacts, and its activation, required Rho kinase; furthermore, inhibition of Rho kinase signaling effectively phenocopied the effects of Myosin 2 inhibition. We propose that Myosin 2 is a key effector of Rho-Rho kinase signaling that regulates cell-cell adhesion by determining the ability of cells to concentrate cadherins at contacts in response to homophilic ligation

    The Drosophila afadin homologue Canoe regulates linkage of the actin cytoskeleton to adherens junctions during apical constriction

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    Cadherin-based adherens junctions (AJs) mediate cell adhesion and regulate cell shape change. The nectin–afadin complex also localizes to AJs and links to the cytoskeleton. Mammalian afadin has been suggested to be essential for adhesion and polarity establishment, but its mechanism of action is unclear. In contrast, Drosophila melanogaster’s afadin homologue Canoe (Cno) has suggested roles in signal transduction during morphogenesis. We completely removed Cno from embryos, testing these hypotheses. Surprisingly, Cno is not essential for AJ assembly or for AJ maintenance in many tissues. However, morphogenesis is impaired from the start. Apical constriction of mesodermal cells initiates but is not completed. The actomyosin cytoskeleton disconnects from AJs, uncoupling actomyosin constriction and cell shape change. Cno has multiple direct interactions with AJ proteins, but is not a core part of the cadherin–catenin complex. Instead, Cno localizes to AJs by a Rap1- and actin-dependent mechanism. These data suggest that Cno regulates linkage between AJs and the actin cytoskeleton during morphogenesis

    Guidelines for whole genome bisulphite sequencing of intact and FFPET DNA on the Illumina HiSeq X Ten

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    Background: Comprehensive genome-wide DNA methylation profiling is critical to gain insights into epigenetic reprogramming during development and disease processes. Among the different genome-wide DNA methylation technologies, whole genome bisulphite sequencing (WGBS) is considered the gold standard for assaying genome-wide DNA methylation at single base resolution. However, the high sequencing cost to achieve the optimal depth of coverage limits its application in both basic and clinical research. To achieve 15× coverage of the human methylome, using WGBS, requires approximately three lanes of 100-bp-paired-end Illumina HiSeq 2500 sequencing. It is important, therefore, for advances in sequencing technologies to be developed to enable cost-effective high-coverage sequencing. Results: In this study, we provide an optimised WGBS methodology, from library preparation to sequencing and data processing, to enable 16–20× genome-wide coverage per single lane of HiSeq X Ten, HCS 3.3.76. To process and analyse the data, we developed a WGBS pipeline (METH10X) that is fast and can call SNPs. We performed WGBS on both high-quality intact DNA and degraded DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue. First, we compared different library preparation methods on the HiSeq 2500 platform to identify the best method for sequencing on the HiSeq X Ten. Second, we optimised the PhiX and genome spike-ins to achieve higher quality and coverage of WGBS data on the HiSeq X Ten. Third, we performed integrated whole genome sequencing (WGS) and WGBS of the same DNA sample in a single lane of HiSeq X Ten to improve data output. Finally, we compared methylation data from the HiSeq 2500 and HiSeq X Ten and found high concordance (Pearson r > 0.9×). Conclusions: Together we provide a systematic, efficient and complete approach to perform and analyse WGBS on the HiSeq X Ten. Our protocol allows for large-scale WGBS studies at reasonable processing time and cost on the HiSeq X Ten platform.Shalima S. Nair, Phuc-Loi Luu, Wenjia Qu, Madhavi Maddugoda, Lily Huschtscha, Roger Reddel, Georgia Chenevix-Trench, Martina Toso, James G. Kench, Lisa G. Horvath, Vanessa M. Hayes, Phillip D. Stricker, Timothy P. Hughes, Deborah L. White, John E. J. Rasko, Justin J.-L. Wong and Susan J. Clar
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